So we're out here in, uh, basically a 40 acre trial, and this is for agri liquid. We got four different versions. It's kind of like a, you know,
it's one's my 10 acres worth of a grower standard practice. And then they ate a few products on another trial, another 10 acres.
Then they ate a few more, and then it's kind of a more of a full ascended package. I've looked at all of 'em. I don't see a lot, a lot of difference in them. Uh,
I will tell you that we had some issues with, with ALS damage and it looks like the kind of the descendant version where it's super healthy,
it kind of mitigated or kind of got rid of some of that stress of a ls. Maybe it helped it, um, metabolize some of that chemistry a little bit better.
So, so far so good. If I have to hang my hat on one, it's probably gonna be to send it program that they came up with, but why would I do anything else but send it? See you soon.