Webinar: Leveraging This Season's Insights For Next Season's Farming Success

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15 Dec 2365 min 28 secPremium Content

Optimize your farm's growth by adapting strategies each year. The XtremeAg team undertakes an annual review to determine next season's changes and additions based on this year's success. Dive deep into products, practices, tests, and lessons learned to equip your farm for an even more prosperous year ahead.

Alright. Hey folks. Come on in. Grab your seats. Uh, we got a great one for you tonight. Uh, we got really good people pouring in the door already, so remember, if you have a question, we want this to be interactive, informative, and you to go home with what you came for, which means answers to your question. So, raise your hand, or better yet, type in the q and a and the chats, uh, feature and we will get to your questions. We're talking about leveraging this season's insights for next season's farming success. Okay, here it is, second week of December, uh, depending on where you farm. Matt's been done I think since like August 1st. Whereas, uh, you know, up in Kelly's part of the world, they've finally wrapped up like last week. The point is, you've got time to now start rethinking what happened and then taking the information from the year that was, and then exploiting it, capitalizing on it for a bigger next year. That's what we're covering and everyone here has been tasked with bringing at least one or two insights from the year that was, and they're going to then expand on how they can use that to be more successful or have, uh, better results next year. Well, we've got, uh, this webinar again, completely open. Answer the question, ask the questions. We want you to be involved. Um, we're gonna lead off with my buddy Johnny, because Johnny and I just recorded something today. One big change you're making in next year based on the insights. You changed Planters because of you wanted to be a bit more streamlined, and also you've got some cropping reasons for doing this. So it's a pretty big change. You're not talking about, uh, you know, changing one seed variety on one farm. You're talking about wholesale changes to your machinery talk. Yeah, so like, we've been on 20 inch for the last several years and it's been good to us. Uh, you know, this year we've transitioned doing a lot of, in-season spraying applications like Tael shots with a sprayer and trying to run on 20 inch uh, rows is very hard to do, uh, especially with the tire size we're running. So we just thought we'd try to transition into back to 30 inch and you know, it's, you know, you're looking at it and trying to get cost per acre down and stuff like that, and you look at it 30 inch planters, 30 inch corn heads are so much cheaper. So for us, it's all about getting the ROI up, you know, going across the field at planting time and it harvest. And then we do so many on-farm trials. It's very hard to do on-farm trials and you're spraying at an angle to how you plant it and get good harvest data. So we're trying to get it to where when we wanna do big blocks of spraying and stuff like that, we can do it with a sprayer and have really good accurate, you know, data that way. Because when you do the angle, it's very hard to, to take that to harvest and really separate that data out Was the spray. Okay, we're talking about leveraging the insights. Next season's farming success. You didn't have bad yields, 20 inch rows didn't, didn't harm you. It's just really, you think an opportunity to streamline because of the sprayer. It's really, it's about, it's about accommodating the sprayer and you're doing a one more late season treatment. You've put the Simon Innovations lift kit on your sprayer, so you're, you're kind of going out there later in the season, uh, which is a chance as Kelly talks about iron blight to knock more crop down. And you're doing this, almost 90% of the reason you're doing this is because of the sprayer, right? Yeah. And because it's just when we're spraying at an angle or we're planting at an angle so we could spray and we're not running over so much, it kills your productivity. You always got point rows, you run over a lot more, you harvest a lot slower 'cause you got an angle when you're planting. So for us, we're just trying to get a better, you know, to get our cost down per acre as far as hours that we're spraying and stuff. And then, you know, you look at the corn head, you go for the same 30 foot header, it costs a third less, you know, and it's a, that's a big deal. 'cause you know, 20 inch heads are 2 40, 2 50 plus, you know, and 30 foot you know, size. So for us, we're just trying to get everything back down and get our cost acre down. 'cause it doesn't look like commodities are gonna be very high for the next few years. This didn't involve buying a bunch of new equipment. It was more of a change out of equipment though. I mean, you're, you're not breaking the bank because you went and bought a bunch of new stuff you've never used before. You're, it's a, it's a change to the equipment lineup. It's not a brand, it's not a, it's not a completely new lineup. Right? Well, Somewhat we went to New John Deere planters 'cause we wanted, we had been precision planting and we'd had struggles with that and documentation issues with our infer where we're doing our trials was hard to get over to the software we were using. So we kind of streamlined back into John Deere's version. So everything comes through one format is there. So we actually bought some John Deere planters that are coming from the factory with two by two and infer from the factory. So hopefully all that plumbing and everything works a lot better than aftermarket stuff that we were adding. So there's several things we were trying to do. I had some employees that were, you know, really tired of working on stuff all the time, it sound like, and your plant windows so short, you know, that was one thing too, you know, when we had to plant, it seems like you gotta plant the whole corn crop in it's six, seven days and that gets hard to do when you're having to work on stuff and Yeah, you know, our local dealer, you know, is a lot easier to work with through deer. So for us it was just trying to eliminate some issues we were having at planting and then some harsh ability issues when we were planting on angles so we could spray the fastest way across the field. It was really hurting us at harvest time 'cause of the time it took. What I like is that you're not afraid to make changes. Uh, a lot of people, uh, get stuck doing, well, you know what, this wave boy's done it, it's real convenient. It was about a year ago we recorded you and I that you were taking the two by two off of your planters. So I think just go ahead and revisit that because that was an insight from 2022 you implemented in 2023. Did that insight, in other words, if you have a track record of I made these changes and it worked out good, you're more encouraged to go ahead and make changes. Tell about, tell us about that one, please. Yeah, So we were, we were using conceal doing two by two and it worked really good, but in a no-till environment, it was really tough to make the knives hold up for us and the issues we were running into. So we transitioned back to dribbling on top of the ground, the ground. So that's what we're going back to now. And then, like I said, the new platters we're, we're gonna have two by two, but it is a dribble, it's not a knife or a co or anything like that. It's all about simplicity and just trying to get what we need and put the product where it needs to be. Uh, I want to go ahead then and take this as an opportunity to kick it to our friend Temple Temple. Let me talk about dribbling across the ground. Temple invented a method by which he has this piece of tubing that goes around and it dribbles on top of the ground. And he came up with a, a name for something that has never been used before. He called it a YouTube may, maybe possibly some sort of, um, trademark issues there if he starts calling his thing YouTube, because I think a bigger thing than Temple Roads might have already started calling something YouTube. But anyway, temple, uh, spinning off of that first off, real quickly, tell us about the YouTube then. Tell us about the thing that you want to hit on, about the keeping the farmer and control. Does