What We Learned in 2023 and How To Apply It To The Farm in 2024
8 Mar 2441m 14s

Chad Henderson, Matt Miles, and Kevin Matthews, join Tommy Roach from Nachurs to share insights from their experiences in farming. They discuss the importance of learning from past mistakes and successes, experimenting with fertilization strategies, and the benefits of precision agriculture on a panel hosted by Damian Mason at the 2024 Commodity Classic in Houston, Texas.

00:00 All right folks, welcome to the Nature's Panel, commodity Classic 2024. On and on. We've been talking about what's 00:06 new and what's it do for you. One of the big topics that we've been recording on with our companies that we work 00:11 with is what's new and what's it do for you. So what we're gonna do now is talk about what new these guys are gonna do on their farm. 00:18 What are they gonna do in 2024 based on a lesson that they learned last year or maybe the year before? Where did they make a mistake? Where did they experiment? 00:27 Something that actually helps them. The question is, what did you learn in 2023 or 2022 that you're gonna apply to 2024? 00:36 My guess are Tommy Roach, who was talking while I was, and my friend, and he's with Nature's. And then we've got Chad Henderson 00:44 right here, mass in Alabama. One of the original extreme AG guys next to me right here is my friend Matt Miles. 00:50 Matt Miles from the Delta Region of Arkansas. And then next to him is Kevin Matthews from Yadkinville, North Carolina. 00:56 Their kids are also over here because you know what? We're such a loving group at XT Extreme Mag. They all are showing their support 01:01 and I told 'em they had to come in and sit down and be supportive. Alright, I'm gonna lead off right now with my friends, uh, 01:08 right here because Matt is the most prepared. And he said, I wanna make sure I nail this. Give me some, give me some lessons from 2023 01:17 or 2022 that you're thinking. Just start with your first one that you're gonna apply to a better 2024. 01:22 Well, you know, we talk a lot about reallocating resources or reallocating money and, 01:27 and we were looking last year at, at, okay, we can go from three gallons of, of starter fertilized down to one. 01:34 Several experts said, that'll work, that'll work. One of 'em down here on the left said, you're screwing up. I said, well, I'll tell you what I'll do. 01:41 Yeah, that'd be Mr. Tommy. I said, I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll plant a hundred acre field and I'll do a pass of five gallon, three gallon 01:48 and one gallon across the field all the way across the field. And lo and behold, I had to go back and eat crow 01:54 because the five gallon was the best yield. The three gallon was the best. ROI. So what it proved to me in a year, like this year now 02:03 that was using $6 corn. You know, I gotta go back and look at the numbers at $4 corn. But that's one thing I wanna caution people not to do, 02:12 is cut out things that actually make money. And, and if you know on your farm what's making money, then you'll be able to know what 02:19 to cut out, if anything. Okay, So what I think is a really interesting thing right there, we're talking about depressed agricultural commodity prices. 02:26 We're gonna talk about lower income expectation for 2024. We're expected to be 25% lower on farm income this year than 02:33 we were just last year. We're gonna be 40% off of the high set in 2022. If you're looking at a 40% shave on revenue from just two 02:41 years ago, how can you cut back? Well, it'd be foolish to think you can cut back on all your inputs. What if you can do what Matt just said 02:48 and you peel back just a little bit on a couple of things and you don't get as big a yield, 02:54 but you still make more money against your expenses. And I think that's really gonna be a big takeaway where we might actually see some of that happening. 03:00 Are we gonna see that happening, Tommy, where, you know, farmers are gonna say, Hey, I'm not gonna go full tilt. 03:06 I'm not gonna push high yield. I'm gonna push high return. Talk to me. So we're in year four of, of some studies 03:13 and we're included at precision planning in Illinois. And what, and this is dry fertility. Everybody uses some form or fashion of dry fertility. 03:26 And when, when we talk about reallocating, pick and choose where you pull nutrients back from, and one of the, one of the great places to do it is out 03:36 that dry fertilizer because what we've seen is over the last four years now, taking a hundred percent broadcast, comparing it to 03:46 a hundred percent band, which would be strip-till anybody want to guess how many more bushels of yield we gain by doing that? 03:55 Now take that one step further and we look at a hundred percent broadcast and compare that to 75%, 50%, 04:06 25% and zero. Come to find out a hundred percent broadcast compared to 50% banded 04:15 nutrition, same yield. And you just cut out 50% of your dry fertilizer. So no, no yield drag at all. 04:24 No cutting out 50% of dry application, but by using a precise time, as we talked about last year, applying fertility in a spoonfed manner at 04:36 time of influence. And, and when, when I talk about banded fertility, of course I'm gonna talk about 04:45 in furrow fertility on a planter. I'm not gonna cut that out. I mean, he, he ran, he ran it last year, 04:53 five, three and one. And guess what? He, of, of his normal, what he would normally apply was one gallon. 