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16 Dec 22110 min 2 secPremium Content

The XtremeAg guys have been busy compiling results from their 2022 labs and field trials. They’ll share what they did, what they saw, and how things turned out as it pertains to every product they used. If you’re an XtremeAg business partner, you don’t want to miss this discussion. If you’re an XtremeAg member, you can absolutely profit from this discussion!  

In part 1, the guys talk about the products they used during planting season.


All right friends. Thanks so much for being here. This is the December 15th 2022 edition of the extreme AG webinar titled the results are in. That's right. We're giving you the 2022 trial results. We work with great industry partners and we are doing cool things on our Farms the trials the labs the field days and all of this now is compiled we're going to give you the data but more importantly you can access this data in the next couple of weeks on our website. If you're paying member as most of you are of course, we want you to go ahead and decipher that data. But today we're not going to bore you with bar graphs. We're going to actually talk to you about what happened on our farms and what we saw what we experience and how you can apply that to your own operation next year. If you're an industry partner, we really appreciate your involvement. And also again if you want the comment if you want to ask a question, please do so scroll across the bottom and there's a little place where you can type in question answer typing your question or your comment and we'll make sure that it gets heard so we can share it around with all of the pool. Industry professionals right here. That is Extreme egg. We're going to start off alphabetically, but reverse order you might remember in our February webinars where we did trial results. We did them alphabetical and obviously lots of companies that begin with a as an AG. Well, guess what? We're gonna start the bottom. We're gonna go alphabetically from the bottom and we were talking this webinar only about the products that we used at time of planting or pre-planting. And our January 9th webinar January 9th webinar we will do in season treatments and products and trials and results this. Episode December 15th is only about that which we did at time of planting or pre-planting starting off with us. Borax Kelly. You said something really smart when we're prepping for this the reason lots of boron products out there. Why do you like the products of us borax? So all you board for example is a grower standard practice for us and our two by two on our corn Acres. And the reason is there's so only so much room that we can fit in to the to the solution. There's only so many gallons you can put on or whatever like that and soluble is a 20% product where most other products industry standards kind of a 10% product. So again that concentration provides us the ability to fit more in and we can put more on with with less product and it it just works out logistically very efficiently for us on a load for the Planner. Yeah, you and Evans talked about it and our warm up. The idea is you've got so much stuff going on at time of planting with two by two infero Etc. You're you're dragging along with seven different products nine different products out there when you're doing planting and so if you got any more concentrated Boron product and you put that by the way in Furrow, you put that two by two. Are you fine Boron goes in the two by two and a lot of other Boron products would be like a 10% liquid product and that speaks to the problem of that liquid takes up. Takes up space and here we have a 20% dry product that mixes very well. Some Growers are apprehensive about that how it will mix but soluble mix is very well. We can mix it in with the nitrogen the other things and it doesn't take up space. And again, it's concentrated. You're getting 20% It's it's an easy choice for us. I I fantastic thanks for doing that you'd use the solubore and then our friend to the North Lee uses granu bore. We're gonna finish with him. But Kevin and Chad you saw you more you do it just a little bit differently than Kelly. I believe expand upon that Kevin. Yeah, so we actually use the soluble in. Oliver and allergen applications when we're planning. We put it in our tuba two. We actually pre-mix it before we load the truck. It makes his extremely well. And we run it ours our results side-by-side comparisons. We pick up three to four bushels. We did have one trial that we done that we actually put it out with just the we left it out of the planter put it out with our top dress and it was showing a negative one bushel. So we see the biggest benefit putting it right there at that planter in that tuba too is where we're seeing the best results real easy to use and I mean, it's just a grower standard and Kelly explained really in detail as you get so much out of that bag of soluble since I joined extreme egg year and a half ago. I've heard more about moron specifically from one of our one of our Founders and that of course is Chad Henderson Chad is the Boron dude Chad. I can't talk about us borax without letting you take the stage for a second. Yeah, you know it's it's a definitely grower standard, you know, we talked about how we run these trials and and we just quit trialing it. I mean, you know, we'll try out different aspects of it at different timings and try to narrow those windows down but to get that Boron into plant, you know, you know what your ground is and you know for me down here, you know, it's nothing, you know, and you you'll hear people, you know, y'all hold on. Do you see just second it's not for me to have seven or eight pounds on you know through through a high intensity crop, you know where people say a pound or two or this that but but you know, he just takes more because the soul conditions we're in and remember that that's where we're at with it. But Solly more product mix as well. We put it in the Planner on the tuba too. Not in the fur to and then we come back side dress put it in and then we make applications in between with the herbicide within as well. So and the best thing about soluble is what Kelly is talking about. It's just because we get so many liquids on the truck. We know five six seven bags on there and it's just makes it simpler. By the way, I like it. And before we go to Lee to talk about his little different because everybody is talked so far is either has been talking about putting it out two by two but lead us something a little different before we get to that you see a question here Kelly Molly Alexander says, do you put the Boron and two by two for structural buildup in the early plant and again for pollination? This might be a question for Mike Evans also. Yeah, that's where we're putting in for and that two by two we put it with the nitrogen and help assimilate all that product when it gets about that before V6 is what we're shooting for. All right, Lee. You're you're nobody's Chad Henderson when it comes to Boron, but you've become a big proponent of using Boron a little differently in your operation talk about use of granuor up there in South Dakota and putting it on pre-plant. We love it in our dry program because it's a concentrated product in the drive form. We don't have to use as much as some of the Compares out there and it has great mixability which in a dry program is very critical because you cannot have a substandard product that's gonna settle in the floater before you spread it. That's where you're gonna get hot spots. Oh. All right, please go a little bit of connectivity problems. We have a little bit of connect 30 Pro. Lee, can you get me I got you right now. We have a little bit of a connectivity problem. So you were good with Granny bore and then give us the middle part of what you said. Oh, we love it because it mixes with every dry product that we've ever put it with we've mixed it with as many as five different products. No settling in the dry blend. We have good even application blend. Got it, Teva moving up the alphabet backwards Teva. We've used a lot of their stuff Mark Coots have been with us. We're gonna go to Chad Chad talk about the products from Teva because you're come out of the classic. We spoke with Mark and you went on about the stuff you do but in particular sea cat once it do for you and why do you use it? How do you use it? Um every which way we can use it and all the time. And what is you know what we? And so it's it's that humic Source, you know public source that you know that we look for in things and and it's it's availability piece that we use seek at for you know, and and also we'll use it. As and this is gonna sound bad. This is not a water source, but it is it helps with a water source, when you're mixing a lot of products. It's that little bit of water source that keeps things clean and it does a good job of that. So we'll put it in and you know, the rate is a court and we run it everywhere we can like we'll put it in the fur, you know, or in the tuba two are we definitely put it out with a nitrate, you know in a side dress, but it just makes things more plan available and it's all about fixing that zone. You know, we can't fix that whole piece in the middle of the field, but we can fix that zone where that root structure is and that's what sea cat does force that and then combined with you know, the products complex, you know, when some more that they've got just doesn't really good job lean and Matt you had you got some experience with using TV stuff. What do you got for us results or anecdotes? Well ours is mostly grower standard practice with Teva like Chad said see cat human folk blend. We use it on about every application we go with when we're putting out our side dress and nitrogen, you know, we use it to buffer salts. We use it to buffer just to stabilize a nitrogen, you know, there's other stabilization products out there that are I guess you would call them they adversity effect biology and see Cats one of those you can put in there that does not do that complex. It's a great pgr. We started using that two years ago and you know, they're sugars are good blend. So, you know, March products are are just good all around products that we use in our regular inference and and different. You know, I know we're talking about planting but four years in different things we do. We're always using it. Listen Burn if you're putting out a pretty high herbicide, it will listen to burn on the herbicides so and the thing about Is he's there any problems you have? It's just it's just like I said grower standard practice. I guess pretty much and we all I mean pretty much Kevin you you're a TV user Kelly and Mike Evans have something contribute who else wants to talk about what you've seen when you use the TV products sea cat or otherwise. There were the secant is Chad got me started on it and and actually some of the Summit March competitors. I they you know, they told me say he's got a good product and and it it does work. It really complements that nitrogen whenever we're putting it out. And when you put it in with some of these other products, it's the yield results. We've seen this year. It was quite amazing and it will be a grower standard practice across our farm now along with some other products that we'll talk about tonight. Is it just where it plays well with others? Got it, and then Kelly and Mike. but yeah, it's just like everybody else has said it's your standard practice for Kelly and two by two. It's one of the Nitric unit applications we have over here and we really I really like it because it's a stabilizer helps that soil Zone like Chad was saying helps hold the capacity of what you're putting down keeps it there until we need it which is about two to finishing four weeks after is there anything that you can get wrong? Because everybody's talk about how they use it. Is there anything that we've learned that we did wrong the first year for years ago that we can is there anything that maybe the person that saying? Hey, I'm gonna try this next year, but I need to know something that you guys forgot you learned. I would tell you that what you could do wrong is not put enough on what we have learned in our soils now in our high-yielding soils here in Western, Iowa. You know, we we want our carbon to nitrogen ratio to be seven to one and I've said it before the Holy Grail or raising Holy Grail of farming in Iowa is race corn. Holy Grail or raising corn is put more nitrogen on and we get that ratio out of whack. So the in the high yielding area, you know our soils are so variable the sea cat the carbon source that we're using helps keep that ratio intact or