The Warm-Up Application
9 Feb 235 min 3 sec

Matt pulled a tissue test on from his wheat field and it showed that he is a little low on a Nitrogen, Sulfur and Boron. He talks about solving these issues with his next application.

00:00 So Chad call me earlier and told me that he he was like smoking me down on video. So I thought I better get my lazy butt out here and do one do a 00:09 little wheat wager video update. You can see my week behind me. This is gonna be our contest field. This is also our triple crop 00:18 field. So this is a third crop on this field. In this year or actually in 22 which will harvest in 23 really not a lot to report 00:27 right now. We're about to put our first spring up or warm up fertility plan on this wheat which will 00:36 be some you know, some nitrogen of some sort probably some sulfur and just kind of looking at the tissue samples 00:42 and see if there's anything we need to to add besides that it's been really really wet. I'm probably 00:48 not gonna be a factor in a Week contest this year. If I am it will be but this field I've got I've got some more 00:54 acreage it that looks way worse than this. So this is one of my 00:57 You know one of my best fields and the one that we pull a lot of good yields off of in the past and different crops. So we're hoping that you know, maybe we'll at least 01:06 be able to compete not come in last on this one. We pulled a tissue test last week and we're a 01:12 little low in nitrogen right now a little low and Boron and a little bit low and sulfur so a little ammonia Sophie with some some more on added to it. 01:21 We'll probably be you know, what we'll use to to put on this field on the first application. The problem is I try to do a root dig while ago and 01:30 it's so wet out here that I can't even get a good a good root Digger a picture of you know, what our Our Roots look 01:36 like because there's so much mud on them. So we're about double the amount of rainfall in 23, then we 01:42 normally have we've been here pretty hard with rain where everybody else is getting ice and and snow we 01:48 we've been getting a lot of rain. So that's not a good sign for wheat. I know Mr. Lee out there in South Dakota 01:54 is probably hoping for rain, but here we can actually get too much. 01:58 really fast My weight yields in my opinion and and I hope I'm wrong on the low side but are going to be somewhere in in the 02:05 60 range at the low side, maybe 65 to where we didn't get a good stand early. We were super dry planted a wheat and 02:14 then got some pounding rain. So so it didn't get a real good stand in some spot. So I think that weeds gonna be more in a 60 65 range and hopefully this 02:23 field you see behind me be, you know, north of triple digits north of a hundred. So at least 02:29 at least we'll be able to compete it's in some sort of fashion. I just want to encourage y'all with it, you know coming to the first of 02:36 February to you know, start looking at a few tissue tests on your wheat and seeing what kind of nutrients at your deficiency and some things that can help you we'll put 02:46 like I said our applicant first application of you know fertilizer on here and they will probably have some different micro nutrients and and humics and 02:55 fulvix and different things that at that point where the Folger application our nitrogen application would be 03:01 granular. We'll come back with airplane on a folio application was hoping to be able to travel the streamer nozzles and 03:07 do what Temple and Chad and Kevin is some of those guys do but it's just the weather's just not going to last to 03:13 do that. If we try to do that in this field today, we would be I don't know we'd make foot foot and a half roots on the lower 03:19 end if we didn't get stuck in the process. So we'll stick with our normal ground granular application through the 03:25 you know through the airplane and then also try to put a fool your own and see what we can can work out there. 03:33 Also want to give a shout out to miss Henderson Chad's wife as you see my hat here. 03:40 It's got XA on the front and 22 wheat wager on the back. And about here to go with it. 03:48 So Maria and Chad made this for me, you know, everybody gave something for the you know, the winner the wheat 03:54 wager last year and you know, Chad was gonna give sweet corn and I I gave him hell about the sweet corn because we grow our own sweet corn, which is probably twice as good as he is. 04:03 And kept messing with and kept messing with me. He said hey, look if you don't shut up leave me alone. I'm not gonna give you what I've got planned. So I shut up 04:12 and left him alone and month or so ago. He brought me this hat. So just a shout out to Marie Henderson. She does a great job on on embroidery and 04:21 stuff. You know, like I said, it's kind of boring right now, but we're fixing to put our first fertility on here. We'll be doing several 04:27 things to this field or try to you know to try to give it some extra groceries to see if we can be with the other guys. So stay tuned for more videos and 04:37 you know, we'll kind of let y'all know what we're doing and at the end of that at the end of this contest or we'll let you know kind of what 04:43 you know, what what to yield he is so just stay tuned. I'm sure the other guys will be starting to send their videos also and y'all have a safe safe 04:52 week and and we'll see what we can do with this week. Thank you.

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