it count if, um, I invented those YouTube things way before YouTube ever came out? Does that matter? No. Or no? Dang. No. Missed it. So the, the YouTube thing, that's something that I came up with years ago. I struggled with the same things that Johnny struggled, you know, has struggled with as well. Where, you know, you, you run into maintenance problems and those problems cost you time in the field. And, you know, whether it's a bearing or you know, dirt gets stuck in there just right or, you know, disc issues or, um, it's al it was always an issue. Or you had an issue where you hit a rock and it moved that colder over, you know, an inch and all of a sudden you're putting a hot blend out there and you're burning up a row. That happened a lot, a lot, a lot. Mm-Hmm. And I just got so sick of that. I started testing these YouTubes that kind of come out the back of the planter and they divide the, the fertility and they put it two inches on either side and we dribbled across the ground. Um, did we run into some problems where we kind of thought we were going to lose some fertility? Sure, we thought that we were gonna do that. But with the new additions that we have now with, you know, adding like a c cat and some sugar, um, I, I, I truly believe that we stabilize that fertility a lot better than what we used to years ago. I, I have never been able to show dribbling on top of the ground. It doesn't matter if it's no-till or whether it's conventional. I've never showed a yield drag one way or the other. It's always been the same. I've run planters side by side. So it's really about ease of use and getting those acres per hour. Johnny hits on it perfectly. We have to, with the commodities the way that things are going nowadays, we gotta figure out different ways. We might not be able to cut fertility. We might not be able to, to um, cut in different places, you know, 'cause we can't always save ourself out of poverty because that doesn't happen. Um, so what we need to do is we need to figure out a way that we can get across these acres and cut down on maintenance and cut down on all these things. And that acre per, or that dollar per acre that we're putting in there, we gotta find a way to cut into it. And this is just John is figuring out which we're all trying to figure out some of these ways and equipment is the way to get to some of these things. All right. You wanna, you wanna tell us about, uh, one of your insights from 2023 that you and I talked about? In fact, we're gonna record, uh, episode about this probably with Chad and you. And it's about technology's amazing. Uh, you know, inside of that cab of tractor, you've got amazing technology. You've got all these collections of data and, and then you've got your people. The larger you farm, the more people want to do business for you be your service provider. You've got, you know, agronomist consultants, you've got retailers. It could get to where you have so much to do that you kind of push the easy button and let the technology do its thing. Let your advisors do their thing. Let your consultants do their thing, and you get a little bit removed. It's kind of like they said once, you know, uh, you, you lose touch of some of these things and what happens is it gets a little bit away from you. And you spoke to that point. And that's an insight that I guess you have from 2023. While all these things keep getting to where you could be the CEO, you still wanna make sure you're the CEO that gets his hands dirty. Yeah. So, I mean, it's very easy for me and Chad sit here and talk to you about, you know, we're the guys that, or wanna get our hands dirty, but there, um, what I was talking about the other day, And by dirty we don't mean writing notes to ourselves on the back of our hand. Like you're prone to Be. You mean like this, like that? There's actually one on my hand right here that says one o'clock Damien podcast. I wanna appreciate I got, I appreciate that. I I covered that one. I feel like I just wanna buy you post-it notes for your stocking for Christmas. It wouldn't, it's not gonna work. I'm still gonna write all over myself. I'm a child. So, um, what I'm talking about when I, when I brought this up to you, Damien, was, you know, we run three different planners here on the farm. One is very, very basic. One is kind of middle of the road. The last one is every bell and whistle on it. And I spoke to Matt on this as well. Now Chad's gonna argue with me. I'm gonna tell you right now, he's about to come in here and holler and scream at me. 'cause Chad's argued with me and told me that he can put 20 bushels on my yield just by the planter. And I don't, I don't disagree with that. But what I'm telling you is, is you know, what we found with three different planters, very, very, very, very basic. One middle of the road, one has every bell and whistle on it. I can't find if set right and I'm doing my job as a farmer, getting my hands dirty and digging in the dirt, which I play in the dirt all the time and trying to, trying to get the best job possible that I can possibly get. I can't find a half a bushel difference between none of them. So, you know, and a lot of times when we add all this technology on, you know, they've got some crazy technology and it's doing all the right things and you're in the cab and everybody wants to be, to be a be a big A BTO, you know, a big time operator, and it be, and it becomes easy because we're looking at that iPad or we're looking at that monitor and it's doing all these things and you're like, this thing is perfect. It's on point. I'm riding, I'm rocking. And it becomes comfortable where, you know, that that is, is working well all the time, but there's calibrations that need to be done. There's fine tuning that needs to be done. Chad digs into his meters and makes a lot of his own, um, calibrations on his own that makes that meter do a better job. So that's what I'm talking about. If we take the farmer out of the seat, I don't care what kind of technology that you have, you can end up in a problem that can cost big money. I'll give you a for instance. We had one planter that was out here running and it was in a conventional scenario where it had rained and we'd worked up ground and it was operator error on our part. You know, where we worked ground up, that was too wet. Well, we worked it up too wet and we had these hard CLOs out there. Well, when these planters sometimes don't have the right calibration in and they hit, you know, that gauge wheel has sensors in it and it hits that little hard cloud, it's picking up on that planter all the time on that row unit when it really shouldn't be. So in that scenario, I lost a tremendous amount of yield compared to a planter that was just shoving it into ground. That's where the farmer comes in. I don't care if you farm from the turn row or you farm from a pickup or you're a manager and you're managing your other guys. You gotta keep an eye on every little scenario because there is money to be lost and money to be made out there not doing your due diligence. And that's what I'm getting at. Alright, So by the way, this is talking about leveraging an insight. This is one of your big sort of takeaways. Like you said, you wanna record a podcast going in more in depth with this, with Chad and Chad's been in and out here on the connection and he's sitting in the dark right now. So I'm wanna go around the room and then we'll go to Chad. Matt, you have a lot of stuff to cover. You famously said once that, uh, these guys would be less stressed if they would delegate stuff to, uh, a, a, uh, an employee and be a manager. So they of course took, uh, uh, issue with that and picked on you about being the BTO. But the reality is you're a, you're a CEO, but you still do your hands dirty. How's the balance on that? You, you can't push the easy button and just rely on consultants, advisors and technology. But also if you are hands dirty all the time, you can't be the CEO talk to that. Well, you're Kind kind of throwing me on the bus there because Tim and Chad's probably gonna beat my butt when we get through with this, but I'll go ahead and explain that. First, kudos to Johnny. Uh, and I know he is gotten off the video, but you know, he went from 30 to 20 and then realized this is not where I need to be and went back to 30. That is a true example of a, of a business or a man that, you know, he goes one way. Most people, when they go one way and they spend a lot of money doing something else, they're gonna stick with it, whether they're losing or winning because they don't want people to say, I didn't like this. I had to go back to where I was. By The way, I, I wanna point out that's something real interesting, whether it's about Johnny or not, he's been getting frankly, too much love, I think, from the entire group lately. So anyway, what you're saying though is a is a true business thing. Once a person makes a decision, they'll stick with it through hell and high water, even if it's a bad decision. 