Rounding The Bases: Maximizing Your Final Application

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4 Aug 2368 min 21 secPremium Content

What are you applying on your last pass? Better yet, when is your last pass? The guys from XtremeAg discuss their late season strategy to maximize yields and profits. If you’re looking for guidance on maximizing the ROI on your final remaining inputs, what products to use late-season, and the factors the XA guys use in deciding how to treat a crop that’s in its final reproduction phase, then you need to watch this.

All right. Welcome to the August 3rd edition of the Extreme Ag Monthly Webinar held on the first Thursday of every month. You can count on us being here to share the information with you, to make it interactive, to interact with you, to address your questions and your, uh, queries about how to maximize your, uh, affirming operation. With me are Matt Miles, temple Rhodes, Chad Henderson, three of the godfathers of, uh, extreme Ag. And Kevin Matthews is set to be joining us a little bit later on. Uh, here's the thing. I think it was Lee Lubers that first used the term rounding the basis, and it was last summer when Will and I were at his farm and we talked about a, a field that he, he, he's dry. He's in Gregory, South Dakota. I mean, he's somewhere between a blizzard and a drought pretty much all the year. And he got a heck of a crop out of this field. And he said, you know what? We just stayed the plan and kept rounding the bases because you can probably give up too early. Fast forward to just last week, I'm in Baltic, South Dakota, all the extreme ag guys are there. I got Kevin and I got Temple, and I got Lee on a stage in the Bayer tent being moderated by Darren Hefty. And one of the questions came up and the three guys were addressing it. And then of all things, kicked it back to Darren. Darren said, you know, because I think it was Temple that talked about and Lee about not giving up on a crop, and that was what Darren Hefty said. He says, you know what, probably the mistake that we make too often is we give up on a crop. So we're talking about now taking it all the way to the finish. You know what, finishing, following through, and I wanna go ahead and hit it to Matt Miles who said, before we brought you into this room, before we hit the record button, Matt said, A couple things I've learned, uh, big things I've learned from the two guys that are around here, temple and Chad, is I used to never do any treatment after R three, which is probably still pretty radical back then. And he says, now, I think that maybe you can go out there later in the crop season and still get it a big bang for your buck. Take it away, Matt. Yeah. So, you know, we're talking about that. So, um, when I say no trips after R three on soybeans, you know, we would've insect SPRs, you know, but as far as any kind of fertility or anything like that, at R three, we felt like we were kind of through with anything that would help the soybean. Uh, R three on corn was iffy whether we'd done that or not, but sometimes we'd do the R three on corn, but man, I watched these guys right here, you know, put applications on, on R five. You know, if you'd asked me to put a application on R five on soybeans or corn, either one, especially corn, you know, I would've literally probably told you to, you know, to leave wherever I was at because I just didn't think there was anything to that. These guys here have proved that there's a lot of yield potential, sometimes more yield potential, depending on the demand curve of the plant at that R five stage, you know, than it is at the R three stage where I was quitting, I was stopping right there. Of course, I'm a football guy, not a baseball guy, so I call it the fourth quarter, but man, there's, there's some stuff going on that I've learned from, from these guys. And Kevin also on soybeans seed size alone, you know, on, on soybeans, that's so big. We, we learned that, uh, this past week at, at Johnny's, you know, there's, I think it was a hundred pounds of, I mean, a hundred more seeds per pound was like 10 bushel. You know, if you increase your seed size by a hundred, a hundred more seeds per pound, it was like 10 bushel difference. And, and there's some really good ways to do that. So, interesting that you talked about that. So you went to our, our buddy, uh, Johnny Rell had a field day, and you're talking about a late season treatment can increase, uh, grain fill or increase, uh, grain size, is what you're saying? Yes. Okay. Yes. A actually increase the size of the seed. So soybean seeds are kind of measured by seeds per pound. Mm-hmm. You know, and you can increase that seeds per pound, pound, you know, we're selling weight, we say we're selling bushels, but we're selling weight, and that's where the test weight comes from. So Actually what you're saying is if you can decrease the seeds per pound and increase the size of seed, is one of the things that you're learning there, right? Right. Yes, exactly. I'm saying that backwards. Exactly, yes. Yeah. So decreasing the seeds per pound by making bigger seeds. And why, just because I think I'm, I'm, I don't wanna get too into the weeds here. Why do you think a late season application will make the seeds bigger? You know, the layman would say that's more to do with the water, the, the temperature, you know, the season you're saying no, late season treatment can actually increase seed size. Well, yes. So we get to second base and our, our third quarter, and we're still increasing seed size by things we're doing. You know, we get to third base, same thing, but when we're coming home and those late stages, that plant is still, or that seed corn, beans, whatever, is still taking up nutrients that, you know, a couple of years ago, I, I didn't have a clue. I mean, you get tired, you get lazy, you know, Kelly always talks about the easy button, and, and that's what we were doing. And I found out through, you know, watching these guys, there's a lot of potential when I think everything's done, you know, there's still a lot of potential left there. Yeah. And, and we're not being mean, but it was, it was actually last year at Chad's farm in Mass, Alabama, and he was recording and he, he said, Hey, there's nothing wrong. You can get a decent yield and you can have a decent lifestyle and not manage intensively like we are. Let the co-op come out and spray it. You know, take a little time off here in late season, July, August, whatever it should be, depending on your geographic location. But what if you grab 40 more bushels by doing late season stuff or 20 more bushels? The payoff is there. So Chad, speak to that because you talked about going out on a corn crop way after most people thought it would make sense. You got, you know, brown layer and you're out there spraying it and the neighbor said, oh, that crazy fool's wasting money. But you're not. Well, I don't know if it's always that way. It's amazing every time I go talk, I got these dogs in here, like, I dunno why dogs are in the house, dogs should be outside, you know, and now we got dogs in the house, we outside half the time, I just don't get it. Um, but puts me where I'm now, what was the question? No, I'm just, I dunno, something About something about something about your dogs. What kind of, what kind of dogs do you got back there? Okay, go ahead. Oh no, They made my dogs. I can't talk about like, it is a oooooo dog. Like, I'll lose all my credibility with all the folks. I get kicked off extreme acts if I talk about them dogs. You know, if I picked one up, I mean, it would be bad, like bad. So, you know, but what we was talking about was the fact that, you know, there's, there's a lot of people, I mean, my dad says it all the time, he's like, oh, something. You know, if, if you wasn't here, I wouldn't be doing all this. You know? I mean, because I'm, we can make honest living like it is and just spread the fertilizer up front, you know, and, and not, and not be a problem. And, you know, you can get the airplane if you're a little short and get him to fly some on. That's what Matt used to do five years ago. You know, that's, and still me and him still does some of it. Now you're getting a pinch. There's nothing wrong with flying some more fertility on, you know, at times. Just use all the tools in your toolbox. But, you know, just, and, and too, you gotta look at, you know, let's don't get carried away and saying, oh, we can always go out there at the last minute. The yield potential has to be there. So don't take it the wrong way and be like, oh, I had, I had a month of terrible weather. There's nothing happened. I've already checked that box. I've already lowered my yield goal. You need to know how to address and see