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8 Jul 2279 min 48 secPremium Content

Mid-season: The hard work of early season preparation and planting is done and now it’s time to take a leisurely drive by your fields and admire your crops right? Wrong. The guys from XtremeAg don’t let their guard down midway through the cropping year and neither should you. If you want big yields come harvest time, there are certain make-or-break practices you can’t overlook during the summer. 

Hey folks, welcome to the July 7th webinar here put on by the good people of extreme AG. We appreciate you being here. And again, if you have a question go ahead and move your curse around at the bottom. There's a little hand that says raise hand you can click on that or you can just comment. There is a place for you to type in your comments or your questions and we will certainly address them. We're talking about mid-season practices to mitigate stress and boost yields, you know, one of the big things that we cover and all of our recordings is what are you doing? Now? What are you doing now will and I were just down in Alabama last week with Chad and it's like what are we doing? Now? What is happening out here right now just because the crops are growing doesn't mean you put your feet up and and do nothing. You still got to make sure that you're supplying the nutrients you're taking care of things. So this is gonna be about practices. Chemistry foliers fertilizers whatever thing you're doing mid-season. And of course mid-season's gonna be different for Lee up in Greater South Dakota than it is for Matt down in the Delta part of Arkansas. So whatever mid-season is for you I'm guessing it might be July June July August, depending on where you are. We're gonna talk about those mid-season practices Lee lubbers is gonna lead us off first. What's a mid-season practice that you do that mitigate stress or boost your yields come Harvest Time Lee. One thing we're a fan of is working with different foliar products to help alleviate stress or really expanding that this year. We have a total of six different things on our corn crop to help mitigate stress two of them are from the pgr realm one is a another biological that's got humics and fulvix and things we don't even know in it from agerson that looks very promising. We put some on 10 days ago and I can already see a visual difference. Uh, and let's see. We're also going to do some foliar heat shield, which is something unconventional on corn. We still have that one to do so, we have five out of six on and then one of them we applied today. Is a coconut extract. That came out of Europe and we applied that today to help kind of seal up the plant and moderate temperature. So there is no one thing when it comes to the foliar side. All right, so I think that that's pretty intriguing you said six different things you put on that you in the in the area that you would call in the calendar time, you'd call Mid season six different things that you apply all foliar of course and you put them on and how many different batches Uh, we have put it on from V3. Well, actually two of the products were essentially inoculating the plant those were on earlier. They needed to be on prior to V6. We finished up some today. We were putting on at bright at V8 and then we'll also going to do a combination of product along with fungicide at VT. So we're going to expand and lengthen out our trials from essentially from b3v4 all the way to be. Okay, many of these so is that did I count three treatments three different applications? No word everything. It's a it's a one-time shot the way we're doing it some we can incorporate with other products, but we're doing everyone in a standalone position so that we can get data out of it. So that way hands on itself. One thing was done pre V6. Another was done at V8 or V10. So there's at least two applications. Yeah, everything is going to be a different stages with the different products, but they're applied one time. Okay, that's what I meant. So yeah more mobile treatments one time. All right. Now we said that this is stuff that you're doing these are are all of these trials or do you have an actual history with any of those products that says why you're doing them? This time is everything a trial out of those six products or are a couple of them proven and become standard practice for Loopers Farms. We're we try to be proactive when it comes to Stress Management and our weather guy. It was talking we are going to have a rough July. So we positioned a lot of product ahead of time and two of them. We've already worked with a lot so we felt very comfortable applying those one from agrison. We got a lot of confidence from Kelly was able to I think get 20 acres last year apply his corn and he was dry real nice yield pop and I looked at yield data out of Western Kansas and it Got our attention. So we had to pull a lot of strings to get it but we got 2,000 acres worth of that product that we just finished up the terramar today and like I mentioned earlier the first chunk went on we're splitting it up trying our time length, see what we can see and where we put it on 10 days ago. I could see a visual difference yesterday when I went back into the field to finish it. Anything that you use last year that's in the mix this year I guess is what I'm asking it. Okay that the shield we have worked with before we have worked each shield for a long time from hefty's ever since it's been launched. But usually it's in a seed treatment or infero this year. We're expanding it to a foliar pass and doing that in an experiment, but we are very familiar with that product. Okay, so of the six products that you're putting out there this year, you've got most familiarity with and two of them. It sounds like right he should for sure and then one of the agress products. Yeah, and then the Pacesetter a merge and that'll go on at VT. And that one we saw nice results that on V8 corn actually fight it early last year with Fungicide and we got very dry late in the season and we saw a yield to increase by that so this year we're mixing it up instead of going early. We're gonna go more to recommended time of VT. Awesome, when we say mid-season in Gregory, South Dakota. What's what's mid-season to you in your world? Is that is that July is mid-season for you. Right now today it's applying like ad for the last. Four days running both sprayers treating our corn. I did some of the earlier trials 10 days ago on teramore and the one of the products where you inoculate the plant essentially be three that was done. Almost three weeks ago on some fields. Got it. All right, so we'll go over to your left as I'm looking at the screen. That's Chad Henderson and we're just down there will and I shooting a ton of content. So if you're watching this and participating and you want to see some cool stuff start looking at what we did some really interesting stuff that we did down there at Henderson Farms Chad mid season for you is what five weeks sooner than it is for Lee. Yeah, something like that at least. All right, so maybe six weeks sooner or so in Madison Alabama mid season for you would have been about five to six weeks ago. Let's say what did you do in that month ago or so period of time that you think is a mid-season practice that either boost your yields or reduces stress or all of the above. Well, you know, well, we're we're kind of like Lee it would have been in our V3 to V5 range something that we count on. is our owner herbicide pass, we just keep adding things to the herbicide pass, you know, and like said I've told y'all before, you know, the guys that spray and just get get sick of the can't stand the corn herbicide because it it's the one time we have seem like I'm driving corn that we can that we can affect it and not make another pass. So that's kind of we're at we're up to now I think seven things in there, you know counting your atrazine and round up and we'll have a pgr of some sort, you know sugar products and all these things are things over the last four or five six years that we have added one at a time and seeing that little yield book, you know, when you can't really say like always gonna be 18.2 bushel. If you do this right here, it's a it's a systems, you know, we preach on here all the time on Extreme mag about a systems approach, you know, there's no one Silver Bullet. It's all about starting strong running through the season and running a full system and staying with your plan, you know, so that's kind of what we doing is like say we'll have a you know our herbicide then we'll have a PDR And then we'll have you know a sugar product. you know when in some sort of full vic as well, you know, so we just it just keeps heading to it. Anything that you swear by that you just started, you know, you talk about their practices now that you're like man, I wish I started doing this sooner that you just started in the last couple of years. I mean when I was down there we slowly look to the skidful of sugar. We looked at a whole bunch of stuff your trialing this year, but the sugar has become standard practice, right? Yeah. I mean the sugar cane standard practice for a long time. It's been I guess we're seven right years on standard price on it this year something, you know, we've played a lot with fungicides early, you know, we always do the fun just had like and I never do the fungicide right at tassel because I always want to put fertility with it. So this