What Does It Take to Run an XtremeAg Lab Trial?
9 May 231 min 19 sec

Chad takes a break from planting to show you how he manages all of the different products that XtremeAg is trialing this spring.

00:00 This Chad Henderson with extreme mag. And you know is talking for just a minute about what we do on these tanks and all these 00:06 fertilizers and all these trials we do and this is some of how we do it. You know, we have two tanks here on the wing and in we have a tank in the center. That's two by 00:15 two and then two more tanks on other wing and then don't forget on a tractor. We got two tanks. So seven tanks total. I've 00:21 had a different product in every tank before and just switching valves and that helps a lot on how we do. What we do is switch valves now, it's a it is the pain in 00:31 the morning time to get rigged up if you're going to do that because you're mixing and adding and taking away from seven different products. We 00:37 know it takes about 20 gallon to purse the lines. So we'll pull them valves on opposite ends of the field and then we go back and when we get back to the other end, we 00:47 know that it's it's a true test. So some of what we do on Extreme egg and how we do for our farm for your farm for you know to share this information is all 00:56 these tanks and valves and hoses and switches and buttons. fittings and 01:01 anything else you think about just showing y'all the day-to-day on what we do how we do it and 01:08 what makes sense and don't so more tanks more fertilizer more corn

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