Temples Corn Fertility Strategy
Temple from XtremeAg shares his updated approach to corn fertility this year. He’s focused on foliar nutrition and smart soil management. By analyzing soil samples, he cut back on unnecessary fertility inputs.
00:00 Hey guys, it's Temple Extreme Ag. So, you know, I've talked a lot about what I've done this year and I've kind of changed my system. 00:07 So my system this year, basically as far as fertility goes, I cut way back on my fertility one. 00:14 I spent a lot of time looking at my soil samples and seeing what do I actually need? What can I actually get into the plant? 00:20 How can I get some fertility, some legacy fertility out of the ground into my plant? So we've done a really good job This year was more important 00:29 than what most normal years are. You know, most normal years I might not have felt as comfortable, but being what I went through last year with 00:38 a LS damage and we had some roots that were kind of dying off and we weren't getting fertility out of the dirt where we were putting a lot of our fertility, 00:46 we changed a lot to a foliar program, putting a lot of more foliar nutrition on and backing out of the other way. 00:52 So let's talk about what we did. So, you know, I put a high phos fertilizer at a couple gallons in the furrow. 01:00 I put regular 28 0 0 5 with some other additives like nutri charge release, trying to get more out of the ground 01:07 and break it, break the bond up and get it into the plant. We did that through a UBA two, 01:11 but we came back at V four through V six with a program and it was a high program of another high phosphorus program. 01:20 'cause I fight phosphorus out here. So we're trying to get phosphorus into the plant. So it was phosphorus, nutrition, potassium acetate, 01:27 and a few other things. You know, a big micro pack and things of that nature. And then we came back and we made, 01:33 now this is irrigated corn behind me on our dry land corn. We dialed that back a little bit. 01:38 We still went across the top, but we didn't come back in with a wide drop program because in our environment out here this year, 01:45 this allowed me to make choices as we went. So in our dry land program, we didn't put out potassium 'cause we didn't need it. 01:53 Our, our potassium levels were really high. We didn't put hardly any phosphorus out except for in the furrow. 02:00 And we, we did put anhydrous on. I stripped till anhydrous. I know that I'm killing biological activity, 02:06 but I added the biology back. So I feel a little bit better about that situation. But we, it, it enabled us to keep kind of 02:14 as the environment was throwing us curve balls, it allows me at multiple different times to be able to treat that rather than going all up front 02:24 and putting all my fertility down, whether it's a dry or liquid or what anhydrous, whatever it is, I pulled out of those other situations 02:33 and went a different direction. I think that this year, even though the environmental stress that we've had on dry land, 02:40 I still think the crop looks good for what it's been through. I don't think that I'm hurting in any way, shape 02:45 or form my irrigated corn. Again, we're pollinated, we're pollinated last week and it's, realistically, it's probably not great for us, 02:55 it was over a hundred degree heat. It was only down in the, you know, 91, 92 nighttime temperature. 03:01 So I'm sure that that hurt us. But again, doing this foliar nutrition that we're doing, it allows me to, to kind of dial back 03:11 or, you know, step it up. I can do multiple different things versus putting it all down up front. 03:17 I'm not saying I'm changing my total fertility that I want out there, but when environment throws something at you and then $3 corn gets thrown at you, you know, 03:26 well sub $4 corn, but it's still $3 corn. When that gets thrown at you, you start to be able to make that adjustment in season. 03:33 And I think that that's extremely important that we realize we are making this adjustments as this crop is growing 03:41 and I think that it's allowed me to do better. We know what the crop needs at any given time. You know, you go by some of these scales that they have at, 03:49 at nature's given me a, a really nice sheet that tells you exactly the percentage of every nutrient and micronutrient when it uses it the most. 03:58 So if you kind of take that, use some of your tissue samples and your data in, in prior years knowing what it's gonna go 04:05 through, man, they follow almost exactly the same. So now knowing that we're following that and we're allowing ourself to make great business decisions 04:16 because of what the environment or what the markets are showing us, we are making those decisions on the go as we go every time. 04:24 And then, like, I got one more treatment that we do like in our fungicide, pay us a lot of guys rated tassel, they go out 04:31 and they put their fungicide on. We don't do that. We feel like we got good enough health in these plants that we can fight 04:37 through the tassel application. We wait till after brown silk and when I come in, we'll come in with fungicide, A PGR 04:44 and a heavy fertility program to try to push that over the edge. We've proven that it works time and time again 04:50 and I'm gonna try to prove it again one more year.
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Centreville, MD