05:00 Well, look what he got when he added two more gallons to it. Three gallons. One. So don't, don't cut it out. 05:07 So when you're saying band, are you taking 50% of the fertilizer and just putting it at the plant? Or are you taking a hundred percent of the fertilizer 05:14 and just putting it in a band? 50% band it in a strip till. So you're, if you were putting out 05:20 200 pounds of K, you're switching it to a hundred pound and putting it in a band. Yep. In a strip till. 'cause you're banding new, you're, 05:27 you have a higher concentration of nutrients in the band than just scattering it. I think Chad has something to add on this. 05:35 If not, I'll go over here to Kevin, but let's go ahead and stick with the concept or the, the strategy of, of reallocating, 05:41 even if you're not making big wholesale cuts, reallocating budget. But what we really talked about there was really not just 05:47 reallocating, it was, it was actually a deduction in expense. Yeah. Anybody wanna take that, Chad? So 05:53 Me and Tommy's been testing this three, three years. Two, two. This will be three. This'll be year three. We've been testing this same thing. 06:00 And it was four times like this. Remember we talked about yesterday about the r and d thing. You know, you got on your farms that everybody has. 06:05 This is when it shows up and shows out. So what we decided to do was we put in, we had the same amount of money, 06:11 whatever you wanna spend on fertility with a strip till. And then we cut 50% of that out and we, 06:16 and we replicated it three times. And it was 12 bushel. It was 12 bushel. Every time we do it, every time we do it, it's eight 06:22 to 15 bushel and it averaged somewhere around 12 bushel. And I told Tommy and, 06:26 and in it, the funny thing is, is I piled that in there too. And you know me, I'm on like, where's my man at? 06:32 That was talking, we was talking yesterday about doubling up, but we piled that, we piled it in there 06:37 with the same amount of dry fertility, the high rate of dry fertility and the high rate of liquid. I said, well, heck, if it makes 10 bush on half 06:42 and half, let's just pile 'em all together. We didn't make any more money. We made no more bushels than no more money. 06:48 It got so hot and it got so hot in the band that I think we, you know, hurt some roots right there. 06:53 So what I'm getting back to is there's a fine balance of this and that's where we gonna have to start. And it's not shaving as much money as it is, 07:01 but it's knowing our outcome. 'cause we're creating, we are building more bushels. You're gonna have to make a decision whether I'm gonna stay 07:07 where I'm at, I or not make more. Or if I'm going to drive on and I'm gonna push harder and I'm gonna make more bushels. 07:13 And it's not a either decision is not a wrong decision, it's just what decision do you need to make for your farm this year? 07:20 Damien, you was talking. Oh, you was talking. You want me to keep talking? I, IIII was talking to Kevin to set him up so 07:26 that he can uh, he can share some of his brilliance. Go ahead Kevin. I don't need to be set up partner. 07:34 I tried that one time. I went out with two Cindy's the same weekend and one had horses and the one didn't. 07:39 So I went with the one that didn't and married her. And 29 years ago, Sunday, we still together. I tell you what, that's 07:45 Don't need to be set up no more. I Also, I think it's the smartest, I mean, you've done some smart stuff in your career, 07:51 but not marrying a horse woman was probably the smartest thing you've ever done in your life. 07:55 My grandpa told me as a young man, he said, boy, you don't want a boat and you don't want a horse in good times. 08:02 Everybody wants them in bad times. You can't give 'em away. My sister owns a marina. 08:10 I don't know where this guy came from. Usually they rely on me for the jokes. Kevin, I tell you what man, 08:14 something's working for you in Texas. Stay with it. Stay with it. Go that bar over there. Yeah. Right, right, right. The bar. 08:20 That's some good water. Tommy got me. All right. He's got some, probably some finish line that I say yes. I don't think 08:25 it's finish line. I think it's called Tito's, but go ahead. Okay. But, um, reallocating is a big topic this year. 08:32 The economy, no question about it scares the fool out of me. We went through some pretty hard times on the 08:37 farm a few years back. But hard times prepare you for other times that can make good opportunities. 08:45 What we learned during those hard times was how to manage a plant rather than the acre. And managing that plant. 