year I split it up and applied my fertility. I supplies some fertility early precastle and and put a I wouldn't say it cheaper but a cheaper fungicide in and then added other products with it and then I'm gonna come back. This was a first time that we really done that because we've seen fungicides, you know, what to be six Rangers. Right and they haven't ever really paid off for me. Yeah, it gives us plant Health, but it hadn't really putting money back in. So we went a little earlier that well a little later than usual but pretty tassel owner fungicide on irrigated corn. And then we're coming back again at Brown sealed, then we can really throw the kitchen sink at it. You know and try to finish the crop out. You see I mean, that's what we'll seen some of that mixing. Most of those things you're doing. Do you think that when you say it standard practice even like sugar for the last seven years if you went down the road 20 miles 30 miles far enough away that they aren't gonna judge it. Are they doing all the things you just named are they doing half the things you just named are they doing? None of the things you just need no thing to just name. I mean like I'll give you example, you know. I explore you know Brewer there. I said, you know one of our trials on it, you know with that explore. He's like, you know, I want farmer standard practice on 48 rows and then I won't thank explore practice on this many Rose. I'm like, okay. Well, that's no problem. He's like Jedi I said farmer practice not bad farmer practice. So, you know, that's kind of one things. I got you mean like all the way back like over practice. He's like y'all like I said, well this is going this is costing me money now. He's like it's just 48 rows, but you see what I'm getting like farmer practices is, you know a big deal for a lot of farmers and it's you know, when they and they make good going but a big deal for a lot of farmers just put some more on Yeah, so since you're since you're the Boron Guy, I learned that my very first recording with you, I think at your farm or maybe it was a second time when we were at the farm progress show with our good friends Wendell of Wendell bulgee one of our sponsors. Boron goes on midseason along with everything else. I just whole season more on his whole season not mid season. Hope moron. There's never there's never not a season for Boron Anderson Farm. I mean in the style. I mean it's different, you know, you take Kelly and evenly up there, you know, we discuss this in our group before like, hey Lee can take a pound of board on you know, and just keep really good numbers through the year or or Kelly can as well, you know pound pound to have more on is a really you know, that's a big dose for them sometimes and me, you know, I I don't know. I don't know if I don't know if eight pounds will make it all the way through the year where I want to hold it. It's just extremely hard to hold extremely hard to keep up in the plant, you know in in my Souls. So, you know, it's it's just again, it's it's all where we land and and what you know, that don't mean it somebody now. We need to go out there put eight pounds on you know, it just means that you know, we've definitely there's definitely work to be done in all these areas and testing to be doing all these products, you know, and you know, whether it's a pgr or whatever. I'm gonna ask you a question. Also Chad since you do you're through the kitchen sink at it. Is there something you used to do three to five years ago midseason that you're not doing now? No product or practice. I don't there's Gabby something, right? I mean even because like said things used to be simpler, you know, and when I say sampler it we can make farming sample. You know, like I said I can I can get get to go up come out here and spread a blend and get them top dress my corner and I go the beach, you know, but that's not who we are. Not what we're trying to do. Um, but you know simple simple and my next Woods get you about 230 bushel, you're gonna get you about 230 bushel, you know, and if you ask for the wall is if you want to do some more things, you'll go to 250 to 16 and there's another wall somewhere around 300 so to three ten and so it's just According to which wall you want to climb. You know and how best that you are in climbing that wall. Don't get halfway over and stop because you won't climbing you'll be an invest your money. Anybody anything on that? I like Chad's usage of illustrations like that climbing a wall getting half width of wall not getting over everybody anything to contribute to chat. You know, I just text him and told him how good a job. He just don't because he's down there summed up the whole Webinar with what he just said, I mean it I mean it he's a hundred percent correct about hitting the wall. It's simple to get you to a certain point and then and then you want to get a little bit more put more work put more product do more experimentation. It'll take you 30 bushels north of that and then there's another wall and then there's the one after that so and you know, there's nothing wrong with simple, you know, people all time say well that's I can't believe that's all you want to make when my dad says you know it if you want to farm in here sit I'm be fine with simple. There's there's a lot of people that you know, we've heard this and now you make this put kids through schools bought farms and and raise families own simple. There's there's nothing wrong with it. But when you want to try something go out there and pick your 40 acres, you know, unless and let's take simple and let's do it. Let's take to take another way to it, you know, and so, you know, we're not saying that you shouldn't do it one way or another because and I start looking back and start talking older farmers, and I just hope I'm where they're at, you know? Actually, I I say I appreciate Matt Chapman in there and saying that he just did an excellent job 18 minutes in he summed it up the whole entire Point here. Is that simple simple get you simple get you done but it didn't go and get you it ain't gonna get you over the wall also. Chad didn't look at his phone because we asked the guys before our members came on to stay off their phone to give all their undivided after on this letter. And by the way, you know what I think the key there was Matt we let Chad drink a couple angry Orchards before you got going. So he's just flowing. He's very he's very flowing and going right now and Dr. Pepper Dr. Pepper on divided attention strike Dr. Pepper. So Lee was very good something Lee wanted to contribute following jet. Of this plays right off. What Chad's talking about. He talked about getting the wall what comes down to low-hanging fruit? That's we're always focused on you always picking off the easy things the base standing on the ground. And yeah, you raise the crop and it's like okay. I got this many bushels. Well, you reach a little further up the tree and you grab something else. That's a challenge and you focus on that. You keep moving moving up the tree is you keep picking off low hanging fruit and you keep going higher up the tree. So your yield Yeah, so yeah, it was it was simple 20 years ago and there was this new next thing and then as the next thing Temple is gonna contribute something sort of and also I I want to talk about Chad was talking about the Boron thing and Chad's absolutely right especially in our kind of souls as well. You know Boron as a product. It doesn't pull through the soul as well as what we all would like to think. So it's a easy product that we can put out there that we can mix in and put them on as these foli repeats. So Chad is absolutely right. We literally every past that we're trying to make across the field as a foliar. We're trying to feed a little more on a little more on because you can't get it into the plant. You can't make it stay there. It moves throughout the plant and it opens up all of the all of the super highways to move other products up and down there. So if you're not spoon feeding a product like moron into your plan all throughout the year, how are you going to get the other nutrients up and down that plant that And it's a facilitation tool to make the rest of your factory continue to work. Right and I think it's important that people realize that that's how some of these things actually work and back to what Chad and Lee and everybody was saying as well, you know, the low hanging fruit and basically I consider like a program if the listeners are out there on Extreme AG listen to this. They're obviously a very successful farmer. It wouldn't be here if it wasn't for that but it doesn't matter if you want to be a simple guy because simple is I had this terrible to me by a guy that's a good friend of mine simple is not always better simple as always simpler and he's right but if you take a program each one of these successful Farmers have a program that has built them their Farm their reputation their family put your kids through college if you take some of these things that we're learning, And smallly at a little bit at a time take a piece of that low hanging fruit and just add just one piece at a time get see if you can figure out the ROI see if you can figure out exactly where the right placement is and with a group like this. We're finding out what these stages are and how a plant needs certain things at certain times. But if you don't keep that plant alive healthy ready to go, you know, I kind of look at