The Corn Scout
Consultant Robbo Dedman and Layne Miles from Miles Farms are taking a closer look at their Integra 6811 corn plot at the v7-v8 stage. They are scouting for nutrient deficiencies, disease and any impediments to photosynthesis, as well as the xylem structure. The also talk about the next application steps for this crop.
00:00 Hi guys, this is Rob. We're here in DC County in McGee today. I'm got Lane miles here. We're on their farm and we're gonna talk a little bit about what we're looking for 00:09 when we're scouting our corn right this year, you know at this point in time. And we're in we're in one of the Integra 00:16 cornfields of Lane and mats and Lane. Which variety was this here. This is the 6811. We got the 6588 over there on the 00:25 other side. Okay. So this 6811 vt2 Pro Integra. It looks really good right now. 00:33 Just some things that we wanted to kind of point out with, you know, when we're looking at this field. It's about V7 V8 won't 00:39 be long be V8. So we you can tell I don't have the camera shows. They're not but we we have irrigated this it's been really dry soil moisture sensors were saying it. Hey, we 00:50 need to water and you know, we're gonna walk around up here and the first thing we're gonna point out on this because it's right in 00:56 your face is these burnt leaves and you know, this corn was wide drop. And and there's a lot of 01:04 leaves burned up on it, you know, so as those sprayers were coming out. We don't have a real wide area to turn around. Sometimes you'll see these guys get a little 01:13 bit of hurry raising up those wiredrops to get turned around on the end, you know. It's one foot. It's one foot on the end. 01:22 Does it look bad? It's a little burn up a little tattered looking. Is it going to cause a yield loss? Probably not. 01:28 You know, but as a consultant, it's my job Lane. You got some burn ends on you. See that rough. 01:36 You know and then is we're looking at this we've looked at with Doug Roots already. You've seen us in previous videos where we've dug 01:42 Roots the Roots look healthy on this corn. The weeds are under control. We've got clean fields. And you know right now we're starting to look at plant Health 01:51 overall plant Health look at fertility. To fit fertility to efficiencies, you know, we're looking at these leaves. These are some big old wide ladies. 02:00 No visual signs of nutrient deficiencies in them. No visual signs of any early season type disease in them. 02:09 Good dark, green color. We're getting maximum photosynthesis going on here. Last week's 02:15 tissue samples. Look pretty good too. Didn't they? Did they were really strong? You know, one other thing we're 02:22 Wing look at as we can look at the the pith and the xylem in this plant and you know, we got a really thick xylem wall on this corn plant and that 02:31 means we've got a lot of nutrient uptake and a smaller area to have nutrient downflow in this plant, but 02:40 right now we're kind of in that that period of time to where it's make sure the fertility stays right in it 02:47 as far as our P&K. We've got the majority of our nitrogen already out here. We got to watch these micros. The next thing we'll do be our 02:56 pretassle urea or ammonium sulfate whatever we need it at the time and and then we'll do a fungicide application and and address 03:08 any nutrient deficiencies. We'll get show it a little bit of love when we do that. That precastle application of Fungicide and 03:18 all that. So, you know, I think we've got a great corn crop here Lane. What do you think think it looks pretty good Rob think we're we're giving corn what it needs and don't 03:27 keep on giving it keep giving it. So guys there you have it from the cornfield. That's that's what we're looking for out here. 03:36 Good healthy corn. It's hard to find anything wrong in this corn today.
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See All GrowersMatt Miles
McGehee, AR