08:52 We was trying to plant higher populations than we should be. We was putting out way too much 08:56 fertility than we needed to be. And we learned to cut that population back, manage that plant with good fertility, perfect timings, 09:06 and really created a positive ROI And it's really gonna be a blessing for us this year. Alright, 09:10 We go to 20 23, 20 22. Last couple of years. Um, it was real easy, not real easy. It was easier to make money 'cause 21, 22 09:21 and 23 were record farm income years if You sold the crop. I didn't sell It if you sold the crop. 09:26 Right. Okay. Record farm income. The highest farm income we've ever seen since records have been kept by USDA 21, 22, 23, the highest three years ever. 09:35 Here we are at 2024. It's kind of the elephant in the room that everybody's talking about. 09:39 We're walking around, we see these beautiful pieces of equipment. What I'm talking about is everybody's saying, man, 09:44 should I be concerned? You guys are weathered some storms. You know what, you were farming 09:49 before, things were really, really good. What's the thing that you think you've learned about? All right, now we're heading into a little bit 09:54 of a depressed farm economy or commodity pressure down. I'm not worried because I've been there before. Take me there. 10:00 Well, the first thing I wanna do is I wanna, I everybody raise their hand that's scared to death to cut their fertility back. 10:07 I'm gonna be the first one, first guy. I mean, how do we learn how to farm as kids? You put fertilizer out there, you get water, you make yield. 10:15 Right? What we're seeing now, and especially we're we, we've been doing this for three or four years, the biology, who out there is scared 10:22 to put bi biology out and replace it with fertility? I'm one. I have been, you know, until I got to hanging out with Tommy a little more. 10:29 But, uh, it's really scary. It's a lot of mental that goes into that. So we've went from the 1.2 pounds of nitrogen down 10:37 to like eight tenths last year. You know, Kevin's at six tenths. It can be done. Now we are using some products to, uh, microbes 10:45 and stuff to, to pull that into the plant, to break it up in the soil, to release the bin, you know, the binding and everything else. 10:51 But what we are seeing, I, you know, two years in a row, I've used the Ryzen link, which is a two strain biology and, 10:58 and it's increased yield. You know, it's beat some other products I've put out there with it. 11:03 So, you know, just keep an open mind about that. If you're nervous about it, like I was, you know, don't do your whole farm, just do 40% of it. 11:11 Try it. But these guys have taught me that it does work. Tommy, our gentleman right over here, 11:17 Benjamin just said, and he pulled me aside. He said, you know what? I was terrified to cut back fertility. 11:21 I wanna make sure I get this right. You do strip till and and strip planting and you put fertility 11:27 at a reduced rate, but you put it down Seven To eight, seven to eight inches, Cut it back, Cut it back 20 to 30%. 11:36 No, no, no yield drag at all. Is this a strategy that people can consider? Absolutely. I mean it's, it's simple math. Why? 11:45 Especially if you're slinging fertility. What's the, uh, slinging phosphorus, fertility does, does phosphorus move? 11:55 It only moves if if it's on top of the ground and it you got wind like we do in Lubbock. That's the only way it moves. 12:02 So why not put it in a concentrated spot and mass says I don't have to use as much if it's concentrated versus if it's 12:14 s slung common sense. You're not, you're not imagining things. You're right. Strategy you would employ, 12:23 you love making yield and you are ascended. How hard is it for you Chad Henderson on a year looking at, man, I need to figure out my expenses. 12:30 'cause it's gonna be a little tighter. What's the first thing you luck at, uh, adjustment you can make? 12:37 Oh, it's definitely, you know, we tried to strip till a bunch of our corn acres and the strip till was definitely where it's at. 12:42 And we're, we're further than that. Like this year we're looking at 50 to 60%, you know, and we can, we can beat on be on down on the pounds. 12:49 I got some that's got 50 pound of fertilizer, 50 to 6% red, 50 to 60% reduction, reduction of fertility. 12:55 And I said when we say reduction, you know, we want, we want to be, we just want to reallocate again. 13:01 I'm gonna have that budget. I'm gonna have, I feel like it takes the amount of budget that I've got, whether you're numbers 13:06 or you know, 17, 18, 19, 20% of your total, what you're allowed to make on fertilizer. Right? If we're gonna spend 15, 20% on fertilizer, so 13:17 what are you going, where's that percent gonna be spent at? It's gonna be spent all the way through. 