Planning For Planting - Dialing In Your In-Furrow Program
You’re a farmer. You’re already itching to get the planter rolling, aren’t you? There's still snow on the ground in much of the country, but the guys from XtremeAg are thinking about planting and they want to share their thoughts with you. The XA guys share in-furrow practices and recommendations that work! You want your seed to have every opportunity to succeed. You want to prevent your crop from having a bad day. You want results you can see from the combine. It all starts when the seed hits the ground.
All right. Hey folks, welcome to the March 2nd edition of the extreme AG webinar. We are glad you here. We're going to get rolling live. We are live already. We're going with the questions and the discussion about infero here real shortly. We're talking about planting for planting after all smart second and one of the farming operations that's represented here is already been to the field with their planter. Of course. Most people are just thinking about it and really kind of eagerly anticipating. So we're gonna talk about infero application what you're doing what the practices are what they've done the guys have done and also the things that they have changed lots of great information here today. We're talking about planning for planting dialing in your infero program. We're gonna get rolling here with all the great content in just a few seconds. and by the way, if you're just tuning in if you want to interact and if you want to lead off of the question about this snazzy jacket, I'll take it. Anyway, you can go to the chat section on there and just type in chat just say that you want to you know, or you can raise your hand. Remember we want these to be interactive. We want them to be informative. We want them to be about you. The reason that extreme AG exists is to share information that helps you cut your learning curve. So remember interactive raise your hand sometimes a lot of you like to text these questions to our guys and it's much easier if you just actually sent to the chat section or ask a question here on our webinar. You did we do need to tell them though that we're not responsible for Damon's attire tonight. I just brought it on you all and I gotta tell you I don't usually take fashion advice from the extreme ad guys. I think if it was about agronomics, it was about how to run a farm how to be profitable how to get more bushels out of my Acres. I'm all ears when it comes to Fashion. I've seen how most of you dress. I think that we're gonna stick with Mrs. Mason's advice and I told her I wanted something cool for Orlando for commodity Classics. So if you were going to be attending commodity classic and I hope you are one of the days you might see me wearing this awesome jacket around probably complimenting it with an extreme AG hat. We already gotta thank you. My I thank you might want to consider taking fashion advice from extreme ad guys. everybody's a ComEd ian but has been Alright, so let's go ahead and get things rolling here. This is dialing in your infero program with the extreme AG fellas, and we want to make this all about you. So again, if you have a question, if you want to contribute go ahead and type in the session. We've aren't we're leading off with some questions for God says John Nelson. I think I seen Damien by that jacket and Deadwood. Thank you John and you know what? I'm glad that you and I hung out and Deadwood together three paid gigs in Deadwood the month of February and it wasn't really as cold as it has been Andy hubenthal from Indiana down the road from my pharmacist. Can I suggest a fundraiser raise money for me? It's not where it again. You know what we're getting just the sort of action. I thought wait until you see me in the Nature's Booth conducting the panel and I start pulling dollar bills out of here for our trivia competition. Yes, that's a little teaser. See you there darling in your in for a program. We're gonna lead off with the granddaddy of us. All Kevin Matthews before we went live on this dear listeners Kevin and Matt we're talking and Matt said hey, I've heard this and then we've heard a sighted that only about 10 to 15% of the Acres farmed in the United States of America actually are done. So with an inferral fertility program that's shocking to me because ever since joining extreme AG we talked a lot about the products we put in Furrow. So that's shocking. If you don't do infer you might be missing out you're going to hear about the pros and the cons and the applications that make you money Kevin you started out longer than anybody you started doing infero. Why did you do it to begin with was it just an experiment? And then what have you learned? Now what got me into it originally was equipment cost. Actually we was doing our fertility in a tuba two, which was traditional here and then When I upgraded planners, it was a lot cheaper not that's by all those openers and I thought well, we'll have to replace disc and all that. I can just run it in forever and split it with a rebounder to time. Which was a product that actually the late Francis Childs had a lot of success with. And so I went that route, but that's when I really started learning. You know, you start putting 1137. Oh and Vera it'll work one minute and the next minute it won't use that's when you learn about salt injuries and you start learning about qualities of fertilizers. So It really opened the door for me as to what could and couldn't be and what was safe and not safe around that root system of the plants whether it's corn or soybeans. And it also really open eyes up as I mean we've been doing this. 20 nearly 30 years and so it's really opened it up. Just learn. You know what products need to be in that tuba 2 what products seem to work better in the end for what don't work good in them for oh and as we're going to talk about tonight, you know, sometimes it's better to pull them out of the infer and use them in the foliar in different growth stages to get those trigger points in these crops. So it's a great tool, you know, I was using it to speed up my plant and have less maintenance and that's one of the reasons that a lot of farmers. A lot of the acreage I should say. If you do the percent of the Acres versus percent of the farmers, it'd be different but you're a lot of large farming operations. They don't want to slow down to take the time to fool with liquid fertilizer on their Planters. They want to roll and get the acres in and they do a good job at what they do. So they're certainly nothing wrong with that but in our situation, we got a maximize the most Roi out of each individual acre because we don't have a lot of acres to choose from around here, you know, if they can put it in a house and get concrete on it. We're not you know, the infer anything. We do ain't no matter if they don't build a house on it safe what Acres we got? We need to really maximize and get the maximum tomorrow. I and the infer and the two is something that really works. Well for us dear listener in our April webinar, we're gonna address two by two the subject for that will be what we're applying in our two by two applications this spring or Not one of our Affiliates does actually remove the two by two so we're gonna be getting into that. So if you want questions about two by two just save it we're going to be getting into that more next month right now. We're gonna be governing for a one thing that we just heard from Kevin. He said it's a matter of getting the most bang for your buck per acre because acres are at a premium where he is in North Carolina, let's talk about Over in Temple's part of the world. They're going to go to Matt Temple. You're probably ahead of the curve on using infaro because of the nutrient regulations where you are in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, you've had to be much more diligent more importantly you've had to be much more judicious about application of fertilizer inputs. You're not even allowed to put fertility out there. It's during certain parts of the year for fear that the ground is frozen. It'll run into the Watershed. You probably were ahead of the curve in terms of using infero applications for fertility. Yes. Yeah, so the reason that we started with infero was exactly what you said Damon, you know, we're it's all about being proactive and getting ahead of it. And what a better way to get ahead of the planning season to put it right down there at the sea. That's the best. That's the best time to do it. So then you need to learn about what do you need what time so it makes you think differently, you know that plant, you know, we're trying to protect it with you know, some type of fungicide, you know, we're trying to make it grow with the some type of PG artist and you like root we're trying to make it. We're trying to feed the biology by putting, you know humic down there. We're trying to feed it by putting sugar down there. It's just it goes on and on and on and on and I can keep going on about this but it's it's all about fine-tuning things and getting in front of things. That's what it's about for us. By the way, we're going to address it right now. It was about a year ago on these very webinars. We talked about info using one of our business partners Fungicide and we discovered something the guys in the South