closer to being intact. So what you can do wrong is not putting enough on because you're probably putting on too much nitrogen. I like it anything else on TV because we're getting ready to close the door on that. And by the way, you'll hear listeners and viewers a lot of grower standard practice and that's something that I've absorbed my time with extreme AG where they do something the first year and they get a bump they do something the second year they get a bump and then they share their information. They say I don't see any reason not to just make this and every year every acre practice and that's kind of a where we are already with tea, but Chad you had some I was just gonna talk about you know, just second that that you know, if y'all give Mark them a call up there. He definitely makes this products for me, you know, that's area specific, you know other than Seacat, so just give him a call about that. We've done several Products that come in and hot loads also with a tuba too, you know, like the accelerate or something, you know that we've done well with and kind of Blended that together where you're not mixing a 9243, you know, and and oh, I need a little bit of boron. No, I need a little bit, you know, you can get you get your sources where you got it combined for for ease of use, you know, so so they're available to do that mix. All right. We're moving on now to Springs Chad. We're going on a spray Tech spray Tech a lot of experience here and this is our first or second year with with their products and I think the lead off on this is really kind of an interesting thing. that Temple they customize something for you Temple so and and whether or not this is something everybody can count on but it speaks to what we're trying to do to create a product that works for you. So this is kind of cool story and Kelly can Kelly again status. That's our Cox. My beans are playing on my beans plant a bunch of beans. They come up pythium problems. It was cold as damp. I mean everything that that screams pythm I had it and it was bad stands for disappearing. I was freaking out. I called Kelly and I'm just like man wood and the heck is going on. So Kelly told me this story about you know, the spray Tech story Kelly. How do they how do they phrase it? A disease persistent a plant because of a nutritional imbalance and their perspective is to amend or balance the nutrition to get rid of the disease. So after that happened, I called kelly immediately five minutes later a man named Drew Parker Drew. Ewing called me from spraytech. He immediately told me that one of my problems was probably a big manganese deficiency, which is a hundred percent. Correct? That's one of the deficiencies we have in our soul. They custom Blended two products forming sent them out to me. We immediately put them on all these acres and it was a huge Improvement and it fixed my staying problem immediately and we did a trial on one of those areas and I hate to even say what it was it was a irrigated trial. And we'll just say that it was it was an advantage where I put these two on there. It was full Tech all train full-tech plus where I put those two on it was more than a 20 bushel bump where I didn't treat him at all and that didn't replant them either but it saved my stand and it saved my yield and that was a 20 it was over 20 bushel increase bump on irrigated beans. Now that was a lightsaber for me. I mean that I guess I saved from replanting about a thousand acres by doing that. All right, that's a huge money. And that was all done. That stuff was in Furrow in soybean. Okay, um seed treatment because you talked about turning to Kelly and Mike about their situation. So what do you got you use spray tech product as a seed treatment talk to me about that like yeah, we use the one that Temple uses full-tech plus and Drew it we talked to Drew quite a bit. about the treatment, so we're Intrigued by the nutrition side of it the trials we did with Kelly actually didn't sow any positive results. but it helped us confirm what we were doing which was kind of nice to know and We have a lot of visarium and photographer rot and not as much pythium like Temple has so what we were doing unbeknownst to us a little bit was that we were put on the right C treatment for those two diseases and this trial kind of helped us go that route. I going forward. We'll probably look at some other options from from spraytech, but that's kind of what that trial showed up it, you know, the the nutritional side for temple did it all but the pressure we have here we need we need more than just the nutritional side and it's really great for us to live. So close to Drew and be able to work with him to work through a program that that gets there and it really it speaks to The credibility of the spray tech company. I think that we should probably put it out there that we really don't know that they wanted us or didn't want us talking about the fact that they essentially customize the product for Temple and I'm not sure that they're gonna be doing this for everybody that says got 40 acres of a problem. But you know, it's it's worth the discussion because we're talking about something that Temple had a hard time fixing and it saved him a hell of a lot of headaches with not having to replant a thousand acres. Well what that what you made it mentioned you said something about being in for my product was not in Furrow mine. I came back and sprayed this product these two products directly over the top soon as they cracked the ground after I figured out I had this huge pythm problem and I called Kelly and that's when I made a it was basically it was an emergency spray right after they cracked the ground and that's what brought these plants around but you know it but let me add it wasn't like a some super secret or special thing. It's just come by. It's just two products combined and anybody could do this. They just used them both to really super charge them I guess is how I would describe it in at work. Yeah. Well, you know the other thing you were talking about, you know, the imbalance of some of these things early on I think the important thing is is, you know, you go back to each one of our locations. We're very very different and we're constantly magging these deficient in our soil. So that's what Drew. Problem Drew figured that out and then custom, you know, basically took some products off shelf said do these at these rates and let's see if we make some improvement. I think it's going to be a huge Advantage for you and it was And we'll take plus product is. SDS kind of where they Market that as and we don't have any SDS over this and Kelly's ground. So guys with the SDS. I know Iowa State's got some good results on that piece. So I think it really fits in them environment too. It's a tremendous product. All right, so that's a sudden the full Tech plus you said if you have a sudden death syndrome probability of being prevent you're using as a preventative if you're a sudden death syndrome heavy environment. Is that a yes? Yes, that's exactly thank you. Remember you don't have to keep muting all the time. We did that previously because Kelly was incessantly taking phone calls from his truck drivers and so we don't need to be muted right now because we're all actually actively participating in this webinar for extreme Ag and our industry partners and our members. Hey last thing on the way out the door here Chad. You did something really cool. You told us about it with spray Tech. You don't have a trial result yet in terms of a yield bump, but you have anecdotal evidence from going out and doing a root dig talk to me. Yeah, you know what wheels down and we was doing some looking at some plants, you know, and and we had put to spray take plus. We'll take plus I think that's right. That's the sea treatment might not if it's correct there, but we put it on our wheat and we was doing a trial with it. And so we went out and done a root dig in a couple places and you can see more fibrous roots in it. And you know, you know how it is, you know, you can dig here and we had it to the road. We was digging in one digging another when we went back and dug again and dug a couple times and we could see more out of it. Now whether that request to yield we don't know yet, but we're taking it to yield, you know, and and obviously more fibers Roots more root systems should equate to yield. So that's gonna be one to come in a trial we have already out right now. Um, it was a couple of days short on coming up when it come up. It was it was a day two days behind so don't get nervous when it don't, you know, if you put down there and it looks like it's slower coming up than the neighbors. That's just to over over treatment of the seed and how it takes water absorption to get in. So just be ready for that if possible if it works in your ground like that, but but you know, it's still it's called right up everything looks great, and we're anxious to you. Real quickly about results the videos that the guys are shooting if you're listening and you're saying I'd like to dig a little bit more into this every guy every person with extreme AG did a video about the trial and about the results and those will be released next week and in the platform, so you'll be able to go to the extreme AG dot Farm website and you'll be able to find it and you get a little bit more in depth and of course you can always obviously reach out to us. If you want to learn more about a specific thing that you have a question about. But again, if you have a question, please put in the Q&A right now and be happy to interact with you because that's why we're here we're moving alphabetically up the alphabet instead of I'm sorry down the alphabet from the US more action team and spray Tech next the industry Partners we have that we are going to be talking about January 9th because this webinar is only about time of planting. So in January, we're gonna cover products that we used during the season and we'll be talking about products from sound AG. Farm that's formerly maroon bio Pentair. That's the company that makes spray tips. Of course, we do a lot of spring during the season nettifin. That's our drip irrigation company and fent the manufacturer. We'll be talking about them in our next webinar in January. So moving on to the next one pivot pivot, we're gonna here finally from our friends and McGee Arkansas and Lane miles pivot. The product is called proven 40 you shot a really good video about this Matt. It's probably the favorite of all the videos that I watched you talked about result that maybe wasn't what most people think so it wasn't saying yeah, we made 40 more bushels. Yeah, we did this but you know, you talked about reducing input application of nitrogen in particular to talk to us. Yeah. Thanks Lanes gonna take this one. Yes, the lane lane. Talk to us about pivot bio. We actually you know, if you're looking at at yield numbers, we didn't see anything as far as you which. For you know, we were actually kind of kind of happy with which is kind of weird. So You know as far as as dollar for dollar, you know the year, you know the yield that we that we put all the same same as the check, but we were able to use 20 20 units less nitrogen. The you know proving 40 you're supposed to be able to use 40 units less nitrogen so dollar for dollar with 20. It was roughly eighteen dollars saved eighteen dollars made. But we think we can go ahead and take the the 40 units off a little bit nervous to be taking some of that nitrogen off. But I really think we can do it. So same yields using last nitrogen and we're also able to you know, use this to be able to check the box of nitrogen credits. So in any company, whoever you're not nitrogen carbon credits anybody you're you know, you're dealing with they cover crops and no deals and use less nitrogen. So we're able to check the useless nitrogen box. Lee We're not gonna get into carbon credits. We know we've covered that. We have a industry expert in that regarding an area in Iowa. But the main thing is you are involved in something with your lender and Matt just tell us a little bit about that. The point is for you if you prove that you're using less. Stuff that we think is going to be more and more restricted you get credit for that. So just speak to that just a little bit and why you think this might be the future for a product like proven 40 from pivot bio? Well, and that's what you know, when Lane was saying we were excited about, you know, we weren't expecting to reduce our nitrogen and get a big bump in yield. Now. I think you can take the proven 40 product and you can you know, keep your same Notch and you probably get a little bit of yield but you know, our