13:22 I'm not saying cut it all the way out, I'm saying reallocate it. There's a lot of products that we can use that'll make yield 13:28 and then we can put 'em on, push 'em on further through the year. Because if we come up on a bad spring 13:32 or we come up on a hot, a heat stress deal, we can pull the rains back. We can always pull the rains back when 13:37 we fling the dry fertility. I start with, it's out there like it's out there. You know, we're talking about what we, 13:45 what we learned last year and Kevin, uh, Chad brought up heat, you know, and Tommy and I had an extensive conversation about this yesterday 13:52 and today that that R three application that they talked about yesterday, R five on beans, consistently working for them last year was my first year 14:00 to try it didn't work. And Tommy and I got to talking about that. It's a heat, you know, when, when you've got a stress plant, 14:08 we had some really excessive heat after pollination, which is when those, those applications go out. 14:14 And when you've got that much heat at that point in time, that plant's just trying to live. 14:17 So it, even though it may take it in, it's gonna put it over here in a box somewhere 'cause it don't have time or the energy to use it. 14:23 So what Chad said is very important. Watch your weather, depending on cold I guess would do the same thing. 14:30 Wet, wet soils and you've just gotta pick, you know, pick the right time. Make sure you use leak out a 50 50 shot. 14:37 Yeah, we've seen the same thing with our R five application. We like a, a real late R four application on soybeans 14:43 and corn to get that seed size and that test weight up there real good. Had tremendous years of success with it. 14:50 We, and we put, we put a lot of stuff out there at that time. We'll back off at R three to go there. 14:55 But what bit me this past season was our soybeans. We had so much heat when we did, we missed that rain right before the heat came. 15:04 And so we felt, we wanted to kind of blame it on that. But then when we looked at our irrigated soybeans where water wasn't an issue 15:12 but heat was, we knew the heat was, but what we had was we had the most main stem fruiting nodes we had ever had. 15:20 We had the most pods we had ever had. We had the most seeds we ever had, but our yield was the same. 15:26 We was still 105, 107 bushel soybeans, which that's a good, that's a good yield on irrigated beans. 15:33 I don't deny that. But our seed count went, and this is something I encourage you all to do so you can understand when these foliar are 15:40 and are not working for you. So you, you'll think it didn't work because you didn't have a yield increase. 15:46 But what we had was a 3,200 seed count and over the last seven years I've averaged 1,950 seed count, but I had the same yield. 15:56 So if my heat had not affected the seed size, we would've been up there where we wanted to do. So a lot of the things that we tried and changed worked, 16:05 but the heat changed the outcome. So you got to really pay attention to what makes that yield and the seed size, seed weight is very important. 16:13 Alright, I want to go to, uh, a question about population or where else you might be strategizing 16:19 for next year based on experiences you've had. Are you gonna change population? And I'm gonna ask you another couple questions about 16:24 strategies for a successful 2024 that you're, uh, adapting based on, uh, what you've learned in the last two years on. 16:31 Are you on any of your planting to cut back on seed expense? Um, that's a great question. I I kind of doubt it. 16:39 I mean, I'm, I'm where I wanna be. I feel good about what we're planting, you know, and we know from farm to farm where our yields are 16:45 and where, um, where our population needs to be. And I don't, I just don't think that's the wind I need to cut back 16:49 in. I just don't think it is Now. Same question, Matt. Now wait Matt, make sure you talk about soybeans and cutting back 16:55 or maybe even burning them or stunting them or something, you know? Yeah. So my answer would be, I, 17:00 my proper answer would be, heck no. I'm not cutting back on population. We found that sweet spot on population. 17:07 I'm, I'm kind of outside the box probably most everybody in here, most everybody's sitting here. 17:12 I'm, I'm a population guy on soybeans based on the weather and what the weather looks like. 17:16 So I'm gonna be around that one 40 range and, and I'll adjust that down if the weather's super good. I've done, I've done scripted trials, you know, the, um, 17:27 what do you call 'em, like plots or whatever out there that, uh, where I went from 65,000 to 160 and there wasn't two 17:33 bushels of difference between it. But you've gotta get that plant up. You've gotta start first with a good stand. 17:39 If I wait seven or 10 days on the struggling beans to come up, they don't get up. Then I've gotta plan 'em again. 17:45 I wait another seven or 10 days. I'm 20 days behind at that point in yield. Look at what I'm gonna miss. 17:51 So I'm more of the insurance guy to put the one 40 out there, one 30 out there, even though the same yield could probably be attained 17:58 by an 80 or 75. 'cause my final, I want to be somewhere around a hundred. One thing Matt didn't allude to is his soil types 18:07 will seal off real quick and it'll break the neck on that soybean before it can come through. 