discovered it first that fungicide Works in Furrow, but not if it's right next to the seed and I think that's the cool thing about extreme AG when we found out so you still Temple do use a fungicide in furrow. Yeah, I use a couple of different fungicides in for you know, one of them that we use in for us ethos, you know, it's a fungicide insecticide mixture and we use another Fungicide and for I've been doing it for years and it fights pithium and Rise actonia. So, um, you know, it's specially and Matt probably I'd like you to touch on this, you know, I've been doing this for years and with that early Planet stuff that we're talking about and soybeans any corn you you're getting one more mood of action that we're we're protecting that crap and getting it out of ground. You know, how many times if you planted a crop guys we're you know, you come back to this problem and plants look like crap and it's cold and it's wet and you know, your grandma's looks like he's like, yeah you got pith him. Yeah. You got a few scary and you got all these problems. Well again, this is a way that you can get ahead of that curve. All right. So we got Kevin that started out because maximization of Acres acreage order premium temples justification or reason, I guess that forces early adoption of infer was because of the regulations and the Chesapeake Bay Watershed you got to be much more should always say on top of or very spoon-feeding because you got regulations about 40 fertility in that area Matt, you used to you were a late adopter in terms of the extreme ad guys given that only 10 to 15% of the acres are treated in Furrow. You're not really late adopter. But according to the guys here you kind of are because you were only you only switched over in for a couple years ago. So Matt and Lane miles McGee Arkansas, give us the history and chronology of your info program. So we started growing corn in 2007 and most of these guys been growing corn all their life. So, you know as corn went to $4 in our area we were able to start reducing our cotton acres and and you know going to a different rotation cotton takes away from the soul corn gives back. So we were just excited to be able to plant corn. So we're out there just running our Planters not putting out any kind of infer didn't even know what in for a was at that time to be perfectly. And you know, I got to hang around with Kevin Matthews at the hefty's and some of these higher yielding guys and and we decided at that point that we needed to you know, step the game up and Kevin was tough, you know, kind of told me what to do. We we went out there put in for her out. It didn't quite Roi and some years it will some years. It won't now. This was just base fertility. All right, so just a phosphorus product and with a little bit of nitrogen and potassium in it. So I said okay. It didn't quite cash flow. I'm gonna go to a cheaper info. And so we went to the cheaper info and the guy I mean, they told me Kevin told me don't do this and I'm like no, I'm gonna I'm gonna get a return out of this because it's a cheaper product. It was so full of salt that not only did we pay for the infer product, but we all lost Shield. So at that point I had almost basically given up and for several more years. We didn't put out anything finally had a guy come to us and say look I want to do some plots on you and I'm trying to be in a hurry, you know get through this you did applies. We added the info then went in for a fertilizer and then we added a pgr. What we got four bushels on the info and six bushels eight bushels on the pgr. So we're like, okay there's something to this. So at that point, you know by then I had basically, you know become part of the extreme Ag and there was all these different ideas that I didn't even know that were out there, you know, Kevin was telling me about them, but I scared to do them. So we started sampling different things and and using different products and today 100% of our corn has them furrow. 100% of our cotton has them for infaro and the majority of our some of our veins have infer just depending on you know, where we're at the time of planning or whatever to answer what Temple's saying about the fungicide. Last year, we plan to February beans. And so I called him and I said, is there anything you can think of? You know to put in here to protect us from you know from the different adversities we'll have with the weather the cold the wet. He said put put some some fungicide in there. I'm like, oh no if that'll work or not, you know, so lo and behold we put the fungicide in there with some other products the bean stayed under the ground for 30 days. So we planted on February 18th, and it was basically March 18th before we got a countable stand. The beans were actually growing feeder roots with the Sprout before they came out of the ground. And there's only one thing that will do that and that's the groceries we had underneath it. So it was really a big eye opener to us. We planted a one field of beans this year in February. And actually they're they're up now. So they come up eight days versus 30 that may be good or bad depending on what the weather we get, you know next but I've become a believer in info just from the different experiences. I've had with the guys on here and the different trials that we've we've had with that. And the only time it bit you and a few years now, you've kind of become a full-blown info devotee is with a new product and it was not the product. It was bad. It's the product touching the seed ended up having you some result some negative results. It was a cheaper product so and and against Kevin's advice and a couple and the guy that was selling it to me. He said stay with a premium product and I said nah, I'm like this work without it. And you know if just a poor product so the so the cheaper the it's kind of like a scope on a gun or a or you know different things we buy you get what you pay for. You always hear that. And and I'll agree a hundred percent with that because we actually not only paid for the product but decreased our yield by the salt content in the product. Lane you got anything to add on what your father's talking about here. I know where I'll come to you later for some results and some money and some data and some numbers now. He pretty much hit the nail on the head on that. All right, Kelly Garrett. You said something before we hit record that bulk of the Acres that are not treated not infer applied at time planning are probably in the I States and maybe it's because the people there have always gotten by having big yields without having to be more crafty up front at times planning. It's not that they're bad far was just that you do what you do what your economics allow and what you you can do. So do you think that we're going to see more in Furrow coming to the United States based on the results? We're seeing from places like here extreme. I think that I think we'll see more infertile coming based on you know, a generational change of the farmers things like that based on more trials and based on margins thinning and having to do having to do better instead of more all the time, you know, and I you know, we've got great soil. We don't have the challenges that Temple Kevin and and Matt have you know Lane, you know, we don't have their challenges. We don't have we have not had to be quite as intensive of managers as they have been but that time as quickly come I went throughout one more and and we're gonna come back to you about some numbers and all that but I have predicted that I think we're gonna see more info adoption on all the acres and it's become because of the environmental issues. Yeah that Temple has been dealing with for 20 or 30 years Temple are we gonna see doubling of infero acres in the next say three years because of environmental pressures environmental regulation or even the Specter of environmental regulation maybe coming from like USDA or from State Department of Agriculture? State Department of management No that we're gonna you know, double or triple acre in the next few years all I'm going to tell all these guys out. There is is be ready because regulation is eventually going to come to all of you guys and joining groups like this. You're going to learn so much that you're gonna have to learn to farm within regulation and without the fertility that you're used to. And this is one way to do it. Got a question from John Nelson. John Nelson who saw me in Deadwood. Thank you, Mr. Nelson. What's everyone's opinion of Applied fungicides in Furrow, possibly hurting The Beneficial natural fungi that are already in the soil. That's something I hadn't even thought about. Maybe you have who can take that? Kevin you're nod your head. Yeah. Well that's a it's a big concern. We we've had that, you know from your fungicide even all different types, but Typically, we're adding back. So we're putting sugars. We're putting other. Ingredients in there to feed that microbial life and try to enhance that and offset the damage that the fungicide May. Well, it's going to have some damage. There's just no way around it in my opinion. Those May disagree with me on that but I just feel like it's gonna have but all the people that I've talked to that are phds. It's been able to put stuff in labs and look the benefit that we're having by adding other