Yield Retention
29 Sep 238 min 40 sec

You spend a lot of time getting your early and mid season fertility dialed-in in order to build yield. But how do you retain that built-up yield into the final part of the season? 

00:00 Hey there, coming at you from the Farm Progress Show, from the concept Agritech booth talking about yield retention. Yield retention. It's a subject that Mike Evans came up with and I said, 00:09 that is a brilliant subject, that's why we're gonna talk about it. We got Derek Couture, he's with concept Agritech. Okay. Yield potential. Uh, 00:15 it said that once you open the seed bag, the yield potential starts to decline because everything from that point forward could either be stressful, you could do a mistake, you could do something wrong, 00:26 whatever. Yield, yield, retention. What are we talking about? You're the one that came with the subject and I like it. 00:31 Yeah. It's just focusing on like all year, we're growing season. We plant it, like you said, open that bag, 00:35 we put it in the ground and then we nurture it through the whole season. So we're trying to build yield and then we get to a point where the plant's 00:43 gonna start to mature. Right? And then it starts to, uh, fill the seed and then slowly mature and we're trying to hold what we 00:52 built up to that point. That's what I view, view as yield retention. So all the things that we've covered before, Derek, we've talked about, I mean, 01:00 at ag at x extreme mag, we have stress mitigation, uh, whatever you can do to help, uh, you know, hold onto groundwater, you know, organic matter enhancements makes, uh, 01:12 water more available or, you know, all these kinds of things. That's not really product specific. 01:18 No, absolutely not. I mean, Mike hit it on the head there that once we open that bag up, you know, we're, we're stresses. Everything's a stress, everything's gonna affect the, 01:27 the overall genetics of that plant. So what can we do to, to increase nutrient uptake, nutrient retention? 01:34 Because obviously depending on soil moisture conditions, we're gonna have a much different portfolio of, of nutrients available to us. 01:42 Say for instance, like potassium. You know, we want to make sure that we're keeping potassium in that plant throughout that season, 01:47 even if we are going through a dry stretch because most of our potassium is only available in soil solution. Okay. So as we, as we go through this, 01:56 we've gotta identify what our problems are and try to pick out the products and the, the nutrients we need to focus on. Okay. 02:03 Now I know there's some P G R stress mitigation type products out there that can also help us here, but our focus is gonna be on the nutrients first. Yep. 02:12 Things like potassium, calcium, boron. Right. You know, no matter what crop we're talking about, those are gonna help with water retention. Yep. And better, 02:20 better nutrient uptake. So we were at your farm and uh, Kelly Garrett's farm, and you and I stood in the field in June. It was hotter than blazes and dry. 02:29 And I said, are we done? I mean, is this gonna even work? And he said, oh, you can't give up on it. Can't give up on it. And then we hear it all the time. 02:36 I heard, uh, I heard Darren Hefty, uh, at their big field day ag PhD and he said, number one sin. I think that we see, uh, maybe they call it number one sin, he called asin, 02:46 that he sees we give up on a crop too early. So we're talking about yield retention, you're talking about staying with it till the end. Mm-hmm. When do you then say, 02:54 Nope, it's finally time to give up on it? Well, that's a good question. We're trying to find that out. Um, you know, like I told before we got on this, we made a pass about 10 days ago, 03:04 and now we're gonna be desiccating the beans this week. So, but we wanted to heat you 03:09 Did the last pass like 14 days before you're going to then kill off those beans to harvest. 03:13 Yeah. 'cause it was gonna turn hot. I mean, we're a hundred degrees. Yep. Real feel 120. 03:18 We want to give that plant the nutrition and some of the building box to handle that heat. So it did not lose pods. We weren't looking to, 03:26 I wasn't looking to add pods. I wanted to retain what we had at that point, and we needed to give the plant some tools to do that. And, 03:32 And I have a saying as an agronomist that, uh, every time I try to save a dollar, it costs me a hundred. Mm-hmm. Okay. So like when it comes to this season, this growing season, for instance, 03:42 a lot of growers were on the fence about do I even make a foliar application or do I apply a fungicide? You know, because frankly we went six, 03:49 eight weeks without rainfall. And, and there I go back to that. You know, typically, uh, when guys try to pull the checkbook a little close, 03:56 the checkbook, it ends up, uh, it ends up biting in the tail because in agriculture it seems like it, it, anytime we save it, try to save a dollar, it costs us a hundred. So yeah. 04:06 So it seems like it's everything. So this is a cool idea. Yield retention, but there's not one thing. 04:11 Absolutely. Okay. Okay. So gimme the five things. Yield retention, Five things for yield retention, 04:17 Because it really, let's, let's, we can talk about, oh, you're going to make sure you did this in March, or you No, let's talk about when it really matters. 