'cause they, they don't want to admit that maybe it was the wrong decision. So like you said, kudos to saying, we went this direction, decided, you know what, maybe it's not the right way to go and then pull it back because there's no pride. It's just about you went this way. You know what, it didn't, it didn't quite what we were that's what you're saying. Yeah. He took the pride out of it and he went back and it probably cost him a little bit of money to do that, but he went back to where he started, you know, and there's a lot of times, and that's gonna be some of what I'll explain, we're gonna go back to where we started because some of these things that are working in certain areas are not working in other, other areas. Uh, I give Chad and and Temple a hard time all the time about their, you know, they're, they're on the tractors all the time. You know, we we're behind the planters. So I'm back there digging. There'll be five planters running and land and I are both in the field. He's in wherever the corn planters are. I'm with the bean planters and we're, you know, we're looking back and forth, but I mean, temple's on point with the fact that, you know, we've gotten all this new technology and, and if it's saying it's doing right, you know, you can't just believe it's doing right. You need to be out there. Uh, what do they say? Be a shadow in your field. I've heard that several times. You gotta be out there looking at it, you know, or have someone out there looking at it. What we try to do, you know, and it takes some time, is when our planters get to a different field, they make a pass. They're looking at that. They're getting out, you know, now I get a little bit wary. I, I wear a little bit Kelly at that when they're, everybody stopped at one time. But those guys are behind their planters digging. We're out there with them, Hey, come look at mine. Make sure this is right. You know, it gives us an opportunity to not, not just be on the planter all the time, but be looking at all the different things we're doing. We'll have tillage going on at the same time or spraying or something, you know, so, but a lot of guys choose to be on the equipment and, and have a guy hired to do that. And I mean, you, you know, either way is good. Thank you for adding that in there. But the point is that no matter what, what your role is in terms of whether you're hands are dirty all the time or you're the CEO, the point is you still gotta monitor stuff. And the big the big le takeaway that temple's leveraging is, yeah, he's gonna, he's gonna, he's never been the one that wasn't already getting his hands dirty, but he is not gonna allow other deci too many decisions to be made by either technology or outside consultants, advisors, retailers, et cetera, without making sure that he's monitoring it. Is that the right takeaway temple? Yes, that's exactly right. All right, Chad, you've been referenced multiple times. Um, I don't know if like the people are watching right now, it looks like maybe you've stopped paying your electric bill there in Alabama. Like it looks like maybe there's a candle that's, uh, in, in, in that room that's lighting you up. So we can barely see you. But I, I want you to go ahead and speak to what, uh, temple talked about on the, uh, insights from this season that you're gonna use for next season. Whoa. Um, you know, I've been in and out on most of this thing. I had a cell connection, bad had to change rooms, but, um, um, I really kind of playing catch up here. I don't know where to take off. Like, I don't know where to start at. Gimme some more direction. All. Alright. Alright. Just stick around here. Just stick around here and we'll come back to you. All right, Matt? Uh, we're, I can speak for, I can speak. Just let me speak for just a minute on what Matt's talking about because I understand, I see what Temple's saying, you know, with we, we can't let too many people. Um, I guess what I get caught up in, you know, is, is we let a lot of people that's making 15 and $20 an hour make decisions for us that's costing us two or $300,000. Um, so, and you know, those people are good people. I got multiple, multiple in our operation, multiple people like that in our operation. And I'm not talking about the people workforce, I'm talking about an agronomist or see consultants, um, and people outside that, that are just, that's just dear to my operation. I'm not saying that I'm saying this. You need to do your due diligence on your farm to being involved in these type of webinars or, or own studies or, or even advanced learning things from going back to school even, you know, or, or making meetings like we had a great one, Mississippi State, stuff like that that we can do to help us further our own knowledge and not depend on those people as much. Or to ask the right questions back, I guess. Yeah. Well that was, that was one of the big insights that Temple's got and obviously this happened. The, the more you, the more hats you're wearing or more importantly the, the more things you have going on. All right, I wanna go to, uh, our man Kelly, then we're gonna come back to Matt 'cause Matt has got Lane here that's gonna give us some data. But, uh, we're gonna do two things with Kelly. We're gonna do the first one, an insight that you were actually surprised by. I saw the video, it was utilization of a piece of technology and your equipment and you were actually really astounded by the result of it. We're talking about capstan ag talked about. Yeah, the, uh, capstan system that we run on our planters. It's called Select Shot. This is the third year that we've run it. Uh, the first year, you know, we played around with it, learned it, things like that. Second year we got more in depth into the trials. Uh, we validated that there is a 30% savings on fertility. 'cause what the select shot does is it just puts a concentrated shot of fertility in furrow on each seed instead of dribbling it down there. Instead of, uh, effectively you could say, uh, instead of putting a five gallon rate on you are, uh, you're a three gallon rate or just a little bit more of a three gallon rate. But again, it's a concentrated shot on every seed. And then what the company advertises is that that concentrated seed will, will lead to a yield bump. I was very, very skeptical about that. Uh, last year in, in 22, we did not do a yield trial of that sort at all. We just validated the, uh, the fertility savings. So this year the company really wanted us to try that cap. You know, Brian, our contact, I know he is watching tonight. Uh, Brian really wanted us to, to put forth a, a yield study. So we made a 24 row pass through the field. You, uh, like normal. Then we turned around and we shut the caps down off and we just, we went back to the old fashioned way you will of dribbling on five gallon to the acre to see what was gonna be. And I never thought that there would be much difference. I really thought the only thing here would be the 30% savings, which in itself is a lot of money. We'll pay for the system in about 1500 acres of corn. Nine bushel. It was a nine bushel yield difference with the select shot being on versus dribbling five gallon per acre. I was, I was astounded. And it, uh, you know, I can't remember the exact cost that Evans had in for the in furrow and the exact bushel per corn, but I can tell you the net, ROI that's what I always pay attention to, was $48 an acre. Okay, 48 bucks an acre. You just, uh, your signal just cut out. Is everybody else getting the same thing? Alright, 48 bucks an acre on your net ROI. And what's the, what's the, the insight from 2023 then? I would think that this means you're going to apply it for next season success. Yeah, well, you know, we validated, now we are running the systems on every