Turning Down The Applied Nitrogen
7 Apr 233 min 59 sec

Kelly talks about how he has been able to reduce his anhydrous applications and see a yield boost of 49 bpa in some of his high yield acres using Source from



00:00 Hi, this is Kelly gear from extreme mag. I'm here today with Tyler Jones. The regional sales manager for sound dag. We're talking 00:06 about their product source that I tried on their Farm last year and really liked. How are you today? Tyler? Good, how are you? 00:12 Doing? Good, another beautiful, Iowa day down here. Storm is Coming storms coming better not put the tractors and shovels away quite yet. Yes. Keep the snow 00:21 shoes out. That's right. So Kelly, I know last year you reduce your spring and hydrous to apply with Source last 00:27 season. Tell us a little bit about what you saw what you liked what you didn't like and how that helped you change your 00:33 process and thinking for this season coming up. I'm a big proponent a fall applied in hydris. But because of the Corn Market we put another 300 acres to Corn had to 00:42 do spring applied in hydrants. Like I said, I wasn't excited about it met your CEO at true Terror 00:48 Partners an excellent that sure and I'm like and I came home and I said to Evans let's try this product. Let's turn 00:54 the anhydrous down to try to help out that soil biology and see what happens and the results were 01:00 great on a on a 300 acre field. We applied 250 Acres of source had a 24 bushel yield game that range from a seven 01:09 to 10 bushel yield gain in the low yield area all the way up to dear. I say a 50 bushel yield gain. 49 to be exact wow in a high yield area 01:18 So then with those results and results of some other other folks that we're working with John Scott by odobold. We all 01:24 had really good results. So this year we turned down our fallen hydrus. I I run on a variable rate application. Yep. I was 01:33 running 140 pounds in a high yield area 240 pounds on a low yield area for an average of about 180 sure. We turned down the high yield area to 80 pounds. 01:43 So now the overall average is more like 160. But we reduce the high yield area because of all the elemental nitrogen that we're learning is being mineralized there. 01:54 Sure and now we're going to have the source help bring that available. Yeah, and I believe that I'll have a yield gain from that plus obviously the 02:03 input savings because You know turning that an hydros down 20 pounds on average is more money than we're spending on Source. Sure. The input 02:11 savings are nice, but I very much believe that I will see a yield gain. And the reason is my carbon and nitrogen ratio sure. 02:17 That's something that that farmers and Growers probably should educate themselves more on it's newer. A newer idea to me but I very much believe in it 02:26 after the trials we've seen. Yeah, you want seven Parts carbon for every one part nitrogen and in our soils. We are 02:32 releasing so much more mineralized nitrogen or it's available at least. Yeah, whether we're taking advantage of it is ability. Yeah, yes, but the source will help us take 02:41 advantage of it and we need but we need to turn down the synthetic to do that because we're throwing our ratio 02:47 out of balance Tyler sure and source is helping us bring it in and I really believe it's gonna help take us to the next yield barrier 02:53 and not even mention, you know, the the carbon credit programs or sustainable programs that I've been involved in. There's nothing more sustainable than Source 03:02 sure, you know not carbon credits are still around and a big part of what we do but nitrogen credits or nitrogen reduction credits are coming and sources a 03:11 huge part of that for us absolutely totally makes sense. We're essentially utilizing the existing microbes in 03:18 your soil to let Mother Nature do her course and provide that nitrogen the other thing. We always also forget about 03:23 On some of this Western, Iowa manure ground right in the central with phosphorus. So Source can actually Supply 25 pounds 03:29 of phosphorus. So we look at Western, Iowa in some of that locked up tied up phosphorus in the soil. Right? What's the potential with Source getting that 25 03:38 pounds of cellulose phosphorus? Absolutely, you know, I get so wound up on the carbon nitrogen ratio and the savings things like that that I 03:47 need to do more work on the fossil side and and validate what's going on there, but it's been great. 03:53 Yeah, really appreciate the relationship with sound absolutely.

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