The Latest AgriGold Varieties on Matt's Radar
Matt talks about the different AgriGold varieties that he has had success with and the new varieties he is trialing this year.
00:00 I will go Thursday nine. It's on point. My papa loves me for Mary. Yes. So we're here today in our, uh, in our, one of our gold plots. Uh, 00:10 y'all, I know you've heard me talk a lot about gold in the past. We've been growing it for several years. Um, you know, 00:16 there's some new varieties coming out now. Everseat company is, is always, you know, trying to come out with something a little bit better. 00:23 And I think we may have found some varieties in the last couple of years, and it's the more that's coming that we're really not, you know, 00:30 hadn't been exposed to yet. It's gonna be some, some real game changer. This variety here is, is, uh, we had 12 rows of it last year, 00:38 12 rows. And, uh, it was in limited supply last year. It was in a little bit better supply this year, but still limited. But I think next year's gonna be pretty much worldwide. Yeah, 00:47 worldwide full scale production next year. And, uh, we should have plenty of supply hopefully next year. Yep. So I've got Rob Devon here. Rob Desmond is our trustee gold seed salesman. 00:58 Uh, he keeps up with all the best varieties and what, what works best in our areas as well as, you know, other areas in his trade area. 01:05 This is a route we looked at last year in our strip trial. It, uh, coming in in the top 5%, you know, of the roadies we had in the strip trial. 01:14 It had really good, uh, length and girth on it both. So, and that's, that's what I think we're looking for. You know, our trusty, uh, variety for, 01:23 for several years has been the goal. 66, 59, and it's over 20 years old now, I think. 01:28 And it's still one of the top producing varieties on our farm as well as, you know, in the region. So, 01:34 but it's exciting to see some of these new varieties. Do y'all have a nickname for this one yet? This one's Variant. Variant, yeah. The reason we call it variant is, is it was named Variant the year of Covid. 01:43 So the, the Delta variant of Covid. So it's, it's the Delta variant, well, one of our favorite group varieties that grows a 64, 7 42. That's stinky. Yeah. 01:53 I thought that was pug. No pug. We, we abandoned. Uh, okay, we gotta wait. So Pug got killed and, uh, stinky is the one that we, you know, we, 02:01 we get as many sacks of it as we can. That's done really good for us in stressful conditions, uh, non-stressful conditions, it with our N C G A in our N C G A plots. 02:10 But this is a promising variety that, that we wanted to showcase this year, uh, for Agri Gold 6 47 79 is, 02:18 is a new unique hybrid d agri gold. We have got it in limited, it's very limited supply this year. You know, uh, 02:26 we had some really hot and dry conditions across the corn growing regions last year and, and, and therefore production got hurt a little bit. But, 02:34 but we've got it. And it looks like this year we're gonna, for, for the coming season, we'll have a, a really good supply for it. 02:40 One of the things that I like about this one is the ability for it to, uh, flex, you know, it, it shows us it's flex in the ear length and, um, 02:50 it has a, you know, really high yield potential. It's a really efficient user of nitrogen, has a good disease package, but it also responds well to fungicides. 02:59 It responds well to some more poorly drained type soils, as well as some really high production soils. 03:05 It really likes a narrow row environment. It's also at corn, it has really high test weight and, and you know, 03:12 I think that is very important. Yeah, I think we've gotta pay a lot of attention if we can gain pounds of test weight, that that's a lot of bushels quick. Well, we sell pounds, we sell weight. 03:22 What we sometimes forget about is test weight. And yeah, there's a lot of ways you can that you can increase your test weight if you 03:28 don't quit at the end. You know, that's something we've learned over years is, you know, as round a basis and finish up, you know, 03:34 there's not a lot of varieties out there today that we'll do that. So if you end up with a little less population than you want with this variety, 03:40 you should be able to keep it Where on some of these fixed year varieties, you know, you have to turn around and replant, uh, 03:46 putting them in the Twin Row environment that we do, you know, we're spacing the plant out further, which allows it to flex more. 03:52 So having a a good flex variety is something that's gonna be a good, a good tool in our toolbox for sure. Yeah, absolutely it is. 03:59 But one thing I wanna talk about, and you know, and we've talked about this over the years, you know, is, is, is look at the kernel depth. This, this, this, 04:07 this ear of corn's got some really good kernel depth. And that's one thing we've gotta start, we pay attention to, you know, and and really need to be looking at is kernel debt. 04:16 That is the quickest way to add a lot of pound and pounds equal bushels. Yeah. Uh, they, you get the kernel debt that you need and, you know, we, 04:25 we wanna talk about, you know, lots of rounds and lots of rows and, and all of that. And if that's great, that's great to have those ears, 04:34 you know, but we, we really need that deep kernel set and, and when we get that, you know, we're, we're gonna wind up with, uh, 04:43 a lot of quick pounds. Well, and this was at reals and it's got colonel de so if you get, you get the best of both worlds with that, uh, 04:50 Colonel Des really big when you're, you know, we're doing the math on aggregate variety, we know we can divide by 80. Yeah. And always be good. A lot of these other varieties, you know, when we divide, 04:59 we gotta divide by 90 cause they're gonna have a smaller cooler set. But I mean, you look at that right there, it's a pretty good Colonel. 05:05 I did wanna say one other thing. This has got about 20% nitrogen on it than what we normally put out. 20% less, 40% less nitrogen than we normally put out. So, uh, 05:15 this r has reacted real good to lower nitrogen rate. That's something we're all trying to do. Some the sustainability process, just figure out where that magic number is without going too less. 05:23 And some varieties can handle that better than others. And I mean, you can see as, as you can see how this is filled out, 05:29 that it's done a really good job using less nitrogen. Um, you know, we think we can do that with nutra charts through phosphorus in different ways 05:36 that we can start reducing some of these nitrogen and phosphorus rates of figuring out that we can grow the same yield, give not better with with less, 05:44 which is the goal of a, you know, sustainability anyway. I would say within 30 05:52 to 45 days we'll be able to give you a hard number on what this looks like, uh, in the grain bins off the scale.
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McGehee, AR