planner anyway. You know, we just bought a new bean planner, traded off our old one, and we'll definitely put a capstan system on there. Uh, it gives, gives us even more security in the product. Gives us even, uh, a, a bigger validated ROI and, uh, I couldn't be happier. Got it. All right, Matt, you're, uh, you and I recorded about this and now we've got laner here that's gonna bring us some data. You're making some pretty big changes from 23 to 24 on your cropping mix. And then with that comes, first off, there's the money reason, then there's the management manpower and timing of everything. When you change things up across that many acres on what crops you're using, meaning time they get planted, time they get sprayed time, they get harvested, et cetera, et cetera. And then there's also the money. So the money, there's the management, the manpower, and then also the agronomics. Making sure that the soil rotation, the rotation doesn't, uh, somehow, uh, mistreat the soil. There's a lot of stuff going on there. So this is a probably the biggest one out of the whole group tonight, I think. Well, yeah, and there's not a lot of, I mean, as far as data that we picked up last year, uh, you know, there's not, we don't take that yield map data and decide what we plant, you know, that's more of a, uh, a business decision, which goes along with, you know, basically ROI, uh, you know, we, we've got a, we've got the opportunity to do multiple crops. So we've got corn, soybeans, cotton rice, and then double crop beans. And normally I'm very, um, this may not be the right word, but I'm very a**l to make sure that we have that we don't plant beans both years. Now there's data out there that says that that's not a big deal. Now you can go repetitive years and it gets big, but I mean, we started looking at lane nine, sit down and we started looking at, at corn and, and it's a negative 16, you know, and our cost of production, you know, it's, it's a negative $16 an acre to us now. It still makes a good rent for the landowner 'cause we're all share beans. For the other hand, you know, we can pick up about $280 an acre positive return. You know, of course understand our cost of productions. Are d going to be different than everybody in here? Uh, Chad and I have had multiple conversations about this. You know, he can grow a wheat bean rotation and, and come out better than he can a full season bean. For some reason, the good lords gave us the opportunity to have pretty high yield beans so we can actually grow the full season bean better than we can grow the wheat bean combination. So it's just a numbers game. And we're probably based on, you know, we've been able to get by corn's good enough that, you know, corn prices is good enough and yields are good enough that we could stay with that rotation this year. We're gonna have to look at it a little bit different, understanding that the fact that corn will actually give us a five to eight bushel increase on beans the following year. Mm-Hmm. So it's not just looking at one year, it's what does corn rotation do for the next year? You know, versus beans on beans and there's, you know, there's been a lot of research on that lately, but we do have the opportunity where Kelly has, is gonna plant beans or corn, you know, there's no in between. And most of the guys in the Midwest are, are gonna plant a lot of corn regardless, you know, for most part. But we, we have the opportunity to be able to look at multiple crops to do that. And in today's world, you know, the wheat and bean rotation is, is not where we need to be. And uh, and to be honest with you, corn's not now we can take cotton and rotate that into the, the, the bean scenario or the rice. See that's something that, that we, with this row rice, and you've heard us talk about it a lot, we've been able to take this row rice and instill that into our cropping plan as another rotation, which will mimic corn in a, in a way because of the, you know, the biomass we have there. So we're, you know, and we've had, we had a lot of tests this year and I think temple, and I'll probably get to this later, but we had a lot of tests this year that just didn't, didn't work. I mean, I, I took all my seven in frow, uh, components of my in Frow and I put 'em all in in a trial by their self and there, and then I put it against my grower standard and there wasn't a bushel difference in the whole eight strips. And this was replicated across acres, you know, and so we're a, we're still a little bit confused at where we're gonna go on the product side, but we have kind of nailed down this year that we're gonna have, you know, that we'll have some fields that'll be beans on beans this year just to keep us in business. All right. We're, I know Temple has his hand up. Uh, is this, it's a comment on, on Matt's thing, because we were gonna go to Lane and get number. By the way, if you think this is one of the Robertsons from Duck Dynasty, that's actually lane miles over there, in case you're wondering, I, I had my hand raised because I wanted to comment on Kelly's. And I don't mean to downplay mats right now 'cause I I probably ought to have comments on that too, but I'm gonna be good not have comments on everybody's. But you know, the comment about Kelly's with the cap stand, you know, going back to what Gianni said of productivity during the day, that 30% less in fertility not only is 30% less, it's also a 30% less de a decrease in time filling up during the day productivity that you're having during the day. All of those things aid into what Johnny plays out all the time of that, that true, true dollars per acre that you're investing every year. So I just wanted to, you know, say something about that as well. May, uh, reference to a whole bunch of changes. These are pretty big wholesale changes. First off, you've got more diversity of crop, uh, mix than anybody else. Um, you know, rice, cotton, corn, soy, and you're making some pretty big changes. Did the numbers ferret this out? Uh, did, did, did he come to you and say make the numbers work? Or did you go to him lane and say, here's the numbers. Uh, really and truly as when it comes to crop mixing, you know, dad's more the financial number guy. Uh, I mean as far as it's, it's basically been just what our grower standard is as far as as dollars per acre. What it costs us to grow a, grow a crop versus what you can get it for. This is gonna present a bunch of changes when you're farming stuff, when you get stuff planted, when the stuff gets harvested, what time it comes ready to be done. And then there's the marketing part of it. Are you sure you're ready? I get it that this is some pretty big insights you're gonna leverage for next season's farming success one year from now. Are you gonna be on this, uh, webinar and you'll say, Hey, I gotta admit, I kind of, I kind of gave myself too much to do and I was overwhelmed, stressed, and this didn't actually work out like I hoped, Man, that's you. I ain't got much hair left. I spent every year. But no, I mean, you know, the, the diversity in crops as far as probably taking more corn out of the mix than it was, it's gonna, so our, our window has been, has been tight, especially this year, you know, our planting dates get a little closer and closer together. Beans come up, corn's been going back. The more beans we add to our mix, the more rice we add towards our mix rice makes me wanna pull my hair out sometimes. Anyways. Uh, yeah, I mean, it, it, it is gonna be, it might be a little bit more stressful, but I mean, if it's more dollars in your pocket, then you know, you take a little stress with that. Well, it seems like it's gonna maybe dilu what about the management of the time? What about the people? Uh, if you're not planting as much corn, that, that changes your planting window. And then also utilization of facilities. I've been to your, your grain, uh, facility mat where you stay, you sleep on a couch for several days, maybe you're not have to do that because that was all 'cause of the corn coming in, needing, drying, right? Oh yeah. The, the harvest as far as being at the bins would be less. Uh, but to add to what lane says when you, when you go heavy in one crop, you know, that's gonna put a little more stress on us as to, you know, we diversify. That's a big deal for us is diversification. And that's where we're gonna bring the rice in the row rice