things. I guess I'm taking over I'm running my mouth too much but you can stop me if you want to but I think of things as kind of a four-stage it's not really a in a program you're talking about like I think about a startup face that's my beginning age and then I set the plan up that's my second age. And then the third Edge is maintenance, you know tissue sample maintain those balances in your crops and then you get all the way to your stages you reproduction long reproduction, and then that's This line you have some finished products that you have to do and knowing where these products that we are trying to use fits in that program. It really can take you over the edge and it and it can fit right in your original program just add something at each one of these passes that you make it can be a small something or as large. You can be a chat Henderson and eight seven things or be like me and chat tease each other like we're kind of sending guys like, you know send it. Yeah, so and what it's important that you can take that And another thing is, you know, when you do this just do it on one tank full or half a tank full. No if you have to spray, you know. A tank's a hundred acres, you know just makes you up a half a tank load this year on this farm and I'm gonna add two more things to it. And then watch the plant take some tissue samples, you know, this this whole, you know, I've been that guy I've matured a lot. I'm still pretty pretty rough around ages on ascended deal. But you know to calm down some and understand what the products is doing just don't products in like I'm known to do is one thing but to understand the products and where they're going in their placement is a whole nother it is and that's that's a that's a tool that you guys have on this to ask questions of that's where that I've made my biggest bang for all my you know corn and beans we everything understanding what level what stage is that and what it needs to get to that to the next level to get to your next phase that you know, it's a it's a program. It's all the way through. It's not just stress mitigation and I'll say something about stress medication for for Second because I believe I don't believe I do not believe you will say anything for just one second. I'll get all I'm getting off of here. I'm taking my McDonald's Caroline is Caroline still in the office? She left he got tired of hearing me talking. She left the room. Um, so let me finish and then I'll leave you guys alone. So we talk about stress mitigation and we talk about these stress mitigation tools the stress mitigation Tools in my opinion and I'd love to hear these opinion of this. They are only as good as keeping the balance of all your micronutrients all your things inside that plant and your plant Health up to that point. It's only gonna help you if you're balances or correct that point it's not like it's a silver bullet that you can just go out there and you can apply it it's all the sudden it's like wow that really did everything for me because it's not gonna give you an oral I if you haven't already set up your your entire program, it works very well. But there's a hole in it if you're not careful. One thing that we got over here on the comments Mark Coots of Teva Corporation one to point out that on the Boron situation. Which again Chad's the the Boron the Boron Pusher that calcium income in concert with moron improves the uptake so vimeo's comment on that. I will I'm gonna talk again, so sorry guys, so you can do that. I So Cass and Boron work extremely important together. There's something that calcium does that other people don't realize I'm going to talk about I'm not going to talk about format. I'm going to talk about beans. So what we found out over years and years of time calcium. Spoon feeding calcium all through all along getting into playing with the Boron they they basically they feed off of each other. We can increase the in beings when we bring them out and they break them bottom stems. What we have found is that trying to fill that plant up with that Boron and calcium letting them feed off each other all year long. We increase the structural strength of that plan and we have decreased amount of bottom low hanging branches that are breaking off. We've dramatically change that now have we alleviated it? No, we have not but it's been a big bang for our book and one of the we know when we were talking about how yielding soybeans one of the things that got me over that Plateau was the calcium product here with the board and and more exactly right. That's my opinion. Pimples into your leading the story here on this. I've been around Boron a lot. You know, we got Windows company. That's a sponsor and we talked about the Boron stuff. We got a couple other companies that bore pack and all these different things. Where's the calcium come from? What calcium we're using? We're going we dumping milk in the mixer or we doing here. Um, there's a there's a lot of different products out there that you can use, you know, cowboys one of them. I was using calcium with silicaated in it from another company. I've tried that in the past. The problem is if the Boron is not aided with you know, I know tiva has one but if they're not aided together and you get it in that pack, we can't get it into that plan. One of the reasons that casting and brown works really well together the Boron helps pull that calcium and vice versa. So it's it's kind of a really great marriage and it without the other one you kind of have a problem too in our souls. We're casting decision. So we're trying to add that as much as we can so means that we're casting deficient. We're also we're on deficient. So we also fight that problem so it is a marriage and you have to ride that long. All right. We got a question over here from West Seifert would spoon fee. I think one of our agronomists should answer this. I think it Mike Evans or Rob Deadman or both would spoon feeding calcium help hold second ears and tillers on corn plants first off. What's a tiller on a corn plant? And we addressed this when we're at jazz do we really want a second year and then does that would spoon feeding calcium accomplish that one of the two agronomists? Yeah, I think that you know, first of all, I'm not looking for the second year in the tillers on the plants like a lot of people are. I want to focus on making that one ear, you know, we work this year. We raised our populations just a little bit to try to knock that second year off. You know, but if you have a plants to deficient in calcium, you know calcium will help with retention of that fruit. It's it you know, calcium is an important nutrient in the plant it helps get you know, many other nutrients. It's it's kind of a transport mechanism, you know talking about, you know back on Temple and and Chad, you know come out more on and stuff. We we know we don't need to forget the other micros, you know copper and Molly and zinc in those. Those are all very important. How do all of those get through the plant, you know, they all work with calcium type products that will help move them through the plan also. So Coots Mark Coots over here with Teva points out. He says they can help meaning that everything piggybacks on calcium. So the calcium is the Mover of that Mike you got anything on that. Yeah, I would just agree with Rob. You know, I've always looked as calcium as a trucker of all minerals. It's way it's been explained to me. So you got calcium being the trucker ball many minerals is that's flowing through the plant you're bringing all the other minerals along and borons always been taught the traffic cop. So if you think about a highway got calcium pulled everything long and borons directing or everything's going so they really work in tandem. Was it beautiful illustration Made Simple enough for like a kindergartener to understand and I appreciate that because that's about where I am agronomically speaking according to all these people. Did I ever tell you I was ninth best in the country and FFA soil judging and happy seven. All right. So question for you Mike while we're on this topic then real quickly second year. We recorded an episode about it down at chat. Do you want a second here or not? I was told my whole entire growing up. You didn't want to Second hear that's old school thinking you that second year and now a sudden people tell me they want to second year. Do you want a second here? mute your muted You still need an area technology Guy having some technical difficulties? You know, you know they're talking about raising populations and I could see that because you more miles to feed you want to keep them streamlined kind of like a linebacker running back to me, you know in our geography where we're vibrating our dry land a lot with Kelly stuff. We've seen second years on in certain conditions show up. So I I don't I don't mind them. I kind of like them in certain areas for what we do. Okay. Well, Rob dedman doesn't like the second ears so you and we're gonna disagree on that. And by the way, another fantastic illustration, you went from a traffic cops and truckers to then running backs and quarterbacks. They said that Ronald Reagan was the great communicator. I think that honestly, you're like the Gipper here Evans you really you bring this whole thing together. All right, let's go down and talk to our friend Kevin who was was busy over at the Vanderbilt mansion or something today and he was in rushed back to get on this