agriculture Community today is going more toward the carbon credit. It's an oxygen credits, you know, being environmentally safe being sustainable. That's the big word sustainable and you know, what's exciting to us. He is question to anybody that's on this panel how many times you've been paid? To put out an oxygen. and everybody's going to say what do you mean well, Most of the time we put out nitrogen, you know first efficiency, maybe 40 60% efficient. So you're losing that right off the bat then you've got leaching. And when you put this pivot bowel product down it was an eye opener to me this year because we're actually getting paid money to put that out. So if you fill out the paperwork, you do everything, you know that pivot got opportunities to do you'll pick up two dollars an acre just on just on the paperwork along then, you know, these nitrogen credits are coming. So you're looking at north of ten dollars and a nitrogen credit. So if you can reduce your nitrogen by 40 pounds, which we did 20 because we were scared but you know, I think Kelly will agree with this, you know, sometimes we put out too much and in general but it probably went down the 40 we did the 20 so even out on the price of the product. Plus we made money on the sustainability programs that comes with that it checks the box for carbon credits, you know our bank rob old Bank. We're in a pilot program with them, you know, trying to keep up with Kelly and what he's doing but we're way behind that but you know, it checks boxes for 10% nitrogen rejects 250 units. Some hydrogen you reduce that by 25 pounds check that box for carbon credits, which is a you know, even though you're checking the box. It's think about what it's doing for the environment think about it what it's done for runoff, so it's an environmentally. It's the environment. It's it's a win-win. Anyway, you look at it in agriculture today. I think we really got to be cognizant of the fact that we're gonna have increased. Is it gonna be in the future more environmental regulatory or less environmental regulatory? Well, I think we all can say is gonna be more of it. So when you look at a product like this that allows us to use less stuff. It's probably where the future goes. Yeah, man. Absolutely it is and then we can look at our friend Temple who just about it just ducked his head right there and Temple has been typically talk about who's ahead of everybody when you're in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. He's been dealing with this kind of thing for you know, many years, um real quickly. And also you taught about Kelly there's an old thing man that Dean Martin used to say, it's Frank Sinatra's world. We just live in it. I kind of feel that way with Kelly Garrett, it's Kelly Garrett's world. We just live in it. Absolutely. All right. Let's move on then from pivot bio. Is anybody else have anything Kevin Chad Temple Kelly on pivot bio? All right. I'm I was on I had pivot bio but we put it on a lot of our ground that was dry land, you know also because we was running that same course and with the drought we had the results was inconclusive that you know, it just it was just hard to measure any results with that kind of drought. I mean we had you know, a lot of 40 to 80 bushel corn Hunter bushel corn on where we headed it, you know, so it was just really hard to draw any conclusions on where we was. We're gonna stick with you chat if that's okay. We're gonna move into Nature's our our friends at Natures. They mean we have a couple questions on pivot bio. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Thank you questions on pivot bio. First off. Joel says, did anyone do pivot bio in wheat? I didn't not anybody. I posed that question and somebody told me and I was an idiot. I think it was I think it might have been met. No, we don't call people. We don't call people idiots around here. And so also I want to point out that Matt did it I didn't do it Richard gunnels. I had questions and Lane already answered them. And he says thank you Lane. So Lanes being very very helpful and Caleb trousers. Did Matt have any areas with 20 units last night's room without proven and it looks like Lane already answered as well. Do you want to expand on that lane? Yeah, so we we didn't try out with you know. Where we didn't have pivot bio taking off the 20 units. We were nervous enough taking off the 20 units where we had it. But what I told Caleb was, you know, we'll we'll probably try that and and where we do have the pivot bio trying. Taking off 20 plus, you know, you know, maybe up to 40 50 60, you know, just kind of see where that Tipping Point is. And then is there anything else that we didn't cover looks like we got everything on the questions for our pivot bio questions answered. All right moving on to Natures Nature's Kevin triple option at time of planting on soybeans, whatever I've written down. So I want you to write remind me of why I wrote that down. That's just it's a general practice for us. We that's actually pretty much our whole fertility program on our soybeans. We run eight gallons of that. And a tuba two by two two inches on each side of the road. Try to get it two inches in the ground. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it don't. but it's been doing this long before we started extreme Ag and It's proven. It works really good for us. And we can take eight gallons and we're pretty well good up to 100 bushels yield without having any needing any extra fertility. So works really good. That's just using the product called triple option. That's correct. Yeah and triple option to the person that's never heard of these names of products that are all named after football plays and such is what it is a I don't even remember the exact analysis on it. It's I'd have to pull that up for you. I don't know I get it no more. I've used this many years. We'll get somebody right? No, I'm naming the name thing 21, I'm naming the next one. All right. Well since your name by the way, we'll figure out what's in triple option real quick Well Chad enters this Chad. I'm here comes under Tom is typing right now. Okay, Tommy right up Chad. You did a trial you cut your dry fertilizer. This was a trial that you wanted to do in conjunction with Natures. Tell us about it. So we took it we took some spot in the field and we replicated it. We did 324 road replications and it was a half rate of drive with a strip till rig. And then it was a half rated dry as well. No, no, let me get this right half rated dry and in Tommy spent that much money with liquid. Okay said I take that money that Tipping Point was in between 35 and 40 dollars and you talk about 35 or 40 dollars, you know, that's a pretty good load to put in with the planter and we're not talking about any in you know, so Ian is a the biggest thing that puts runs in numbers up and then it was my normal practice. And then it was again it was a fertility and Tommy's at a full rate. So we had a half rate full rate full rate. The full first full rate is my practice. The next full rate. Is this Nature's program as well. So and Tommy one with his program and and let's just say on the end first side of it. He was like two and a half gallon in Poles quarter crop Max and a quart of that rides a link PE. And so we we run that and in the fur and in some other stuff in the tuba to as well, but he won like we replicated this it was three. Ends with 24 row Planters. So we gather with a 12 row head and we made it where we checked it six times actually and when we checked it it he won four times. I won once and then the other one that was Nature's and the full fertility, which was extremely expensive it won once so that kind of opened my eyes to Mooring always better. You know, that's really hard for me. You know, that's really hard for me to swallow because I'm a guy that don't have a measuring cup, you know almost for some I'm gonna pour this and pour that in you got any hot sauce. I'm gonna dip it in so it was really tough for me but that gets back to the point of understanding what we got going on in that root Zone opening up what we got available in the root Zone and then putting the fertility we need in the root Zone. And again, this is also in a as Kelly calls it a systems approach. So we have to take that and then go to the next day, but this was just a starting point, but but it was really good. I mean it was anywhere it was anywhere from five to 20 bushels y'all. It was really good test. What's real interesting is when I was at your farm one of the times the sprayer was actually about full and then you said what else do we have in the chemical shed that we ain't used and you just started going in Rifle around. So yeah. I know it's hard for you not to just want to throw more stuff on it. Hey, the miles have pretty good. Incidentally, Tommy. Did her answer us. That's the the gentleman with Nature's. He said that triple option is 413 - 17-1. I'm not sure what the one is so somebody help me out for Thank you. All right. So the analysis on triple option is it's 413/17 one and if anybody wants a full Pro if anybody wants a full program on what we're doing just contact Tommy and he'll give you the full program if you want to try it out and remember you can but starting next week. You'll be able to see the videos the these guys all shot on their Farms after they compiled the results and the trials and it might go a little bit more in depth on this or it might not but the point is you'll be here again if you miss something and also if you want to ask any questions about that, the miles Brothers have a nature story and Matt shot a really good video about using triple option and Rise a link on corn. So who wants to take that Matt or lane or both? Yeah. We you know, of course first down is one of our Growers trying to practice is so that's our, you know, planning our our aim for our love this year. We did a trial with natures and we added the quarter crop Max. You know and get on the triple option and we picked up seven bushel. Then we in the same trial. We had a replicated trial that had one quarter rosalink in there and I'm not really sure Tommy might want to type in what rosalindkey is but we picked up an additional six bushels. So a 13 bushel increase, you know adding that razzling to it. So, you know, that was pretty impressive. That's something that we're going to definitely try again next year. This was the first year. We used the razzling and it like it really added six bushels to that plot. So Matt and Lane, I know that you maybe don't have all of it converted to memory, but we like to talk about return on investment. So with something like the triple op show Rizal link a combo where you see picked up 13 bushels. What are the costs you to pick up those 13 bushels. You got a rough idea. the cost I do not. All right, I'd be a tonic question. All right. No, we try to stay away from the cost of some of these products depending on where they come from. But I mean take 13 times 7 and I guarantee you to be way above the cost. Yeah, so you're picking up 90 you're picking up 90 to 100 dollars of of more yield out of that. So we'd have a hard time thinking that we couldn't justify that. Oh, yes somewhere in the 10 to 12 hour nicer range, you know, just just off my head got it. Anybody else on Natures? We're gonna move on to Integra. Alright Integra one of the seed companies we work with and we're going to hear from Kevin and Danielle who have the best information they did a plot and it's got a plot with a Twist. So give us the plot with a Twist Danielle. You got to unmute yourself, my dear. Okay, so we have the plot we planted it. Decided to tear it up to them. It was a replant and it was pointed on July 5th, which is getting a little bit late for us, but it still come out pretty good. We had yields that were from 279 bushels to three hundred and that's on the replant in the river bottom. So it'll be interesting to see what it'll do. When it's planted on time and not have to be in a replant environment. Okay, you're in north central Northwest North Carolina, I guess is what I guess we describe that as and you're talking about planning a plot a second replant and he did July 5th to people that are in Gregory South Dakota the release Neighbors or in you know, Western, Kansas. What's what's a normal time? When would you normally like to plant corn for a great yield? So that's River Bottom. So it's gonna be a little later than our normal plant anyways, but typically May. Yeah, July 15th seems particularly late to still then put together through the bushel corn. So you attribute that to what factors Kevin. well It was you know, it was irrigated. Very good controlled environment extremely good Souls on