in, is to take a little heat off of that, that bean crop. Our bean crop will not be any bigger than it was last year probably, or be really close, but we're adding that rice to it, which is a little later planting than the, than what we went to soybeans. We, we went, you know, we, we bumped the soybean planting up, you know, due to yield to pretty dagg gum early. Uh, so it, it's gonna be a little bit of a challenge. It's gonna be more a challenge at harvest when you're looking at those combines saying who's going to corn, who's going to beans? You know, and then we get into a damaged situation with the beans and the weather, not so much with the corn. So that's gonna be, it's, it's gonna be challenging in harvest Or down rice. That'd make it even worse. Yeah. And no wheat, there's not gonna be any wheat at miles Farms. No, we went, we went without any wheat this year. Uh, you know, we run the numbers and if wheat's not seven to $8 a bushel, we can just do a better job of full season beans than trying to grow wheat and beans together because we're gonna go from, from 80 bushel beans down to 55 or 60 bushel beans. Um, and that, that knocks a lot of the profit out for us. You know, Chad, by The way, that in case wait, wait to the person that's watching that's joining this webinar right now, that's because they double cropped down where they are. So the reason he's talking about is beans planted after wheat, which is Johnny says June 10th, uh, 12 15th. Was it the same for you? Yeah, as far as our planting date, yeah. Yes. And we get into that extreme heat, you know, and, and Johnny May get into the double crop corn, but we had a meeting last week and Johnny was talking about how good his double crop corn was, and ours came up the same way and we started pouring the coals to it, and then we got that 15 days of 110 to 115 heat index and it destroyed that double crop corn. So I guess what I'm saying is we gotta, man, we ma we have to manage the heat along with everything else. And I get up front of, for, for calling it little Vietnam a lot, but I mean, it, it's a big deal and temple, and I can explain that on this webinar if we have time. All right. I want to hear from Temple. Before we do that, let's go to Chad. Chad, you got something, an insight, uh, a takeaway, a lesson from this year that you said, I'm going to apply that for next year's, uh, changes I'm gonna make in 2024 because of this and here's why, and here's how it's gonna make me more successful. No, I don't know if I have anything I done rat. You know, I don't know if I have any changes that make me more successful, I may have a bunch of beep that I don't do again. You know, um, I don't, I don't really know. With that being said, I know for a fact that when we, let's just talk about double crop soybeans for just a second. I promise you that the faster you can get your wheat out, whether it's desiccation of wheat, whether it's drying wheat, whatever it is, the fast you can plant in beans, the more bushels you'll make. And I mean, everybody knows that, but it is serious. Like we had some double crop beans that goes, you know, farm average 70 bushel, um, which was, you know, great for us when some, we had some early beans that farm averages was 86, you know, 90 irrigated beans, you know, so that's what Matt's talking about. Um, but now the later you get within, I mean, every day is a bunch of bushels. So that's something that we'll do. We'll push harder at trying to get our crop harvested faster. Like, you know, we had a, what they call a skeleton crew, you know, down, we had a couple guys from Ohio, couple guys from Indiana, you know, Chad Perkins showed up down here, and we knocked some wheat in the head for about a week there. Like we cut, I don't know, I don't remember what it was. I think it was 1500, 1600 acres and had it planted and then it rained and we planted the first week of June, y'all, I, I don't know, I didn't pay them guys near enough for what they made me to get that wheat crop out and get those beans planted back because I've never, never had the help that some of these other people have. You know, like Matt, how much, you know, they have a lot of help. And it's just not that way in our area. It's harder to do with the industries that's around us to get really, you know, good help. I, I have a great bunch of guys, but I don't have an abundance of a great bunch of guys. What about then the takeaway being, uh, we're gonna just not, we're gonna not do as much wheat. We're gonna do traditional beans. We're gonna put 'em in conventionally and not do not gonna follow wheat. Why? Why is that not one of your insights from 2023 to just cut way back on wheat? Like Matt? Because I'm not, I don't have irrigated all irrigated, so I've had years where I don't make the 20 bushel beans, 30 bushel beans. You go to a landlord with 30 bushel beans and pay share rent or go to the landlord and pay a big high cash rent and make 20 bushel beans. It's a good way to get yourself put outta business. So, I mean, I can't, can't, you're, you're lose roll dice. We, we we're only 25% irrigated. And so with our, with our wheat, you know, we put some pivots under it, but I mean, we we're running cutting dry land soybeans and that's just a big, big, big gamble for us to take, you know? Well, and Damon, that's the thing. What Chad and I went through this, I mean, we've been doing this a while together and, and you know, when he explains that the dry land, I'm, I'm fortunate to have a hundred percent irrigated. Okay? So that changes the whole perception from a, from a dry land farmer, even temple that makes a lot of times as good on his dry land as, as he does on his irrigated, you know, when you get a little further south that that changes. And, you know, but one thing Chad said there, you know, he told me this when I went back into wheat production. He said, you're not gonna get an increase from these products we use, you know, we're still looking for that silver bullet that'll make a wheat bean, a double crop bean get better. And, and you can put the same product on a full season bean as you count a double crop bean and get zero to maybe a third of the result you count out of a full, a full season bean. It, it has a lot to do with our weather pattern. Right. Uh, you were gonna talk about something that with, uh, temple, one of your big takeaways from 2023 and you wanna get into that now and or you want me to let you guys prepare and go over to Kelly? Uh, you do, uh, whichever way you wanna do it. Well, temple hasn't talked for a while, so we better go over here. He still has his hand up. I don't know how to take his hand down on, on this call here. But the point is, temple, you got something that you guys prepared, uh, when we were talking about this topic before we started today. Uh, so go ahead and, and give me, give me the, the quick and dirty. So, um, as you know, for a couple years between me and Chad and Matt, and we've been working on this, you know, a lot of this really, really late season stuff that we're talking about, um, and what I'm seeing work here for me, um, Chad and Matt, you know, Chad saw it one year. Matt can't see it at all. And we can explain what we, what we think in theory is why, and it's kind of the same in theory, um, scenario that I'm gonna tell you right now. The reason that Matt can make a application on full season soybeans and get a positive ROI and he can make that same application, him and Chad both on a, a double crop soybean and they get no return on investment. The reason is why is because at that plant's life stage, it's racing so hard because of their heat and what they're getting. It's racing so hard and growing so fast, you almost can't hit the stage and make a difference because it's, it's, it's getting through it so quickly. So that's part of, you know, what Matt and I are gonna talk about. So what I'll tell you is, is the late season fertility that we're trying to dial in for, for instance on me, for, for corn, and we've gone right down to, you know, trying to dial it in by gdu, not by growth stages, just trying to dial it right in. The differences that I've seen on that, you know, um, the good people at Natures and some of these other companies have come in and, and tried to help me with with some of this, with using their agronomy teams and trying to figure out exactly what that plant needs, you know, at that, you