stuff into offset kind of mitigate the problem that you would have just a fungicide. On damage of that is it certainly has been a win-win force and at the end of the day we're getting better yields. So it's the combination it one thing compliments the other I wouldn't want to just go straight Fungicide and nothing else in that world. I'd want to put some I'd want to put me some good sugars and humics in there and feed that biology. By the way, it makes you wonder if this increasing. Oh shall we say fervor about regenerative practices coming to Conventional where they merge together. Is that where that's coming from this idea that maybe we are using too much fungicide in the soil. Is that where this come from? John Nelson you can type in your thoughts anybody anything on that? No, the concern there is a concern from the regenerative crowd that fungicides, you know, you're killing all the good bugs as well as the bad bugs. And how do we manage that? I believe it can be managed somewhat from a nutritional perspective. We attempt to do it here a little bit to keep the good bugs as alive and working as possible. But we don't have any we don't have any conclusions that we can go away from that we can go away from the fungicides and then I guess the other point is the fun decide from what I'm hearing isn't the bulk of what's being put down in Furrow. Anyway, am I right about that? It's kind of us. It's a trace. It's a trace compared to the other stuff. So Kelly, go ahead. What's the what's in your in Furrow this year? There's nine things, uh liberate calcium. microf500 a 4% zinc product accomplished Max sniper LFR is the insecticide Mega grow is the pgr humic acid fulvic acid. And neutral charge and every one of those all nine of those things are in there for a reason. We started Inferno in two South 2017 with 6246 and now we move all fertility to later in the year because we get a bigger bang for our buck. But we're addressing addressing needs here like the liberate and the microf500. We're feeding the biology just as Kevin said the base saturation challenges we have that's of course the nutria charge dress mitigation and to get the soil working. That's the accomplished Max. There's a reason for all nine of those things. All nine of those things gives us a gives us a return on investment. We've tested them all and I think we should go ahead very little fertility almost no fertility or none at all on that, you know, calcium liberate calcium Liberation the calcium the microf500 and the zinc that would be the only you know, your major nutrients the phosphorus and the potassium or later in the season for us. So better are a lot. Yeah, and I know you talk about one of our business partners would love it if you More fertility in Furrow and you think you get more bang for your buck not going in Furrow going another route and then using it more throughout the season and different by equations. By taking you know, say the cave fuel from Natures. We used to put that in the two by two at some inferral by taking that out and adding our five fast much higher return on investment same budget much higher return on investment just to management practice that we've made by the way, we got people that are going to be watching the recording of this but those of you that are alive there's a bunch of you go ahead and type in we'll take your questions. We want to make this interactive as possible. Thanks. John Nelson for your two questions. Well, one of the most about my jacket, so just one legitimate question. Matt Swanson turned a dome light on in this truck, which means either has to pee and get out of the truck or he actually wants to contribute Swanson. yeah, they may know I actually just got stopped so we're good there but I've kind of I'm probably in the middle of middle of the adoption window here between Kevin and Kelly. But as we've moved. Especially on our poor Acres that that don't provide the natural fertility. The info has become a key part of our Program especially when we're planting cooler. We're pushing our plants. like don't have lots of contribute. same the same various Yeah, but would you back up that you're using a little less fertility infaro and more the other stuff and then bringing fertility later down the line. I'm what yes, we've we've pulled our amount of fertility back in the info some because some of it doesn't mix well with some of the other things that we're using. I do think that we are going to look at running. Something like the furrow Jefferson Precision planning, which gives us the option of another location. in which case that infrotype fertility product would go in that place in our Biologicals and some of those other things would go straight in for on the seat for the furrow gem would be just off the sea. Here, we are 23 minutes into the webinar. And it looks like we might finally hear from the country's number one corn yield producer and that of course is Heath qutral from Virginia Beach, Virginia. I'm not been to Virginia Beach. I personally think that the guy like is a Cabana Boy and he makes all this up but turns out it's not the case because Temple says no he's actually got like thousands of Acres farming out there and it turns out he got like 300. Was it 380 bushel corn or something? He's 394 man get it right 394 bushel corn. Do me a favor and do everybody else a favor because it's more important to them because they're corn producers. What is your info program that helps you attain? 394 bushel corn? so I use levitate with all by nutrient and that's pretty much what we use other than a few other little things that they put in there. I mean without him sitting here right here with me. He holds me hand in hand. but levitates what we use for the most part, I mean, I don't have all the my T's cross and my as dotted like Kelly did there but he's Kelly told he has nine products. He named him all and you got one. Okay, you stand back in are you saying bagging on us? You're not you bushel corn with one product. Well, like you're not I'm not I'm not any better than you. He's Evans had to print it out before you go home. Yeah. Hey, I'm sorry. I just got on here, but I had a whole lot of stuff going on outside. Even Damian doesn't think I do anything but and then I couldn't find my phone charger to charge my iPad. So I'm sitting on the couch with the iPad. Unfortunately. He's a couple things first off since you're probably the second most fashionable person within extreme egg after me would you say that this works? I think it's I'm not gonna say exactly how I feel about it, but probably not with me a good response on and change this. How long have you been doing in Furrow from a serious standpoint? Because you are close to a lot of shall we say environmentally sensitive area and also you've got Suburbia not too far away. Are you under the gun more on your fertility? That's gonna or even any application where you think that infero is going to become a bigger role in an anchors near you based on environmental pressure. Yes, so I do have a few Farms that's under the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. So yeah, they were trying to keep our fertility to a minimal I guess to where we're placing it now, so there's no runoff whatnot. But on you asked me how long I've been doing we've been doing actually in for a for six years now and I know I'm sorry eight years and it's I wouldn't do it without it for sure. We're doing that to about two by two about two also, so I'm talking about we're gonna talk about two by two in the April webinar. We want you to be there how and six years is you're in for a program evolved. Obviously, you're doing something right with your yields. What what are you doing? You know, like these other guys are talking they started out just by putting one thing and now Kelly's up to nine. How is your info program evolved? So to be completely honest with you, I've got a really good guy that I work hand in hand with nutrient of I mean, we actually work hand in hand. I talked to them last night for about an hour and a half but he's on my go-to guy when it comes to answering the exact questions of what he's putting in it, but you know, he's the one I got a pat on the back for that as far as telling word for word what we're putting in it. Oh, I should have had a list or something put together like Kelly did there but I'm sorry. All right, then. We got a question from Andy hubenthal. He says are these corn programs we're talking about like Kelly's obviously was a Kelly that was a corn program Michael. My corner Bean program are the same except for the insecticide obviously comes out for beans. It's the same program both ways. We've evolved to that by the way that has to simplify a lot of stuff. It does especially when we're playing props at the same time. So the only nine products go on corn and Furrow and then nine price. So it means eight on back nine products on corn eight products on beans and the only difference is the insecticide comes out for the Bean. What about rate rate changes? Yes. Yes the well as far so the rate changes it does change and that's because I'm 30 inch corn and 15 inch piece. And so it's about 20 dollars an acre more expensive than beans even though there's one less product. So who wants to take the thing on being a temple of Andy's asking about we just covered some corn stuff? What