that field that rain we got in May right after we planted it. We planted it original plant and was made the 22nd. We got nine inches of rain on it. And it was just terrible stand. It wasn't gonna be no good test. So we just tore the whole field up and the one to joining it and then when it got dry enough, we went back and replanted it. She does have July 5th plant date. I'm quite certain it was June 20th, but I ain't gonna argue with a boss but Anyhow 300 bushels planted that late. It's pretty remarkable. We had some 290s 285 279 289 that's pretty impressive and the disease pressure we have is a 65-33r variety and it handled it really good. But it actually done better in some I planted on time. Maybe I should use more of is that is that Cedars that look? I'm gonna say a good Lord blessed on that one. Definitely good see okay. Got it. Kelly Integra you and Evans. You've been you've been doing this the longest I think give us some give us some scoop on Integra this year. 68 11 and the hybrid number 661 for sure. What's the other one? 65 video 65 88 those three hybrids are Mainstays and those three are always among our top five yielding hybrids, and we just we won't be without them 658 on the most of any bag of corn right because it just performs in our management. It works well. Incidentally if you missed out over on the chat over here it explains that Nature's rhizolink in what it is and we're not gonna give the actually moved on to Integra but I did happen to miss that dear viewer and listener. I think been on the take it around us out Matt miles and Lane miles you've done plots with them for two years. You're big on trialing stuff before you go broad acre with it Lane. What's your what's your synopsis of of the trials with Integrity now, you've had two years. You got to unmute it you. I've had dude. Um, we've actually had pretty good luck with it. Do I dad so that was supposed to be mine? That's why you're a little surprised. I'm sorry, you know eight Lane. You know, what sticking on mute man you tell us about integral? I will be honestly. Yes. So I've got a pretty good story. So Kelly come up with this Integra, right? So I've never heard an Integra in my life. You got a trial. This is a good seed company. And so last year I said well send me send me a little bit. We'll plan a little bit of it. Boom. It was like second or third on our farm so said, okay we're going to do this again. And planted the same thing again. Same thing. Boom second third on the farm, you know in the top top three so, you know, you're exactly right Damon. So we try some a couple years when it works. We will be increasing our Acres. We're laying down I talked about that before the webinar. He said yeah, we got to put this on some, you know, some pretty big acres and I said, we're definitely going to do that this year. So I will say that it's it's very good. It's it it makes a big ear a big Earth year and we've had very good success out of it not even knowing what the what the, you know in our area in the South, you know, we're not the Midwest so we don't get all these different opportunities. They killing them get with corn seed. So when when Integra, you know, when we started playing that like I said, we didn't know what it was, but it's made an impression on man and I down here for sure. Hey one thing I just want to point out about the southerners talking about Good as midwesterners have it if we planted corn July 5th in my part of the world. First off you you'd have you'd be ridiculed and whoever's ground you're planning on you would never get that again. It would be rented out to somebody next year because they'd say this dumbass thing so you can plant corn on July 5th. So you guys do get bailed out if you can plant 300 bushel cord on July 5th, and you're part of the world. That's Kevin. I I don't agree with that. I see if Daniel's got that I really thank you and energy real quickly our bread Tommy one of the less no back on the on the chat Street Rizal link is too strains of bacillus which Target phosphorus utilization. All right anybody else on Integra? It looks like we got through that pretty well and we're gonna move on. Oh, yes Kelly you get your arm up. You just touch up. Are you? All right. Hey, I want to remind you if you have anything you want to say. Remember you can always email us afterwards. And again, there's gonna be a plethora of videos coming out on the extreme AG platform beginning next week. So there's gonna be a whole bunch of this stuff and now is the thinking season. Now's the time for you to be taking all this information. That's we're providing for you and utilizing it for your own decision making for next year. So that's why we're doing this. And again, January 9th is our second webinar for the trial results, and we're gonna be talking about products used in season. Moving on now up the alphabet FMC. I want to lead off with Kevin ziway. What do you got for me on ziway the fungicide that goes in at time of planting from FMC? if y'all remember last year, we we took it on the chin pretty bad was a highway we put it in for a it was absolutely disaster for us, but they did something that you know, we expect all companies to do but some companies don't do. They they made it right. I mean they they cut us a check for the losses that we had. It was obvious. They come inspected it. and Man to respect iron for FMC for really looking after the farmer right there. So. we took and done some trials. We have a cap stand select shot system on one of our corn planters. And they said would you try this in for again with your select shop? and my first reaction was named no way and so we went ahead and I finally give in on 40 acres. and we put it two inches away from the seed in a three inch band in Furrow and let me seriously stress the fact do not use this product to infer without this piece of equipment on your planner. So we put it in there the yield results was impressive. We we actually had it on about 500 acres in our two by two excellent results. Then we took and put it on the end Furrow. We were seeing just I've got it pulled up right here just to verify. We had a 199.82 on dry land without. Ziway infer and 213.42 with it in for it. So that 14 we picked up 14 bushels and I want to go ahead because if you're just tuning in and you hadn't seen some of the coverage of this previously we covered it in our webinar last February and we also covered it from commodity classic with Kelly Garrett and our reps and friends from FMC real quickly. What have we learned that Kelly was able to capitalize on that Kevin learned the hard way from Kelly real quickly about the ziway situation. Plant health is something we don't pay enough attention to and you know ziway and Ethos. The insecticide was always in our two by two grower standard practice ecos is inferral grower standard practice, you know referring as I would like Kevin talks about plant health is something we don't pay enough attention to plant stress is something we don't pay enough attention to we all talk about fertility. We're wasting part of our fertility budget. My estimation is 25% by not paying enough attention to health stress. And as I was a perfect example of that what we also learned that the guys in the South took the hit on and you were able to capitalize on as I way worse great, but not if it touches the seed right exactly and like most times of the life Damien. I'm not good. I just get lucky Kevin and Matt had to go before me so I got lucky again. All right about ziway and we're talking about our friends in the South Chad. Chad you did a trial was highway from FMC. And again, it's an at time of planting fungicide which holds the promise that you won't have to go over the top later in the season potentially. And did you find that that's the case? Yes, so, you know, you know, we think about South and we think about a lot of times like Kevin is on the coast over that he really gets a lot of disease. Well us down here where I'm at. It may just be me. I don't know but I don't get as much disease pressure if I can out run it with early planning. I can it's okay with me but we did do it and we did it this time, you know with before we just don't want variety bam and well it was give or take always give or take but this time we've done it with two different varieties. We do one Pioneer variety and one hour go variety and it was about 50 50 on both times. One of them. It was it was up to five Bushel And as low as one bushel behind and then on the other one, it was up to five bushel and below us. I'm so it was it was give or take you know. Three bushel, and it's like Kelly said it's all about plant health and even go back to what was talking about. You know, I know this now spray tape go back talking about spray Tech. So, you know a lot of our programs the guys that are on here and a lot of the guys and Farmers that are out there a lot of our program revolve around a healthy plant and when you get that healthy plant then a lot of these things may not always affect certain other things. So we got to keep that in mind, you know with a with a balanced diet if you will so with us again, it's it's give or take both ways, but it did show positive results up to five to six bushel and minus one. So I'll take that average of a you know, two and a half to three better. Yeah, I mean Damien, I will add we did do a trial with the tuba two versus that select shot in Furrow and it was a right at two bushels better with that ziway two inches off the seat in for a versus in it two, but two can't really explain that other than maybe it was easier easier root growth down that trench versus to the side. That would be pure speculation. We also did a trial for Zion or soybeans in for as well. We missed that earlier when we had her discussion. Prepping and that product in Furrow on soybeans was treated at 73.88 bushels. The untreated check was 69.76. So that's something we need. We need another year when you can pick up three or four bushels on soybeans if I can do it two years in a row that might be well and grow or standards. Yeah, by the way Danielle if you say you planted July 5th, I believe you planted on July 5th. I just I'm going with I'm going with whatever you say. Most wonder I was wonder if the old man is embarrassed that you planted it so late and he's saying oh she's got that wrong. We would have never planted corn to life in anyway. I know. Yeah, we would and mine mine was in a tuba too either. So like shot in man was in the tuba two so big takeaway. It sounds like we'll get better results with FMC ziway if it goes into by two period pretty much across the border by saying two by two on it. All right. Hey before we hear about the next product from concept agrotech. I want to ask you and tell you if you're a viewer and you're listening to this right now if you intend to attend the commodity classic, it's in March as it always is it's in Orlando and us from three mag are gonna be there if you want to go to commodity classic stay tuned. There's gonna be a very special offer coming in the next week or so call a Christmas for you. It's gonna be a special offer. If you're an extreme. AG member that you will be able to attend to come out of the classic shall we say and be incentivized to do so, so anyway stay tuned is going to be a big announcement coming out. So in the next week or so, you're gonna hear about it from us. So come out of the classic is looming. It's in March. We're going to be there want you to be there to stay tuned for a special offer. All right, come out of concept agrotech, Chad and Kevin you use concept agortex products. I will lead off with you too. So Chad talk to me. So, you know again this was one of those those products and and companies of the concept agitek take that tray and Mark, you know, Mark come down and and we put it on an acre. That was dry land. This year that was terrible me and him walked it and looked and walked and look it and I pulled three plots off of it. I couldn't get any conclusive data because the weather pattern was so bad y'all. We just had real rough in areas. It was real rough, you know going for the dry land corn. But what we use is a total Foss in the fur and then we're also using their Phobic, I don't forget minute and lost. Well one's called Sweet Success ones called sweet boy guess right? It's a 20 ounce rate and we're using it and you know a bunch of bugs, you know, so we're using those products as part of a again a system, you know, because it's not about just starting with one thing and then no I'll see you. Hello, you know, you gotta carried. I'll wait through so get to start right, but but with that good luck with a total thoughts. Got it. Before we go to League Kevin you anything on that