know, quote unquote GDU, um, we, I think, I think we figured out in my area what works in the exact GDU that we need to be at. And that, and, and basically what we're trying to figure out is the difference between that GDU and where it hits black player, where the corn plant is done. Now that is not working for Matt. Matt, tell them why it's not working for you. Yeah. So y'all have heard of the, uh, abbreviation, fomo, fear of missing out, fear of missing out. So they come out with a send deal and I'm like, I feel like, I feel like I'm not in a group anymore. I can't send it, you know, so, so this year we did R five applications on corn. We did it on soybeans, and I was gonna make this double digit yields that that temple was making, you know, with this, this end season deal, we started out with a really good crop and we got into pollination. We got into, you know, bean field and, or not bean field, but reproductive stage of the beans. And I mean, it was very mild weather, so we knew that pollination was gonna be good and it was working really well for us. So then we get to these later stages where these double digits are coming in and we, we laid it in there, you know, we're like, okay, this is gonna, we're really gonna make some corn now and, and can speak on the data. 'cause I didn't go back today and look at the data of these R five, these later applications on beans and corn. One place. We, we went in the negative, you know? And so what we got to looking at is, you know, I need to look at this, this late season application in the Delta or in the South, like Chad looks at land. If I'm looking at a 15, 20 day forecast after, you know, into getting in these late stages and it's, and it's gonna be really, really hot. I'm better off not to do 'em. Now I'm not saying if it's really mild that I can't come in there and do something like that, but that grain field period, and Chad goes through this too, you know, when our corn's pollinating normally it's super hot here. So we have a really short window of grain field that when you're in milder temperatures, you have a, you can stretch that out, you know, so that's where, uh, you know, Tim said this today, he said, I don't think it's got time to get in there. You know, these, this fertility and the different things we're doing with that, with that really short grain field. 'cause the really hot temperatures are not working. So I've gotta go back to the drawing board and start back over and say, okay, I, you know, and I, and I agree with Temple, you know, you don't feed, you don't feed a a three-year-old a Thanksgiving dinner that, that Johnny would eat, you know? 'cause if it's not gonna do any good, they're not gonna eat it all. So, so we're putting so much in front and you know, at times, and, and that's what Tim was talking about and he's not getting a benefit, but he got that a LS damage and his corn, he didn't think it was gonna be anything and he had a 200, uh, 375 bushel national winner out of that same corn that he probably wanted to dis up because he had that late season applications he could make. And we get in the position where we can't make those late season applications because the heat takes it over. And that's where the products like shield and, and these different, uh, you know, things that we can use to maybe mitigate that. We're gonna go back to drawing board. And then in those late season applications, we're gonna try some of these stress mitigators only, you know, not even put the f fertility out there or the pgr. A PGR probably made me a negative this year because the plant was in so much stress already and then we're piling something on it to say, you gotta do more. So, so we have figured out because, and that's a good thing about this group having a big footprint, what works for Simple and I wanna go do that, man, I'm fixing to go wide open. It don't work for me down here. Lane, you're in the office, you're on the farm with him every day. He calls it fear of missing out. Let's face it, he felt left out of the clique. And, and uh, and I think we've all felt that, I mean, I think really here it's a moment. Uh, it's December. I think we've all seen the movie Rudolph where he got picked on and was excluded. I think we've all felt that pain. 'cause we're not with, uh, temple and Chad and I think that's what we're talking about. Lane, what do you think? Yeah, I mean, honestly, I mean you really do kind of get the FOMO when when you get, you know, temple and Chad talking about all this, you know, big deals that they get and you go do something like, like that and it really don't work. Uh, before we get into that though, dad, I don't know that Johnny's been eating his Thanksgiving dinners. He don't look like he's been eating them the way he used to, but he might, He might be eating the, he might be eating the same ration. They're giving the 3-year-old, Hey Kelly, I wanna go to you big stuff on nitrogen. And before we do that, when you talked about your capstan ag results that, um, I won't say astounded probably is a little bit of a big word, but it surprised you. It, it, it, it, it was a big, it was a big surprise to you that you had that big of a bump. Why? Why did we get that bump? Because of the concentration of the product on the seat. You know, probably in that case, you know, probably more is better. Uh, everybody, you know, I shouldn't say things like everybody, but I think by and large people are trying to run as lean as possible in furrow. They're, they'd be the opposite of send it. It's a little bit of pop-up fertility, things like that. And um, you know, in this field, in this environment, we uh, we saw a big result from putting more on each seat. Okay, so that, That's the only thing I got. I if anybody's open to, Chad has an idea. I don't know why else it would be Chad, why did he get the, that nine? Was it nine bushel bump, um, by cap Stand, nine bushel relative to the dribble When you do, Oh, I don't have, You're talking to two Temple and, and Kelly, two national winners here so they know what they're doing on this corn deal. Well IIII think I, we all know that. So what's, what's Chad what's your reasoning on why he got a nine bushel bump on the capstan ag? Uh, sure. Shot, select shot. I always forget which one's it called. Select shot. Dude, I couldn't make half what they made. Nevermind. I, I wanna know if you went ahead and just put the whole five gallons per acre on each one of them seeds and then you'd be a really in ascended situation and don't cut back that 30%. What could you have made Kelly? That's what I wanna know. So this year's, I need to put the disclaimer up. I need you to do that for me. Yeah, yeah, Yeah. Don't, Will's getting nervous. Will's getting nervous. You're talking about miss, miss, uh, miss miss applications that do not comply with label. Okay, so don't do that. It gets willer really antsy. So you know what, you know, me and Kelly, that's a great point Kelly brought up. You know, we, he brought that out. Um, 'cause we talked about last year, you know, cutting the fertility back, putting sugars, PGRs, things that won't affect root growth, you know, into the soils. And me and Kelly was talking about the same thing in our infer programs. You know, Kelly, am am I wrong that mine and your infra programs was looking identical? That's right. So, so with that being said, you know, Kelly has proven that he thinks he has too much nitro nitrogen in his soil. Um, on the other side around, I don't know that I hadn't proven that I need the fertility, but I don't think we need the fertility when the plant's wanting to put, put the fertility out. So how about that? You know, if we back up, you know, I've learned a lot this year on, you know, you talk about takeaways, you talk about takeaways earlier, and I've sit here and reflected on a lot of the stuff and, and I couldn't really come up with anything. You know, I've come up with a lot of things I do wrong. I hadn't come up with anything I'd done really good. Um, and, and you know, we've made a lot of comments about like, you only, you only fail when you don't learn something from your mistakes. Okay? So with looking at that, you know, the thing I've learned is I am not, I'm, if you look at the bell curve on the uptake chart of a corn plant and you look at what we're doing and you look at where we're all we're focusing and all we talk about, and you know, me and Temple talk