04:25 You are really talking mid and late season, so let's not worry about the stuff. We, let's assume we do everything right, Derek. Yeah. 04:32 We do everything right in February, March, April, may at the time of planting. Boom. Okay. Because I know you're gonna say, oh, it's a season long. 04:38 I get all that. Yeah, here we are. Every company up and down this aisle. I'll tell you it's a season long. But really when I think about yield retention, 04:44 it's, I'm thinking what happens from July 4th until the combine? Yeah. We're gonna be focused on those core nutrients to finish that crop off, you 04:52 Know? Perfect. Take me there Specifically like corn or soybeans. Either one doesn't make me much difference. It's gonna be late season potassium, 04:58 making sure I've got that there to keep my nitrate moving into that plant. And corn gonna help me fill pods in, in soybeans, calcium, 05:06 calcium's gonna help me retain more water, which is gonna also lead to stronger cell walls, which is gonna lead to less disease. You know, something else there, uh, 05:14 borons gonna help with test weight and grain fill. You know, those are probably the three biggest ones that we focus on mid to late season. 05:20 Stress, By the way. That's why I like it. Okay. So stress mitigation, which is yield retention, which is late season. 05:24 You just said potassium because it makes, helps the nitrogen be moving in the plant. Keep moving In the plant. 05:29 You said calcium because it helps the water retain water retention, the plantain, water retention. Mm-hmm. And then the third one was boron. 05:35 Boron because it Helps with help. Well, calcium builds the road. Boon's the driver. Yep. That, that's what I'm stealing a line from Mr. Kinzie at that point. But, 05:43 but boron does a good job of just, of moving our nutrients and distributing it throughout the plant. Yeah. Specifically soybeans. But keep in mind, soybeans have all these fruiting nodes. 05:52 Right. And soybeans are actually very bad at distributing nutrients to those points. So that's why we end up with two pods, three pods at, at nodes. Okay. Okay. 06:02 So yield retention again, uh, is a lot of the lacy's in those three things. What else? What did they miss? 06:07 What did Derrick miss that you do on your farm for yield retention? Um, Like, Molly's a big one for us. He talked about the nitrate piece. 06:16 So Molly's a key key nutrient in the nitrate reductase enzyme. So to process that nitrate into usable form in the plant. 06:24 So every pass we have anymore has got Molly in it. Um, and then one that I always look at, especially this time of year is phosphorus, just to make sure we got enough phosphorus. Phosphorus is hard to get out with 06:35 To help with grain fill. Yeah. It's part of the synthetic process. But I, I thought that so many times we were finding out that we have adequate 06:41 phosphorus in the soil. It's just we don't have adequate uptake of the phosphorus. Yep. Correct. 06:45 So you're putting on phosphorus or you're, you're doing something to make sure that phosphorus gets uptaken. Both. Okay. Yep. 06:52 Get me outta here. Yield retention. What's the, what's the number one mistake you think? Number one flaw number one, uh, uh, 07:00 lack lacking practice that could help really retain yield and it could be 10% that you're leaving on the table. Let's just quickly 07:07 Hit on crops. Okay. Corn, applying not more nitrogen is usually not the answer. Okay. Start right there. You know, I, 07:14 I don't know how many guys I've talked to that have tried y dropping and stuff late season. Like, well, what did you use? Well, 07:18 we just used nitrogen and sulfur. Yeah. No. Okay. No. Okay. You gotta, you gotta get outside of the box a little bit. As you might say, 07:24 soybeans look at things like sulfur as well. Um, more and more growers are becoming more apparent aware of that in corn. But soybeans, it's a big component. And like I mentioned, potassium, 07:35 calcium boil. Now, we didn't touch at all about sugars, you know, um, we're opening carbon, you know, 07:42 we're opening up a whole nother can of worms there. But, uh, just, it's not just N P K. We've gotta have a balanced approach throughout the season. 07:49 And, um, you know, concept agritech, extreme ag got some great resources for growers Yeah. To try and try and utilize that. Yeah. 07:57 And I think it's kind of cool. I mean, we were talking about yield retention when Evan says, you know, we, we just did it past 10 days ago and we're gonna kill those beans out to harvest 08:03 them in three days. So it is a lot about going out there still at the end and saying, yeah, we can still make this pencil out. Yep. 08:12 Talk about yield retention here at the Farm Progress Show Derek Couture, Mike Devons. I'm Damien Mason. Awesome. 08:17 Videos like this throughout the Extreme AG website, extreme Ag Farm, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of videos. 08:22 They shoot in the vid on the field, then I shoot with them podcasts. You know what, it's a source of great information. 08:27 Share it with somebody that can benefit from it. Thanks for letting us be here. Thank you guys. 08:30 Until next time at the Farm Progress Show, just share great information.