call to be with us. So Kevin Matthews mid-season practice, which mid season for you is what a month ago up till now. That pins are up plan would have been about four weeks ago and our River bottoms were pretty much there right now. Okay, we're fortunate that two different growing Seasons. So if we mess up on one, maybe we can get it right on other. All right, well on the river bottoms, which is mid-season right now here on July 7th. What are you doing in those River Bottom fields that you think gives you a relief from the stress and boost your yield and maybe something that the guys down the road aren't doing that. You think that maybe they'd benefit if they did do it? Yes. So what what we're really focusing on right now is we're getting some fungicides out. Well, actually it's wet right at the moment. We're blessed for that. We've been pretty bad drought. But we'll be getting those fungicides out and then we'll be putting our. Different foliar products on as well and try to get we're getting ready for to go into that reproduction stage and this year. We're actually we had put the heat shield in for a last year and it did pretty good and but this year we're actually going to move it to a foliar. We did a different product and for and then our Sandy land where it's the really it can get dry and he can really kill us on pollination. We used a product last year Haven and seen some pretty good results. And I really want to see a second year of it to know. You know. Hey, I really found something. That's that's gonna be a consistent giver but managing that heat stress going into pollination is a huge deal for us because that River Bottom corns planted later. So we're we're in a hotter time period which then again this year June was extremely hot for us. We had a lot of 9800 Degree Days with heat index values and 18th. So the one thing we we really like is our Nature's Finish Line. We that's a product. We really found believer in we are always running our Sweet Success on our anytime we run the sprayer and and I actually how does Finish Line Get applied. It we do it in a folder. We're doing folder and just trying to support today with it just really works good easy to use we've used it for well, we actually used across the whole Farm. Now, we've been doing that first couple years now. Okay, so that became standard practice and that's that's it's a it's a foliar feed and you think that that that's not being done enough and Farms Across America if they would follow your feet at mid-season. They did a result in the hopper. I can't say what others are doing. I'm you asking what I'm doing. So I'm not gonna judge others on what they do. They may be doing it better now, okay, but we've been very successful with a with it and and it's kind of like what Chad was saying about you know, what you know, what wall do you want to climb? And you know, we're managing our River bottoms. We're wanting to average in that 210 to 230 dry land. That's what we want to. Our Upland after the stress that we've been through we're hoping to pray and to be in that 150 to one safety. That's that's what we're praying for. Irrigated. We expect do not come under 300. We just if we come under 300 this we feel like we really dropped the ball do anything on your other crops mid-season that you think is now standard practice because it's proven itself. Yeah, our soybeans. We we definitely we like to hit them at a About a we're in determinants. We're group. Three's group forwards is what we like to grow here, which is a little bit odd. Most people's group fast. So they're determinate being which so that kind of changes things. So we're in R1 much longer than that determinate being is so we like to hit that R2. Mainly we just ain't got time to get out there at all. I'll be honest. We I'd love to get there but we just ain't able to do it. With everything going on but we like to get a fungicide out then and put foliers in get more packs in. Different products will run to finish line as well. Sweet Success is really Matt kind of he brought this up to me and Rob It Sweet Success is more it helps with drift retarded as well. And with all the sensitive crops we have around here. I mean it's a cheap product put in there and we've we've used it for probably Sweet Success works as a sugar and also works as a transportation. It's it's an adjuvant to put control drift. Yeah, Rob, I'll let you talk more on on that part here. I mean. It's more on a drift for Target type. Yeah, so sweet success, you know as I'm a molasses based type sugar product and it's it's in right now. I don't know about federally but I know in, Arkansas. it's been registered as a a dra go out with that camera. So it is helping reduce drift, you know, when you take something like like the molasses and you thicken up that that spray solution and obviously that's gonna help reduce drift. Temple has a question for you Rob. Go ahead Temple. So it I'm gonna I'm well, I got some stuff to say I asked Kevin too, but I probably should stop asking questions. I can call these guys and there's but what would you ask a question somebody out here in radio land is also thinking the exact same thing and they are letting you ask the question for them. So I'll ask Rob person and I'll go back to Kevin because this goes back to what Rob and Evans were talking about with it with the calcium. So I'm doing a bunch of stuff with with Rob with you know, one of you one of your products that from agrotech USA and it's Nutri stores and what we're what we're finding out with it. And and I don't know why so we'll take into Sam. So we tissue sample every seven to 10 days and what we're finding out like notoriously with our calcium levels. We can't move the scale. We can't keep it up. We can never get enough in the plan. Boron kind of goes the same way. But what we're finding out is where we put neutral charge on we're up taking not just more phosphorous in the plan all the way up in the mid season where we are now, we're pulling a lot more cows came into the plant and My Level side by side or much much higher percentages, even on calcium and that calcium is such an important product like, you know, these guys were talking about On the chat, you know that it is a piggyback for everything else to ride up and down on so it's extremely important to us and I'm seeing these dramatic increases in calcium and tissue samples and I don't have any way to explain why so that's my question to Rob. Can you answer that question? So, you know Temple talking about that what I mean, I'm gonna say that I think it has to do with the way the neutral charge actually changes the molecular structure of what we're doing there. And you know, it's it's when you when you talk about no charge we talk about it pulling the anions apart away from the cations. if we free that phosphorus up in that soil solution by separating it from those calcium molecules and things like that then not only is that phosphorus going to be free floating but all of those cations should be free floating too in there. Therefore making them easier to go into the plant. That's my that's my thinking. Oh situation. anyway, so my so the reason I ask this like my thinking on it was is Did this plant pull in more phosphorus early on because of neutral charge? And is that helping Carry Me Through the mid-season did it help me drive a better root system by adding that to Mega grow and some of the other things that we've done all throughout the season because that's where your stress mitigation is really set up. I didn't really get to talk about that. But you know, when we talk about stress mitigation, it really starts at the beginning Edge and it's something that we carry all the way through with plain health and you know driving routes building root systems better being able to efficiently pull these things into the plant and then it carries us all the way out. I think this is my opinion with all the things that we've done with mega grow neutral charge getting things into the playing driving them in there building that factory. I feel like that we built that Roof System where it can actually uptake a little bit of calcium that I have in my soil that I can actually put in any plane. That's what I was thinking but I mean I could be wrong because we don't know enough about it. A lot. I agree with you on that. I think that I think that with the neutral charge you you did Build a Better plan a better a better system early and and therefore it got you ahead of the game because you know, we've seen consistently very significant higher amounts of phosphorus in the plants early. Now, I know that I know the neutral charge that we put out there in for is not hanging around all season. So the only answer that I do have to that is the fact that we build a better plan. We build a plant that had the ability to to take those nutrients to pull those nutrients out of the Soul. You know, so that's that's where I'm at. Okay. Thanks buddy. Template and Rob. I'd like to back on that because you just made me think of something that we saw in our testing at Kelly's because we do tissues and then we'll do some soils as well. And we do a plant available, which is an h3a extraction. I don't fan base familiar with that that actually looks at what the plant sees for the nutrients. That's what it'll uptake. So it's the Haney extraction but We had a significant jump where we had the neutral charge this year right up by the shop. Of calcium available. They jumped like 300 parts