about an R five application. Matt talks about it don't work. Um, Matt's using an airplane at two gallon. Oh, anyway, um, Wow. So, so any, but when my point being said, we gotta take a closer look and, and dive into these bell curves, the uptake pieces, uh, where phosphorus needs to be, where nitrogen needs to be. Kelly knows, you know, that he's got too much in me and Matt know we can't hold enough. Um, so there are timing windows and when we can apply this, if we took as much time to dictate and know those pieces, I think we'll see light at the end of the tunnel. Matt, you got your, uh, you got something to contribute? Yeah, I just, you know, Chad's kinda a little bit jacked up on it, on his, on his corn. But I, I, I wanna say this, that, that what success I've had in corn has been, he's been instrumental in what I've had in corn. I went from, from where I was to, and he and Chad's helped me a lot. So, uh, I've gotta give kudos to him for, I mean, I call him every week, do we need to do this? Do we need to do that? You know, and he's like, well, I've done this, don't do that. I've done this. You know, I, I'm basically, I'm, I'm gleaning my information off what he is done. Okay. Me too. Me too. I just, I feel bad. I remember in one of the episodes, uh, of Mash Matt, where Margaret Hot Lips, Houlahan was so ostracized by the other nurses, and then at the end, they finally invited her to have fudge together. I, I kind of feel like you're having your Hot Lips Houlahan moment with the other nurses in this episode. I really do that maybe they're gonna invite you in. But anyway, I mean, I'll be honest with you, a lot of things on this webinar, Kelly, uh, temple, he said it well, I mean, you, we, we learn from each other. We're no different than a guy that's watching this webinar. You know, there's a, there's a lot of things we're doing. I'd say half of what I'm doing today, I'm doing, because of extreme ag, something Kelly's told me about notching, you know, I've really studied nitrogen after what Kelly's told me. You know, we're good. We're Gonna go to Kelly next. We're going to Kelly next, talk about nitrogen, because this has been a big thing two years ago. I was at your farm in October of 21, and you said, stress mitigation is my biggest thing in 2022. Damien, I'm gonna focus on, it's gonna be my biggest overriding theme. Stress mitigation. Stress reduction. We've never seen a plant that wasn't stressed. That was your thing in 22, 23. You were, uh, you had a few different objectives. One of 'em was the nitrogen situation. You experiment with nitrogen, a field just around the corner from your house. We were all there. We filmed stuff there where you put out no nitrogen. And you said, I know that's not the right answer, but you got almost fine. Where's the bottom? And where we, we've overdone it. You're all about nitrogen in 2023. Where's this take you in 2024, based on what you gleaned from your 23 nitrogen analysis? Alright, I got a couple different trials to talk about. First we had, uh, on a dry land farm of Connors, we had grower standard practice. You know what, what I assume is the average grower standard practice, 180 pounds of anhydrous per acre fall applied. And then we had, and we had like three acre blocks. We had zero anhydrous, we had 60 pounds, one 20 and two 40 to compare against the grower standard practice of 180. Well, the worst shield was zero. And I, uh, I don't have the number in front of me right now, but zero was, was by far the worst. You know what the second worst was though, from an ROI standpoint? 2, 2 40. Yeah, Two 40. And then, then was the 180, then the 20, the six. So the, the six, the 80, or pardon me, the zero really fell off. Okay. But the 60, the one 20, the 180, and the two 40 were all within four bushel of each other. The 60 was the ROI winner. So you wanna talk about over-applying nitrogen. This is just an average dry lamb field. Nothing special done to it. Go ahead, Che. Let's talk about the same thing. Same trial with my fertility on dry fertilizer on a strip till when I go from a 75 pounds to 150 pounds to 225 pounds, and then I put liquid in to match it up. Me and Tommy are, and the folks at Agri Liquid the same way. I mean, we've matched this up with two or three different recipes, and we get the same way, like the dry fertilizer at, at 50 and then say, $20 more than you would spend of liquid fertility will run 6, 8, 10, 12 bushel ahead of what we could do, even if I did the 225 pound with the same liquid fertility. You see what I'm saying? Like, it's a, it's a concentration, a root burn, a biology deal. It's something going on in that. But go ahead, Kelly. I'm sorry. So, no, that's all right. So the, you know, the 60 pounds of anhydrous was the ROI winner. There just wasn't any yield difference. And you know, I, I wanted to share that trial first. For the precursor what's coming. We believe that we're over-applying nitrogen, you know, and obviously we didn't make much more yield there or any that four, that four bushel difference was up and down. It wasn't like the two 40 was four bushel better than the 60. There was just all back stuff in there. It, and the term for it is un assimilated nitrogen. So the, the plant might take up extra nitrogen, but it's un assimilated. It's out of balance. The plant uses amino acids to convert the nitrogen to protein. Obviously, I'm oversimplifying that a little bit, but it's, uh, it's, uh, farmer speak. You know, so the, when we don't have enough micronutrients, I don't care if you do have 240 pounds of anhydrous out there, the plant cannot assimilate it. So, you know, we, we've started to say that we're over applying nitrogen. And you know, Matt and I, when we were in, uh, when we were together a couple weeks ago, we, we decided that, that, that's not really a complete statement. We we're out of balance and we're over-applying nitrogen relative to the amount of micronutrients that we have. And so, because we can't assimilate all that. So as a grower, you've got to decide what you want to do. And this will be the change for next year. This is what I'm gonna do in, uh, you know, Connor's out there with Evans and they're taking SAP samples every week. We worked very hard to assimilate the nitrogen at V 10. We were only 85% assimilated, and the goal was to be above 95%. We, we flew the plane an extra time at V 10, spent $140,000, and we, uh, we came out and then at R one we had 96% assimilation. We were so excited. Connor comes back to the house. 75% of our plants had two ears. I was so excited. And we come, then we got into some heat, things like that. Evans and I and Connor are, have had some very, you know, a little bit heated debates on what happened. I believe that even though we reached the simulation, we didn't reach it at a high enough level. We're talking about it today. You know, we had about 1300 parts per million nitrogen with 96% of simulation in our SAP samples. What we're take, you know, the, the tests that we're taking, and we believe now next year, we have a goal in our research, we have a goal to reach a simulation at 2000 parts per million. We have a, we have a couple products that we want to try. We tried 'em this year and in some soybeans, we have a couple products we're gonna try that we're gonna put in the plane that we believe we can raise that nitrogen level. We're pretty optimistic about it actually. So I wanna see if I can, the change for next year is I am going, I'm gonna raise my nitrogen level in the plant and I will raise the, uh, the micronutrient level accordingly to again, maintain that assimilation, but a higher level because I believe that it will, I believe we can have a big ROI, I think we were close this year when that, when that ear set, we had 75% of the plants had two ears. We just couldn't hold it. The debate is, Connor and Mike think that it was the heat. I don't, I think that we can manage around that. Just like we can manage, there's several other things we can manage around, but the plant, again, is under stress. And if we nutritionally balance the plant at the appropriate level at a high enough level, I don't think the heat's as big a problem as it, uh, as it's made out to be. I think we're further from the, uh, I think we're, uh, I think we're further from the nutritional level we need to be at, to reach potential. I don't think the heat will be as big a factor if we get there. That's