The Impact of Nematode Control in Corn
23 Jun 242m 40s

Kevin Matthews discusses the use of an insecticide from FMC, to address nematode issues in sandy, no-till corn fields affected by a flood. He explains the challenges of accurately testing for nematodes and the importance of conducting replicated plots to determine the effectiveness.

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00:00 We're down here in the river bottoms in the Yakkin River Valley planting corn. 00:03 Today we're going to use a product from FMC. It's called uh, zar and insecticide type product. We're doing it here because it's real sandy land. 00:14 It's no till we had a bad flood in January. We had to do some vertical tillage on it to clean up the debris and get it where it's easy to plant. 00:22 Our goal with this is to control any nematode issues in the corn. It's kind of hard to tell how bad your nematodes are 00:29 'cause you can test this row and it'll show that you're at your threshold. You can go 40 inches over 30 inches, over 20 whatever, 00:37 and you may not find none in a test at that time. So you really kind of wonder is it really worth spending extra money owning Amato side to take care 00:46 of an nematode issue? But the easiest way to tell is to do some replicated plots. Daniel's running with her planter 00:53 and she does not have Zion rn. I've got it in mind. I did choose to plant this real sandy Ridge myself and we got some strips all the way across the middle 01:02 of the big field here that she's in. So we'll have some 24 rows with and without. So it's going to gonna be interesting to see what kind 01:09 of pressure we actually have with nematodes and, and insects that we're not aware of. So it's gonna be a good, good experience. 01:16 We're gonna try to see how it, how it, uh, will benefit the yield and put us some money in our pocket potentially. 01:22 So our sand ridge area, which is over there, you're looking straight at it now. You see a little bit of green in the top. 01:28 So the weeds where they sprayed that is completely no-till. We absolutely try our best not to touch that 01:34 with vertical tillage 'cause we don't want it to wash. So you can already see the blowout from the sand of the river that's been pushed back along the edges. 01:43 Way over there is a big sandbar that was pushed back where it blowed out. That's my neighbor's field. But we have the same situation. 01:49 You can kind of see the soils, it's really good soil grows real good. Got some good clay in it, but it's also got a lot of sand. 01:56 You can see here we're running both planters. You got Daniel over wearing in the left hand corner. She's uh, tending to little boss man now as a month old. 02:04 Got him in the corn planter, she's planting corn. That's pretty cool. But, um, really enjoyed doing these trials here. 02:11 The neat thing about products like this, it's something that we probably normally would decide we didn't need, but until you research it on your farm, you don't realize 02:19 what kind of benefit it is, especially with nematodes 'cause it's like I explained earlier, you can check this spot and you've got a out load 02:25 and then you move over six foot and you ain't got nothing. You can't test the whole entire field. 02:30 So this is an easy way to test over a larger acreage and find out if it does put yield in your pocket and make you some money. 02:36 Y'all stay tuned.

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