is yours very or what? Do you have to contribute for Andy about the oh, so, um things do change for for me for corn and beans but I want to go back to what Kelly talks about earlier. You know, he took some of the fertility out. The reason that this this program for me works. I find tune my you know, what we want to call a micro pack or you know certain things that we put into micro packs whether it's a Molly or whether it's a custom Blend or whether it's a micro pact. It has it's got a lot of magazines and magnesium i Custom. I I put certain packs in because over using years of time I've taken you know, my tissue shame was just like everybody has but I read my tissue samples differently. I'm taking that early stage of that crap whether it's corn or beans and I'm looking at I'm looking at the mass majority of them and what am I low in and whatever that mass majority of those tissue samples that I'm low in that's the micro blend that I'm going to be putting in for next year again getting ahead of it. So that's how it's custom done for me. I do the same thing for corn and beans so it does change. I you know beans want something a little bit different than what corn wants but it's not very far different. I agree with Kelly a hundred percent on that. I really don't take out hardly anything. I might ate a few things just so it means we're you wouldn't put in corn, you know like you when we talk about Moline, I'm not gonna put a big front load of malibian and corn. I might front load corn doesn't need as much malibian. So I might use my Millennium on my first foliar pass on corn on beans. I need to get that Molly front loaded and then being so I'm gonna I'm gonna put it in in a foliar past. So again agree with Kelly, but it's very very important that people know that like Kelly he has a custom blend. He's putting liberate. Um, and in his inferior package, it's because of he Used and his plants don't have it in that early stage in this late. So he's trying to get in front of it. It's the same thing with Kevin Matt all of us. We're doing that. We're getting in front of it. And everybody on here is gonna have a little bit different of a tweak because it's for our soil. That's how inferos work the guys that have already planted soybeans Lane you planted soybeans. I saw it on social media. They've already germinated is your infero soybean program markedly different than your corn or cotton. Tell us how It's not just it's it is different than the cotton but it's not just totally different from the corn. You know, one thing we don't do we don't we don't put the big fertility. In the beans like we do the corn pretty much for for beans when we did our early planting was you'll see cat a pgr sugar Nutri charge and and a fungicide. That's pretty much all we do on. On the beans kind of what we feel like we get our best bang for our buck there. Kevin North Carolina Sunbelt Expo farmer of the Year guy that's been doing info the longest. Is there any difference now on how you do soybean infer from corn that you've learned because you've been doing it longer that you say and we wasted money. We put too much stuff in one versus the other one needs more info than the other. Well, actually, you know, both has changed. We're we're focusing more. We know the ROI. Is there only for our own soybeans or certain products as Temple was talking about we're doing that across the whole entire Farm instead of just research spots. And we you know, we're having to build another trailer now so we can have one dedicated to the soybean cruise and one of the Corn because it's Kelly says we're in the field at the same time. So we got to keep it simple. But then the technology that we have for the corn on him for is just really amazing. We've got a cap stand select select shot system on our corn planter and you know, we can decide where we want that shot link placed in that corn because you got a lot more area there and a lower population and would be And so it's allowed us like last year we did research for ziway where for FMC with the ziway product. The year before we had a disaster using it in for a but being able to put that shot link two inches away from that seed which is just like a simulating a tuba to we got excellent results with the product. So the Technologies on the infer applications is so much better than it was when I started when you got options to run stuff like a capstan system Kelly and I we was in Louisville what the farm show and one thing that we was talking about was in lower population areas like South Carolina, Georgia and areas, North Carolina And other southern states that you know, they're they're hoping to make a hundred and thirty hundred and forty bushel corn. They got a good distance between the seed at these very low populations and that capstan system. You could actually instead of having a tuba to you could put it all in the furrow with it. As long as your volume. Don't get too much. So there's a lot of options on infer that we just didn't have before and you know, now we're using dedicated on our soybeans a hundred percent acres and 100% of a form Kevin. Thanks for bringing up caps and capstan AG has a product called as I always get it wrong select shot or Sure Shot. Which one is it played? Yes. I call it Sure Shot. All right select shot. We had a couple of our guys use a select shot system the idea is and I'm not the technical person but it shoots the product exactly where you need to go. So if you need it to be one inch away from the seed job, it'll be one inch away from the seed drop. If you need to be an inch and a half whatever that's that's the value proposition of the select shot Kelly. You used this thoughts. We use select shot on one of our corn planners this year or it last year in 22 and my brother-in-law Chad use it on his as well chat, you know Chad running one planner. He documented a savings of about 30% of his fertility because of that exact thing that you talked about. He he shooting two inches of fertility, you know, one inch on either side of the seat covering the seed and then the Gap in between the seat is where it skips really dials down the cost of your fertility. There's a concentrated seed they they advertise 25 30% savings and documented it and that's what we've been working so hard on the shop here Brian from capstan has been here Derek was here today and we're installing cap stand on all three of our 24 roll platter. So Probably not cap set. We're installing select shot on all three of our 24 role planners because of the savings selections the proprietary product from capstan Ag and we have one and by the way, dear listener, and I know many of you are gonna watch the replay you can go and find this it's free. It's not for members only we recorded with I can't remember the gentleman's name, but it was with Kevin we talked about select shot and I would like in it is a Mechanicals. I might be to almost like fuel injection versus carburation. It puts it shoots it exactly where it needs to be. There's a reason to fuel inject an engine is more efficient than the old five style engine and chance not here to correct me because it puts the product where it needs to be for biggest bang for your buck to move your Pistons. That's kind of the idea my right Kevin. You're not in your head. Yeah, you spot on that's a great example. Actually, I thought about it like it. That's a really good example. Kevin is one one only. All right, I'm going a man. He he you said an interview and I know you don't think I do my homework, but I do you send an interview about what helped you get to 394 bushel corn, you said? Seed treatments and don't skimp on them. I don't know but will and I and prepping for this we think that seed treatment almost constitutes infer because it's going in the furrow. So maybe I'm extrapolating a little bit but tell us about your theory your beliefs on seed treatment and how it helps you get to high yields. Well, I kind of feel like it's a The good insurance policy mean why wouldn't you know, we do we do it on every acre of our corn? We're trying to skip anything out on the sea treatment just for that reason though again. It's probably one of the best insurance policies you could put on your seat. Every acre every seed that you put in the ground has a seed treatment. Absolutely faster germination protects her from Bugs anything else that I'm missing on sea treatment? Mmm, no, I mean that's the first one of the first years I planted corn. We didn't put it on it and I believe it was cut worms that got it and I got about seven. I think we ended up with we started with a 32,000 population and ended up with 17,000. So that was a hard lesson learned. Say those numbers again for the for the people that are slow like me. So we we started out a population of 32 that particular year. So it was one of the first years we planted corn and I think cutworms is what got into the corn and we ended up what they stand population of 17,000. So, you know, it it cuts about in half our population. So I wouldn't plan an acre of corn without a seed treatment on it. Got it. He's gonna take some of that $794 bushel corn dear listeners and upgrade his internet connection. I swear because we've been talking about that for a while. Matt miles seed treatment. You've got some experience here since it's kind of hand in hand with and Furrow. What's