a big takeaway, by the way. So, interesting. Are you gonna also continue to reduce nitrogen application? I mean, the point is you're putting, or needs to be, I just, we just did a recording today. Well, I will, you know, we we're, the variable rate that we have now, the work we've been doing, uh, I am comfortable, uh, I believe I'm comfortable where my nitrogen is now. I don't know that I wanna turn it down any further. We'll continue to do some trials, but on the dry land corn, we, uh, you know, and the anhydrous, I won't raise the anhydrous, uh, and I won't raise what's planter applied. What I will change is the gallon or so of this product that we will put through the plane and, you know, so, so no, we're not gonna change our nitrogen much. We're gonna add just a little bit at the end with the plane. We, uh, we have found that like, you know, talking with, you know, like what Chad said, taking fertility off the planter and, and Matt says R five doesn't work, and that's in his geography. The later and later I put fertility, the better and better. ROII get. That's what, that's what aggravates me is I can't make that work. And I'm Not what aggravates me that you make 120 bushel beans. And I don't, I mean it, that's, that's all fair. Well, I mean, the drainfield window, is that why I can't, I can't get that, get that done. I mean it because it's working for everybody but me. To be Honest. With your heat, with your heat and a little Vietnam, I'll be honest with you, it might just move along too fast. Uh, there could be some, Well think about it. And by September one, he's done everything and he's like, what are you all doing? And we're like, for everybody just kind of getting started. Yeah. For everybody watching this webinar, if you notice anybody from south of the Mason Dixon line, once in a while, they'll start a statement by saying, if, I'll be honest with you. And when they do that, I always wonder if the rest of the time they ain't telling us the truth. Yeah, yeah. I'll be, I'll just be honest with you. I'll just be honest with you. I'm like, well, weren't you previously? All right. So yeah, I don't know. We previously Conversation, Tim said it two or three times a night, Shelly said, I think we're rubbing off on them. Chad, you Are. They are. Uh, they're Kelly. Uh, I'm gonna stand on my ground on as a, as a, as a northerner. They're not rubbing off of me. I don't preface things by saying, I'll just be honest with you. I, I assume I'm honest all the time. Hey, that nitrogen thing is an interesting deal. Uh, we haven't heard from Johnny for a while. I think. Uh, uh, one last insight from, from you, the thing we recorded about today, cutting back on phosphorus. Do you see yourself cutting back on nitrogen? Also, Johnny, because, uh, you had Brewer blessed on a recording today, you're agronomist and it looks like there's some, some low hanging fruit. That's an insight you can use. Yeah, I, I think we'll continue to use biologicals to allow us to cut back on, you know, synthetic nitrogen. And I, I think over the next few years you'll see a decrease across our farm. 'cause the trials we've done in the last two years, it's getting to be closer and closer to a whole farm practice. So, So when we get together next year and talk about insights from 24 that are gonna apply to 25, you think you're gonna go down this same road that Kelly's talking about of reducing macro, uh, applications and, and reapportioning that investment as Chad talks about reapportioning that investment to a micronutrient. Wait, what do you got, Chad? So Johnny, I have a question. Alright, How many gallon of humic are we talking about? Alright, four to five gallons. All right. We do have a question. We have a real question. This is from Jeff Fritz. Jeff asked Kelly, what organic matter and CEC values does the soil and your test have? Okay, organic level, organic matter level and the CEC account. Do you think that contributes to the results you had? He something about your nitrogen results, I assume? Yes. Our, you know, the soil that we have here, I, I, this is a difficult question to answer 'cause they're gonna make fun of me, but the soil here is so special, uh, relative to what they all have to deal with. And, uh, uh, it, it's so, you know, 'cause it's windblown lusts, it's so deep and it, it still presents its own set of challenges, but it's so deep and so good and the organic level, you know, those guys are those, these other guys, the wheat stubble is so precious, for example, we bail it because we don't need it. They need it for organic matter. And, you know, our, our organic matter is three and a half or 4%. Our CECs are 16 to 2018 to 22. And, uh, the, the microbial system here of a healthy soil, um, I believe is something that we're barely scratching the surface on the potential of what's possible, of what's being converted here. Um, earlier today, we, I had a recording and the one of the questions was, uh, how many pounds of nitrogen does it take to, uh, raise a bushel of corn? And, you know, the most, most people, they always want to talk. They think that they synthetically need to supply all of that. And that's part of the reason that we're so far out of balance is no credit is given to what Mother Nature is, uh, providing. And you know, I I will say that my high yield path and my sustainable path, they, they're converging. And the reason is, if I can work in tune with Mother Nature instead of against her, uh, I believe that's the way to, I believe that's the way to hire yields. And we're trying to figure that out. And that's some of the things I talk about with balance and, and with reducing the nitrogen and, and, and working in tune with Mother Nature. All right. That, by the way, that's good. And I like that. It's been been another one of your recent themes is the convergence of high yield and high yield versus working with nature don't have to be mutually exclusive. In fact, they can converge down the same path. We called this episode, leveraging this Season's Insights, insights for next Season's Farming success. And we covered a lot of ground here. We talked about cropping mix changes down and, and the Delta with the Miles Brothers. We talked about a whole bunch of stuff with Temple, more than I can get to, frankly. Uh, talked about Johnny Burrell making some big equipment changes, talked about nitrogen issues, talked about his capstan ag, big surprise. And then Chad was a, a reluctant to say that he made any big, um, successful decisions and all of a sudden he decided he had one. The point is, we're an open book. Uh, I think it was Chad that said, when I very first started with these guys, there's no such thing as, um, a failure. There's just a, a trial that didn't work out. So we share this with you. If you're not following everything we do at, at Extreme mag.farm, you really should. Hundreds of videos, hundreds of podcasts. We produced the Cutting the Curve podcast, and it's all there free for the taking. We're doing this again on January 4th, on January 4th. The first Thursday of the month is what we're gonna be doing this. We changed it this time because the guys have been busy traveling the first Thursday of the month, January 4th, and the one after, that'll be February one. On January 4th, we're gonna cover a topic. You do not want to miss your equipment sitting in the shed. You've got the shop humming. Well, you know what, what fixes, tips, upgrades, what tricks are you doing on your planter that make it ready for spring? That's what we're covering in the January 4th webinar. Optimizing Your Planter Tips, fixes and upgrades for Spring Success. We're covering it the first week of January. You'll have plenty of time then to take what these guys are talking about doing to their planter to get your planter dialed up for a very big planting season. That's what we're covering. So that's what we're doing come January 4th. Mark your calendar. Have a very happy holiday season. On behalf of Extreme Ag, guys, had a really good year. We hope you had a really good year of keeping up with all the great stuff they're producing to share with you so that you can up your farming game. Check out the new Extreme Ag website coming next year, and also some great new information and trials, field days, et cetera. We're gonna have a stupendous to 2024. Thank you for being here.

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