those things coming, you know, so, you know, we're talking about, let's say irrigated prime ground. All the season's been good so far. Keep how pouring it to it. Don't give up, you know. But if you've went through a check and it's been, you know, you went through a, you know, some maybe them bad wind storms like Kelly and them gets, you know, or hail damage or stuff like that. Just know that you can recognize that stuff, I guess. All right, so the Last I didn't answer none of your question, did I? No, that's all right. But rounding the base, we'll stay on you for a second then we're gonna go to temple on, when you talk about rounding the bases, uh, let's talk about what you're doing in that corn crop. That is two weeks, three weeks, maybe even a month later than the average person would've thought you should go out and treat it. What are you putting on and why? So, So let's just lock that down right quick. We're just gonna throw all the numbers out there. Um, temple says it was 2000 G D U I could have swore it was 1800 G D U, and you know, some things we should write down and he shouldn't write it on his for forearm, you know, or on the back factory's hand. And I shouldn't write it on a piece of cardboard, you know, this is in my house, this cardboard. So there's certain things that we should write maybe on the wall, you know, instead of just doing it like this. Um, so, but anyway, we're talking about that timeframe. We're talking about 17, 18, you know, and we got talk about whether, whether a maturity, let's talk about corn, whether it's finished at 22 or 23, or whether it's gonna be finished at 25 or six, or whether we gotta take it to 2,700 geus. I mean, these are all numbers that matter. So when we're saying that we're still know that plant that we've seen big payouts from phosphorus on until end, we'll just going and just dump it out there. We've been putting a good slug of phosphorus. We've been coming in there at 17, 1800 and then maybe trying some more again at 2000, 2100 and, and putting that slug out there, whether it's through the pivot airplane, however you gotta get it out. We've been seeing that slug out there, you know, what's the most, What's, what's the most important thing that you apply at late season that matters? Water. Okay, besides irrigation, what's the thing that's in the spray rig or the airplane that matters the most? What's the biggest if? Well, if, if somebody listening right now says, you know what, I'm gonna go crazy. I'm gonna do this thing. I'm gonna, I'm gonna be like ascendant twins. I'm gonna go out there way late and try something. What am I putting out? If You're north of Mason, woo, man, it's gonna be tough right here. Tampa. I'm gonna probably call a shot right here. If you're north of Mason Dixon line, it's gonna be K Potassium, okay? It's gonna be K. Um, if it's south of the line and you like some chicken lit, we can high pile it in there pretty good. Me and Matt's pretty good on K, but we're gonna trickle some in, but it's gonna be p you know, because we got to pee, we ain't got be available. And so it's, it's, I can't answer that question. And William, William reason I'm saying is I can't answer because if you go to the p t I farm up there where me and Temple wa, or, well, me and me and Kevin was last year we seen it where um, they had huge results from side dressing k late, like an why dropping K eight, huge results. Their base saturation was two, two and a half. Yeah. So that, I can't really answer that question. It's according to which field you're on and what it's been in, but addressing the right nutrient late, how about that? Okay, let's just say that it could be in, I mean, you could have washed out early, had five inches rain, it could be in late. Yeah. And a lot of times, Damon, you'll be able to tell that by, you know, kind of following halfway the tissues that you have or you've had like temple uses last year's tissues, you know, we've gotten to the point where we kind of have an idea of what the demand curve is for that plant at certain growth stages. And Chad, if you would, you know, a lot of guys in my, in my area don't even understand Gdu, you know, 1800 gdu, what, you know, is that gonna be brown silk? Is that gonna be after brown silk? Uh, you know, kind of explain, uh, 'cause and I'm one of those guys that I get confused on gdu sometimes. Temple the other day said, you know, we did this as this many gdu. I said, I don't know that. Tell me what growth stage you were at. Well, um, I would be, that would be late brown silk, early brown, early brown silk. I'm sorry. So, you know, let's say 112 day corn, it may physic, it's gonna be a tough word for me, physi physiology. Anyway, it makes physiologically, Physiologically, Thank you, thank you. That's why Damien gets paid the big bucks for talking. So it may finish at 2300 and that's a number. And all the seed companies have 'em, you know, like, Hey, this should finish here. You know, or, or if you've got 120 day corn, it finish at 2,700, you know, 2089, man, we'd take every by 2,700, it'd be like, ah, I'm about to die, you know, coming out the backside of this thing. So that's what we're getting at, knowing where your plant curve is, where, where it's gonna finish at. And, and, and so you've gotta get in that range to know that, hey, I need to know that 500 G D U are growing degree units in front of, this is where I gotta be. So we used to call, You can look that up. It'll give you a whole definition. Way better than what I say. We Used to call 'em growing degree days a long, long time ago. Then it's growing degree units, because the idea was that it's not a day, it's a bunch of units within a day. So the point you're making is at some certain, after enough units have accumulated the crop's done. So, so, you know, we're talking about this in somebody like, man, they going in deep. Well, the you have to understand, we have to understand the deep part of it and where we're going into to, man, I'm gonna strangle these dogs. You have to understand the deep part of it and where we're going into to understand why to spend 30 more dollars an acre. Yeah. You, you better know what you're doing on the backside. This because you'll, you'll spend $30 an acre in a hurry, you know, on this late season deal, and, and you won't see the return and you'll, you'll be mad at us over it. And, and that's not what the point is. It's understanding the plant and where you're at in, in your whole fertility program and understanding the, the uptake of the curve. Got it. We're gonna go to temple in second. I wanna, I wanna make sure that I boxed All that. I know, I know you didn't Botch you didn't botch anything. Growing degree units. The point is, there's, there's, at a certain point you've gotten everything, you're gonna get the crop's about done. And so if you're going to go and do a late season pass, what I think I'm gathering is you need enough growing degree units left for it to make a difference. Is that kind of what Matt's pointing out? That's, yeah, that's, so we growing, we end up growing degree units left in the bank and enough still opportunity in the crop for the application to matter. 'cause there is a point where it truly is too late. Yeah. And It, and don't, and you understand the nutrients you're trying to fix, the late season nutrients is holding you back. Where is that hole in the barrel at? Which nutrient is it? Okay. I, uh, I like that. And I, I think the big point you also said, you, you went through, you know, north versus south, but really it came down to whatever the most important, the most important thing to put in the late season past is probably dependent on maybe where you are certainly crop. But secondly, um, or thirdly, uh, the deficient, the, the, the most deficient thing in your area or on your farm. All right, so Temple, we're gonna talk about your weeks, you wanted to get into that. But before we do this, I wanna just go ahead and throw one out. We just recorded an episode of cutting the curve, which will be coming out later. And it talked about how you, you talked about, uh, with our, uh, uh, friends of Ag Explorer. You go out there at almost R five on soybeans and you said your treatment, you ran the numbers, it was 34 bucks, but 34 bucks grabs you 10 more bushels, arguably. So going out at R four and a half to R five on soybeans, $34 treatment plus your time, 10 more bushels, even at 12 bucks, they work 14 or 15 bucks. Let's say 12 bucks, that's $120. That's a three and a half to four times return. I don't think there's any reason. I don't think there's any way you cannot do that. But yet people always think, Nope, it's not gonna justify it. So talk to that. Well think about this for a minute. You know, we don't stop irrigating, uh, soybeans until, you