V-4 Root Check: A Critical Time For the Corn Plant
11 Jul 245m 55s

Kelly Garrett takes a look at a V-4 roots of the corn plants that he treated with microbial technology as part of his trial with New Leaf Symbiotics. The treated plants clearly exhibit more robust root systems and greater vegetative growth compared to untreated plants. But, he is most excited about the increased number of fine root hairs on the treated plants. He explains why.

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00:00 Do you have roots? That's what we're talking about here on the tailgate of this truck with Allison Jack 00:04 and Kelly Garrett, Allison, uh, we got a plant dig here. We see this sometimes at field days. 00:09 I always kind of think it's cool because it's uh, more illustrative of what's happening at a field day other than just 00:14 going, oh, ain't that corn pretty? We got roots. I am not the expert that Kelly is, but looks to me like these have better roots than these. 00:20 What am I looking at and what are we trying to prove with our field day? Dig? You're looking at the impact of our microbial technology. 00:27 So our ppms colonize the plant, right At germination. You're Doing that thing. PPFM 00:32 is a pink Pigmented facultative, methyl tr say that three times fast. I'll Just call it PPP fm. That's 00:39 why we call 'em ppms. Yeah. It's a technology that goes into other products. Correct. Your company supplies these products 00:47 to three different companies and they go into plant enhancement products. Did this go in at time of planting? 00:52 Did it go in over the top? What happened here? We Go in at the planter box. Okay, so we are a wettable powder. 00:57 Um, but we go in dry, right with the seed lubricant. Alright, Kelly out here in this trial that's at your field day. 01:03 Um, she went out, she dug these at a very fair fashion. Looks to me like I can see some difference. What excites you about this 01:09 and also what are we looking for in the trial? Well, what excites me, obviously you can see the treated, the plants are bigger, healthier. 01:17 The stalks are girth here and it's all at the same stage. We're at V four here. What gets me really excited, 01:21 I don't even know if will can pick it up, is the hairs on the roots. That is the photos synthetic site 01:25 where the trade happens is what I call it. And that's the reason for this vegetative response we're having here. 01:30 It goes all the way down to those little root hairs. That's what I'm excited about. Okay. That's something that I think gets overlooked. 01:35 You can go to a field day, they always go out and do a dig bring, show you a big old corn ball of roots and all that. 01:40 What we're talking about is the teeny little fibers type, uh, almost like little capillaries, if you will. 01:45 Yes. Talk to me about that because there is, there is a definitive difference between this and this in terms of the small, uh, hairs. 01:53 So we've been looking at this feature of this product for a long time now. I, I've processed thousands of photos. 02:01 What we're able to do is image this and put a data set around this phenomenon so you can see it with your eyes. 02:07 Yep. But more importantly you can also measure it, um, with different root phenotyping tools. So being able to put a number on, yes, 02:15 there are more root pairs, uh, there are more root tips. There are more fine roots. 02:19 Kelly. These plants are what we call this V four four. V four. Um, how much does this matter when the combine runs? So obviously we've got a lot of potential here. 02:28 We can see the difference, but we've gotta take this to yield because what really matters is 02:32 what goes in the grain tank and the ROI. But you know, and we always talk about this when we're with an agronomist, plant pathologist in Allison's case is 02:40 this is a very critical time. Why have yet to find out a time that's not critical. However, this is V four. 02:45 This is when we are deciding rows around. Tell me, looking at these plants that you don't think these ears are gonna be bigger than 02:52 those just based on the size and health of the plant. Okay, So this might have 16 rounds on the ear corn. 02:56 This might have 14. That kind of Concept. Exactly. Um, In a different recording we talked about a sexy field at V four doesn't mean it's a profitable field. 03:04 Having really good vegetative growth looks pretty when you drive down by on the road. 03:08 But that don't make you money necessarily when a combine runs. Can you address that? And I 03:11 wanna hear it from the farmer perspective. Well, We've set the plant up for success. What happens for the rest of the season, right? 03:17 If things go well. Yep. Um, that plant is up and outta the ground faster, has a better start, um, has a better ability to deal with stress. 03:27 This particular product also is an EPA registered bio insecticide. So we are in corn on corn. 03:33 If there's corn rootworm in this field, uh, you're gonna see a much better response. And you're only less than 20% 03:40 of your acres are in soybeans. You're gonna have even more of a corn on corn phenomenon this year than not. 03:45 Is that one of the reasons you're excited about this or do you think it's just this that makes you excited? I'm excited about it because of the heavy amount 03:51 of corn on corn we run. But I'm also excited about it. You know, you talk about this sexy vegetative corn. This is obviously sexier on this side. Right. 03:58 But it didn't come from expensive macronutrients. Okay? It came from this insecticide. The seed technology. That's a different kind of vegetative. 04:05 We're not producing vegetative growth from fertility. We're producing it from the nutrients that are in the soil. His 04:10 Point's very valid farmers and certainly landowners that rent to farmers love to see a sexy crop in June. 04:16 That doesn't mean you're making money off it. This isn't about being sexy to prove to the neighbors that I got good corn. 04:22 It's really about setting this plant up for nutrient uptake. I think that's what you're gonna tell me. 04:26 But you're the one with the PhD. Not me. Well, We have a symbiosis, right? So our microbes, yes, they go on at the seed, 04:33 but they change the trajectory of that plant's life for the entire field season. One of the things that TS 2 0 1 does is it turns on the 04:43 plant's own defense system, almost like a vaccine. It helps the plant respond faster and stronger when there is insect damage. 04:52 Insect. So what you've done now is turned on a switch. Got it. You've actually changed gene expression within the plant to set this plant up better 05:00 for when the trouble comes later. Incidentally, if you just heard Allison say TS 2 0 1, that's their product, uh, name on this. 05:07 And again, it sold through other companies to put it on there. Mm-Hmm. Kelly, get me outta here. I think this is cool. 05:12 What am I gonna see one month from now, two months from now and from the combine seat? 05:16 You're gonna continue to see these plants outpace these plants. Mm-Hmm. I would expect to see bigger ears on this plant. 05:22 You know, I would expect to see an ROI here. It's hard to say. It depends on the rest of the season, but we have a lot of potential here. 05:28 You told me once a high yield guy, six tenths of a pound of corn per plant is the Kelly Garrett goal. 05:35 Um, that looks like it's probably more likely to do it than that one. Absolutely it does. Got it. Kelly Garrett. 05:40 Allison, thanks for being here. We're talking about roots or as my friend Kelly sometimes calls him roots. 05:45 It doesn't matter what you call 'em. The main thing is you want 'em to look like this and less like that.

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