your thought on seed treatment? You probably presumably have more past past pressures based on your climate then even Heat this Yeah, I mean we just got through yesterday treating some seed we've actually got into you know started doing some of our own trading and normally we don't we don't treat corn. You know, but we we treat our soybeans. We're always gonna put a a sea treatment on our on our soybeans but the thing about the seed treatment and I'm gonna use pivot bio as an example. So with pivot bio there's a lot of things that you can or cannot mix with that biology. and and make it work, so You know, they've come out with the sea treatment now, we treat treat the corn seed with pivot bio and it eliminates all that. So, you know, we've been able to reduce a lot of nitrogen in season by using the pivot bio. So that's been a big advantage to us to be able to go to that with a seed treatment because then it eliminates the fact that maybe this product could be, you know be antagonize the other product as far as a corn now on the soybeans. It's a must I mean, we've got three UPS we've got different things going on fungicide now, we'll say this I feel like and everybody else may disagree with me. You're actually delaying emergence by a day or so because that's another coating on a scene. So that's got a penetrate not only the regular seat coat but also the seed treatment but I think the benefits of having the seed treatment way out ways the extra day it takes for the you know the sea to germinate so and another thing with that whether anytime you're using back to infer or not seen treatment You know and I may have said this earlier but for three or four years. You know, we were putting out these Biologicals and we wasn't getting any kind of result from them. Well, we had high chlorinated water so our water had a lot of chlorine in it. So we figured out as soon as you pour that biology in a tank you put your water in there. We were automatically killing the biology so Pay attention to your water what's going on with your water? A lot of our water? Most of our water comes from a basically a Rural Water Source or city water source, that is actually drinking water too. So they have to treat that water, you know with chlorine for for the you know for the household. So pay attention to what you're doing because we were automatically killing stuff not knowing it and wondering why is this not working for us, but our water wasn't right. So make sure you know, take water samples make sure that your water whether it's a high pH or a chlorine, you know substance in there that you get your water, right? If you don't it's just like anything else. If you don't get the base, right, you know the foundation right? You can't do anything, you know, so, you know that that was a big deal for us to be able to do that. But Say treatments. I don't guess there's I mean our corn is treated. We don't overtrade our corn we get it treated from the factory or from the you know supplier, but I mean sea treatments are a must to us and I agree. That's that's just as important as the emperor if you don't have info. You know prime example of pivot bio. If you want to use pivot valve the product decrease your nitrogen use. You know, they will provide a seed treater not they'll have someone come treat your seed. So if you don't have an infaro system on your planter, then there's other ways that you can do it through seed treatments that will at least be better than nothing, you know, so that that makes a big difference. And also I want to say this most of the companies we deal with If you kind of tutor cotton whether you want to get an info system on your planter Brandon Ash Banner is one of the ones you know me and I've talked about this a bunch. He's an extreme AG member there is there is equipment. Of help so if you're if you're putting out certain products with a with with a partner of ours or other partners, too, if you want that in for a system on your planner, there is some cost subsidies that go along with that, you know as you use the product. We got two questions. Thank you. I want to go back to your water thing because we did that we talked to talk about this once in the past podcast. But again, we've been doing this for a couple years. We've got a lot of content out there. So again, if you're watching this replay and you're wondering what we're talking about, we've talked about water quality at least once maybe twice where Matt is they get there's from essential to Municipal Water Supply because they've got to run water to people that are under in town or outside of town and it's between and you're saying that chlorine It doesn't it doesn't hurt to see it kills the Biologicals you're putting in. The biological putting in and a lot of times they will kill the biology you already have in your soul. Okay, and so it it will also Damien not only that I know this is the infer but that's such an important. We got your attention. You really need to pay on this. Is our listeners your fungicide it's been proven and documented that if you're using spray water with chlorine in it from the municipality, then the product she put in our it will actually within 24 hours. They'll be no sign of fungicide in that spray solution. So ever I mean every minute counts, if you're using that with fungicide, you're Biologicals with us infer anything you're doing in farming or spraying. Of you know pay attention to that what might sell you is very very important what you're saying and as well, it's it's I mean like they said it's way too cheap. Just just I think it was Monday. I went to dad the other day. I was figuring out a price on a dechlorinator and you're looking at it pennies an acre to run it. I mean that's I think it's like 12 or 13 cents 14 cents an acre to run that decoration. It's way too cheap and it's it's way too easy to use not to run it because I mean just just in you know, the chlorine itself. I mean anything you're doing I mean, it's way too cheap interesting because we're talking about infer Elaine. Is there also this chlorine you get you get water from Municipal source that has chlorine in it for your irrigation water. It wouldn't be the same issue. No, those are actually well drilled. Whales. Okay, and then the reason why we don't use a well water for our spray water. Is there so much iron in our water that's in your clogging up nozzles and screens. And so it's kind of a double-edged sword. We're better off to to put the dechlorinator in there and use Municipal Water that we are to try to use our well water because it's I mean, it's just it's it's a lot of iron in it. We've got two questions for you. There's Kelly you and I recorded something in Iowa about water and I thought that we talked about calcium being the issue, but I can't remember what was the issue. It wasn't chlorine. It's bicarbonates. My my well water has too many bicarbonates it ties up to fertility Evans and I have been studying that this year and learning more and more how to do how to handle that. It's a problem in my spray water. It's a problem in my fertility water and it's a problem in my irrigation one and it's it's too high and we need to learn how to subtract it from the equation and I think that we have an answer this year. It's hydrogen. So for a castle Meaning you're going to add sulfuric acid to combat or get rid of the bicarbonates. Yes. All right. We need to chemistry. We need somebody with more chemistry knowledge than probably I have to answer that. Yes. I have decided that Agronomy as chemistry plus biology and if you don't have your Chemistry in order your biology and work got two questions here why we go ahead and go backwards. We're gonna do the water one first since we're on the serger water. This is from Joel says has anyone tried using reverse osmosis water for your Biologicals and see treatments to eliminate these water problems reverse osmosis anybody? I have a friend in Breda, Iowa here to the Northeast and he uses it. He says it's the only way to go. I would like to add a comment to that a lot of times some of these products. You'll hear the coffee shop talk that their snakehold or something like that. You have to realize in the lab that they're using distilled water under very precise particular regulations and protocols the only farmers. I know that does that is probably Kevin. And a Salesman is never going to come out and say well you're wrong. The problem here is you you're not doing a good job. And those are things we've all learned on water ourselves the products these products work for the most. I mean, there's always cases. Okay, but these products work and you've got to understand and you've got to be man enough or let other way to say it. Sorry if there's any women watching, but you've got to be well enough man enough to know that the number one problem is probably you And that's why the products don't work. What does Chad what does Chad Henderson always say will? Mic drop the guy just went on here and told all of our listeners that the problem is you but I will say I really liked it because we know and I'm and I'm not the farmer here. We know that these Biologicals and many for 30 years have been out here and have been skeptically lost skepticism a lot of questions, but to their credit there could be a situation where the product might have actually given you