We Have Too Much Nitrogen
25 Aug 233 min 26 sec

Kelly admits the idea of having too much nitrogen goes against conventional farmer thinking, but it is what his research and testing are telling him. His crops are out of balance as a result and he needs to spoon feed micro nutrients and back off on the nitrogen in his soils.

00:00 Hi, this is Kelly Garrett. I'm here with my oldest son, Vern, the agronomist in the family. 00:04 This video is about our micronutrient applications in corn and what we're doing different here this year at Garland and Cattle. 00:11 Vern deserves a metal because we have learned over the winter that the amount of nitrogen our soil is producing the biological system of our soil is pretty 00:20 amazing, and our crops are out of balance. The reason our crops are out of balance is we have too much nitrogen. I know that that is something foreign for a farmer to hear, 00:29 but our crops have too much nitrogen and we're lacking in micronutrients. This isn't something that we have done for a full year yet, 00:36 so we're still in the research process of this. Okay, so this is what we believe. This isn't what we know, but I now believe that the industry idea that we need to spoonfeed nitrogen 00:47 a hundred percent wrong. Not many people are gonna ever tell you something is a hundred percent wrong, but I'm telling you in our soil, 00:53 spoonfeeding nitrogen is a hundred percent wrong. We need to spoonfeed micronutrients every time we go across the field. The post pass, the R one pass, the R three pass, the R five pass. 01:04 This year we even made a V 10 pass. We hired the plane because we validated through the testing that we're taking, that we were growing out of balance. There was too much nitrogen. 01:13 Vern has been front and center here. He's the boots on the ground he has taken every week he's taken a SAP analysis and he's taken a soil test and he has even said how many people are 01:23 taking a soil test and 12 foot tall corn on the 4th of July when it's hot out there. I know he is getting tired of it. So he does deserve a metal burn. 01:30 How many soil tests and SAP tests have you taken this year? Um, I was trying to add it up. Nine fields, multiple in every field, but, uh, 01:38 I think the short answer is it's too damn many. I I, um, it's a bit tiring being out there every week and every morning, 01:45 but I'm really excited about the stuff we're learning. You know, we're looking at what's happening in the soil with the soil test, 01:50 and then we're validating and seeing what's making it into the plane with that SAP test. And I'm, I'm really excited, 01:56 I'm really interested seeing the interplay of those two factors. Just that research that, like you said, is there too much nitrogen out there? 02:02 Do we need to balance it with the micross still in the research phase in making sure that we're gonna have an R o I on this, 02:07 but this is something that we believe and it's something that we are doing a lot of testing on and, uh, we'll have to stay tuned for the yield results. 02:14 Yes. You know, uh, it's easy for me to say this is great research 'cause I'm not the guy out there doing it all the time, but I very much appreciate the work that we have done. 02:22 And without this detailed work that you're doing, we wouldn't know it. You know, it'll be interesting to see the trials that we have on the V 10 pass, you know, 02:30 all of your testing. Evans came back to me and he is like, Hey, I think we should spend some money. I believe it with, with the airplane. 02:36 I believe we spent about $37 an acre, and what we applied was carbon sulfur and micronutrients. We would not have done that had it not been for your soil test and SAP test. 02:45 Again, we increased the budget a little bit this year, but going forward, I could see us reducing nitrogen and increasing micronutrients trying to come 02:53 into balance. And I believe there'll be an r o i at the end. We're about to find out this year. Um, but this is so exciting. But, but, 03:00 but folks, I'm telling you, micronutrients are where it's at. We're out of balance. That's the reason we're using the pgs. 03:06 That's the reason we're using the plant health. That's the reason we're taking all the SAP tests, trying to bring the crop into balance. 03:11 The positives from that are too numerous to mention. So this is something we're really paying attention to. Of course, we'll have all the trial data later in the year, 03:19 but we're very excited about it. It's our, uh, it's our biggest focus this year.

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