What's New and What Does It Do? Exploring Farming Innovations at the Concept AgriTek Commodity Classic Booth
7 Mar 247m 16s

Damian Mason and Temple Rhodes stop by the Concept AgriTek booth at the 2024 Commodity Classic to learn more about 2 new products available to farmers this season. AminoGro and Buck Barrier. AminoGro is designed to boost ATP production in plants, aiming to enhance fruiting and yields. Buck Barrier, on the other hand, offers a smart solution to keeping deer at bay from crops through a scent and taste-based mechanism that repels deer safely.

00:00 Asking the question, what's new for 2024 from the floor of Commodity Classic 2024. Here I am at Concept Agritech Booth 00:06 with Sheldon Alt and Temple Rhodes. Two new products we're comic excited about. What's new? What do they do? Alright, so Sheldon, uh, amino grow 00:15 with amino tech technology. That's patent pending right now. Comic site and cool new stuff. 00:20 A little bit of experience over here with, uh, temple. What is it? What's it do? Yeah. So, uh, amino Grow is is a brand new product. 00:27 We had a lot of trials out last year, like you said, with patent pending amino tech in it. Um, so Amino grow is, is really interesting 00:34 because what it helps do is boost the a TP production. Well I don't know what that means. 00:40 A TP is the, the energy cell of life. Okay. In you and I and also in plants too. So what we're seeing with this is increased 00:48 fruiting sites Okay. As well. Uh, which also can lead to higher yield. And what we're seeing is the better proliferation of 00:54 that soybean in particular. So like temple, how many times you combine soybeans at some of those lower branches? 01:00 Soon. As soon as you hit 'em. Right. Wait, wait, wait. Like I'm all excited about this. So one of the things that I've done forever is, you know, 01:09 I've been trying to promote high yield and soybeans. One of my biggest problems has been two things. It's trying to create more fruiting sites. Yep. 01:18 More fruiting sites equals more pods, more beans, Whatever Which you want, which I want. And creating a plant that's smaller and bushier. Mm-Hmm. 01:27 That's what all this comes down to. And then it's gonna make a stronger stem. We, we, I can create 01:33 and I can manipulate beams to a, to a point now where I can create branching now by other forms and then I can put a bunch of pods on, but they get heavy 01:44 and they snap and I get none of that. Yeah. Of the problems. We, In past episodes, when I first learned 01:50 what a plant growth regulator was from Kelly Garrett and all that. Yeah. A, a soybean plant that has whatever, you know, 01:55 200 pods or something is cool. 300 pods. I don't even know what the number is, but if it's as big as temple that the thing falls over. 02:01 So you want that, you want the free site. So amino grow and this new technology, you're gonna use it. How 02:07 So this year, so it was out last year. Matt got to use it last year. I didn't get to use it as much as I wanted to. 02:13 Um, but we got some things that we're gonna tweak and we're gonna figure out. But with everything that's brand new 02:19 and is coming out, I love to get on the beginning edge. Yeah. Yeah. 'cause if I can put it in more places, in different places and try to improve and improve 02:26 and prove, I think that this is one of the things that I have lacked in my high yield gold. Yeah. What you would say with soybeans. 02:34 Um, I've lacked here and I think this is one of the things that are gonna get me over that I have a plateau right now 02:40 and I can't get past it. So I think maybe it might help, you Know, one of the things we saw in a lot 02:44 of our trials last year too is we haven't hit that plateau yet. We've seen where the more applications we give, 02:50 the more results we're getting. We have, We have. He said more I'm send a guy. Yeah. More is good. 02:54 Said don't tell him that. He'll, he'll be putting it on every third day. Sounds good. So Sheldon, I got a question, question for you. 02:59 Yeah. Um, this is new technology. We do have some battery of evidence. We do have some body of work with this stuff. 03:05 So fruiting, uh, more pods. What is that? Is that basically what we're seeing? Yeah, so, so better, better branching. 