a bump and you killed it as soon as you added it to your tank because you put them with water that killed off the biological and a lab setting you're gonna have distilled water that's balanced and the chemistry is gonna be correct from the ground from the chemistry side of the Agronomy portion. And then you go to the biology side. Well, then, of course the biology works and then we go out here and you can say it's real world if you want, but if you're gonna invest money in these things, we've got to learn more and do a good job. I I'm casting myself in this ballot. I look at how the biology has it worked for us much like Matt and Lane have talked about it. And it's not the biology's fault. It's our fault and we've got to do a better job of educating ourselves to know what's going to work because it does work if you handle it correctly. I like it Heath. I gotta come back to you because I like talking to you. When you at a cover of Darkness go down the road and get you take a wrench and you get to a fire extinguisher and you open up and that's how you get your water. Right? You kind of you just kind of, you know, liberate it from the city sources, right? Do you have this problem? No, no, no, no. No, actually we do get our water tested and it has been tested but all in all I think our water comes back pretty clean. So, can you hear me? Yeah, I can and then he Temple over you are with all the environmental scrutiny. You probably are on the other side of it. They're testing water Downstream from you. Are you testing water that you're bringing into your operation for this very thing? I mean obviously everybody's got their eye on what you're doing to the water. Are you checking the water that you use? Now ours is all well water and ours isn't high in anything. So we don't really have any of these problems. All right, and then we're going to question number two things. Is that it on Water Lane you got anything on water Kevin anything on water? All right. We're gonna go with John Nelson's question is everyone adding biology in Furrow what biology products have performed the best what biology products are the most diverse and if so same treatment for Corner being so talking about biology in for oh and then what you're using And what the performance looks like and then difference between Corner beans? Kevin was having temple temple. Sure Kevin Temple somebody. All right, I'll start on my behalf. So we've talked a little while ago about you know, using something like Nutri charge neutral charges a phosphorus releasing product. That's one of the things that we all use in Furrow in this in this group and it helps release phosphorus, right? So biology does the same thing. Well, we did a bunch of test where we replicated side by side in the irrigated trials where we just used, you know, the phosphorus efficiency agent and then we use just the biology and we and we replicate it what when we we put them side by side they were about the same, you know, they were very similar. But when we ate them together talking about these programs, you know, Kelly's got nine of them. I've got eight or nine of them. We all have a certain amount of these things and they all work with this amazing Synergy, right? So that's one more thing that we found that works with Synergy, you know the new Adding that there's those Biologicals they work really well together neutral charge helps release that Bond the biology that you put in the soul helps eat on that phosphorus and when it's changing its charge from one to the other in the microbes or help doing that. The biology is helping doing that when that happens. That's when your roots can take it up. That's when that plant takes it up. So in my opinion and we we saw it in yield like when we did that it was dramatic difference in yield like each of those products by themselves was really really good or I was great when we put them together. It was phenomenal. So it's kind of like when you put these things together, it changes it into a supercharged version of the nutria charge. So all these things have essential a center injection effect. That's what I was trying to get at Damian ever until I know people won't believe your results, but would you explain what you did when you did the biology then you did the neutral charge and then we okay. Okay, so we did us we did we did a test. We replicated again three times irrigate study and we need to do it. I'll tell you the exact number. So just Nutra charge with my regular general standard practice, right? That's all it is. Just nutrients only. I only ate it one thing very important when you're Choosing in for a program or you're changing your own in for a program just add little things don't like. Oh, I'm gonna go with Matt miles's program. So I just added neutral chart to my GSP. well It was 254. That's how many Bush was n*****. It was the the check was 248. So check 248 just Nutri charge. 254 seeing book six bushels with just Nutri charge. Okay first questionnaire, by the way, I know John Nelson, this is not a biology. It's not a biological technically, but the point is we're talking about it's synergistic effect. I think as we're temples going with us, so you got six bushels by just adding that that's 42 bucks. So now the on the next one right alongside of it. I hated the biology right infero neutral charge out. Biology in so again, I'm just adding one thing into my general standard practice. Add the biology. 254 so it's very very similar. It's all exactly the same not any difference at all. Still getting that six bushel return next row over. You know, we're 32 Reserve because we go down and come back on all of our checks 32 rows over we add the nutria charge with the biology 266 bushels. So again synergistic effect, like it's like supercharging what we're already doing and the all of these things that we're doing, you know, let's make let's put it in the common sense here neutral charge changes the biology or changes the charge of a phosphorus phosphoruses what's needed in a root system. We're going to add Mega grow or radiate. We're gonna we're gonna stimulate the roots. We're going to add sugars to feet to micros or Aid some humics to help feed them and protect for from Salt and buffer from salt or aiding the all that in there and then we're putting biology in it. And if the biology is just fits right into that package, right? So it's that whole synergistic effect where we're making that complete circle makes sense. Your neutral charges also conditioned in your water. I know you said you don't do that, but it's also conditioning your water. By the way, speaker stand correctly Lane the stick with that one of our business partners has a product and I'm talking about spray Tech and they've got a product. If I remember right? We recorded this at AG PhD where they talked at their their field day up and Baltic they talked about a product that does four things and drift mitigation a surfactants and a water conditioner and something else. Am I right? Is anybody want to help me out here? Yes, so we actually talked about that today and and it is actually a drift control PH adjuster defoamer Water Conditioner sticker, it's like 10 or 12 13 different things. I mean I could I could show you I mean, it's it's all kinds of stuff on this little flyer thing, but it's a it and it's it's the real deal. We used it some last year and just on the drift control alone. I mean, it's it's the real deal. I want to move on and to the question he had about but diversity of Biologicals. I'm not exactly sure. I know what he means there is is there somebody can speak to that that I'm trying to understand me like that. It does different stuff. Maybe is that what John's getting that with that question Kevin or Kelly? I can't read the question one more time. I get what biology products are the most diverse. I'm not sure. I understand that and then let's go to the other one. We know we can answer. If so, is it the same treatment for corn and beans Maybe by diversity means that adaptability within different planting? we it's the same for me for corn and beans accomplished Max and then you know, I neutral charge technically is in a biological but I group it into there because of the effect we're looking for from it. As far as which one is the most diverse, I would say the one that we've come across that is the most widely used across all soils is accomplished Max, but I would I would not be an area of expertise for me. All right, we're getting closer. You know what I like we're flying through this stuff. So Kevin I'm gonna ask you we're gonna wrap it fire here. You've been doing this the longest somebody is out here listening and we're gonna listen to the replay a lot of our a lot of our members listen to the replay. So that's the cool thing to that person that says, you know what I'm gonna start dabbling in this seems like maybe I'm behind we'll know you're not because only about 10 or 15% of all acres in for a treatment. So the person is gonna start doing infer what's your recommendation? You need to see what your needs are local soil samples. Look at previous tissue samples that if you have them and then see what fits your program. Look at yours. What kind of Tanks have you got on you on your planner on your tractor? What capacity do you have? You got a three-point, you know angical type planner, then you got