know, after R five. We don't start, we don't stop irrigating corn until black layer. Why are we not spoon feeding the crop all the way through? Like, we're just trying to keep that plant as healthy as we can and put as much fertility as we can to grab it all up, get it outta the soil, get it outta the plant, get it out and, and put that seed, put, pack it all into that seed. Because Matt's right, we we're selling pounds out out here and we're trading the amount of nutrients that we put it in and we're turning it into pounds. And we're selling pounds. Not bushels, not, I mean, I guess it's bushels too, but it's, it's pounds. So we're just trying to convert more of it into that. So that's realistically what we're doing here. You know, we, I just try not to ever give up, up on that crop. If you can keep that crop alive and you can keep it healthy, you can keep sucking stuff outta that soul and you can keep putting it into that plant. And at that point, you know, I think that we've all just continued to give up early. But it's, but it's, again, it's a, you, you have to look at what your, your yield goal is, right? So if you set your entire year up to, let's say 280 bushel corn, or you know, and you're under irrigation and that's what you're shooting for, you know, and you go out and you look at your crop and you're, you think that you're, you're, you're within the parameters of what you put down. You gotta realize that if that was your goal and you go out and you look at your crop and you peel it back and you do the counts and you're like, I'm somewhere in that per parameter. I'm, I'm pretty close. Can I add more to it? Well, you're not gonna add more kernels. You're not gonna add more length to the ear. You're not gonna add more rows around. You're not gonna add more pods. The only thing you have left is to add weight. And that's what this whole thing you have to wrap your mind around is you're adding weight. And by adding weight, you're doing a systematic approach of multiple different things. You know, um, you're gonna put a, a fungicide in there, you're gonna put insecticide to protect it obviously. 'cause you're trying to protect the whole entire crop. You're gonna put a fungicide in there, in my opinion. Um, I do. And it's, it's all about plant health. It's, it's just about plant health. I don't want anything else to rob my, rob my yield. And then we're gonna put a phosphorus blend in there. 'cause we're trying to drive energy. 75% of, of corn bean or wheat, um, requirements for phosphorus. 75% of it is in the reproductive stage, but yet we put it all up front. So you know, we add sugars to help drive more energy into the plant. Um, the biggest thing is, is when you put that P G R in there, you know, we, we talk about, we did a podcast today, Damien, me and you talking about pgs that P G R stimulates a response. Now the response that you're trying to stimulate, you gotta be ready for what's coming behind it. You have to make it react to that. So that's what all of the fertility in the o and on the other side, you know, the potassium acetate, the high microbe blends that have boron and zinc in it, like all of those things feed weight. And you, if you can keep it alive and feed it, make it make more weight, we can produce more yield Mass nodding his head. And I gotta say you, I I, I mean obviously I'm out here learning just as much as anybody that's on this webinar and the people are gonna listen to the recording of this webinar. Sometimes this thing that, you know, and it's kind of obvious when it's stated back to you, I was sitting here going, I'll be damned. That is so accurate. You said by this point in the season, you're not adding another round, you're not adding, uh, another length on that ear. All you can do is gain test weight. Well also, if you gain, what's Kelly say if you get six tenths of a pound per stalk, meaning the kernel has the, the corn, the, your corn has six tenths of a pound. What if you get six tenths and, and you know, two, one hundreds or whatever, you start putting that across 25,000 plants, you're talking about a hell of a lot more weight that goes in the hopper. And, and it's just, it is really fascinating. So I'm, I'm sorry, you've already recorded two things with me today. You'd think I'd be on temple overload, but that was probably the most brilliant thing you've said in three recordings. Temple. Thank you. Um, Matt, you're nodding your head, it's about test weight. I mean that maybe that's the argument right there. Test weight at the end of the season. Well, yeah, late in the season, but I, you know, I kinda wanted to, to explain something. So I was at, at Johnny Verell's Field Day Tuesday, right Chad And, uh, Chad was into, he went in the same group. He wasn't in the group I was in, but we sit down there where they had done a, a corn plot and on it was, it was split in the center and on the right hand side was normal production, just fertilized just what a guy would do, you know, run of the mill type farming. And on the, the other side was high yield, you know, where they did some of these inputs we're doing all the way up to that R five stage. And the first thing that Brian Adams said, he said, this over here costs $193 an acre more to produce this corn than it did this corn. You know, and you could see people's faces kind of, their eyes got big, their jaws kind of dropped and they're like $193 an acre, you Know? Yeah. That's, that's a, that's a bunch of money. And so I'm, I'm running the numbers already in my head. I need to grab almost 40 bushels at current market prices. I need to grab 40 more bushels to even make that make sense. Not counting the work in time. 35 bushels at five 50 a bushel. You know, so you think, man could, you know, but, but you get, you get a sticker shock from the 1 93. They had, they had the ears there, several ears there where they took 'em out of both places. 74 bushel. So 74 bushel at five 50 is $214 more per acre than, than what the 35, you know, than what the other four above Cost. I mean, you, you mean that was a positive, a positive of 200 bucks. Two 14, yeah, Two $14 positive. That's after paying for the 1 93. That's exactly right. So, you know, we do that a lot. The other day I told Lane, you know, we, we can do this. It was, it was, this is what it was. It was R six beans, which is just damn near through. And we were looking at putting some more foer k on them. And, and I'll give Kevin Matthews credit for this. I sent a text to group and I said, what do y'all think? And he said, I'd spray 'em all. He said, I've, I've, I've got enough data where it makes that much difference. Well, lane figured out how much that was over a, you know, a a 4,000, 4,500 bushel, you know, whole crop. And he said, well, it's this much money. You can't look at it that way. You gotta look at it, what it is per acre and what it's gonna increase your yield. That's where we sometimes get the sticker shock. And we don't follow through, we don't go to home plate is because we get so hung up on this is gonna cost me $193 an acre. You gotta remember that you're gonna make 200 an acre more for it. Now that may be an extreme case, but Johnny and them's got it. And that was counting ears, you know, rose around link times the population and it was 74 bushel more. So, uh, you know, oh wait, did He didn't answer though, is did he attribute that all to the last application or that's a practice through the year That's from in furrow to the end. That's why I'm saying I'm kind of getting off of the late season. But a lot of that was late season. You know, when you're getting to the late season, you may be looking at, you know, just say you're looking at 12, $13 an acre for an application at R six on soybeans. That's what a bushel of beans is. You know, Kevin's got data where it's, it's way more than one bushel an acre and that's all it's costing you to put it out. Some of these things are no-brainers when you get 'em down to the nuts and bolts of what they actually are. Well, Uh, and and the number, yeah, it's, that was the whole season. It was $193 more for the whole season because they went above and beyond on each treatment probably than just the last one. But like Temple's experiment in that recording we just did a little bit ago, it'll be coming out on a future episode of cutting the curve. He said $34 on that last one. And I guess probably the mindset is, help me out here. You're the guys that make the decisions. If you're already way in toward the end, you start saying, damn, I'm in this, I'm in this crop for a lot. I'm not gonna do that last one. I'm not gonna spend that last $34. I'm already over my, I'm already over my skis as it is. Is that kind of a mindset? Damien, here's the problem. All of us have gotten this far and all of our bills