18:12 And that's one reason he's, it's almost like a, a cotton he drop, so to speak at push-pull effect. So that's, that's the main reason he knows that 18:21 that's a big limiting factor for him. And he's identified it for us on corn. We are stuck on that, uh, 18:29 10 bushels per harvested thousand uh, plants. So we're going to, we're not going to change. We, we know, we look at what our capabilities of our soils, 18:39 our farms are and we're going to plant at that. We'll typically be anywhere from 22,000 to 24,000 on Upland river bottoms will be 24,000, 18:49 or really 22 up to about 28,000 on. And an irrigator will be 28,000 up to about, uh, 36, 30 8,000. 18:58 Uh, and that's based off proven yields. Soybeans, we're gonna be right in there just like we've always been in that a hundred, 110,000, 19:05 120 double crop soybeans. Chad and I, uh, and Matt, occasionally we do, uh, we'll harvest our wheat in June, 19:13 plant the soybeans directly behind it. And sometimes, depending on the plant date, we may have to increase that just to get just to, you know, 19:21 encourage plant height to get it up there and get that ground shaded out. Alright. Biggest mistake 19:28 and whoever wants to take this can take it. A mistake that you made in the last two years that you said, man, I learned I will never do that again. 19:36 Did you make a mistake last year? Did you make a mistake last year? Give me a mistake. Gimme a mistake and a lesson that these guys can learn from. 19:42 'cause what do we say at extreme ag? We've made the mistakes. So you don't have to. Alright, so my biggest mistake last year was by a guy 19:51 that's sitting in his crowd here and, uh, we were at lunch and I said, lane, what, what do you, 19:55 what's our biggest mistake we made last year? He said, never spray die cam bone and lift beans. That was my big mistake last year. 20:05 We got pictures if you wanna see it. All right, so Lane is, by the way, Matt's kid and he's sitting right up here and, and he's an awesome guy 20:11 and I don't think it's right to, I don't think it's right to blame him. The mistake was yours. 20:14 He's the one that was trying to get in the way of the mistake. Biggest mistake you made in 2022 20:18 or 23 that you learned from. And you want to help these folks not have that mistake in their life 20:22 Lane. Respect your elders. A little bit of dicamba on those enlist beans is actually pretty good. 20:28 Liberty. Little bit. Oh, Liberty. Liberty, all right. Okay. Yeah, now I'm with you on that and that'd be pretty bad. 20:34 Oh, Lordy Mercy. The biggest mistake I've made is I did not sell enough. I didn't sell last year like I should have. 20:40 I was in the Midwest walking fields, seeing fields and, and I seen the yield reports and I knew what the yields were. 20:47 Wasn't no question about it, but the USDA looked at a different yield map than what I've seen. 20:51 So I made a big mistake there. Expensive. Alright. Biggest mistake was marketing. We've got, uh, uh, a misapplication, uh, 20:58 a misapplication, a marketing. And what's your biggest mistake, Che? Um, We're still trying to learn how to irrigate soybeans. 21:04 I mean, man, we, we, you know, we irrigate these beans and whether it's early season or double crop beans, we're, uh, a lot of times we kind of, 21:11 we may over water 'em in the front, you know, and we really wanna just keep 'em alive until they start blooming, you know, 21:17 'cause that water in the front, they'll just get 'em up there and they'll be real pretty, but they'll be lazy. So we just really wanna keep alive. 21:22 Once they start blooming, once they start podding, then we just gonna pour the coals to 'em. But, but just kinda, we're trying 21:27 to hold 'em back a little bit to start with, you know? Alright. I know that we got questions from the crowd because one of 'em is right over here with our friend Steve. 21:34 Steve actually asked me a question in the hallway yesterday and I said, come to the natures panel at two 30. 21:39 Did you hear that? Did you hear? Hey, I don't wanna hear you. I'm getting a question. Then we'll get to your mistake. Steve asked me a question 21:45 yesterday about Chad and I said, why don't you come to the Nature's panel at two 30 and here he is. So you've got a question 21:51 and it's a little bit, uh, Chad directed, but I think everybody can address it. So Chad, at black layer on your corn, you said you went 21:59 and kept putting stuff on. My question is, what did you put on and how much did that affect the test weight? 22:06 So that was Damien that said, I put stuff on at black layer and he's got brown silk and black layer confused. 22:14 All right. I jumped, I I was probably exaggerating when I said he was out there, uh, 22:18 putting on a fertility treatment a day and a half before the combine ran. I wasn't exaggerating. I that I 22:24 wasn't exaggerating that much. How off was I? How off was I Oh, you're way off. Four days. Yeah, four days. Okay. 22:29 It was, it was four days instead of a day, right? Chad is the Senate guy. We joke about that extreme Mag hashtag 22:34 senate is a Chad thing. He, he's never met an application he didn't say yes to. I was off. It wasn't really black layer. 22:41 It was maybe the edges were black layer because they had matured more. Maybe the end rows were black layer. Anyway, go ahead Chad. 22:49 What do you got? The, the point is the, your final application. So anything, all right, you, you ready? 