because we're gonna finally hear from our friend up in Gregory South Dakota where there's a blizzards going on and we're gonna hear about his use of bunch of bugs from concept agrotech. You got anything Kevin? Yeah, the total costs last year if you guys and ladies remember we've seen some pretty good deal results and our corn and we had it on several different Acres several different. Soil types, I like what a scene this year. It was a just a grower standard on corn. So every acre got three to four gallons in for a total fast and very happy with that product. It's it's just it really works good those of you know me. I've always been just I know I'll only put an ortho phosphate in fur and nobody's well. You know, I say it try kind of got me in trouble a little bit there because that it's got some poly in it and some gun it works but there's no salt in it. It's very very small amount of salt. If any and that's the key. It's real safe on the soil the safe on the seed does a great job Sweet Success. We've been using it for years. Matt got me on that before we ever dreamed to start and extreme AG I use it and everything don't know how much is too much. I guess whatever you pocketbook can stand but we we run 12 ounces in four of that. The the trials we had we picked up. seven bushels on corn With the one full package another one we picked up eight bushels. That one was in a real droughty environment the 120 130 bushel corn and other was in 190 bushel corn soybean trials. That's the one where gets kind of interesting one trial. We only picked up a bushel so we probably lost money when you look at what we spent but then we had another trial we picked up four bushels. So, you know, it's kind of flip flop is on how the weather goes. But if you get everything, right it really does well, but again the total fast we success is just grow our standard for us got a total fall Sweet Success for you sweet full Vegas with Chad and now we're gonna go to a bunch of bugs and Lee. We haven't heard from our buddy and Gregory for a while. What's your story with Concepts bunch of bugs product? We had a bunch of bugs on a field about 20 miles to the north and it was in the area with just deathly dry. I'll see on and it would have been in late August early September and there was Salvage Choppers running everywhere. You can hear every time you went anywhere to check a field. and now one day my phone rang and it was an agronomist for a large cooperative and I just had a feeling I knew it was going to be something interesting. Because Haley and then the first words of his mouth he goes. What did you guys do to that field up north on Highway 44. He said for 20 miles. There's nothing but burnt up dried up crap. And then here's your guyses here. It looks green great. He goes, what are you guys doing? And I didn't have the heart to tell him because I knew his bosses wouldn't let him take his blinders off. So they were not open-minded enough to think about bunch of bugs. So I just told him I were just lucky but that was the deciding factor on that field and that Fields they definitely Drive the whole season. We averaged 83 on it right around it from what we heard from all the neighbors. It was zero to 40. Is not often that we're heralding 83 bushel corn, but the fact that you did not zero to 40 is pretty remarkable. Yeah, and we were green. Three weeks after everybody else turned brown. Got it. That's it on concept agrotech. And by the way a friend Trey right there. I think he just I think he probably just had a moment when you told him that you you stood out for 20 miles of Road your crops look better everybody else. So we want a capstan agus new company we're working with and it's a mechanical product. It's not something you dump in the spray tank. It's not something you put on infur it's how you apply Kelly explain to me what the and I realize you're not the most mechanical Machinery oriented person in our group if I had to ask a question about the Machinery, I'd go to Chad but he didn't he didn't work with this. You did tell me what the capstan AG select shot system is and how it works. The select shock slit the select shot system from capstan goes on your planner and it effectively Cuts back your inferral fertility for a savings. You put it on and you use it use it correctly again. Like Kevin talks about you know, like our grower standard practice would be putting on like a rate of five gallons per acre. Well, the select shot uses the technology already on the planner to shoot a concentrated band of fertility or solution onto the seed effectively can cut your five gallon an acre rate back to three gallons. So You're Gonna Save about 40% and you know, we run multiple planners and we didn't put it on every planner but we did put it on my brother-in-law Chad gorham's planner. He runs 124 roll planner for his 1500 acres of corn. He purchase 6,500 gallons of starter fertilizer from Integrated Solutions, and he only used 4900. He saved about $15,000 $10 an acre. Totaling, you know, obviously fifteen thousand dollars because just because of this mechanical system because you use less fertility, but the fertility is going on the seed it's not being wasted and you know, the the price of this were very but it in two and a half years, it'll pay back. I don't know how many Investments you can make that will pay back in two and a half years tremendous piece of equipment tremendous savings works. Well, and we're installing it on all of our planners for next year Lee your big proponent of this cap Stan AG, at least from what you're seeing so far, you think you're gonna put it on all your stuff because of the gallons and explain real quickly. You said when we were doing our warm up you said maximizes the three gallons of product. Yeah, there's two ways to make a profit with it. It's for the guys that are run in in six and five gallon going down. That's the way you can make money with the system. We were already in the three gallon Club. So we were focused on trying to maximize that three gallons in an Roi by Bush's breaker. And that's what we did with that's wind up doing with the system. We did not reduce our rate anymore. We maximize what we did with that three inch burst on the seed fertility and biology and we got to yield Yeah, so for the person that's putting the 10 gallons out. They can reduce application quantity. You're saying we're already at a reduced quantity. Now, we're just going to make sure we get it exactly where these be precisely applied and we get our biggest bang for that small quantity. Yeah, so instead of reducing cost we gain yield. So there's two ways to get a Payback. Got it. BASF is our next up on deck at Diamond. One thing on that select shot. So Kelly and Lee both talked about putting that shot length on that seat. If you remember when I talked about design way we said ours up. Our shot link is two inches from the seed. So we're two inches away with ours and a three inch band. So the select shot you choose where you want that shot link to be in correlation to the seed you can go on the seed or either direction. So it's a very versatile product. So stay tuned because this is the first year we've done stuff with capstan ag select shot assuming they come back for more. We're going to have even more results Kelly. There's a question about higher populations versus lower populations that just came up capstan for in corn works with every population and like for us for Mike and I and our corn, you know, we're our what the prescriptions Mike rights is what I'm trying to say in the variable seating rate we have and it works off the eye of the seed tube. It works fine in all populations. We you know, we run from 22 up to 38,000 populations Works work seamlessly for us and all of them. So I think it's fine fantastic. So the point is whether you're using High population lower population doesn't matter you think this is the system to help do you it's about Precision. It's about absolution. BASF we got a trial that Kevin and Danielle did with zidua Pro. This is not necessarily at time planning. It's about pre-emergent herbicide application talk to us. Yeah, so the video Pro is a pre-emerge. that Alex shows our rep come out and it's something he's really, you know, we're in a Pigweed pomeran marestail you name and tough weeds? We have them a lot of places have them and how can we keep them clean and keep them from going to seed and Keep from having to do that with a post application. So we did asidual Pro. They wanted this to do not put a post emerge out there. They wanted all done with that. It's kind of scared me a little bit. So I you know, Daniel and I talked about it. We put it on a farm with low pressure. So yeah, I guess I kind of set it up a little bit Temple says I didn't need to do it in handling but So we put it in a low pressure. We left to eight acre strip out across the field. And all it got was to pre-emerge. We did on double crop soybeans. I had a good mat of wheat straw which was going to help reduce the weeds. And it was clean. I mean it did not need a second shot. Of anything and temples got a lot more experience with it than we do. Yes, 20 bucks a acre. So it's kind of hard to say. Well I'm going to spend 20 up front and I'm like to come back and do the post and they want to guarantee you that you won't have to come back do the post. I shouldn't say guarantee, but they highly It's a good chance. You won't have to but yeah, so you look at your concerned you are concerned because you haven't done soybeans that didn't require a post emergence application and you actually were proven that this would work but you didn't put it in the roughest toughest Acres that maybe you have but now you think you will because it does it does the job pre-emergent and you don't have to come back and spray again. All right. Temple tells me I need to so I don't know he's got more experience than I do people talk to us about Pro. You use it on your soybean Acres you talked about the economics give it to us. Did you a pro? Um visual proves something that we've been doing for a bunch of years. Now we've we've been using our percent of all over Acres grow our standard practice for us. I don't understand all of us really being Acres. We started with it because we had a huge problems and with mayor's tail and all of our Farms. It was terrible terrible problem. And that seemed to continue this really controlled it. We couldn't use a bunch of chemistry because they were getting power into it. We have polymer around we don't have particular have any plumber on my Farms yet. I'm dirt. I'm sure it's coming. But the other thing that everybody's getting about like on 80% of our Acres, we don't go back and we don't spray. So that's a big savings there what everybody's forgetting about is is if I'm putting digital Pro up front and I'm not going back in. I'm spraying glyphosate over top of my soybeans. I'm not getting any of that yellow flash for three days that we always get that we end up using Mega grow or something like that to try to alleviate that problem. So there's loss in yield every time on soybeans when you you know, you don't want to think that there's lost in yield but go to that there and not spray glyphosate at all on soybeans over the top and I guarantee you you'll see a little bump. And yield if you don't have to go back over the top and this has been our proven program for me. It's my third full year every acre. I wouldn't I wouldn't plan it without it. That's enough for me right there. All right. I have a question from Gordon Briggs and I'm it's gonna be for anybody. Is there any level of soil phosphorus that negates the benefit of planter applied phosphorus recognizing that growing conditions right after seating may take make a difference. Who's the agronomist on staff Mike Evans? Come on, I'm up go ahead and therefore Mike starts. So we use multiple years of litter so our phosphorus levels in our soul are very high. And I think we'll talk about this later in some other sponsors, but you got that phosphorus can get tied up really easy. And not right. That's my opinion Mike. What do you think? yeah, you're right, Matt and To phosphoruses slow to mobilize the soil. So the cool like what we deal with up here in Kelly's climate and probably leases the Kohler soils when we typically plant so there's less likely to have phosphorus available then. So we look at things to release phosphorus or at a phosphorus and pearl to help that really season. That's what we look at got it. All right, let's move on and explore business partner of ours. We did a couple of labs Lane and Matt did a lab down and McGee Arkansas Chad to the lab in Northern Alabama Danielle and Kevin have a little experience with this who wants to