per million. And are in my second week sample all the sudden. So what Rob's saying is maybe what we're experiencing is. It's starting to pull that. calcium phosphate apart and making that calcium available. If that Kevin Kevin shaken his head you got something. Well, I mean, I I love this conversation because we're actually you know, the phosphorus has been to Big limited factor Dr. Poston pointed out to me when we was working in high yield soybeans that yeah. He said with our souls we needed to get it and we we've applied all kinds of phosphorus and we couldn't We didn't really move the bar like you would think and and even had some big budgets. You know that Dr. Poston had to buy these phosphorus products and then We the neutral charge brought it out planning. And then last year we did used a product from concept agrotech A total false and seen a huge yield up there. So we're actually with our drip and it's to be pretty cool if Mike and kelly can try this. We're running total fast. We're adding it in on the drip on the soybeans to see if we can push at level even higher and then you know, and my thoughts are now. Normally we put that Nutri charge in it planning. Maybe we could add it into that drip. And see what's your thoughts are if we put it and put it in that drip fertilizer and run it through on our irrigation on our soybeans because I'm sitting here looking at my tissue samples right now, and we're we're actually some of the highest phosphorous numbers that we've had for this growth stage and several years on the soybeans. You know, one thing we got to remember is when you use neutral charge, we need to use it with fertilizer. We're not just gonna put it in the soil and start extract the nutrients out. What it's going to do is it's gonna give us more availability. Of the nutrients that we are feeding. so that I think that's a key thing not to get confused with is is are we Always is neutral charge breaking stuff loosen the soil. I don't think they're making those claims, you know, they're the claims that they're making with that product is that we take to fertilizer that you're applying and get more of it in the plant and I'm definitely seeing that What do you think that I could take? Because you know my goals retain as much fruit as I've said right now. I'm you know, I'm on the last half of the ball game. So yeah, I can't do nothing about the first half that's done over with and going so I need business aggressive so building seed and protected seed size. It's my biggest Shield influencers I can do right now. Well, if you if you use a product like total fast and and you know, they've got their transmax technology and stuff like that with it, but if you were to put They know to charge in there with it. Obviously. I think we would see it get more of it in the plant. But I also think that being important to remember that when you add phosphorus you need to think about adding a little bit of zinc because if we don't keep that phosphorus the zinc ratio in check we can get in some real serious problems really quick. Interesting. All right, anybody thing otherwise, we got our two guys that have not talked yet, Kelly and Matt and I always lead off with Matt and it's because I know a favor him I wear his hats I wear shirts. Do attribute to him with my Bill Clinton statue. He's always the best prepared. So I was gonna lead off with Matt, but I didn't want to think you know, we're doing that time Matt. Do you want to go now or you'll go last? Well, I can go now, I mean Temple and and Rob if Kelly is really struggling because his underling Evans has gotten more of Showtime than him right now. So he's definitely Kelly's chomping the bit like he wants to prove that, you know, Evans Evans works for me man. You understand simple. Do we have anything else? We won't talk about here tonight. I mean, yeah, I got I got a few more things to say don't a bunch of A little bit of crap talking from that you told him to stay off text and he studied texting. He just told me this he just told me to shut up a few minutes ago and I wasn't even talking at the time was Rob. But oh so Damian, I looked down on my clock. It was six. It was 6:27 and it'd been all Temple and I'm like, you know, it's been 30 minutes or 27 minutes and all we've heard from his Temple. I don't know if we're gonna get everybody in here or not. And by the way, you're not the one person you're not the only person that had that thought but you know, I have something else to say All right. I'll go I'm gonna be quick. I'm under the weather. I mean ever, you know, I've been a little bit sick the last few days, but as far as one practice, first of all, I want to say something back to what Chad said earlier about calling you yield walls and and where you're this group and and I'm serious this group everybody on this webinar. Has put 20 bushels an acre in our corn crop. So we've done pretty decent on on beans. We've done pretty decent on Cotton which nobody else in a group grows and I'm gonna talk about rice in a minute, but I'm serious when I say this I've learned more tonight. I'm smarter tonight than I was last night. Every time we get on this group, you know Chad was here today. And just some of the stuff that he told me this group right here has put 20 bushes an acre and Rob's a great consultant and I think you'll agree with me. You know, we were struggling in that. And that two to two twenty range on our corn. You know what I met these guys that automatically went up. And we still can't make the 300 on a regular basis. We can do it on NCGA plot, you know when you cut out an acre and a half or acre and a quarter, but this has been one of the most important things and Robin ice career is just being with this group and and what we've learned and as Chad said I was a simple guy. and and Rob got me from being the simple guy to just starting to look outside the box and then then this group got me in robbed to actually get out into a whole another box or a whole nother, you know across one wall that we had we had never been before so I do want to say that if the listeners are out here, I'm an owner and extreme AG But I've made money. Serious money just because the guys that are on this website so and that's not a sales pitch. I'm not being an infomercial. I don't care if you join next year. I'm just telling you that that this group right here of guys have not only been great friends and brothers, but they've also made me money. So I'm gonna go into that into to so I'm gonna go into a whole different crop and anybody's been talking about which is rice and I'm not gonna want to grow rice and hopefully there's a person on here that maybe Grows Right. You know we stumbled over this and I can't give credit to this to extreme. I because Rob and I kind of done this ourselves probably more rather than me, but we started looking at the fact hybrid rides don't really need a fungicide. You know as far as what they preach, you know, you don't have to have fun so I don't have a ride. Well, Rob seen that I that a fund us out on hybrid rice was making a pretty big difference. We started dealing with Concept bag. They've got a you know, they've got a product that is a biological product. They got a product. That's a foliar product. That's basically it's an old ten percent match and 10% of potash. I guess I should say five potassium. That sounds better on a webinar. But anyway, We took that product started playing with it. We tested about three years and it was an eight bushel increase every time we did it, you know anywhere from a six to attend bushel increase. So if you're growing rice. I'm just gonna tell you that that product right there at fungicide. I'm on right add the 10 over 10 add the biological put the fungicide on the hybrid rice. It's eight bushel plus every year. We quit testing it. We do it a hundred percent on every acre. We got same thing on Cotton. Hey real quickly, man, since nobody else produces rice other than you and Rob down there and Delta part of Arkansas and somebody might be listening to this that's like our buddy Riley up and Manitoba, you know, he's in Canada. You said ads eight bushels of rice. What's that percentage? What's what's a what's an acre of rice at Miles Farm average? What I'm gonna tell you what the percent is this too. We we drive about 200 200 bushels the weight eight Bush was gonna do about four percent. Yeah at 750 rice today. You know is is a pretty big deal. Yeah, you just use grab just grab 20 bucks 56 bucks on on $7, right? Yeah 60 you 60 bucks there. Yeah. So here's the cool thing. You just grab 60 bucks on on that and it costs you how much so we always talk about return investment that thing you talking about fungicide project a product from a concept agrotech you put on two products plus the fungicide I think is what you said on the rice. Yeah. I'm doing some math right now, but 24 bucks. Yeah. I was thinking more than a 30 range this year, you know, 24 to 30 dollars 24 to 30 dollars get you 60 Yeah, yeah pretty. And and we've learned that on a cotton too and I'm gonna go back and and credit extreme act for this. I was a simple cotton guy, you know, we put boar on on don't get me wrong. We've always put more on on a cotton but we started doing some of these stress mitigators some of these foliers different things on, you know on the cotton and it it's showing a big big return. So, you know for me and see. You know, we were spent, you know, you we spread plant bugs every seven to ten