22:54 We're gonna talk to Tommy later about it, but, um, it's anything heavy in phosphorus. Okay? We know that that's where we need it at late. 23:01 So we was heavy in phosphorus on that. We also had K in it. So we're gonna be heavy in phosphorus, heavy in K, and, 23:07 and we kind of, you know, we're gonna slide a little bit more boron in toward the tail end. 23:10 I know it's on the backside of it and then heavy in micros. So some sort of good, good micro pack. 23:16 And we was pretty heavy with it. And if you want exact details on products, we'll get 'em right to you. 23:22 Chad, tell me, irrigate to a black layer. Oh yeah, well are how many are you irrigated at all? Okay, well you make sure 23:29 you're irrigating far enough, correct? I mean like pass black layer, gimme one lick pass black layer. Good to go. 23:35 Tommy. You got something? Yeah. So my mistake is I made up a blend of different products and I didn't take Chad 23:43 and Temple's advice and, and go ahead and name it. Angie. Angie, Angie. My mistake was not naming a product. 23:53 So, so the product in question, there's, there's different ways to squash soybeans to where you'll have branching instead of just main, main stem. 24:05 So I made a, I made a blend up for temple and Chad, heavy in potassium, heavy in sulfur finish line. 24:15 'cause we gotta have microbes in there to try to buffer a little bit. You don't want to squash 'em too bad. 24:21 But what I did was I put, anybody know what, and we talked about this yesterday, but anybody know what magnesium is, is good for? 24:31 Plants are green. Major part of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll attracts sunlight, turns to sugar, it feeds the plant. 24:41 I put, I put magnesium in a certain product that we didn't name, right? I, so anyway, that's really, that's 24:51 what I did in this, in this blend. And they used it off and on all season and I think they did pretty good with it. So, 25:00 Hey, by the Way, that was my mistake. That's our friend Temple Rhodes. He is part of XT extreme ag and 25:03 he's showing up right on time. Thanks a lot, temple. Alright, again, going back to what we learned from 20, 22, 21, 23, whatever, 25:10 what did you make a change and then change back on? There's sometimes where you're like, you know what, I made this change and then I learned it was the wrong thing 25:19 to do and I changed back something you did and then kind of rescinded the decision or modified it again in the last few years. 25:25 Uh, two by two. I've changed two by two on the planter about 45 times. Anybody walk down this slide? 25:32 Like I've tried 'em all. I've tried Everyone. Meaning you started with it, 25:35 then you took it off, then you put a different Version back on. No changed. Changed. Like I Stuart can tell you, 25:39 like we bought, I've spent like a lot, I think the same day he says like I'll go talk to somebody or we'll think about something 25:45 or I'll wake up on different side of the bed and all of a sudden I got half a two by two on one side, half on another side. 25:51 Did you change like hoses run out one side? Did You change the what the product mix that went in the two by two or the way you use the two 25:57 by two on your planter application? Yeah, the application, the application of it, the planter itself go a little deeper 26:02 little, oh, I changed it. I changed the product out. I change that every day. Okay. All right. Got it. Alright. Something 26:06 you changed and changed back. Matt? That's a hard one, but I'm gonna have to kind of use what Chad was saying is two by two we went to two by two, 26:14 couldn't get it to work as far as carrying the water and doing everything we needed to do, pull it back off. Three years later we come back 26:21 with a streamer nozzle basically doing our two by two with our sprayer. So I'm gonna have to give temple credit for this. 26:28 He, he kind of taught me this and I I didn't really catch on it on my own. But it's so simple in the lower CEC souls like Temple has 26:38 and myself and Chad, Matt, we are so focused on putting that two to two, two inches in the ground right out the gate. 26:47 Well then with our high rainfalls, sometimes it will get away from you too fast before the crop has a chance to use it. 26:55 And what we've found is if we can kind of dribble it out on the top of the ground and incorporate it just a little 27:01 bit of slight tillage, that is actually we're getting more benefit from it and we're keeping it there longer 27:08 for the plant than when we're putting it truly two inches in the ground. I was always taught to two inches. 27:13 I believed in it and in certain soil types I still believe in it. But in lighter soils, lighter CECs, that is a change 27:21 that we've went to that I never thought of until Temple taught us that from his farming experiences. I want to go then, and Tommy 27:30 will probably be able to kick in on this. You just talked about it doesn't always have to be two inches, but there is somewhere between an art 27:37 and a science to spoonfeeding. We visited on this topic a little bit last year on our panel, but for those of you that weren't here, 27:43 and we're gonna take a little different direction. The art and science of spoonfeeding nutrition at times of influence on the plant this year matters more than most 27:50 because of our, our attempt to control expenses. Art and science is spoonfeeding nutrition at times of influence. 