to think about what you can put on your tractor you need to think about your trucks and and how you're gonna handle everything what you're gonna have. And there's a lot of really good systems out there only inferred, you know, if you're small smaller farmer and younger farmer and money is real tight. Definitely do what Matt said and laying talk to your retailer talk find out what programs it is many fertility. I'm I nearly all your fertility companies a lot of your and for input companies will help you or find you some cost savings to get you started on this process, but this really rewarding but it's just like having a tractor that you don't look after. That's you're gonna get out of it what you take care of and you crops just like it. So, you know, the more you look after you crop the more it's gonna take care of you. Yeah, Matt you and lane or you think later to the party on doing infero was one of the reasons I didn't even thought about that. Is it because you do three-point hitch planners and you you can't have as much quantity on your rig well it infer we can do that. So we you know, we can do that with a three-point hitch planter we get to the tuba two webinar next that's where we had problems trying to do the tuba to You know, we had two 500 gallon sidel tanks of 500 gallon front tank. It just too much in our area on raised beds to do that. So we've got a new new program for that. Well, we're going to we're going to be using tuba two or a dribble type system this year which is all new to us. But I guess I need to wait till the Uber to webinar to talk about that I guess right. Yeah, that's good and also leans gonna debut his his invention which by the way get it patented before you share it here Lane. I don't want you to be broke. I want you to be rich and only we're gonna do is you get this thing patented rightly not my invention, but I love the claim it but it's not my invention. I just put it on our prayer for us. All right, my buddy. Want to say this that you know after you said that 90% of the ideas are 90% of the practices that we have adapted. Is from this group, I mean from Kevin when Kevin and I first went to a hefties to see to the group we have now with everybody that's in here. Most of the things we've adapted to when we found an Roi on and started using his because of being in this group. Tell you something cool about that, you know dad that, you know art. We had a consultant that actually sent us a video on on what we're doing for our tuba to I found out a couple weeks ago that I he got that video from Wamsley Steve Wamsley who is actually on this webinar now. That's cool. Thank you. Okay, we got a couple things questions came up. This is from Anonymous attendee Anonymous attendee. Could be a spy. I believe John is referring to the number of species in a product. Okay, that's what the whole diversity I think he's saying the number of species within a biological and can we speak to that, you know from BW fusions biocast has 21 species and I if we seen any compatibility issues, is there anything any advantages Kevin? Not only is but I've just got to take from a couple of the members that's on the webinar. That's a chat box is not open that they're trying to put information in so I don't have this past night informational. All right will can you check on as anybody anything on diversity of the Biologicals in terms of the amount of species? Think this guy this is kind of something where else need one of our industry Partners to talk to because we don't know what the formulations are, you know from a bunch of bugs to to whatever am I right. And that's confusing part to a farmer. Is there so many violence so many people are selling by biological products and and we don't know I mean, we don't know what what's what it's not regulated the way that fertility is so it gets very confused. You just got to find a product that that works for you and make it work now biology for me and the infer as a question was asked. Is it don't work as well for me as some other products do because I'm up. I've been using litter for 20 years. So repetitive letter. So I have biology in my soul the most I can with the highest but the low CCS I have but I mean it that is a that's a race that we're you know, trying to race that. You know it you just got to find somebody you trust and try that product. Maybe try it on small amount of Acres see if it works for you. It's a good point. And by the way, we use a lot of these and the extreme AG guys are done it. There's just a lot of it's not like comparing two 4D to something that's been around forever. The Biologicals have a lot of shall we say different ingredients? So I think that's it's kind of hard for us to speak to is that sound like an accurate assessment? All right, Temple. What do you got? Well what I was gonna just sit here and say I was kind of back up with what Matt was saying, you know, these guys out here need to remember something like not all of these products are gonna work for everybody and we're we're pretty quick to tell everybody. Hey what it worked for me, but it didn't work for Matt where it worked from that and it didn't work for Kelly or Kevin. You know, we all have these different reasons for all these different regions and there's a reason that XA is choose people to support all these products all across the country because we're trying to figure out what works where who how why wind the entire thing and that's what our job is and that's exactly what we're doing. So back to what Matt was saying find one a company that you really trust something that you can get locally something get your hands on and put it in a trial for yourself reach out to one of these guys on this webinar or that within extreme Egg and I ask them if they've got it to work in their area and fine tune those things yourself because you know, There's Biologicals there's a million of them out there and there's a million different strains and what I found that worked in this area worked very very well. When I combined it with something else. It may not work for the guys in the South but it damn sure didn't know my ground. So there's the things that guys are gonna have to work out on their own. Well, it's not like saying, hey we figured it out and you're not here. We're trying to give the right stuff. It's just that it might vary by region by by business part right by soil type by climatological issue and all that but thanks exactly simple for taking our entire hour and four minutes until hey, just go figure it out on your own. We're here today. That's not what I said. See you got to change it into something for your agenda. That is not what I said. Example diamond on what what Tim was talking about. So we I had a question directed directly to me on soybean info the other day on our question, you know, we you know, you can ask questions if you're you know, a member extreme Ag and I typed out my response I sent him to Temple and I said, what do you think he said because we struggle with soybean infertile. We have not found the right products in the right place early planning we have but in general like when we get in our normal planting system, we have not found where Kevin said they they they're positive Roi from him. Temples the same way we've struggled with that but Temple made a good point the other day. I sent that to him and he said don't say That Emperors don't work say they maybe not work as well for you. And he said this he said find out what your soy means need at that point in time. He said if you have a balance fertility program, maybe they don't need anything. Maybe that's not what it's working for you and I hope that's the case but every region is different and but that made me look at this in for a program while soybeans a different way is what do you know just going out there and throwing the kitchen sink at it and forever you may not get anything out of it. But if you find out what you're specific plants need Kevin says this all the time we're farming the plants not the acre. And so if we can figure out what I need in Arkansas or Kelly needs an hour Kevin and North Carolina or Heath in Virginia, you know, then that's that's the whole goal right there is if we can figure that out then that's what's going to make you the ROI. We're going to thank you on the way out the door here. And that's a very good summation of it all and Temple, you know, he went turned his camera off because I why sampled about his response which wasn't really it was me just extrapolating and being funny. So anyway Temple come back. I did not I I I'm still here buddy still Temple by the way answered a question from one of our members Steve Walmsley had asked what products do you need to stay away from infero on soybeans that could cause damage in his answer was don't put any boron in Furrow. Anybody got any other Lessons Learned the expensive way Kelly something you learn the expensive way. Boron and pearl we made that mistake don't one time. We we had a pump go down. So we use the same pump for the two by two in the infero and the nitrogen in the phosphorus. Don't mix very well at all. It was a mistake that really can screw some things up. All right. So we're gonna felt more questions on the way out the door here. This is from Seth Busby. Basically when it comes to biology there are a lot of products out there but like Matt