The Granary, a groundbreaking and original round table series that delves into the realities of modern farming like never before. Featuring real farmers in candid, unscripted discussions, the show explores the triumphs, challenges, and critical issues shaping today’s agricultural landscape.

From sustainability and family traditions to mental health and the future of farming. Don’t miss this thought-provoking journey into the world of agriculture!

Premieres on Tuesday, December 17th

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Cutting The Curve Podcast

Damian Mason hosts XA’s “Cutting the Curve” podcast, produces informative Ag-video content, and provides personality and hosting duties at XtremeAg live events and appearances.

In addition to his work with XtremeAg, Damian speaks at Agricultural meetings throughout North America. He also produces and hosts “The Business of Agriculture” podcast, and runs the Business of Ag Success Group - a network of Ag professionals.

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Damian Mason

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