27:57 Tommy, you go first. A takeaway or a lesson or a tip and I wanna hand it down. So if you weren't here yesterday, 28:04 we talked about late season, there's where you get your yield. It's not, not so much up front beans, 28:12 it's definitely not up front. It is, it is late seeds. Once you get into R one, R two three, that's where you're gonna get, get your yield. 28:22 Flip flop on corn. Yes, you can do some good by and and if you're running across the field, um, why not take advantage of tank space as long as it mixes 28:35 with fungicide, herbicide, whatever, use fertility. What he's all these guys use finish line. If you have, if you have any, those 300, 28:47 360 million acres in the US of crop land, that's how many acres finish line ought to be on 360 million acres. 'cause it just, it just works. 28:58 We're talking about what 2023 taught me. Um, it's really difficult to narrow it down to one thing, a tip, one tip that you're saying, you know what, 29:07 if I've been through enough battles, I've been through enough wars, what's one tip, one thing that you think, you know, I, if you called 29:14 and asked me for one tip, here's my tip for 2024, here's the one thing I would tell you about maximizing yield, about controlling expenses, about a new problem 29:23 that you're seeing, a new, a new product that you're excited about. One tip, 29:28 Do not forget your planter. That is a key thing. Get those planters into shop. Go through 'em when you're riding 29:36 that planter and get out and check. We was doing our research plots last year on the farm. I got out, I drug a rock up and walked around the planter. 29:46 I was pretty upset 'cause it was in a high yielding area where I'd like to do NCGA. 29:51 I had two rows that was dragging rocks up. I, so I got them out. Went a little further around the planter 29:58 knew something didn't look right and there was a slat from a chicken house slat wooden stick stuck up in the gauge wheel row unit 30:06 was all the way out of the ground. Well you can't look on your yield map and see where your down pressure changed 30:11 'cause you just planted it thinks it's in the ground, it's jacked up. Corn comes up. I done about 23 acres in a high yielding 30:19 plot with a row missing. And then about 15 of it I was dragging rocks up. So take your time, get out, get it right. 30:27 You got one chance to get this crop right And that's with the planter. I'll get you, you can I go down? You 30:36 Go ahead. Just, just no, go ahead. I'm, I'm waiting. Uh, make sure you're I'll Go ahead. You afraid I'm gonna steal your 30:41 answer or Something? No, I'm No, go ahead. You. So make sure that your wide drops are used for more than just nitrate. 30:50 It's a lot of, it's a lot of things can go on. It's a lot of good stuff. We can put directly on the ground that we don't have to go to the top of the plant with. 30:57 So they got a lot of good products. Um, phosphorus, potassium, boron, a little bit more boron maybe a little bit more phosphorus. 31:05 Oh, now you're going I Am. Wait, wait, wait. Hey Tim, uh, I want you to point out here Johnny to uh, Tommy, did anybody else did 31:11 that remind you of like two 11-year-old girls at their first dance? I don't know. You ask him. No, you ask him. 31:18 Oh no, you ask him. It was a little bit over the top. I gotta tell you, Tommy, did that bother you? As much as it bothered me, 31:24 Yes. And I'm sitting by him. Hey, work the work the beer cart and let us work The bank. Yeah, 31:30 so back on the wide drop. Um, so I'm, I'm on year four of a, of a wide drop versus culture right down the middle study 31:40 and same, same amount of nitrogen placed, just changing placement. And of course with wide drop with wide drop, 31:48 it gives you a little flexibility. You can go later versus kind. You're kind of stuck with a toolbar. 31:54 So year four, how much, how much difference between coulter and wide drop do you think there is? This is across the corn belt from North Carolina to Colorado 32:06 six and all, all you did was change timing. That's it. So six times four is $24 an acre, a thousand ac acres of corns. 32:18 24,000. A set of wide drops gonna cost you about 20 pay for 'em the first year. Easy drops for half a I still like the real thing. Yeah. 32:27 Alright, so we just, we just found, we just found a way to take uh, uh, 24,000 on a thousand acres. But either way, do the math. Six bushels is the point. 32:34 And it was just a change in the product. It don't take much to amortize the expense of something. 'cause what's the life expectancy of that? 32:40 You're gonna get five years out of it. I hope we get more time 10 years out of it. Yeah. So it was my turn finally. Yes. Yeah, no, and then 32:47 I'm gonna come back. I Don't who you asking him? I don't know. You Else wanna go instead of me? 32:51 I mean, I'm just wondering. I'm gonna go Again. We'd, I wanna go again. Go 32:55 Ahead. So, so in, in this study, make sure my wife's not calling, uh, in this study. What were you gonna 33:01 Do if it was, because you gonna stop, go over And answer. No, no Will if you got that on camera, I'll see her tonight. 