are coming in and they're all sitting on the table. We've paid them up until now and then we see this ginormous bill and we're like, do I really want to go spend another X amount of dollars, 34 bucks? It's, It's across thousands of acres is like, will hurt your feelings quick. Alright, we got people that are, uh, asking questions and we're gonna get to Kevin. The question for Chad is what phosphorus, and this could be for anybody from Sam Morse, he asked the question, what phosphorus products are you using through the pivot? Well, uh, I know that Matt doesn't do pivots, so I guess this is a question for Chad, principally Phosphorus products through the Pivot. Um, the one that we use, we've used either one of the products from, um, we've used one of 'em from Nature's is what we have used. We had some bid on hand and we used it, and we've also run, we'd be run some of the, uh, some stuff from Brand through the Pivot as well. Some p d s, you know, but me, you know, I've tried about everything, but it's whatever really we got on hand, you know, whether anything that's a, you know, from a 10 34 oh to a 9 24, 3 to a, you know, whatever, whatever products that you've got, you know, that you've got, got on hand for that job. All right. So Kevin, you're uh, coming, building, coming here. So Chad's point was in the south, the thing that, and I said, I asked the question, what's the most critical thing for that last pass that you think you could put on the last thing you're gonna put on your crop? He says, in the South, for me it'd probably be, uh, a phosphorus, uh, maybe the north would be a potassium for you. What is the last, what's the most important thing about your last pass, the most important thing you can do to get your bang for your buck? Well, the question is when is that last pass? And for me, that last pass is gonna be R five corn or soybeans. And at that time I'm gonna be throwing the potassium and boron to it. Very heavy. 'cause all I'm interested in is test weight, grain size and test weight kernel size. That's what I'm after. Yeah. Whether it's soybean, whether it's wheat, whether it's corn, I'm after that weight. That's reiterating what we've, that's refraining. I guess that's the refrain that we've been hearing is, uh, by the late season, you're not gonna put more kernels on the ear and you're not gonna make a longer ear. You're gonna add test weight to it. So for you it would be, Yeah, and one thing, I ain't playing with no court or half a court. We're gonna put two gallons out. We, I'm, I used to do that and the only time I started seeing big turn, big returns is when I really slammed and hit that trigger point on that plant and really got it in there. Very good adjuvant that I gotta get it in there, in that plant. Uh, I've had extremely good luck with brand indicate five and the full tech from spray tech are the only two so far that I've been able to really get it in there. And, uh, the brand indicate five is more of a pH balancer type product, but it is, that's very important to get it in there. Roundup also helps get it in there if you got some late season, uh, weeds that you need to clean up. And roundup's a good one to help get it into plan as well. I got a question from, uh, one of our attendees. By the way, if you have a question, type it into the chat section, we'll make sure we address it. This is from an Iowa farmer named Michael Fosdick. Uh, what late season PGS have shown the most promising results in corn and soybeans. So temples, since you and I just recorded about this, let's go with you then we'll go around the horn. Late season PGRs promising results in corn, soybeans. You just spoke about, uh, you spoke about using Onward max from Ag Explorer on your soybeans late season. Yep. So we use onward max on corn, soybeans, and wheat late season. Um, I've had the most luck with that type of a product. There's a bunch of other ones out there that are extremely similar to that. Um, it is built for reproduction. Um, we've in soybeans, you know, I'll give you for instance, dam, and you and I talked about it earlier, when you go in with this late season application at like a, you know, something similar to that at R three when it's, it's pretty much done blooming. Let's just talk about soybeans for a minute. When it's kind of done blooming, you can stimulate a response and you can make that thing relo all again at the growing points. And it'll, and it'll throw a bunch of different blossoms, blossoms turn into pods, pods turn into seeds that turns into, uh, you know, more of a yield. And I think that that's one of the things that we stimulate out of it. You know, the other thing I was gonna talk to you about, you know, we're, we keep talking about test weight, test weight, test weight, but you know, think about corn corn's kind of like mussel and soybeans is kind of like fat. Um, more so I've been able to affect seed size than I've ever been able to affect a lot of test weight. I know that we creep up a little bit test weight here and there, but keep in mind, like with a, with a soybean, the bigger that soybean gets and fat don't weigh as much as what you know, starch does or you know, like a oil in the soybean, it doesn't weigh as much. So it's, it's harder to affect that. Um, so what I'm saying is, is that that I can get a lot bigger effect out of the bean size. And when you talk about growing heavier test weight, you know, sometimes seeds are really small and they'll have a heavier test weight because the density that's measured in that cup. So I'm more about seed size. I don't care quite as much about test weight because I haven't been able to affect it on my ground quite as bad. But I can surely tell you that this late season past will affect seed's eyes. Alright, I I want to throw this out there. It's neat and we got Chad and Temple, the send it twins and then Matt went and put a send it hashtag send it, uh, shirt on. That's cool. But you know what, uh, me and my buddies talk about, there's a fine line between tough and dumb. Hey, he went over there and started his fight with that mixed martial arts guy. I'm like, that's not tough. That might be dumb. You know what, maybe you're spending money at the end. It's cool to say we're still gonna send it, but there really is a decision to be made about not to send it. Don't throw good money after bad. Let's not, let's be tough, but let's not be dumb. How do you make that determination? Because I'm not sure I would know and maybe it's still a little bit of a, a gut feel. I don't know. Kevin's nodding his head. So let's go with you first. How do I know when it's not time to send it? Well, that's why if you look at our whole program on our farm, we're spoonfeeding things all the way along. And when you're, your biggest, very biggest controller is water. You know, Matt is a hundred percent irrigated. Without that, it'd be tough for him to survive in his area. Uh, Chad and I temple, uh, we've got a lot of non-ed ground. So the weather determines how much money we can afford to spend because we may just have a hundred bushel corn crop or we may have a crop like this year it looks like nearly 80% of our crops irrigated. So we're going to spend a little as we go. And that's the beauty about this is when we get, maybe we don't spend much in the middle of the second quarter, things is looking tough, then we get a rain in the late third quarter and we're like, Hey, we, we've got potential here but we've only got so much seed there and temple is so right. And what he's saying, you know, we're going to influence, we can really influence that seed size in this fourth quarter that everybody's in Right now. It's about survival and netting money making profit and this system's approach not putting everything out up front. It's how you're able to spread your risk and mitigate the, the adversities that you have in this growing season. You know, Chad, he's he's one of the best around as far as you know, managing low inputs because he can't, there's no need in affording to build the soil for the next yard of concrete coming. So if you get a good season, spend a little more. If it's looking bad, pull back and uh, that's just a safety net. Alright, I appreciate that. I'm gonna go to Matt next 'cause he's not one of the Senate twins. I appreciate what Kevin is saying about the trickle effect, but here's the thing. Maybe it ain't gonna matter. Maybe it's like trying to save a sick calf. It is not gonna matter and why spend the $20, you know, or the $50 trying to save a sick calf. I'm just being honest here. So when do you know, when do you look out there and say, I I I'm not gonna send anything because I think that that's just being, that's just being foolish. Well prime example, Chad called me the other day when we landed at Ag PhD