days. So we're spending a lot of money and you get to thinking Heck I'm already spending this kind of money. I'm gonna spend another 12 dollars on fertility, right? But when you go to looking at the ROI at the end twelve dollars ain't nothing compared to what you get back. It's best matting since the dollar cotton. Hey, I was at your farm in May. About third week of May. Is that mid season for cotton and McGee, Arkansas? Probably yeah third week the first week in June, you know, when you're looking at mid-season for us you get asked that question before you know, and because we're early and testing out some of the crazy stuff we're doing really early last week of May first week of June is kind of our mid season, you know where we're at. That I think it's cool about rice and Cottons. Anybody got anything on that. Our friends and ask Matt a question Chad used to produce cotton and I said Chad. I'm down here Harrison Farms you and your old man both have belts under pants with the cotton logo on it. You got a cotton. Personalized license plate of one of your trucks you got a cotton sign over here. I said ice team one acre cotton says, yeah, we don't do that anymore. So the guy is not here kind of almost false advertising. Why don't you do cat anymore Chad? I want to hear this. It was something to do every Monday. Night, you could have a gas station or a chicken house. No, I mean so because you're saying it's very work. It's labor intensive. No. No, it's not that so when I quit growing cotton, we didn't have any irrigation. Um, I just it's gonna be real quick. There's not gonna be a temple thing this week. Oh, man. Started out when we was growing cotton and and we did fine. It kind we'd always been grain Farmers. We hadn't had any cut now since 2006 when we was growing cotton RCC. Our you know cc is 79 organic matter is somewhere around it was somewhere around half to one percent cotton is a treat. I mean like it's a tiger, you know, I don't give nothing back at the tiger and we was trying to make a living on 600 pound cotton y'all six seven hundred pound cotton because we've been in cotton for a hundred years. I mean like family being kind everybody else been in kind like all your life. All you grow is cut and he was because I mean it what time y'all we was I so it means myself for four hours and 50 cents. Hey, you gonna make no living on four dollar 50 Cent soybeans, um corn I remember maybe my day come back from Arkansas from auction and saying if I can get three dollars for all my car. I could I get three dollars for corn I go every acre in corner. Yeah that was the times when we was getting, you know, two dollars two dollars and 20 30 Cent. Color so I mean, yeah, when you grow into safety saying cotton, it looks real good. So but so when he's grain price started creeping up, we'd always been grain Farmers. We just slid on in there and we hadn't had again had any kind since 2006 without that being said. Today more organic matter is from two five to three point five three point two, but it's a wheat bean corn rotation. We try to grow three crops in two years and we've picked it up all the way to three, you know. So anyway, you know, we can we can make that, you know make that jump and do I want to grow some cotton again, you bet you better believe it because they got some good cotton varieties out there and these boys, I mean they they stomping on 1500 pound cotton all the time. You know, so so I'd like to try it one more time, but I'm sure I wouldn't flatten it. I'd have cotton it'd be 10 foot tall and wouldn't have five bowls on it. You know, it should be way out the roof. So I'm oh I'm gonna say two things about about what Chad just said. You know, number one. We grew cotton. We didn't we didn't have an opportunity to rotate because just what Chad said, it means we're five dollars, you know corn was two dollars. We didn't even know what corn was in 2006 and our landowners wanted cotton because we're sharing that gave him the most Revenue. So when God when corn went to four dollars and beans went to nine or ten dollars that gave that allowed us to be able to start a rotation program and we taught these landowners how important rotation was because we had the price to do it. The second thing I'm going to say is is about nine o'clock this morning. I had two different Consultants called in 3,000 Acres of cotton poison with about five different recipes and I'm trying to do this and show Chad my wheat beans and Chad said we need to go you you've got a lot of s***. You're I shouldn't say that. We got a lot of stuff you need to be doing. And and his right every Monday you got to do something to it. And when you talk about simple cotton is definitely not a simple plan and I make Kelly all the time. You know, I tell him he don't really have nothing to do because he's grown beans and corn. He's not going rice and cotton. So it is if you're gonna get in Cotton you better be prepared. To it's a different level than anything else you grow. So we did a recording if you're listening and watching this we did a recording me and Matt all about cotton and I encourage you go back and check out it's cutting the curve podcast and he started off I think in one of our videos at some point he's talked to me about this when we were down and McGee. He said daddy always told me that cotton is a plant that every day looks for a way to die. And that stuck with me is something that we're gonna forget. I would also point out that Chad was it full Temple but it was like still about a four and a half minute response after he said he was not going to go full Temple. So I'd say he's rubbing off on you a little bit. We're gonna move it to our last our last and and he goes as long as he wants because he's killing Garrett of area in Iowa who has already been insulted by Matt. Yeah up there in Iowa. You don't have to do anything just drive by throw the s*** out the window it grows because you get deep rich Prairie soils and come back and harvest it in October November done deal. That's what they think. They think that that's how easy. Is Kelly talked to us about whether that easy and what you're doing mid-season for you is right about now. What are you doing? Mid sees it to me has expanded now because of extreme AG a lot like Matt said it can be very simple to farm here relative to the rest of the country because of our weather and because of our soil, you know talking about climbing the wall or talking about the low-hanging fruit. You know a lot of times in my life as a younger farmer back in say oh six or seven like Chad you always just tried to pencil out a hundred dollar. $100 net profit and now, you know, we're beyond that and it's because of extreme AG The foliar fertigation the stress mitigation all of those practices. We're trying to we're trying to get another $25 of net here another $50 in that there and so it is important to to be working there all the time mid season to me now. I guess I would say goes from say V4 to VT because we're gonna do things all that and it has changed, you know going into my third season now with extreme egg. I used to this time of year. We put on a lot of potassium acetate now, we're saving that tell VT until really tell our five because of some of the things I've learned with Kevin and and Matt and and all of them, you know pgr's have become a big thing last year when I was trying, you know, maybe somebody listening. I had never even heard the tournament. So I hooked up with you guys a year ago plant growth regulator. And one of the very first things we recorded on was about plant growth Regulators with you and we we have several of our sponsors that That make plant growth Regulators from Florida. I can't remember them all but you can and you know, you just are using them two years ago yourself, right? Yeah, this would be my third or fourth year. Yes. You know AG Explorer has onward great product hefties have mega grow and inertia a great product integrated egg has Mega grow and energize great product Mark kutzativa has complex. Another great product agerson has radiate. Those are all great products. We've used them all. They're all a good products. Whatever you want to choose to use a plan growth regulator. The best explanation ever got was for Mark kids. It makes the plant more efficient and your np&k or the workers in your factory and the platin growth Regulators the plant format and when he comes in there things get done in a more efficient map. You and Evans are amazing. It's like like you guys are both Elementary education graduates where it's like hey, how can we explain this? Well, just imagine these these are your these are your factory workers and in here comes Mr. Foreman here comes the it's remarkable. Go on midseason midseason. What do you putting on? What are you doing another video area in Iowa today? We will be applying teramore from agerson. We'll be applying liberate. Liberate CA from Agro liquids calcium. What's the purpose of those products calcium? Yeah, we have a hard time having available calcium. I really it frustrates me because there's so much calcium here in the soil, but it's it's tied up and it's not available to the plant. We had liberate in the inferral we change some of our infertile program a little bit. We put liberate inferral. We're applying it again foliator. Now just as Robbo said your zinc to phosphorus Rachel's important, you know, I probably have more available phosphorus than almost anyone because of the plant food byproduct I have so I think every time we apply zinc we get an economic response and that's the reason we make the application to get an economic response. So right now you're talking terramar, you're talking liberate you're talking Boron you're talking zinc. That's what we're applying right now on the corner. And we just you know, we really finished up with that on the beans here just a few days ago. I know the temple has a question for Matt and then we'll come back to Kelly for my question for him Temple. No, telling what? no, no this you you were talking about a few and remember and remember Temple a Questions and a question mark and it doesn't have a preamble. It's just a question. Okay. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. So Matt was talking about a few minutes ago about you know, the increase in Revenue that he's taken about being in this group and he talked about, you know, the cotton race. The one thing that he didn't talk about is is wheat and you guys are in this wheat wager this year and it was really it was pretty awesome to watch that whole thing. Go down with you guys. What do you think Matt that you got off of the group learning amongst your other co-owners being in this wheat wager and pushing the envelope and doing things outside the box. I know it's not about stress mitigation. I know it's not about that. We're talking about real return on investment of because I feel like talking to all you guys I get the opportunity to talk to all you guys and you guys have really pushed an envelope on wheat and we is something that we don't talk about and there's a lot of wheatgr. Country and I think it's important that you have some of the top Wheat Growers here and you can see that from the wheat wager. What do you think that? You have done increased yield over the last couple years because of being involved with this group. Well understand, I have a growing week in in several years other than maybe a patch we're going to level or something and it would grow. Excuse me. That's why I got off while ago. I'm coughing but you know, we've grow 50 to 60 Bush of wheat on those places like that. I've grown some pretty decent weight on really some of my better ground back in 12 and 13 when we was high, but right off the bat, I'm gonna tell you that more is not always better and you know, we were we were seating 2.75 to three bushels an acre. Learning from this group that you know back that up just like the soybeans now, you know, we used to plant 170,000 soybeans in April now we're planting 120 to 130. So right off the bat. Given that you didn't in February I might have I did do some in February this look asking about him. He looked at him yesterday, but you know right off the bat Temple backing that same right up, you know everything I don't if I do any goodness sweet wager, it's gonna be because this group and I know I keep kicking of a dead dog, but that for the for the beginning and then at the end just like we talked about the corn and like Kelly was talking about you know, what our five Don't witness. Do not quit. You know my test weights were anywhere from 59 to 61. Prior to this group my test weights were 52 to 55. So paying attention, you know, Rob had us put out more nitrogen. And this was a bad year to put out more nitrogen because y'all know the price of but you know Palisade, you know, Mr. Lee helped me a lot. We helped us a lot. We don't keep any short because a lot of times we try to do some stuff for the wheat and be all in on the ground. so it was a it's back to the system approach from started from the seating rate to Finish, you know finishing it go to the fourth quarter do everything you need to do to you know, protect seed size. Kevin's taught me a lot about that on soybean. You know, we we ten as Farmers don't want to quit the crop when it starts maturing and we put out a 2200 gdu Holier on our corn yesterday. And you couldn't have you couldn't have made me do that. For years ago, there's no way I'd have spent that money. Right? I think it's gonna be a 10 bushel plus yield Advantage. So same thing with the wheat Temple. Paying attention to it basically an increase in the seat size. matters bring it up about the about this last quarter and Chad and I and a lot of Kentucky, Tennessee. In Southern Indiana and Ohio. We've been in a real bad drought up until we just finally started getting some rain about a week ago. And if it's really important, you know, we kind of held up. We it was so bad. They wouldn't no need put four years out or anything at one time. Didn't know if he was gonna have a year to if he ain't got no ear don't matter what you put out there. So now that we've got through pollination and you know, we're checking fields for pollination. And it's this last half of this growing season right now. That we can really make up for a lot of the stresses that we had early on. There's a lot of tools out there at Mass talked about and everybody in this group, but the key is and you know, I'll give credit to David. Hula he he told me for years. He said Kevin he said that fourth quarters just as important to the Ball Game as any of it and said you don't forget it and and he so right on that statement and that's you know, so many people across the US is face so much stress with a crops this year. That's my that's one thing that we really need to take away from. This is, you know, every company that we work with has got some unreal products that will really help you in that third and fourth quarter that we're going into right now need to be getting lined up, but you got to get out and Fields and check your calling for pollination. Make sure you got good pollination. thank you soybeans and see what you got to work with because you know seed and Seed size is what makes you First off. That's a really good thing. Secondly. I want to go over to the comments Mark Coots with tiva has made two really good points about energy. He says really everything we're talking about to get through stress. You need energy if you you know right now man is big strong guy and if he's got energy and his otherwise healthy, he's gonna take on covid a lot better than if he'd been run down. Let's say he'd been getting visits from you know, Chad and was drinking all night with the John Deere classic. He's gonna be run down he's gonna feel sicker. But since we know he wouldn't have done such things. We know he's really heading into this covid about well rested and very energized. That's why he's not gonna get sick anyway, so that's Good's point about their energy. Am I right man? Oh. You know, what is Temple got anything to say we could I don't we don't have time for that. So yeah, I do. Yeah, but it's the campus. All right. Can you alright we're gonna go around because Kevin did a nice little setup there. Chad very early on set about you can do simple and still make a living but you want to keep climbing these walls for the person listening to this that is more simple. Like you said, hey have the co-op come out and treat my stuff. I don't know work that hard but they're they're intrigued and they say what one thing. Well one thing should they do like what should be there baby step into going from simple to hire yield. What's the first thing they should do Kevin already can't talk about it. Let's go around the horn here Chad, man, who's got something? Who's got something? What's that one the recommendation? Okay chat. Mine's gonna be the one thing they should do is start next year. I mean do you thinking I'm serious do something, you know, we talking done some podcasts about tissue sampling pull you four or five tissue samples this year figure out what your problem is because if you don't you're just shooting in a dark of what one thing you need to fix for you four or five tissue sample. So the year look at a core, you know correlation to what is going on and then start next year with a plan talk to guys talk to people. There's a lot of Industry folks out there. Whoever you deal with, you know, all these guys that help us and sponsors man is so much information out there. Look at what you're dealing with and have information on hand and then you can start next year, you know, like I like that so rather than running out as soon as they hang up from here and those guys said that you sugar you know, who's sugar fine fine, you know, that's probably small and inexpensive enough. Maybe you could go out through here, but don't do big wholesale changes this year until you come up with your plan. Well, you know, like coach said there, you know on the sugar. That's that's it starts with the plan. It starts with building it up. You know, we didn't talk about, you know, we did a thing on the Brix level on sugars, you know in coaching them come out and we cut a plant and and we have some pretty good sugar levels in our plants, but it's not because they just happen to be there. You know, we pile it in pretty good. But you know, there's there's a lot of things do but get a plan talk to the right people and then initiate the plan the next year, you're always a year out everything we're talking about now my mind spinning. It's all for next year, you know because we you know, it's just it's all in a plan. It's everything is a plan Lee. What's one thing right now for the person that's more farming. Simply but once we take it to the next level, what's the one thing they should do either this year or next year? proper plant nutrition You know getting it in the getting into the soil right away. And