What's New and What Does It Do: Vive Unveils Game-Changing Nanotechnology for Farmers at Commodity Classic 2024
15 Mar 245m 49s

At the 2024 Commodity Classic, Vive introduced its nanotechnology that is designed to solve common issues like tank clumping and filter clogging by ensuring compatibility with fertilizers.

00:00 Hey, continuing to ask the question, what's new in 2024? I'm at the booth of Vive at Commodity Classic, 00:07 and I'm talking to David Rife and Temple Rhodes. I'm holding this right here, which we can get very scientific, 00:12 but basically nanotechnology. When we ask what's new and what does it do, Vive is new. You've been selling product for six years, 00:18 but you've been around for 17 years. You're giving away these dog toys and real quickly, what is this? 00:23 So this is a representation of our nanotechnology, and essentially what we do with it is we optimize crop protection inputs for the farmer 00:31 to give them more tools to not only improve their crop, but uh, also make themselves more effective and more efficient when they're actually planting 00:39 because operational efficiency and agronomics go hand in hand together. Okay? This is gonna be the big thing 00:44 for you is what does it mean for him? What's it mean for him? What I think is neat is David, uh, you are a Michigan state educated agronomy guy 00:50 with farm roots in the Saginaw Bay City area of Michigan. So you're a real farm guy, you still are involved 00:55 with the family farming operation, and you do this job. You worked for a large corporation, came to vi. What excites you about vi 01:02 New technology? Bringing something cool, something innovative. Um, I, I've sold pesticides, herbicides, fungicides 01:08 for a number of years in my past life, and this nanotechnology changes the game of how those are applied for farmers like temple. 01:15 All right, so you're the farmer. He's a farmer. How does he use it? And then I want to hear what Temple's response is on how, what excites him? 01:21 Some conversation. Temple said he's the descendant guy. He's throwing stuff in the tank, he's trying new things and undoubtedly has caused some problems. 01:28 I've had massive amounts of problems, you know, tying up tanks, you know, filters stopping up because we, you know, we jar test everything, 01:38 but even if you jar test, sometimes it just settles out and then you end up with a problem down the road. We have a lot of trouble with, with different fungicides, 01:47 Right? So a lot of those pesticides fungicides were based on 20, 30, 40-year-old, uh, ways to make chemicals. 01:54 This is the new technology of the future to, to make them, and really what we're doing is our first, 02:00 our commercial products today are fully fertilizer compatible. So this nanotechnology actually protects, protects the, the, 02:08 uh, the chemical from the salt, interacting with it and giving you all those clumps and, and plugging up your planner 02:14 And all that. I mean, alright, I Want you wast a lot of time. I wanna interject here. You have had plenty of things 02:19 because you're always doing, you're always cutting edge and, and experimenting with stuff. 02:23 And so what we're talking about is you put too many things together. Sometimes it don't work, you know, it's too many, 02:27 too many elements at the party and it just doesn't, it just doesn't gel. So how are you gonna use this to make that not happen? 02:34 Well, this is just one more technology that we're finding out that it makes us farmers more efficient at what we do. 02:40 How efficient am I if I'm out of the cab cleaning out filters all the time? Sometimes I'll make a infer, a mix 02:46 and it'll sit in my tank on the, a rain event comes. Yep. And regardless, all this stuff sits in there and in my jar test, well guess what? 02:54 In my jar test it was fine. I never had any problem. Got it. We just sat there for three days. Got it. 03:00 It sits there for three days. Now I got A problem, David, I'm looking over my shoulder here. I got asteroid FC fungicide. Tell me how I use that. 03:07 Then we're going down to bio fender, then we're going to Alin tell me how each of these work and how he's gonna use 'em. 03:11 Right? So in our last podcast we talked about crown rod, root rot problems across the Midwest. 03:14 Yep. Asteroid is a phenomenal in furrow fungicide that mixes with your fertility products. 03:20 6, 10 34 0 6 24 6, zinc, calcium, um, early season Standability root health, crown health, getting that plant up and out of the ground by fender. 03:31 A lot of corn root, worm wire worm, uh, problems, grubs, really good product that, again, mixes very, very nicely 03:37 with all of your infra products for, uh, insect protection. And then Aand FC is actually a really cool one 03:43 because a lot of corn growers aren't focused on corn nematodes. Yep. And the more I get out and dig fields 03:49 and take soil samples, the more problems I find with corn nematodes. And this is a, it's a great, We did the recording, you spoke about the, we used 03:55 to think geographically it was only in a couple of areas and now with better testing, we're seeing 04:00 that it's robbing us of yield in a bigger geographical footprint than we thought. That's correct. Speak 04:04 To that. Yeah, so there's some great testing, uh, online resources of where corn nematodes are becoming more impactful 04:11 and really across the Midwest, especially with the, uh, reduction of organ phosphates, things like that. Just some of those tough chemicals, corn, 04:18 nematodes are coming back up and, you know, they're not just the sandy areas of where we, we think they may be. 04:23 They're, they're much more across the Midwest. Got it. How are you gonna use this stuff and what excites you? Yeah. 04:27 First of all, I'm gonna tell you this, I'm really excited about, you know, one of them, he talked about 04:31 how you've been using some fungicides in furrow that slightly specific for like pythium, uh, fusarium, those type of things. 04:40 And those are the products, the fungicide products that I've been having trouble with all along of drying down, flaking off in my tanks, settling out. 04:48 Those are my problematic areas. Yep. Those are the things that we fight when we're fighting a cold, wet soil. 04:54 What do we talk about all the time? We can drive more yield if we can get out there in the field. A little, 04:58 A little bit earlier, a little bit earlier, okay. That Cold weather has a problem and this is one of the things that fix it. You 05:04 Might have some experience in that up in the lower, have some experience Central lower Michigan. Yeah. I mean, we always wait 05:09 for the sole attempts to get to 55 degrees. No, you Don't. I never wait. All right. Uh, the technology again is, 05:16 It's, it's nanotechnology. So super, super small and it creates a, a, a better, more effective delivery system for chemical 05:22 and biological active ingredients. Got it. In our jus. Okay. We're gonna be hearing more from our friends at VI 05:27 in the 2024. Uh, David and I are going together and have a lot of conversations we're gonna bring on the farm guys like our friend Temple here. 05:33 Talk about those products, what they can do for you. Some exciting technology that I think is gonna really be good for you to use. 05:39 You know, what coming at you from the commodity classic 4 20 24, throwing it back to you.

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