and he said, I want to ask you about a, I'm fixing that to put my fungicide out on my island corn. I said, no. He said, what do you mean? No, you ain't even heard the question. I said, no, seen the 15 day forecast. And he, and we started talking about what he was gonna do and I said, how long can you wait? Can you wait another week? And he said, yeah, I can absolutely wait another week. And I said, let's wait a week and see what the 15 day forecast is there. I'm so spoiled because whatever I'm doing, I've got irrigation to take care of. These guys here have gotta make some pretty serious decisions right, on what the weather's gonna do for 15, 20 days out. Mm-hmm. You know, they may put an application out on dry land that never pays off, but sometimes you just gotta kind of figure that out and, and go with it. I don't know what Chad ended up doing, but um, you know, big deal for us is the forecast. You know, our big deal for them, not so much me 'cause I have mine's heat, theirs, their is theirs is moisture. Yeah. So you're saying you make the decision as solely based on Water temple and then Chad good money after bad. You know, it's, it is neat to pride yourself in being the Send it twins. And also you might be, you might have to admit that sometimes you, you got a little, uh, you're the guy at the poker table that refuses to fold and it costs you. So when's the right time to say, you know what? It's, it's, I'm gonna back off here. I I'll tell you when I pulled the plug. So when, when I go out there and I have yield goals, so you know, with our nutrient management all that we can't put on but so much so I've spooned it the whole year and let's say my yield goal was two 80, you know, on irrigated for instance, maybe we had some bad things happen. I can go out there and take, get a pretty good idea where I'm gonna hit my yield goal. If that yield goal, I've hit it and I maybe have surpassed it a little bit, then I'll look at, I'll do what Matt does and I'll look at the weather and I'll see what, what I can do and I can see what, like, I don't necessarily look at the water, but I look at like the temperatures and all that stuff and see what kind of sunlight that I'm got I'm about ready to get. And if I can get around that, I'm gonna send it Now on dry land, it's, it's a little bit different. I'll go out there and say my yield goal is 185 bushel on, on dry land. If I'm at 165, I hundred percent am not going to do anymore. I'm going to leave it right where it is because I'm below my yield goal and I know that there's a potential that I cannot make up the difference. You gotta know when to pull the plug. And that's how I, I I go out there and I use my yield goals whether I'm gonna pull the plug or not. And then, uh, the number one man in, in the, in the send, he was the first one out of the womb of the Send It Twin Powers. His name is Chad, but I wanna throw it out there. Chad, you know, we joke about you being the Send It twin and you're all about measuring five gallon buckets and we've heard all the the stuff. It's not to say that you're cavalier and careless, otherwise you wouldn't be in business. So there are crops that you didn't send it late season. 'cause you said this is a sick calf that's terminal. Am I right? Um, a hundred percent that what Matt was talking about. I still hadn't fungicide, I fungicide half of it today, um, because it just come into brown silk and I needed to do a test for B A S F. So I went out there and did 80 acres in two fields and split two fields and I didn't, I put uh, one batch of fertility in it and that's it. But it was one small, well it was actually cubed from, you know, from spray tech is what actually put in there because it was a 80 acre load. It was easy. My airplane man come by the shop and he picked it up and he is like, this is it. And I'm like, this is it. He's like, I I don't think I've ever sprayed this little for you. When we sprayed our irrigated acres, I mean you seen the chart there, it was 280, they sprayed five gallons of the acre, 500 gallon tank. It was 285 gallon of material of fertility in the load. So that's what we're talking about. But then again that's irrigated acres and that ain't what Matt's talking about. So, so there's a fine line between the two. Uh, that yield go that down there we're testing fungicides, we hadn't put a fungicide on it yet and it's late in the game and it was planted in in the first week of May. So we're testing it's not half of it's not gonna get fungicide, but for extreme mag it won't get it. We need the testing, we need the data. So with that being said, we'll stop right there. Uh, on the P G R thing we use, we've been using a good bit of, uh, rev line from ma maim or we'll use energize late season or we'll use, we use a good bit of complex too, you know, complex works well. You can't really mess it up. You can just put on what you hear and stand, you know, so it works well in, in early stages or reproductive stages. All right, So if you're, if you're part of this live, you get to ask the questions If you're watching the replay, Chad is referencing a question that came in what late season plant growth regulators have shown the most promising results in corn and soybeans. And that's from our friend, that's the Iowa guy and you just said a product from Maim and then two others, would you name 'em again? Yep. The maim is rev line or, or energized we've been getting from Kelly or um, complex from Mark Koch. Tiva either got it three where we'll do the job. Got it. We got another question if you guys are willing to take it, uh, from Kurt, I hope I'm saying this Rights Holt, uh, anyone ever used source in late season pass? And what were your results? So has anybody here used source late season and if so go ahead Matt. I used source last year on brown silk. We didn't see a lot of yield yield increase there. Uh, you know, we're still working with the source, the source pivot bio. Those things are things that I think are going to, or I'm hoping that will help us through our sustainability. I think I overly oxygen and, and a lot of times that's not just late, you know, that's during the season to answer the question, but, um, I, there's some potential there at Johnny Verell's Field Day, they got a positive result out of source ev like 80% of the time they put it out. So we've got some plots out again this year. Mine are on the brown silk more late application. I think maybe the rest of the guys here maybe around a V four stage. Anybody else got anything on source? Yeah, We, I did 'em on a V seven. You put yours on a V seven and source is a product that, uh, promises to allow us to reduce nitrogen, which is something we maybe are gonna end up having to do anyhow from an environmental regulatory situation. We hope not, but that, and that's, that's what he's talking about. Anybody else got anything on the source for that guy? We, we have one on this year. We, we had it last year and we'll have one on this year and we put on V four and then come back and went again at at uh, brown Silt. Well it was actually, yeah, tassel right in that area. It has to be brown silk for me. And I talked to 'em about this because I'm gonna put so much fertility in, I can't really make that. Well I, I ain't saying I can, but it scares the debt. Scares can't. You can't. I did, I did. Fertility will cut your pollination by 50% of fly pollens there. We're making a plane trip. Okay guys. And so either you need to come in here at V 10 and make you a fungicide pass and then come back at brown silk and make fungicide and fertility pass. But don't, don't mess up and try to put fertility in that thing pollinate now, like I don't even like do nothing when it's pollinating. I really don't even like the water if I can keep from it because I just like it to be a natural deal because you can put your heart into a crop and mess pollination up and we can do something else. Prime example of that Damon. So I've got that double crop behind weeded corn and I just, the light came on yesterday and I thought, you know, I wonder if we've got southern rust. We've got all of our other corn fungicide, this corn's lake, you know, it was planted after the, you know, after the wheat harvest. And, and I'm like, if I got southern rust, I'm in the middle of pollination. I'm not brown seal. And I was trying to decide whether I needed to fungicide it and fungicide is probably the safest thing we could put on a pollinating, you know, pollinating. But you, if you add fertility to that, that, I'm glad you brought that up Chad. There's been some serious yield decreases trying to send it during pollination. I don't like to do anything, just like Chuck said, I'm gonna fungicide, pretax or brown seal because during that, that 8, 10, 12 days that we're pollinating, you