33:08 You get that on camera? Yeah. We good. So along in this study, what I did was I added Kate to this study. 33:16 Add K to the side dress, add K to the Y drop. What do you think that added to it? Now I added kfl. So you're adding potassium, 33:26 you're adding sulfur to your nitrogen. How much do you think that added and which one was better? Colter or y drop? 33:37 Which one needs more help? Y drop doesn't need more help. It's putting it out there in the middle of the row, 33:43 adding potassium and sulfur out there in the middle of the row plus three and a half. And all you did was add a gallon. 33:52 So run the math in numbers on that one. My turn finally. You sure know Matt, I've been Matt, I've been trying 33:58 to make it your turn for a long time, but you Know what? Your wife's very attractive. But 34:02 I wouldn't get up from this meeting. Go out there and if it was Brooke Shields, you know, in the middle of a panel, most 34:07 Professionals wouldn't take a phone call during the panel that they're a part of. I mean, it's just throwing it out there. But that's okay. 34:12 What's a tip? What's a tip for these fine people? My opinions, Most professionals wouldn't talk in front of each other either. 34:19 So Go ahead, Matt. You sure? I want to hear you stay your cores the best you can. 34:27 I know corn's $4. You wouldn't be standing here today if you weren't a good farmer, if you wasn't a smart person. 34:34 You, you're successful in still farming today 'cause of things you've done in the past. Try your best to stay your course reallocate, whatever, 34:42 but whatever you've been doing, try to don't, don't get a sticker shock of $4 corn and quit doing something that may cost you more than it. 34:50 Way more than what it Should. That's my fa that is my favorite tip of the day. Final thoughts? 2024. Help these people out. 34:57 Lessons you've learned from a past mistake, failure, success, uh, trial, whatever. Final thought. 35:07 Ooh, lordy. Just be patient. My Matt summed it up. I mean he absolutely summed it up in his last statement, but if you know something works 35:15 for you, you know it's proven. Don't don't cut that part out, for goodness sakes. You know, we talk about reallocating, changing, you know, 35:22 look at the timings on it. Don't put all your eggs out at one time and, and spoon feed that crop. 35:28 If the weather's cooperative and the grain prices return a little bit, vice versa, whatever it is. 35:33 But focus on ROI. That's the key focus on ROII Really like that. It brings it back to money versus just yield 35:41 money versus yield money versus yield. ROI go final thought. I I I Don't engage. You already gave 35:46 your final thought, Chad, final. And by the way, it's a good one. Don't stop. Rounding the bases. Don't give up on it. 35:51 You got to this point in your career, you probably are doing something right. His point is don't get gun shy just 35:57 because we got, uh, a decrease. Decrease in commodity prices. Final thought. Do testing on your own farm and don't be afraid to fail. 36:05 Final thought, John. Tommy, what do you got? I'm not John, I don't know what happened there. I'm sorry Tommy. So if you, 36:11 You know, I've got a question. Oh, nevermind. In in your spare time if you get bored. 36:18 So he did. He said if you, if you want to do a lot of testing on your farm, here's something that keeps me awake at night. 36:29 Gimme besides hush temple. Hush temple is, has anybody ever thought about y dropping beans? 36:40 That's my final thought. Do it every day of the week. Think about it or do it. Think about it. Do it. Think about it or do it every day. All right. All right. 36:49 He's Tommy Roach. He is with this company that has this awesome booth with the bar right here. The company's called Nature's. A bunch of nature's people. 36:57 Or in Canada we call it Alpine. Go and talk to 'em. But remember with a Canadian, you wanna talk to 'em? You gotta talk about 40% more for the exchange rate 37:07 to get your same equivalent. 35. Talk to the Canadians. Talk to the Americans. They got the blue shirts on. Stay here for a beer. 37:14 All of these guys are gonna be here and shake your hand, talk to you if you got a question, if you'd like to get more cool information. 37:20 Extreme Ag Farm. There's no E on the front of it. Extreme Ag Farm, some of you're already members. We would love for you to come 37:25 and check out hundreds of videos that these guys have shot in the field. Hundreds of episodes 37:30 of cutting the curve that I have produced. It's all free for taking@extremeag.farm. Thank you very much for being a part 37:36 of us here at Commodity Classic 2024. Thank you. And If you talk to Canadian, you have to be able to say, Hey, hey. 37:43 That's a great way to go ahead and close out with a huge, hilarious joke. Wonderful. Thank you Tommy, everybody. Thanks for having us.

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