said you have to have certain strains that are applicable for your area. So to me a more diverse mix is a go-to because whatever is not used or not thriving to your environment will be cannibalized by the thriving biology. Thank you Seth Busby, Joel. What do you guys run for and in for a program on wheat? If any there you go get a week question. I'm gonna go to my man Temple who recorded an hour and 40 Minute Podcast with me and his send it twin Chad about wheat production in Furrow and wheat you there Temple? Yeah, I'm here. We don't really have like an infer kind of a deal on wheat because we don't have the ability to put it on up on a drill or anything like that. We kind of take a different perspective for weeks. We'll go out there and we'll put some fertility on our wheat that we know, you know again, you know, we fine tune it you know, when that wheat comes up. We'll go out there and we'll put something over the top and we'll stream it on and we'll fine tune it with whatever microbes or Mike Groves not micros my cruise and some fertility and then some fungicides and we fine tune all that, you know, so it our info is very very similar to what we are trying to apply on our week. It's just it's just tweet so it is very very similar. Yes. Maybe we should ask Matt since he is the trophy holder for the wheat wager what he did in furu at time of week. And you know, what if it's the same responsive we got from Heath, he's gonna say, I don't know somebody else from the co-op just told me put this stuff out there. See, do you have a wheat infero answer. I don't know Temple and Chad told me how to grow this week. That's what they've cleaned repeatedly repeatedly. They will not give you any credit according Temple and Chad to send it twins hashtag send it twins that your entire farming operation is predicated on them. Just telling you what to do. Wait track. That's a lie. He's starting trouble man. That is absolutely lie. We travel needed we try to put in for our own on a 20 foot drill just as a test plot drill and it is a freaking nightmare when you're at seven and a half inch facing you just it's just not if you're if you're using a cedar of some sort not a planner, it's just it Don't work. So I mean, I wish there was a way to I wish there was something I could tell you where you know him for I think there's some info. Things that we could do that would increase yield but but when you're trying to put that on a drill, it's a whole different Beast. while we're talking about in for we're gonna go back to my man Heath since we finally got him on one of our webinars 394 bushel guy Heath Mistake you've made that's cost you money within Furrow or lesson. You would give to somebody that hasn't done in Furrow. Whatever you think you can share with somebody in a quick nice quick concise answer that either cost you money or something. You just learned the hard way or the the right way. So I don't think actually I'm not trying to be smart, but I don't think I've ever learned in hard lessons from it. Since we've done it, it's over. You never you've never had you've never had you've never laid an egg with your info. Nothing's gone. Nothing's cost. You were gone sideways. No. No, everything's been pretty spot on. The only advice that I would say is those that aren't putting in for everyone. I think it's it'd be a big great investment for somebody to put it on their planner. Yeah, and by the way, we did here and I don't know if we're allowed to share that but when he was Kevin talked about there's companies that are our our business partners extreme AG that actually will give you some cost some cost match to help you get info. Is that what I'm hearing Mass? Not in his head. So what I mean, I I had no idea she will share somebody that's like saying what the heck are they talking about? Yeah. So each company has a program most every company that sales aim for a products has a program that will help. You also see it getting in for system on your planner or tuba two or you know, it's equipment. It's an equipment subsidy to help with that course, you're you know, you got about their product for you know, depends depends on the on the company. You may have to buy one year three years, whatever but there is there's financial help out there to to subsidize a name for a program and I really think and and five years ago out of told you it wasn't worse crap. But you know after being with this group learning what I've learned here test Lots we've done. You know, I think it's something a guy or look at for sure. Well, obviously the attention is gonna be yeah some companies gonna help me financially get this equipment, but it's gonna lock me into buying their stuff. But what we're just hearing here and Kevin purchase head up is paid off. It's not like it's not like the roping you into some deal. It's not it's not like a timeshare. He's right. It's it's most of the time it's just a percentage that they want. They don't want. all of the more person through I'm sorry Heath your busting up Kevin or Kelly or Matt? Yeah, I won't say one thing for Kevin starts. You would think now that makes 394 bushel corn could get an Internet that he could talk on. getting so we getting internet anymore that I I just did the math seven dollars 394. I'll get my calculator out here. Anyway Lane you're laughing. What do you got for me Lane? You're the up and coming generation closes out here on infer. Man, I'm kind of like heat. I mean if there's one thing that that somebody on here can tell you that you've heard. I mean, it's that that infer works. I mean you may have to fine tune it to to your area. But but there's some serious Roi in the info. We got one more question and we are absolutely gonna get out the door here. Hang on a second man. One last question Steve Walmsley in Furrow cover crops. Anyone have any issues planting green? Okay, where we going with that info info in cover crops? So we we plant green all the time and we don't the soil can be a bit wetter, you know, so that yours, you know, of course just like any other planning thing. The soil's got to be appropriate but the cover crops don't have any bearing on the infertile program for us simple, please turn your camera on because now I'm hearing you giggling in the background. It's got me suspicious about what's happening here giggling. It's something else shut up. I can't my wife. I got real it kicked me out. So I'm I'm not on Wi-Fi. So I turned off my camera. So you guys can hear me clearly. You know what I when I talk I like to talk over top of you and be very clear about that. But we like to talk. Okay. Hey, I just did some math. My old fashioned calculator 394 bushels times seven dollars is 2,758 if you take that times 2500 Acres. Golly. Hey, we really doing this right now. That's six point nine million dollars. You could buy the damn internet company. They operates at Eastern Virginia for seven million dollars. The first thing he you ought to do with someone that money. He is by Damian a jacket that he can represent us and not that one. I think a really right there speaking. Oh he it was heat the text to me privately a little private feed. He said and I quote my girl loves your jacket and just order one like that for me. I doubt it. All right. My name is Damian Mason. That is Kelly Gary. I'm not gonna show you what he's texting me or a road trip founders of this wonderful learning platform. We call Extreme Ag 8q trell and Temple roads are Affiliates doing great job contributing cool stuff and information you can use in your farming journey to become more successful Lane miles bring it up. The next generation of extreme AG is the son of Matt miles from McGee Arkansas. We have another one of these scheduled and that's gonna be on April 6th. April 6th is a Thursday could always do a month Thursdays. In fact, we've penciled in now, they're gonna be the first Thursday of every month April 6th. That is the Thursday before Easter. There's a chance that I might wear a bunny a bunny costume and then so all the sudden somebody on this feeds gonna go like into some sort of trimmers over Easter freezes. But the point is we're having a good time here. We're making information. We're putting on information you can use for your farming Journey April 6th Easter freeze. We're gonna have a chance on for sure if we're talking Easter freeze. Got to do is make sure that if you are going to be at commodity classic, you look us up. That's right. Next week. We're going to be a commodity classic all of us are gonna be there. We're gonna be running around we're gonna be meeting with business partners. We're gonna be in boost. We're gonna be conducting panels catch out catch us at one of the multiple different boots. We're gonna be at Sherry information that you can use April 6 is our next webinar. Remember that subject on that is what we are applying in our two by two this spring or not. So it's basically a perfect follow-up to what we did earn furrow. Join us April 6 be there again. Thank you. If you're a commodity classic, we'd love to see you and thanks for being a part of extreme AG bring somebody along that can learn as much as you are and have them join extreme act until next time. I'm Damian mace. Thank you. Thank you.
Growers In This Video
See All GrowersTemple Rhodes
Centreville, MD
Kelly Garrett
Arion, IA
Kevin Matthews
East Bend, NC