really just want to keep that plant happy. We Got a couple questions. Go ahead Kevin. We got a couple questions. Yeah, Damien on that just to, so we did the test for B A S F a couple different times and we did it with the Velma product and they had us put it, I mean, during live pollen, I mean yellow pollen everywhere. We put the Velma out, then we come back and we put fertility products in with the Velma and zero issues with the Velma by itself, absolutely zero. When we put the fertility in, we cut the pollen, we cut the pollination by 50%, it was 50% kernel abortion. I mean it was beautiful, beautiful corn and uh, it absolutely cut it 50%, no question about it. When we put that fertility in, again, as as you're Saying it, it actually hindered it, it hindered what you were trying to do because the, it was, it was the thing of is it because, uh, antagonistic or because wrong timing? Uh, it, well, absolutely wrong timing, but what we done was we killed the pollen and, uh, or or we, we made the silk so the pollen couldn't adhere to it, but as, so the, the goal with it was to prove the fungicide was safe on the product, but it's the additives you add in exactly what Matt just said. But we'd literally done that. We took a 12 acre field, split it in half, and I will tell you it was a, it was 100 bushel yield hit when we put the fertility in with live pollen. And that's the key is live pollen. So wait till brown seal and then send it. That's really interesting because I want to get to, uh, two more questions and these guys are talking about other recommendations because you just said, so fertilizer, fertilizer late season is a no-no During pollination, during pollination Fertilizer at pollination is a, is a no-no, Wayne, Listen to what Chad said. Take it to heart during pollination. Just pray for a nice shy rain at night and stay out of the field. Understood. What, and by the way, for the person that's like new to grown corn, how many, how many days of a window am I talking about for pollination a week? It varies. Now, uh, a lot of your decal varieties and some of these others has got extended flowering times and uh, which is how we are getting these drought resistant corn is the way they're breeding it. So that varies. It's a, it's really hard to say your gdu, there's a lot of variables in our solar radiation location. That's a hard one to answer, But on, on average, it's probably gonna be, what, 14 days? You really want all that corn to pollinate on that sixth and seventh day. But it, you've got a pretty good window in there, you know, of that, of that timeframe is when it's gonna pollinate in general. Wouldn't y'all say that? Yeah. And and if you're curious taking shuck a ear, uh, be real gentle with the shucks, uh, hold it with the tip down and shake it. And when the, if the silks fall off the ear, those are pollinated. If they're stuck to the ear, they've not pollinated yet. That's simple. Be gentle with it. Wayne Boden asks, what about, by the way, see, Chad struggles with gentle, he's all about, he's all about put it, put it in, put it in road gear and put the, and put the pedal to the metal. Wayne Boden, what about different types of biologicals late season? Is there any benefit to putting a biological out, you know, way toward the end? Anybody got anything on that? Come on Wayne. Wayne, rough on us. Um, I don't know. You know, uh, we, Matt, talk about just a second on some of that. The bio health stuff. Yeah, so, so concept biotech has a bio health and I think full tech cube is kind of in the same lane as that. So those, those products are not fungicides, but they have fungicide properties and so there's some benefit to that. Uh, we're looking at it with fungicide and without fungicides because to be honest with you, fungicide here, if we're planting really early, fungicide is kind of a 50 50 payer for us. You know, I've gotten to the point where I, I put it out and now I'm talking about corn, not soybeans, soybeans a hundred percent I'm gonna do it every time. But if we, we can outrun the southern rust. That's our only really disease. And, and we're doing some tests today, you know, taking some of these products with fungicide properties. I'm not sure Chad, that they have a lot of biology in them. I'm not sure exactly what the composition is, but there is some pro, there is some products out there that will kind of mimic, mimic a fungicide. If you're not in like Kevin's situation, he don't have a choice. He's gonna have to fungicide at least once, maybe twice gray leaf spot, different things that he has. Yeah. But we're kind of, we're in a, we're in a little different area. We don't have to worry about that as much. I I know, I know on my wheat, you know this, I think me and Mark from uh, concept agritech and trade trade's been on me, you know about well when you going come on with it. But, but we, for, I think it's three years now, we've tested BioHealth in our wheat and we've put it out and put out streaks where, or half split fields. And instead of putting a fungicide out, we put BioHealth out and we cannot find a yielded vantage from it. But the product's half price. Yeah. So that's $10 an acre. I mean it's, it's, it's, you know, a solid seven to $9 an acre. We're talking about 15 to $18 fungicides, you know, and it's what, eight or nine Matt? Something like that, ain't it? Yeah. So, so, and we've done that and every year we just get a few more acres and a few more acres and we're doing that on wheat and we can't, we can't see the difference. So if, if that's, if that answers Wayne's question on the biology part of it, you know, I don't know, You know. Yeah, it does. It does. And by the way, I want to just chip in as a memory. It was a little over a year ago. Well, will and I were in McGee, Arkansas filming and we had Trey with concept agritech and they're very careful because of the re regulations with e P a, that there's a product that's a biological that does have fungal cidal properties. But they are just terrified to say that because they won't get any trouble on licensing. But they did say it's a plant, what do they call it? A, a crop enhancement product that has some fungicide tendencies. So I think that's what you're talking about there, right? Matt? Plant health, it's all about Plant, plant health, plant health, uh, plant health product. And that's where the, the next question I, I went on and looked at the next question about the fungicides on soybeans. Yeah. R four, R three and I, I'll, I'll go ahead and address that 'cause I know that's coming up next. If you're looking for higher yield or, or, or, or more, you know, if you're using it for yield more so than disease, we've always done the two eight to three two R two eight to R three two on fungicide to to increase plant health to increase yield. If you're going for, if you're in a heavy disease pressured area and you're going for more of the disease control, that R four stage is probably where you should be. 'cause there's been a few times, not many where we've had to make a second application because we've got frogeye leaf spot or something come in late. Real quickly, by the way, uh, to that prior one about the biologicals that have fungicide tendencies, uh, pacesetter, which is a product of Ryob backer, Brad Passions is on our webinar right now, and he put in the notes over there that pacesetter is e p a, registered as a bio fungicide. I think that's the only one. Am I right in saying that? That's what I was fixing to bring back up, Damien. Is, is, well, don't forget about pacesetter. It, it falls in that range too. Okay. And it's e p a register as a bio fungicide. Okay. So the question that Matt jumped on was, can you comment on your experience or recommendations regarding late fungicide pass on soybeans after an R three, R three pass has already taken place, uh, timing, active ingredients to utilize, et cetera. And then he goes on to about, this is an anonymous question. Uh, green stems are probably inevitable, blah, blah. Anybody got anything more to follow up on? Matt's, uh, answer On the green stems? I wanna go ahead and address that before everybody else starts, because I know Temple said we're waiting to talk. If you Don't mind, If you've got a green corn plant with a mature ear, or you've got a green soybean with a mature po you've done about everything you can do, You've done a good job. That's your, that's what you want. Yeah. Okay. That's, that's, that's, that's an interesting point right there. So what you're saying, and If, and if it becomes a problem, problem, you can do what Matt taught me in the, um, last year and, and you can desiccate those greens, stem beans and they're gonna go through the combine a lot better. But like, he, like he told me, be careful because you can become an