then also in season those are the ultimate stress mitigators because even the foliar things that we're doing if we didn't have our nutrition in place those other products aren't going to do what they need to do for us. So you've got to be proactive and and it's a systems approach. Rob dedman, what's the one thing that a person who wants to go from simple to the next level? What's the one thing they should do either this year or next year? You know, I think they really you start strong. You you finish strong. You know next year starts right now. And it did for us, you know, we started when we started on this this adventure it started when Matt came back from a hefty field day, you know, so it next year starts right now. I like I like Chad police and tissue samples find what your limiting factors are, you know, remember that everybody can get to low hanging fruit top crops for the money's at Mr. Evans You look sleepy by the way. I think Kelly's working you too hard. It's not easy. Hey, it's not easy pulling that train at Garrett Landing Cattle. He wants to go and play cards in the break room all day and Somebody's gotta get the work done. Right? Well, it's fun when you win up and when that cards during lunch. So, um one thing that I think we did that we tried out last year and implemented this year's and was help with Lee was full of acid. We added it late last season on some like late beans for a second Liberty Pass and you could tell to the the sprayer because we're running two sprayers which one had it in it, which one didn't for as far as we kill. and in burn and we added that to every acre this year and people were asking what we did without it. So once one one simple thing to do is start putting fulvic in every application. Yeah, it's it's very cheap. You know, it was a buck an acre cost us across the farm and it made a big difference on the weed. Kill Kelly. What do you think about that point? Is that the one thing you'd recommend? Yeah, I would pgr's fulvic acid a good adjuvant all of those things. All three of those things are very simple things that I think everybody should try Okay a plant growth regulator a fulvic acid and the other one a good adjuvant. Okay. And so we're gonna go to our friend Temple quickly now because we're wrapping up Temple. What do you guys your one thing? And by the way, Kevin, I think you already did your one thing because that's how I get the idea. But if you want one more you can go with it. All right Temple what you got one thing that is simple a simple a simple can go to the next level. Simply one baby's dad. I don't have anything. You know. So and I talk about this all the time and and you can take this right on down line. It's always about being proactive proactive never reactive reactive lose your money proactive saves your money. And when I talk about that, I'm talking about knowing stages of the crops knowing the plants needs at each one of those they stages and how if you don't know that now and you're so types with the program that you have these guys are right take tissue samples and use this year as a learning process to figure out what you need to do for next year at those times. It's all about attention to detail and it's all about trying to facilitate the program that you already have. To add just a little bit and and you can do all these things and not change your whole program. It could be something that some as simple as you know it and sugars to the plants when you're aiding your micronutrients for me. I think that the sugars help Drive some of those mikers into the plant and make things a little bit more efficient. If you can get those carbohydrates into the plant you can also make things way more efficient, but it's kind of it's a it's a systems approach. I agree Kelly talks about that all the time, but I think that the if you don't know the staging and you don't understand what the plant needs at any one time the easiest way to figure it out is do four or five sets of tissue sampling and figure out when your spray window is for this year and that stage and follow that tissue sample on your particular ground, and I think that These guys can really help you out with that. Alright, so we went we went from it was a little bit more than just one simple thing. You went with sugar basically to not overwhelm The Listener we're saying if you got this is you what you're doing right now. And you want to do one thing. You said that Sugar then you also tissue samplings. There's two things, which is fine Matt, we're gonna wrap it up with you unless anybody else has anything also Kevin pointed out adjuvant to make sure that all the stuff you're doing gets in the plant. So Kevin's one thing is make sure there's an agent product in every mix you go across the field. Okay good. Not just the cheapest thing back on it really works. Got it. Matt wrap it up for. Yes, I'm gonna go and say I don't like being last because they took every answer. I had be real simple. Probably what I've learned. The last few years is testing. Just wait we increase that test wait, I'm not going to go into five different things like Temple did I'm just gonna say test way. Yeah, so you say that focus on test weight because when you mentioned a little bit ago, you were harvesting. We if you years ago that was 51 pound test weight and now you're 59 to 61 pounds. Remember, you don't sell bushels you sell pounds. Right? Right. I mean that truck goes across a scale it converts it for you. So you essentially put you put 20% more you put 20% more weight in that truck per bushel by increasing your test. We don't we well these guys here I had 450 acres waiting these guys here made. The best for my high Shield I've ever had overall Farm average these guys did for me this year. By the way, the wheat wager, if you're listening this you're wondering well, that's all talking about the wheat Wagers between these guys pay attention to it. It doesn't matter. My money is all I actually took out a loan against a farm. It's on Lee Luber. She's gonna win. He's gonna kick this s*** out of these guys. He's the wheat producing this guy in this group. So my money is Full Tilt Lee if you lose the wheat wager. I lose the farm. All right take care of me. Okay, that is wait. yeah, one thing, you know Matt was talking earlier about you know what this group's done for him, but he's pretty humbling and he tries to not take much credit, but You know, we always agree we talk about our averages and real things that we do on the farm every day. Just like we do with extreme AG, but we actually look at the whole package with us and For long before we started extreme AG Matt would yeah, he and I discuss soybean yields and farm averages and I will tell you he is he's the main King for the Acres that he Farms into yields that he produces and soybeans man. He's the one that help me with my soybeans. He and Rob and you know, we we was a little better on corn and corn was easier for me and soybeans and Matt soybeans was easier for him and but we was able to work together and then when Chad and Kelly all of us got in here, that's what really made it cool is we could help each other's Farm come up, but don't let Matt fool you on talking about that because he's a pretty damn good teacher when it comes to soybean yields, but he doesn't have as good of examples or illustrations as Garrett Landing Cattle and Mike Evans when they brought I can't compete with them boys and What we know our boundaries they got traffic cops. They got quarterbacks. They got little Factory workers. They're brilliant. All right, I think we're gonna leave it there Kelly since I did wise Apple yet. You wanna say on the way out the door. Good, you covered it. All right. These guys are awesome. If you have any questions go ahead and send it if you think of something tonight info in I'm sorry support support at extreme AG dot Farm. That's support at extreme AG dot Farm in August. We're gonna do another one of these the date is August 4th mark, your calendar, August 4th. We're gonna talk about feeding the machine to finish strong exactly picking up where we left off here. What's happening then? Late season to get that fourth quarter completed by Kevin talked about the fourth quarter. So imagine you got to finish the race as our buddy Chad Henderson knows he's the fastest guy in extreme AG he covers an eighth of Mile and four seconds. What are you gonna do to finish strong? We're gonna do to finish a winner. That's what we were talking about on August 4th 7pm Eastern 6 PM Central Time. Send us your request if you have other topics, you would like us to cover in the future. I would turn it over to anybody else. But I think it's a good place to wrap it up right there. Thanks for being here. Go ahead and log out and you know what? We appreciate you making. I'll be harvesting in so I don't need to be in this webinar. All right the door here. That's it. Never shut Damon up before but I'm gonna be hard. I'm not gonna be a persistent. You know if this but on the August 4th one I'll just listen because I'm my deal will be done. But you know what you did, you know what you did before August 4th to finish things out in the fourth quarter. All right. So next time I'm Dave amazing for extreme egg. Thanks for being here. Check out all our great stuff. We got hours and hours of content on the platform and you know what we're producing for you. So thanks for being here till next time see it.

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