How Smart is John Deere's See & Spray Technology On A Hagie Sprayer?
8 Mar 246m 32s

The XtremeAg team recently had the opportunity to test John Deere's See & Spray technology, now integrated into new Hagie STS sprayer models. The system utilizes a comprehensive network of cameras mounted across the sprayer's front-mounted boom, enabling precise identification and targeting of weeds at speeds up to 12 mph, and faster in some cases. Chad Henderson and Kevin Matthews had the chance to evaluate the system's accuracy first-hand. This precision spraying technology has the potential to deliver significant savings in herbicide costs and reduce environmental impacts offering farmers a smarter, more sustainable approach to crop management. But, Chad just wants to know one thing: Will it spray a rock?

00:00 Alright, this extreme maggot, here we are from the Haggy sprayer, but what we're looking at on this thing is this See it spray 00:05 and we're talking about see it spray. You know, we had a chance last year to spray of the year to run this on the deer sprayer 00:10 and man we kept, I'm talking about like my daddy said, just go ahead out there and run the sprayer. Just be ready to keep eye on the wheat 00:18 because you know that thing ain't going hit it. Well, we done the whole testing and I'm telling you in accuracy was, it was 00:24 beyond accurate on what happened. I was really impressed with how it, how it ran. I was really impressed with the, 00:29 with the way it's seen in front of it, the way it controlled the spray and, and it done a great job. 00:34 Well now here we are standing in front of this haie and guess what's on it? Seeded spray. So Kevin, 00:39 you have a haggy, what do you think about? Are you ready for seeded spray? Well, you don't know if it really done it or not. 00:45 Your boom was on the wrong end so that, you know, we got it on the, we've got one where it needs to be. Now we got the boom up front. Where else? 00:51 Haggy, Aggie eyes love. All I gotta say is dead weed is a dead front back dead. We dead. 00:57 We, that's right. It's gonna be pretty impressive. I think there's gonna be a lot of things about this that in my opinion would work better. 01:05 Plus you the visibility. See, you can see it a lot better when you're sitting there in the front and the boom criteria. 01:11 We um, you know, we still got this active supply technology like what we've been running on our hack. 01:16 Really like that. And you've gotta have that when you use the seed and spray my understanding. Is that 01:21 Correct? Yep, that's correct. So the bull seed and spray system is just right here behind us. It's pretty simple. You have your cameras right here 01:28 that are looking down, scanning in front of the boom as it's going through the field, 15 miles per hour, 2100 square feet a second. 01:35 So these cameras, there's 36 of 'em across the boom that are scanning, looking for, say you're in your soybeans or corn, you tell that to the system, it's looking 01:42 for corn when it doesn't see that it's gonna take pictures of that. Then sending it to this vision processing unit, 01:48 which is like the brains of the system. It, it's looking at all these pictures and then telling the exact apply system. 01:54 Do you turn on or do you not based off of all the pictures are taken. So that's happened like that Lincoln 02:00 and I pictures, rain's processing it, then reaching out and touching 'em with the exact apply system On soybeans. We can go 02:06 with 15 inch rows and and greater no, no issues there. That's correct. Um, with our corn we're pretty well limited to 30 inch rows right now, is my understanding. 02:15 I is that what you ran it on? Yep. Yeah, we ran it on 30 inch corn. He is in the herbicide pass 02:20 and we had our whole round up our herbicide chemistry in the, the one take and 02:24 then there's round up in the front tank. Yeah, is where we was at. So look, we're walking out across here now. 02:29 Kevin's getting the machine and we're gonna spray with this thing. So they puts leaves out here, corn leaves out in the field 02:35 to simulate weeds and so we're gonna get down here, we're gonna take a look, they going to bust down through here 02:41 and get it, uh, get this thing spraying when it does. We'll see if it turns on and off. I ain't real sure about spraying out here in this wide open 02:48 dirt over a corn leaf, but we'll see. So we're in this haggy today with a sea and spray. It's my first time running it. 02:57 It's uh, pretty, pretty easy actually to set up. Um, basically just cut it on and off here on your shortcut bar down at the bottom 03:05 and then, uh, go here to see and spray. I've got my crop settings. I'm telling them I'm spraying a soybean crop. 03:12 I can adjust my buffer area, which is when I touch that, that shows how many nozzles I want to come on before and 03:18 after and how wide I want 'em to go. So it is pretty simple. It's not overbearing by no means. Um, put in your products that, that you're using. 03:28 Uh, we're just using the B nozzle only on see and spray or our exact fly. You can choose however you oil it shows our screen. 03:35 We're active, it's ready to go. So we've got some corn stalks laying out here in the field and it thinks it's, we're spraying soybeans. 03:43 So we're gonna see how this works. Uh, if it detects those corn stalks. For instance, if we're spraying fusel aid 03:51 and our soybeans to get rid of volunteer corn, this would, this just shows it's only going to hit those target areas. 03:58 So let's see how it goes here. So look, this is our simulation right here. This is our simulation piece. 04:03 This is what we're simulating as anything besides a bean crop. In it in the screen it says we spray soybeans out here. 04:11 Obviously this ain't of soybean, so let's see if it hits it. So we got cameras up here, 04:15 36 across the boat we talked about earlier today. And you can see my map right here. And you can see the corn stalks 04:24 that is spraying in this field. Um, it's, and there's no soybeans planted here, but if we had soybeans planted, 04:31 it would be spraying the volunteer corn and it goes by the leaf tissue. So it sees the corn salts laying out there on the ground 04:41 and it literally is sprayed. You can sit there on your coverage map and see that very well. 04:54 Seven mile hour, eight odd hour. You can get on up 15 plus mile hour and you can tell it's actually putting 10 gallons per acre 05:03 on each one of those spots that you see there on the screen and you can look out across the boom. 05:08 That's what I love about my haggy is my front boom. I can see everything. It's just so easy to see. I'm not having to look behind me. 05:16 Y'all better be watching 'cause I am. If it sprays this rock, we're going to call 'em out on it, that's for sure. 05:26 So that's pretty neat to be able to just sit right there and see that and see. 05:30 I mean, that's a lot of ground that's not getting sprayed. I mean that's, that's saving some big money. 05:36 And, um, and quite frankly it's, it's, you know, that's making it extremely safe. I mean, that's so safe on our food source right there. 05:46 We're so careful about the chemicals and pesticides that we use now. This is just another level of safety that just ensures that, 05:54 that, uh, my children and grandchildren will have a safe and abundant food source. 05:58 It's pretty cool what the American farmer can do now. So we're real pleased about how that thing done. If y'all see it's anywhere from one to two tips to six 06:10 to eight tips when it's spraying that corn. And, uh, it's just been, it's been real interesting to see how it works and how the camera looks ahead 06:18 and how the decisions are made is really what to spray. Oh, and by the way, we've lost a bet it didn't spray the rock.

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