addict to it because it was addicting. Crazy addict. I'm pretty sure he told you a few hundred acres and you went on a thousand the first two days he had a thousand. Nah, nah, nah, nah, You had 1100 acres run. You had 1100 acres run before you fired a machine up. And man was like, you're doing everything I told you not to. All right. So, uh, you're talking about the point is, uh, if, if your, if your pods or your ears are dry and your stem or your stalk is still green, you can either wait or you can go, go slow with a combine or you can kill it. Is that what I'm hearing? Yeah, I mean, you can desiccate it, that, that takes the, that takes it out. But if you're gonna grow high yield crops, you're gonna deal with green stalks, whether it's soybeans, cotton, corn, wheat, whatever you're doing, if you're going to give that plant everything it needs up to the last minute that it can take it in, you're going, that's, that's the disadvantage to, to higher yields Is having green stalks. If the plant dies before the fruit matures, it's a premature death and you never ever going to be at the top potential of that plant. Okay. So the, the disadvantage is to get big yields, you're gonna then have a green stalk or a, a green, uh, plant to, to manage through the combine. Yeah, most all the time. So can you just wait a couple extra days until it dies down? You can. Uh, but you know, if them, every time those soybeans get dry and then get wet again and get dry again, dry, you're losing quality and test weight. You're Losing condition. And to, to address that question too, there is certain specific varieties that green stem works than others, you know, so maybe the, the guy that asked the question, he may be planting a variety that greens some of 'em green stem works than others do, regardless of whether you have high fertility or desiccation or anything else. Understood. All right. Simple. Apparently, Matt thinks that you were, uh, uh, chomp with a bit to get out here and tell us. And then we got one more question. What Said, said, Matt thought that you had something to contribute on that last one. Do you have anything to contribute? Because otherwise we'll go to the next question. No, He's good. He covered it all. I didn't need to say anything after That. All right, from, this is our, from our friend Mitch, and I think the last name is Bogie Bo Boai Bogie, I think it is. Uh, well, different climates from south to north change or have an effect on fertility at pollination. So I think you're talking about you mean being to put fertility products on during the pollinating plant, I think is what he is asking. Do you think us in the more northern climates that it could possibly be a different situation? So he must be up north. Today's the first time I'm hearing foliar fertility at pollination hurt a crop. It's something we'll definitely be looking at now. So he's, he's probably like me. I didn't, I hadn't heard that before today either. And you guys just, uh, educated both me and Mitch. So talk about, do you think that's more of an issue in Southern than it would be in say, Minnesota? I don't know. I'll tell you one better than that. I, I'll tell you one better than that, that most people hadn't heard of is surfactant. How many people will send out the fungicide and send a surfactant with it? Kevin Temple send us surfactant with it. And people don't, don't know. Don't put a surfactant out either. Like, don't even put a surfactant out when you're, when you're, you know, if you wanna put something out, you know, I don't, I don't really know. Uh, Yeah, that's a, that's a good point, Chad, because on the research we did for B A S F with the Velma, we was, we left the adjuvants out. So there was no surfactants. It was the product only. Then we went and added only the fertility product, which was a, a very good product. And, and it absolutely cut that yield in half. Now please remember, all our listeners, when we're talking about pollination, we're talking about when there is live pollen there, it, it is, it's dust everywhere. You can't walk through the field. You don't wanna walk through the field. You pull out where you sprayer and it's yellow regardless of what color it was when you went in the field. That is the timing that we're discussing right here. Just stay out of the field and leave it alone. I really don't see how the climate area, whether you're in, uh, Brazil, uh, Argentina, United States, the lower 50, upper 50, none of that gonna change. Fact Kong, Hong Kong, Yeah, Hong Kong. I don't think there's any cornfields in Hong Kong. And I don't know where Mitch bogey is, but by the way, he just typed in also, it's pronounced bogey, which is like the, like me that you're, if you're good, if you're, if you're having a good hole, you're one over par. Sorry, Mitch. I'll never forget that again. Did you, what did you call him? Bogie. You were, you were just horrible. Bogie. Bogie. You're horrible Bogey. So I, I mean, I'm, I'm gonna run with that too, Mitch. Let's just keep all the fertility out. Better yet, if you're worried about something and you wanna put some fertility in a little bit of fertility, spray your corn earlier, come in here, V 10, V 11, V 12, and put you a fungicide out and then just hang out. Fungicide micro pack, good shot of boron, good shot of boron. And then, 'cause we're gonna try to drive it in the plant to run our number up in front of the pollination. So run that number up there. Then when it comes to brown silk, then mash it with fertility. When we say fertility, it's like Kevin said, we're talking about a gallons of fertility, whichever you need, you know, um, just mash it with fertility. After, when you gets to brown silk, you just step on it again, you can just step on it much. Your pocketbook can stay in And are you, but are you, are you doing much fertility? But are you doing much fertility after brown silk, Chad? Yes. Yes. At brown silk, it's not after. Okay. I mean, when it gets to brown silk and when those silks are half to three quarters brown. When I'm looking at, I don't know what r that is. Two, three, it's brown, brown, r r Brown. That's what I'm saying. R Brown. So, you know, because people out there, oh, m r two and a half. Well, okay, well what color silk, because it's pretty, it's pretty simple. Just once it gets to brown silk, you can't kill it again, right? You just, so there, there's something that you gotta remember here. You know, we, we've, we've done all this all along and we've tried to keep these really, really healthy plants. Whether you use XY way up front or whatever it is, guys gotta step in the field and look at it at tassel. And if your field is clean, absolutely positively, this is the part that we're talking about. It's not all about send it, send this, send that. You gotta step in the field, boots on the ground, go in there. If you don't have any disease and your plants look good and you don't show any deficiencies, don't do anything. Just sit back and wait. Take a side step, wait till after brown silk when everything is safe. Can't I know that? That's probably not something I can't Do that, but you know what I mean? But you know what I mean? If, if, if your crop is, if it's clean and you're good and you can wait to not put anything on during pollination, I'd wait. I'd a hundred percent wait. Do it all the time. Yeah. What Chad said earlier, that we're pushing and pushing more that direction. We wanna have all this stuff that we'd normally do just right after pollination. We're wanting to actually get it in about V 12 v v 14, right before tassel, get that stuff in there, then get it out for us. One thing different temple is we know we gotta have fungicide. We know that plants are gonna be clean at pollination. And we also know by R two R three we're gonna have gray leaf spot, Northern, probably some southern come in and we know it's coming. So the sooner we can protect that plant, the better off we are. And then we, by the time I get there, I've already put on four passes anyway. Yeah. Yeah. But I mean, you're the same as I am. I'm, I'm in a high, high, um, you know, diseased environment. We got the same environment, Kev, we gotta be ahead of it. So I, I think I'll throw it out There guys. Weight, I, I think that, you know, I try to play the part of the, the person that's viewing this replay or that's watching right now and doesn't want to ask a question. And I think we really do have to ask the question. I mean, we joke about send it twins and Matt with his shirt on. There are economic considerations and you are toward the end of the season and your pocketbook is getting a little bit depleted. And, and there's some realities here. Let's admit there's been times where you sent it and it didn't give you any yield. I mean, there's probably been times. So you've gotten better about the timing and better about what to put on. Can you give anybody just an example? 