03:13 Uh, more powder tension. And we're seeing more beans per pod as well on that too. But you know, like we always say at concept 03:19 agritech, we're always learning. Right. We're, we're always learning. We're trying to get, you know, work with uh, uh, 03:24 partner growers like yourself. Yeah. Just to keep learning and keep pushing that envelope. So one thing that you did and you didn't realize you did 03:30 it, you gave a product to his, his competitor Matt, down in Arkansas. And before he got it, now the race is on because he doesn't, 03:37 We haven't dangle that carrot. He doesn't Yeah, it's exact same. We Have dangle The carrot. See, this is, I'm 03:40 tell you what really happened. Here's what really happened. So Matt and I have been competing on soybean yields for, and 03:45 And you compete On and I barely scratch by every year. So they give it to him Yeah. To try to get around me. Right. So, okay. They circum they circumvented you. Right. 03:53 Another product I'm talking about new cut product. Pretty excited about it. I see it right up here. Buck barrier. Uh, I'm like, no, 04:00 that can't be what I think it is. It's a deer deterrent. Tell me about it. You're exactly right. We're really 04:04 excited about buck barrier. Um, you know, deer predation on crops can be very damaging. I mean, visiting with you a couple days ago you said 04:11 that you've even changed crops before. Yeah. So Temple told me he, he grows grain sorghum and one reason he grain grows grain sorghum is 04:19 because it, it, you don't get the deer damage on grain sorghum the way you doing corn. And now even soybeans in my part of the world Yeah. 04:24 Deer have learned to like soybeans and they'll they'll tear the heck out of 'em. Yeah. I mean you can demolish, 04:28 they can demolish the crop. I've had farms where it's 40, 50% damage on the total farm and we can't take those kind of losses. 04:36 No. Especially this year. Yeah. Yeah. We can't afford a loss. So something, a product like this is gonna be huge. 04:42 How do I use buck barrier? So It can be used as a broadcast 'cause it actually has a kind of a pleasant smell to humans, 04:49 but it just has a smell that, that deer are kind of spooked off by It. So that's how it works. 04:54 It works on the olfactory. It is a deterrent based on its olfactory perception ex. Exactly. And you said olfactory 05:00 so much hot like we eat, right? If we start eating our saliva starts going. So it works from a smell aspect too. Yep. 05:07 And then if the deer starts to nibble on it, it kind of cuts down on that saliva production. Mm-Hmm. So it just makes it not palatable and not enjoyable. 05:15 So two questions show, uh, lasting power. I put this on, then it rains. Now all of a sudden it washed this stuff off. 05:20 Is it a coating or does it actually change something in the plant? That's, That's a great question. We get 05:24 asked that a lot. Um, we've seen about 21 days of coverage with this. Right. Even with rain events. 05:30 So, um, it's almost systemic where it can kind of get into the plant and, and last there. So so 21 days, does that mean that he's gonna have 05:37 to put it in the tank mix with about every, every run? No, because most of the time when, when we had that deer pressure problem, I only need to get 05:46 by a certain stage and then they can outgrow it. Yeah. I, I I need 21 days By the time, If you can buy me 05:53 that, I don't have to change your Crop by the time your crop is at a certain point, the deer are eating it, 05:58 but it's not probably costing you yield. Yep. Or it's very small. Well, it's very small. It's the, the biomass is outgrowing 06:03 with the pressure they're going on what the deer Could eat because if deer can along and, and nip the soybeans off 06:07 and they're this young, that's, that's gone. Yeah. And the same with a corn plant that's only this big, but Exactly. 06:11 If a deer is eating some leaves off of a corn plant that's as tall as you and me, the corn plant 06:15 can probably get past it. Yeah. Okay. Uh, amino grow and then buck barrier. The last question about buck barrier I was gonna have then 06:23 he's putting it on over the top as a spray treatment. It's not, it's nothing in the soil, it's on the plant. Correct. 06:28 It, it can be broadcast to kind of at least get 'em to spook. Yep. And, and, and smell it. Got it. 06:32 And then also it can be on, on via foliar. Yes Sir. Okay. And then how do I use the amino? 06:36 It goes in how foliar. Foliar. Yep. And we're looking at about V three application and R one would be a really good time. 06:43 Mine's gonna be at emergence every stage, always through the crop to see what I can do. See, see if I can, Right. So you can beat out Matt 06:49 Miles five. If you wanna learn more about this, where do they go? Go To concept agritech.com. 06:54 Uh, we'd be more than happy To. It's concept agritech with a K at the end of it. Concept Agritech, uh, with a K at the end of it.com. 07:00 He is Sheldon Alt. He is at Temple Roads. And we ask the question, what's new and what does it do from Commodity Classic 2024 07:07 right here at Concept Agritech. I'm David Mason. Thanks for tuning in.

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