take AG Explorer the star with you heard from you for a while. oh, yeah, so we did a lab with that explore and and first things first is you know, everybody talks about system approach system approach and you You know you want to think there's always that Silver Bullet, but but there's something to a system approach. So, you know we did we did the lab and you know, we had in in that inferral system. We had a you know, a infer oh fertilizer a micropac and then we had Inferno Octane and and prevent NXT which is humexfully sugars pgr. And and that prevent is a is a fastest salt phosphorus solubilizer. of and after that, you know, we had four other applications in in that lab. We've seen you know, a 14 bushel increase which is for us that that's a and I guess that for everybody that that's a big deal 14 bushels is is a big deal. First time really that we've seen a whole system's approach really come together and and see something that big so we know we did we did see some good stuff from AG Explorer. Chad you did a lab with ag Explorer. What do you got for us same way, you know a lane lane kind of nailed it on the head there, you know, we was started out with the same thing and and to start with him. You got to start strong and those products work well. Um, and and that's that's why we started in. And we kept going, you know, it was multiple things multiple passes because it was actually one of our one of our ncgas as well, but it was a good corn. It was good corn. We seen in spots out there. There's up to 20 bushel. We um, by the way, Daniel Kevin you got anything on the work that you did with that Explorer on your trials or tests or plots. Yep, so we we actually had it on a farm and it hit a pretty bad dry spell right right before really just before went into VT. And then right after that we got hit with a pretty bad hail storm, but the yields was quite impressive where we we just left the planner alone only and no foli or nothing only it was actually about our check actually had all the foliers. So it's not a fair comparison, but just to give you idea of this system's approach. We was 204 on the check because we the rains he had actually it's just phenomenal crop after the dry spell with the but then The planner only the The Inferno the octane to prevent just that alone. It was 199.03 say okay. We that's that's four bushels almost five bushels off, but that one did not get the foliers or anything. We had all the hell damage everything and the full system. We was at 211 bushels. So that was pretty good. If we had not put our jet grow or standard practice which is foliers and fungicide that we normally use so You know, we would have been way off. I don't even I'd hate to even know what it is because the hell damaged lonely all you have several experienced hell, you know what the fungicide does to help out crop. So that systems approach is a big deal. Soybeans we we did in for our own soybeans as well and very pleased they're picked up about four bushels. That's fantastic. All right. Oh might as well, you know last year it wasn't this year's last year. We've done a deal with octane only in the fur with two or three more in first and octane only was a five bushel increase, you know, we done that on a replicated trial on 60 Acres. So the octane itself, if you don't want to do anything else the octane itself is a good infer product and it's cheap, you know, it's I don't know name prices, but it's five six seven bucks, you know at a court. Yeah, I put a toe to that stuff out in Fair and I don't regret that at all. Yeah, fantastic octane egg Explorer, you know where to find them moving on now agrotech. We had that phosphorus question should have held it back the real quick story. We've covered agrotech a lot. It was a product that a company discovered by Rob and Matt and Arkansas and they had the best use with it. So Matt lead us off real quickly about agrotech and then we're going to hear the store from Temple who I I'd say as got the most experimentation with it this year. Yeah. That's what we got. The Agate piece for the question we had but Our our biggest Limited in Factor on corn, you know dealing with all these guys so so my corner average has really moved up north of where it was because of this group right here. I mean everybody on this webinar plus some people that are on this webinar. So, you know, that's a big deal to me the camaraderie what I've learned, you know, just from being from with this group from corn only I've done a pretty decent job on beans but you know, I really change my corn numbers just from listening to these guys here and one of the problems we've had is, you know, and Kevin said this I don't know Kevin five six seven eight years ago and we were at that egg. Hey, you're not getting offers in your corn plant that you need to get in your corn plant. I'm like, dude, we've got like double the phosphorus. We need couldn't get it in there. And I told Rob I said Rob we've got to find a way to get this this phosphorus in the plant. So, you know, Robbie and Rob he started looking everywhere he could. Commodor cross agrotech USA, you know y'all heard the the old chemical Veil which which was designed to get the processors in the plant. It's actually to release the negative charges from the phosphorus whether it's calcium or magnesium to get it in a plant and you know, he found this and the first year we we used it. It's a five time. I think it's five times bigger molecule than what a veil was. Put it out. The first year automatically ate bushels on that. We we probably had 25. You know Chrome three thousand acres of corn and it was eight bushels and we're like, okay, this is a real deal. So where we normally take a product and we wait a couple of years to put it in grower standard practice as bad as we needed to phosphorus in our plant. We went growing standard practice last year last year. We had the third hottest June in July in the history of Arkansas. And so a lot of the products that we normally see a positive result out of we didn't get but no retard is one. We still got a full bushel increase out of and you know with beans we've got a three and we so we started coming up in other, you know, in other crops. We got three and a half bushel increase in in soybeans. We got a 30 bushel. I mean a 30 pound increase out of cotton. So, I mean it's absolutely you know, if you ask me what's the top five products that I would in my program today nurture card is gonna be in the in that top five product because we we haven't had it fail yet and it always goes on it goes on at time of planting. Yeah, four dollar fifty five dollar an acre product. I mean, even if you go down to the lowest, we got four bushels an acre on corn really easy. By the way, we recorded a podcast I think in will sharing it right now that says making the uptake more uptakeable. I mean, that's really what I've been talking about is the miles Farms found that they had phosphorus in the ground. It wasn't getting the plant real quickly on numbers before go to Temple Kelly. I got I wrote down 16.65 bushels. Why did I write that down with you? We replicated our neutral charge trial three times. The average is 16.65 bushel for a hundred and eight dollars and 67. Said net Roi that's net Roi you have a torrent the only times in 25 years. I hope to make $100 and here's a trial that paid almost a hundred and nine and our biggest you our biggest yield limiting factor here would be base saturation. We have too much calcium in our soil Nutri charges Taylor Made for us. And so again 16.65 average but one of these replications was in a very tough part of the field and when I say tough, Probably bake saturation calcium could be 88 or 90 percent in this area. And it's 32 bushel the worst field that you have the worst problem. You have the bigger Nutri chargeable payoff. That's what I'm trying to tell you. And you did 16.65. You said 108 dollars. Can you drink more expensive brown liquor with those kinds of returns? Yes, that's exactly what we're talking about Temple real quickly Agro take USA. You use it three different ways tell us about that. Then we're about three more companies to hit. So evidently I have trashy ground according to what Kelly just said because the bigger the return the crappier ground is so I got the crappiest ground out of anybody on here. So let me just tell you about it. So that's just that's actually not true. That's not true. I've been down to where Chad Farms trust me. You're not the worst. Yeah, I don't know about that. So where we format we form underneath? Okay, I'm yes. I'm sorry. I'm sorry Temple. I just got to stop one minute. You know, we got we made this thing funny. We've been serious the whole time, you know, it's way too serious for an hour and a half right here for it's killing me. So look, he said he's been there. look on NCGA and let's see if any Body in his neighborhood or any ass State top what any of us did okay. Go ahead. Oh, that's a good point. So. He says so, um again, we're Chesapeake Bay Watershed. We form our nutrient management from the state of Maryland. One of the things that we fight is phosphorus. The biggest thing we fight phosphorus we fight it two different ways. We either have people that have put a lot of potion in the world for so many years their ppms are so high that they can't unlock it. So there's a problem they can plant but they can't apply any fertility and new phosphorous at all on their crop and if you can't get any phosphorus on it, they're relying on that phosphorus that's in the ground and it's locked up. This will help reverse it and bring it the other way. That's one problem that we that we've seen. The other thing is is on my term. I don't spread that much poetry litter. So for me, I can't my my ground is fossil sufficient. Like Kelly said I got Joe Dirt. So I did a replicated trial three different what three different ways actually, it's four different ways. So I did my check. My check was no neutral charge at all in the field at all. There's 217 bushel. Neutral charge just infero with my regular, you know grow a standard practice. It jumped all the way from 217 to 239. Then I thought well, you know, I'm trying to get this in there as many times as I can and that's one thing that we do here at extreme AG along with this group. We are finding the timing of where these things work the best, you know, that's what we're trying to do for everybody. And this is one of these things that we prove so we did no neutral charge we do new charging for we did neutral charge infero and too but too so now I'm doubling up but I'm putting in different places. I actually reduced my yield by four bushels. I went from 239 right back to 235 still better than my check. But again, we're finding that we can have a hurt. So the overall best one that we came up with was putting nutrients in Furrow and then we came back at V5 V6 and we wide dropped it and it went all the way up to 254 that is he huge huge retail. on my trashy ground Kelly, so I don't know that I can say enough about this product and I don't know that we've figured it all out, but we do know that it will help get phosphorus that is locked up in the soul. When you have your ppms are too high. We know that is we we've got something going on there. I think from what I've seen I think that it's better in further than anywhere else and I think it's really good later on in the season we get up we did a A video when when Rob was here. We walked out in the field where we did the wide drop and from where we did the Y drop and where we didn't do the wide drop the plant Health was completely different. It was greener. I mean it was a tremendous difference. So I think we're we're just trying to fine tune exact stages in exactly where a lot of these products are going to go and that's what we're doing with all of these products everybody that we're trial and all the way through here and that is where we're going to get the big bang for a buck at the end result. And I think I think you're finding out and I'm sorry Damon. I know we're currently hurry up, but we're not that popular's later in the plant which it don't matter which planet is I mean, I mean Chad and Temple have done some stuff really late. It's making a bigger difference and Kevin said this on clothing, you know, yeah. It's Fosters, but just nutrients alone when everybody's getting ready to get you give up on their plans say okay, we won't give up now. We're gonna get the Harvest we're finding out that there's a lot of money to be made on those later stages grow stages plants. Will Kevin Kevin store did that there was a talk that Kevin gave he kind of started on that whole thing off when he talked about putting a bunch of stuff on late season and