'cause we know, we like to admit extreme ag. We've made some mistakes and we're willing to share that with you. One thing that you did that is like, yeah, this was a dumb ass move. I put money out there and I didn't anything out of it. I'm gonna just say this. Don't, if, if you're worried about it or, you know, there's certain things, like when I ask Kevin about the R five being, um, application, he is like, do it. I've already tested. Test it on your farm because everybody has different practices, they have different styles of management. Mm-hmm. So just, just make a few acres and try it this year. If you're not there yet. And, uh, you know, see what the results is, you may wanna do it two years or three on a limited amount of acres and then go to your whole farm. That's what we do. We do a lot of testing and after two years of data, then we will actually put that in a, as a grower standard practice. Chad's got his hand up, Chad says, Nope, just go. There's only one way forward. And that's putting the pedal of the metal. Unmute yourself, buddy. I can't even talk right now. What I want, what I wanted to say is, is I'm gonna kill these dogs. If there's anybody from EPA listening, y'all can come out here and get these dogs, not epa, but, uh, dog pound, send them to my house. Hs u s all right, so, So no, um, what I wanna say is I've got, this year, I've got 28, 2800 acres of corn. Okay? I've got, I have about 800 acres fungicide. There's your point. You know, I mean, I got 2000 acres that I didn't even fungicide I didn't do anything with because my deal is southern rust. We keep watching, we keep watching, we keep watching. When it starts to come in, we're gonna have to just jump on top of it then. But it's dry land corn, y'all. I got 180 bushel yield gold, you know, 140, 50 bushel is my management plan. And, and it just don't happen. I mean, Jackson called me today, he was spraying some beans. He said, Hey, did they tell you the pan tractor come in on this farm? I said, no. He said, yeah, about seven acres of corns laying over here in the corner in a dirt pile pushed seven acres up, Right? And by, uh, by the, if you've never listened to what's going on here, this is your first webinar. Chad Farms in the outskirts and not even outskirts like in the shadow of, uh, commercial development and, uh, residential development outside of Huntsville, Alabama. So, uh, that means that one of his corn fields has been, uh, they're already starting the development, uh, right now. And, and I mean, I wish I'd known, I'd took Johnny Verell's plan, you know, him and brewer desiccated some corn over where we sheed 36% corn two days ago. I'd, I'd shelled that stuff right out. But, but you know, that's my point is, you know, we're on here, we're talking about sending over, we're talking about fungicides over, we're talking about this. And I got 2000 acres that I didn't even do this plan to, but all my plan was done in my wide drop. And then I'm sitting there and then it's like Temple said, we're monitoring those fields and we'll jump on those last fields and make sure we don't have any disease come in and can we outrun the disease? So, so, you know, don't, you know, definitely ask questions, you know, because it's not all about just spending money, Right? Anybody else got anything to get us outta here? We're a little over the hour mark. We're gonna try and keep it crisp or, uh, our people, uh, will stay with us. Anybody else got anything on the way outta here? We're talking about rounding the basis, maximizing your final application. Anybody don't be afraid to try It. That's what I was gonna say. Just don't be afraid. 'cause I was a scared guy, you know, I didn't have the guts to do what they've done in the past, and I've done it this year. So I'll, I'll show you good or bad when we get through with this, what happens. But just, just don't be scared to do it. And don't look at it as a total cost. Look at it as a cost per acre and how many bushels it takes to pay for it. Because you can have, you can have a low yielding crop. That steel will r o i with that, you know, if you're a 60 bushel beam producer and it makes you five bushels and it costs you two, or you're an 80 bushel beam farmer that does the same thing, it's still the same money. Yeah. Um, I like this topic. Um, I think that, uh, we, you know, we, we joke about the send it guys, but let's face it. Uh, they wouldn't do this on a repeated basis. And, and Chad just, uh, you know, shared with us, he's not doing it on several thousand acres because he is not sure it is gonna make sense. So it's not send it at all costs. It's send it when it can, when the cost can make you money. We're doing this again on September 7th, So that I, I got my shirt on, right. They asked me to put my shirt on, but they named me a send it cousin. So we have a group that send it and send it. Cousins. So I'm the cousin, just so everybody knows. Frankly, I think it's getting a little incestuous. Will and I are completely non-related and they don't call us anything. But, uh, you know, that's, that's fine. We're doing this again on September 7th. Remember the first Thursday of every month we do the seven o'clock Eastern, six o'clock central, four o'clock on the West Coast Coast. We do these, uh, webinars and we make that about information that you can interact with, have the questions answered, and also you can apply to your own operation on September 7th. We're talking about breaking down residue for next year's crop. If you listen to our podcast, uh, some of the things we talked about are how much of this year's fertility are in that fodder, laying in that field next year, get your fertility out of that breaking down residue for next year's crop. Get rid of the residue, makes it good for organic matter. It helps get the fertility into your soil. More importantly, it helps for soy seed to soil contact. That's what we're talking about. Breaking down residue for next year's crop is our next topic on September 7th. Reminder that between now and the next time we meet on a webinar, we've got two field days. August 10th next week at Kevin Matthews in North Carolina. There's a field day. If you wanna know more about it, you can find out. And in August 22nd, Chestnut Manor Farms and Center of VMAs, Maryland, that's at Temple's Farm. So we've got two field days Just to verify. Jordan Burko, that's C M f Chestnut Manor Farm. That's what that is. I just want to clarify, but go ahead. All right. Chestnut, man, One more thing. Dam cmf. One more thing on that, on that next webinar, be looking for that because we're doing a lot of testing on these double crop beans with several different products, you know, to break this, break this down and see if we can get it in and make the double crop beans. You know, Matt and I Temple, Kevin, all of us are, you know, we're, you know, Matt's probably one of the, him and Temple's the best people I know about growing beans. But everybody hits a wall with these double crop beans. It's serious. And we're using these things behind the wheat and the double crop beans. So we've already got stuff in the field already. I like it. So check that September 7th for our webinar. You can, you can register for it and we'd like to have you there. Another thing I want tell you that's something that we're all very proud of is that $30,000 of scholarships are gonna be announced very soon. Uh, the application deadline was August 1st. That's two days ago. So again, as the extreme Ag scholarship, uh, program that we're doing, we're gonna give away 10, $3,000 scholarships. We'll be announcing that probably within the next 30 days. Uh, so that's very exciting news for here, uh, for us. Uh, till next time, thanks for being here on the extreme ag webinar, talking about rounding the basis and maximizing your final application. Uh, mark your calendars for the first Thursday of every month. When we do these live, we want you to be here for the questions and the interaction. Chad Henderson from Madison, Alabama and Temple Rhodes his Send it twin and send it cousin. Be a little, it's gonna be a little inbred. It's gonna be a inbred around here for me. Uh, send it cousin Matt Miles from McGee, Arkansas and then apparently the unrelated ones, Kath, Kevin Matthews, will OTE and me. We're not, we're not anything, we're not sending anything. So anyway, thanks for being here. Till next time, check us out at Extreme Ag Farm. Hundreds of videos, these guys are shooting on their farms. Hundreds of episodes of the cutting the curve, honestly. And it's all free right there. Extreme Ag Farm. Till next time I.

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