Under Attack!
15 Jun 234 min 42 sec

Peanuts are under attack from diseases from the minute the seed goes in the ground. Caleb talks about the first large scale peanut trial of a new biological fungicide product from FMC that does not even have a name yet. Caleb also has an idea for a name as well.

00:00 Hey guys, Caleb Tra here with extreme Ag, uh, standing here in a peanut field in central South Georgia, joined by Blair Colvin with fmc. 00:09 We're looking at a extreme ag lab with fmc, so it's a 40 acre trial where we're looking at a few different plots. So with peanuts, disease control is our primary focus. 00:23 There's a lot of, lot of diseases that target peanuts. And to be able to have a crop that is disease free, that requires us to have preventative applications. 00:34 So we're starting at planting time. So in addition to a, uh, base fungicide here, we have a product trial with a a, 00:43 a new product 40 92. So with that, we have an insecticide to kind of clean up some, some insect problems. But one thing that I really want to focus on is the bio fungicide 00:56 part of that. Explain to us a little bit about this bio fungicide. Yeah, so in 40 92, there are actually two different strands. 01:04 They're bacillus strands that are, have the bio fungicide activity, and so it should provide some suppression on your seedling diseases in peanut, 01:12 which are primarily caused by things like rizo and pythium. So that'll either cause your seed to not emerge, 01:18 not to germinate and merge properly, or to come up and then die. So that's really what we're after here in these plots, is comparing our, 01:26 you know, grower standard with the typical fungicide that's used, which is abound and then abound with this 40 92 to see if we get some 01:35 additional control from the bio fungicide. And one thing that I believe it's interesting here is, uh, typically when we have a disease, we're going out with a fungicide, 01:44 a chemical fungicide. Mm-hmm. But here, this is not a chemistry that we're applying. It is a biological, yeah. 01:51 So we're really hoping that it's going to help us reduce our resistance on these synthetic chemistries because, well, frankly, 01:59 all these ag chemical companies are putting a lot of funding mm-hmm. Into these biological, these natural products. 02:07 And it's really interesting to study them and see their capabilities. And in fact, F 40 92, the product that we're looking at here today, 02:16 this is the first look that FMC is taking with it in peanuts. So yeah, on a large scale right, it is the first look in peanuts. So this field, 02:25 you're seeing it here and now and we'll follow it throughout the season, just A little bit more than a 30 foot two row plot. 02:31 That's right, yeah. Can learn a little more that way. Exactly. So we've started off at planting time with a in furrow fungicide. 02:40 Now let's talk about our foliar fungicide. So we're going across these peanuts every two weeks, but here in this plot we're looking at a product, 02:49 an FMC product called Lucio. So it's, it is, it is a product that we are familiar with. We have used it. So talk to us a little bit about what we can expect in terms of, uh, 03:00 disease control and peanuts with the lunta fungicide. Mm-hmm. Yeah, so Lucento is a mixture of two active ingredients, flu, triol, 03:08 and bien. And there are two different modes of action in there to help fight against resistance to these diseases. 03:13 But what you're mainly gonna get out of it is you're gonna get excellent early and late leaf spot control, as well as white mold control and Ryc LiRo. 03:22 And those are probably our three primary diseases we're trying to control in peanut. 03:26 And you get it all in one application and it's only labeled for two sprays. So in this particular trial, 03:32 we are looking at the Grower Standard program with about seven sprays in it, putting Lunta in at 45 and 75 compared to his 03:41 spray at 45 and 75 with some different products on top of the 40 92 or just the Abound. 03:48 So we've got a couple different things going on here to look at some complete disease control throughout the season. 03:52 So we have a couple splits in our application, but at the end of the season, we should have four trials of these different components. 04:01 And so we'll see which one can give us, uh, the best yield and return on our investment. So we're looking at our foliar option with Lucento here on peanuts, and then, 04:11 uh, 40 92 at planting time. Oh, and by the way, 40 92, uh, hopefully it does well and it makes it into a commercial product and, well, 04:21 I don't think they're gonna call it forty ninety two forever. So what do you think if FMC would name that after me? 04:33 I might have to ask a few other people to see if they will do that. You say Y'all stay tuned.