soybeans. So that's what stem doll this. That's what's so great about these groups. All right. We are moving on to agril liquid get a few more companies left Agro liquid and we're going to hear from several people but let's start off with the big thing here. Mmm, Kelly and Mike Evans liberate CA that's what you would tell us about which course calcium. We have two trials here one in corn one in soybeans calcium. We identified because of Jason's slide. It was his suggestion we ran with it. It's our calciums our biggest nutrient deficiency in corn and irrigated corn in a high yield environment. And and the reason that that is important is the higher you go. It's hard to get those incremental changes, you know, every little bit helps here in a 300 300 plus bushel environment and liberate CA inferral gave us 10 bushel cute. That's a huge thing it you know, 70 almost 78 dollar net or Roi I never would have expected that that's in Pearl and corn and this is one this is liberate CA and soybeans now, we apply this product at V2. This is supposed to be kind of an infer or at planning webinar, but at V2, we add over three bushel, almost three and a half. Social and soybeans. The reason we want to talk about this tonight is next year for 2023. We're going to move the calcium to infer on the soybeans and try to eliminate this pass. We believe that we can see the same result, you know, of course we'll report on it again, but it's a 30 bushel net dollars here on beans which is a lot of money and we calcium is our biggest nutrient deficiency. Even with the base saturation problems that I have that I spoke of with all the calcium in the soil. It's unavailable. It's important to get calcium into your plants. A real quickly. We did get a comment from our buddy. Rob Deadman. Haven't seen him for a couple of days neutral charge added three bushels per acre one direct compared to agrotaine. That was Rob from our discussion there about neutral charge with aggro tech USA while we're talking about Agro liquid Lee back to our buddy into Gregory, South Dakota. Agro liquid what you got? We've been real. Later as a GSP for in for our corn. It's worked really well for They breaking up a little bit Lee the Matthews Danielle and Kevin you used agril liquid in a lab and it turns out that that's what you end up make setting your corn NCGA yield contest winner with talk to me about that. Yeah, so we had that alcoholic which we had it there to research Farmer at cool me and had about 135 Acres of plots with them. So that's quite a lot to do the the 290 bushel, which was off from what we normally are but we had some obstacles we had to overcome but we still you know want to stay NCGA the whole all deals was down in the state with high heat. Not making no excuses, but the product really showed it stood out the one that makes it kind of fun though was we've been really pushing the soybean yields as y'all know. Well, I mean, we're not in Mass league, but I feel pretty happy about what we're doing with triple digits anyway, but so Stephanie said look I want to I want to build a program for your soybeans and I said well, you know, we've been focusing on corn and they said well we can do it and she gave me the Plan and naming it was nine gallons acre. I said Stephanie. I usually use about 15 on these high yields. You know, I want to be in that 120 range on the yield 150 if I could and I had more to it and she said no this is what I want and and we know is a over a hundred bushels with it. So it done very well. And that was putting on putting that liberate calcium in there. It made a big difference. I believe on a soybeans because we need that calcium like Kelly and everyone talks about it's a big deal but everything went in at planting and it all played well together. They pre-mixed it for me and that's one thing if they do a good job of if I know they do a lot of this for Lee, they actually will remix the whole Tractor Trailer Load exactly how he wants it. So when he gets it there he got to add, you know, three jugs of that four jugs of the yes, they kind of customize it to what you want and and they make sure it's not going to antagonize with other items you're using so Pretty interested in macro liquid every liquid Kevin helped you win the yield contest for North Carolina. What was the number how many bushels? It was two ninety something and then Danielle you planned that about sometime in August. Alright Lord. I was playing at April 25th there Mr. Mason. All right. Now I think we can move on on agril liquid except for real quickly Chad has something and he Chad's more more talk about systems approach and you got to have three things Chad. You got to have a few things. I was at your farm with aggro liquid and we stood there one of the three different products and what do you need? And what did you learn in your lap? So we had a lab again? It was it was 40 acres and we started to talk about the system approach again. We started it 266 was the first one and we went all the way up to 294 on this and but the thing is common nominator here is we all started with it three gallon of pro Jeremy, you know leave talking about the three gallon club and then we went you know, and then they added, you know had a court of micro five hundred and then we had to full mix in, you know, also a quarter fully so it starts there, you know, we tell my plant and then when we come back second go around we have the next webinar. We talking Focus. Hear me talk about this one again because as we kept increasing a folders, as you know, as Molly and Stephanie designs, you know, so it got better so, you know, but I can't talk enough about the program that we had the ease of like Kevin was talking about the ease of usage with it, you know, we showed up and and for these trials they had it all mixed up said here you go put this much in and here we go, you know, and and that that sells says a lot for them. You know, like I said Stephanie Rob Molly the bunch of dagger lake with the service that we get provide, you know, it was just it was a good experience. So look for look for some more stuff. You know, I know this is a planner one, but look for some more stuff to come when we get into the phobia side of this because it really cranked up Molly had her game on crank this thing up pretty good. Yeah, why do we get to Cotton when we do the system approaches? It's gonna be a big deal. I like it. And and now you got me you just brought up those those memories about having Molly just hazing the hell out of me in the heat of Alabama and also tell me when we're in Arkansas that she made me walk through a drainage dish and told me there was cotton cottonmouth snakes in there and I'm terrified of snakes. We're gonna move on to that. Is that is that when Sherry Kay's lotion got stole? Yeah. Okay, you can have a face like this without keeping hydrated Kevin. All right. Yes, I should have tried there. You mean Diamond Panic. He said I got some lotion. Oh you come out lotion. He said I've got lotion. I said, well sure guys got some at the house. He said go get it for me. Hey Lee, and temple being the two other attractive guys on this call? You know, right? Yeah. No. Hey, let's talk about agerson real quick Temple. You use agerson accomplished Max as a grower standard practice accomplished. Max is a biological stress mitigation product and you've been sticking with it for a while talk to us. So we've been with accomplished LM for I just I just don't even put it in my starter fertilizers and even try to trial it anymore. I get nutrient puts it right in with my starters. It's been such a huge difference for me. I would never do anything different than that this year. We started we ended up with accomplished Max. They ate a few more things in there. I think. Well Kelly and Mike will be I'll talk about this the most but for me 100% of my Acres every starter program that I got this stuff in it. We got hooked on it years ago. I'll never leave it. Kelly and Mike Evans you you talk a lot about stress mitigation. It was your biggest huge objective for 2022 Kelly. You said I believe that we have enough fertility oftentimes. We just have a healthy and unhealthy plant that can't uptake the fertility and stress mitigation as your biggest thing. It was a huge objective for you in 2022 accomplished Max helped you with that. Yes. Yes last year. We did some pretty extensive trials with accomplished Max and corn and in a high yield environment. We had 10 bushel in a stress environment. We had 28, you know an account we've been you'd like Temple we've been using accomplished LM for years and we went to accomplished Max as a grower standard practice in corn but we did have a trial in soybeans this year partly because we had another company show up not a partner company show up in one us to try their product. So we had untreated soybeans. We had soybeans with accomplished Max and we had soybeans with this competitive product and the the untreated the the untreated versus the competitive product. The untreated was two bushel better and they accomplished Max was through and a half bushel. So the competitive product versus the accomplished Max was a six bushel difference for a $28 Roi again. It speaks to the Quality product that accomplished Max is you know coming from agerson and it it talks again about stress mitigation. We're paying too much attention to fertility and not enough to plan health and plant stress, you know and tonight tonight. We're just talking about our inferral. This isn't even the best stress mitigation Anderson trial I've got but will has forbid me to talk about anything that has it doesn't do with planning time and at our next webinar on January 9th. I have I have a trial through my netithim drip irrigation with Iowa State University and agerson with a new product and I'm so excited. I can barely contain myself but will will said no and January 9th if you can if you get past if you can get past the holidays dear listener, if you can get past the holidays, make sure you mark January 9th where you can hear about Kelly's agerson a trial it did in conjunction with Iowa State University Chad. You did a trial with agerson. Give us a quick and dirty on that. I don't think a big I don't know if a big quick and dirty or not, but it was a pretty good trial. So we you know, we we was traveling the Titan products, you know, and it's been around for years. I mean everybody's using it went away and used it went away and and but but we was we're new into this trip to and we're we're just two or three years into this and so we was looking for something to put in that zone that's availability. And so we went to this product and y'all that you know, this is this thing with the rate we was using a fertility was using, you know, it's a pain I think that's right a paint rate. And so it was four dollars an acre four dollars in a nickel something like that. And you know, we had a bad drought and we did it with two different hybrids. We we treated we have a travel 12 row strip teal 24 row planter and we would treat 24 skip 24 treat 24 skip 24 when I went across field and then we come back and we put two different hybrids into planter. And run it down and then so we checked it and we end up checking it like five or six times of each hybrid. But y'all so we started out and in this thing also had irrigation system in it. So this was irrigated and non irrigated. Strip-teeled with two different hybrids. So it looked blow your mind the whole way through. Um y'all this thing's turned out and we was together like 70 and 80 bushel corn in the dry land and we was up between 90 and 105 in the street with his Titan stuff a real quickly said, um for the person who's tuned in is like wait a minute. I'm not even sure aggress ever been on my radar. What's Titan? It's a it's a soluble up fertility solubilizers, you know, and we're making that fertility available. So now we're trying to figure out when to use it. You know, I mean, I know they've got all this day don't like so this is not a new product. This is something that's not it's not been here. My Mac, you might tell us how long is Titan been out? events Oh, ten years eight or ten years. Yeah. Yeah, it's this has been here minute, but I was looking for something in that zone to clean up that you know that that fertility zone so but but in them, so what so like we had a big increase on it. I mean, I think it averaged on all the data. I think it average between 10 and 15 bushels that it that it made for four books. So I said, all right, let's see so we didn't gather there gated section because the the more she was still way up and then we come back to the irrigated and we come through and it went all the way through the same thing like the same bushels same treatments. It just raised the levels, you know, we was having 260 to 270 bushel corn and getting a 10 to 15 bushel increase on it. So it's the real deal y'all. I mean it's a good product and real deal and a cheap rate, you know, we just gotta again we're we're finding the zones on when to use it when not to because you know, there was a time when I put it out on wheat and I stripped the field of Wheat and I Find it. So so, you know again, I know something been around a long time, but you know, I'm kind of you know, I'm down here in the South. You know, I'm always behind these last States, you know, so we'll catch up one these days, but good definitely good product and good test and we'll go further with it. All right, we are going to move on and I these these Regional and geographical barbs being thrown out there. I'm just staying The High Ground. Of course Kelly. I State guys not taking the bait. We're just gonna stay with talking about products and sharing at time of planting results. But Matt, you had something before we go to agricult. Are we going to agricult? No, I just want to ask Kelly Kelly how many times the wheel tell us not to talk about anything besides planning stuff? 