We don't typically see these yields here

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14 Sep 234 min 23 secPremium Content

Kevin is in an area where he has historically seen 180-200 bpa at best on his corn crop.  He is seeing a lot more this season. He stops the combine to take a look what is happening and share the details of the program he implemented in this field.

Got an extreme ag field report here. We're, uh, picking corn here. This is up land red clay land. Typically what you'd see on this land is 180 to 200 bushels is extremely good crop. Well, I'm in an area that's running over 300 right now. It was planted at 24,000 population. We had, uh, took a lot of advantage of a lot of things. What I wanna show you is the corn and how most people do not believe that we're picking 300 bushel corn that was planted at 24,000 with only 125 units of nitrogen on it. But you're gonna see what happens when you do our grower standard program. We have Nutri charge, we have C catt, we have Radiate, we have accomplish Max. Um, I invigorate on our seed. I know I'm probably gonna leave something out that y'all send something to me and I'll I'll give you the written out prescription of it. But then, um, we come back, we had sweet success in there also at planting and Sea a Then we come back at post and we're running, um, radiate again. Then we're running Sweet Success again. Then we come or full tech adjuvant. Then we come back at, uh, fungicide. We did a top dress. We did 30 gallons of 20 per uh, 24% hydrogen with sulfur in it. We put 20 gallons down that planting. So it was two and a half pounds per gallon. There's your information there. We did use total F at four gallons per acre. Infer on this from concept agritech, it's a grower standard force. But then we go to our fungicide application and this had XY way in and it planting. So we did some, we wanted to say, okay, we just left the farm that had xw on it and no fungicide. And uh, during the late season it was about, it was 25 bushels difference just in the foliar application and putting Velma on in addition to the XY wave versus not having it. So now I'm here. This is got the XY wave on it. It's got the Velma on it. It's got nature's finish line, it's got, uh, maximum impact from Loveland. It has, um, a heavy dose of sweet success on it and it has cube from EC on it. So what I'm gonna show you here is the ears and how we're getting it and, and this 300 bushels is what it's picking right in here. It's pretty daggone impressive. It's, it's, we don't do this often, but this just shows you if the conditions are right and we get the right cyan in there at the right time, what we can do, we had to energize on this as well. And the foliar fungicide application. All right, so if you'll notice, we got two ears right here on just about every spot through that. Two good ears And go to the next row. I only got one here, but then the next one right behind it, it's got two good ones you can see right here. Next one here. We got a good ear. We got a smaller ear. This one didn't do quite as well, but we still got a hard extra get here. Same thing. Got two good ears here. There ain't much to that one, but there is something there. Go deeper into the corn. And now like I say, I'm picking the corn and I'll stop the combine just because of the yield monitor. I wanted to see what, how we was doing it. Multiple ears. We're probably looking at 80% of this pass with two ears per off at 24,000. And the highest shields we're seeing is about three 40 to three 50. Um, and that's what it is. It's just a double. Well, I hope this helps y'all a little bit, but this is where the corn's coming from here that some of 'em, that's the second ear on the stalk. That ain't bad. They're not all like that, but it's pretty impressive. Y'all stay safe.

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