12 7 13 now 13 Earth Day. All right. Hey agricult miles Farms you won the National Corn Grower Association yield with agricult. Chad you won with Agra gold. What do you got for us aggregor gold Matt miles Lane miles. Let me back up now not National ours will stay state of Arkansas state state of Arkansas. Yeah. I got the national and if Temple were to use agar gold. He probably would have got to get 30 probably got first when you say All right. Yes aggroves been a good product for us the 42 what we want with our we want to State this year with 42 one of our top yield is this year last year? We had those big flood half the field got flooded out. We still made some exceptional yields, you know, there it quality product. I mean, we don't really good with it and not only being a quality product of the Roundup version of their You know the sick 59 that they have for the Roundup version that you know, I have to plant Roundup, you know non. I guess it's nine traded corn and we've done really good with with what they've got Chad. So we've been without go for several years. First of all, I want to start with the service side of it man. We've got some great people, you know, Chad Stanfield and no there's above him. You know, we lost Chris Cooper, you know, he was excellent, you know to own agricult, you know, he's back on the Family Farm which is a great deal. But you know, we just had good people down here, you know, and and so we we've been with them several years. We won with a six forty three fifty two. I think the number is exactly I get some of these numbers mixed up sometimes but it's we we won with it we found a year before that we could push it pretty hard and it was stay under and not kind of Not try to get get lemie and get get tall. So we won with it. And we was blessed to have several wins with it this year. But but just a good company in general, you know, Matt's right to six six fifty nine that we have to plant some Roundup Ready, you know. varieties I mean In our area, I'll put it with anything that's vt2 or whatever. You know, it just it's just a good corn. So I'm sure that that is it's been well for them. But we have we've had good luck with agrico fantastic. We got one more company to get through reminder. If you're listening all these results videos that the guys shot are gonna be available next week on our platform extreme agnot Farm. We're gonna be sharing stuff around on social media. Also if you want to know more obviously just reach out to us. That's why we're here for you this way. We've been in this webinar, we're gonna be doing January 9th the next version of this where we talk about in season. I know this is a very long webinar, but there's a tremendous amount of data information and it does personal observations and experiences to share with you that you can then fold into your decision-making for next year to make more crap more yield more money. We're gonna close out ads ads and drainage company. Obviously, they're industry partner that we work with but you're saying wait a minute. This is at time of planting. Well, it's actually all the time and Three of our guys have really done a lot of work with ads to improve the Water Management on their farming operations. Chad had put in a lift station very first time I went to his farm a year and a half ago. We we toured that and he's gonna tell us about that Lee is doing more and more each year with drainage on his operation and Gregory South Dakota and then Matt Lane never had seen drainage in in the Delta and they're doing it. So Chad lead us off here. The lift station ads time of planting results yield pay for itself talk to us. I'm telling you know in a Cell me and Matt when they start rolling this pipe out and you ain't trying to drain one little wet hole with one six inch drain towel Crossfield. I mean not y'all should have seen it when it was when you start rolling trailer loads of pipe off in the middle of feel. So on folks start stopping and taking pictures. I'm telling you. It's just like he said, it's just not a norm down here and we have towel in this area. It's just not a new thing but the pattern tiling lift stations it is and you think the I needed towel was lower ground. It had no Outlet. It was Zero gray, you know, so you couldn't just like drain it in the ditch. You couldn't drop a tile line and it run through it. It was nowhere for it to go. So we had to install a lift station. So when we done that they come in and done a trial and then we done some trial and of our own as well and we match the Acres they doing we end up with about a hundred acres on two different Farms child and I can't wait. I mean just ecstatic about what's to come from this. This is our really our first year corn one year half a year beans. We put it in right behind our wheat crop in June. So we got that half a year kind of to fix the ground and then a full year on it y'all the things this is gonna do the things I want to try to put back through it. I'm gonna drop try to kill that tile but it's it's definitely a game changer for us. We're watching it. Now. This is the first year this week crop that comes off out here is gonna be good because when we had that data coming off the week, it was like holes in the field where when we get rains like we're getting now we had three inches last week had two inches this week, you know, any just sours out out there and we can pump this off at lift station is still running and we run that off of took the irrigation system to power rum from the irrigation system down to the lift station. So we're controlling these Farms are irrigated. We're controlling the water on top. The best we can and the water we take off and so, you know, it's it's um, we had the one trial that we kind of getting back and we kind of getting through all this data. We're looking at 10 to 15 bushels. Just straight across the board and on the ground some of the ground that I've never farmed before I had seven acres that I've never made a crop on I might have put some beans on it to duck hunt on y'all. I cut 300 bushel corn off of it for the first time. First time. It was tiled now. I'm gonna tell you I got mad at it. I tie it on 15 foot centers. So when you talk about that, you know, that's a lot of tile is four inches 15 foot. That's right. So it's a lot of water leaving there, but I I'm really excited about it one of our Farms where you can never plant is 182 Acre Farm. We could never plan over about a hundred sixty Acres. We planted 175 Acres of it. Just last year. That's what it don't so the big the point is you you've every time we've talked about you bringing the you know, bringing tile drainage to the South and the fact that this is kind of a new thing. You've had. No negatives with this you've had there's not been anything that you're saying boy. I did this wrong or I overdid this you're you're satisfied with what you're doing and how it's working for you. Oh, yeah, I can tell you about how I've done it wrong. Now that's a whole another episode. That's a podcast podcast on that point is time of planning Lee. I didn't even think you got precipitation up there. I'm like why they have to worry about drainage. You don't get any rain, but you told me no. No we got to do this because it's water management Lee. What do you got with ads? On one of the fields that we did last year my brother and I we bought that quarter in 1995 nurse bought seven acres in the north side. We have fought it every year or some years not even farmed it this year plan a direct Harvest right through it. Raise the great crop last we looking at some Harvest Maps And on five hundred eight or three field. In all the draws the low areas that we went and tiled. I can literally lay the tile map over it and traditionally those are the spots that would pull down the average net field this year. They're all the highest yielding areas that fire facial fields. All right, he's breaking up a little bit ads Matt and lane lane. I know you're getting bored, you know typical Millennial over here migration out. He's on his phone. He's messing around. He's not paying attention ads. I'm looking at pictures of my kids. They're at Santa night and I'm here so looking at the pictures. I appreciate that. What do you got for us on drainage and your observation in your first year now putting in tile drainage? Well, that's where you went. You gotta head of us. That's Dad's. That's Dad's category. All right, man. Well, I mean, you know, we're you know and Kelly's got his name Kelly Garrett up there now, but halftime we have a webinar a meeting. He's got Superman up there, right? and I don't know if Sweet Pea gives him the name or whatever, but Ads tile in the devil's gonna be Superman in certain areas. I mean, we got a lot of sand which chair calls background me and Temple called good ground that that does pretty good. But when we get in our high CC 25 and above it's gonna be a game changer. I mean we picked up Tim bushels this year and this is just a trial so we didn't do everything right, you know ads was telling us what to do and and we made some mistakes, you know on our irrigation piece. But if you plant two weeks early in the Delta if you April 15th to May 1st, you're looking at 10 to 15 bushels an acre. All day long, so it's we're still in a trial phase. And I know the bunch of guys in the midwest who've done this for a long time, but I think it's going to be a game changer for me and Chad both what you just said is it might buy you two weeks and it could buy you two weeks in an area where like this year where you had record heat that two weeks getting in when it's still cooler, you know might have might have actually made a big yield difference for you. That's it on our at time of planting results trials anecdotes information experiences and observations. We're going to be doing this again on January 9th. That's a Monday Monday January 9th, 7 o'clock on the East six o'clock Central same format as this we're going to talk about the results and the experiences and the trials and the products that we did in season. So we're gonna be talking about all of our companies that we work with all our industry partners and the products that we're used in season. I know this one a little bit long. We apologize we had so much information again, we're here for you. Well, you're thinking about whether we're here here for you or not. Remember if you have any questions, you'll go a little deeper on this because you're paying member just send us an email will absolutely get your questions answered and we'll give you what ever we can to help you and your farming operation. If you intend to go to the commodity classic do stay tuned in the next week or so. You're gonna see it announcement. If you're a member of extremag, we're gonna make a real put an offer out there that you will absolutely want to take advantage of to make your commodity classic that much more shall we say attendable? We're all gonna be there. It's March what ninth 10th 11th, I think of the day, it's March 9th and 11th and Orlando. That's it, January 9th. You'll be looking for the invitation. We want you to be there we very much appreciate you joining us. You know what Christmas is coming up. We hope that yours is Mary and we know that we gave you the information to help you. Have a great year and we hope you did so till next time. I'm David Mason on behalf of all the good friends here at extreme Ag and we'll be here for you. Thanks a lot. Thank you guys, Merry Christmas.

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