Tapping Into Existing Phosphorus
28 Sep 238 min 20 sec

Temple Rhodes farms in the Chesapeake Bay watershed where nutrient application restrictions abound — especially on phosphorous. In general, Temple has ample “P” due to a legacy of chicken litter application and years of phosphorous under-utilization. That’s why Temple teamed up with AgroTech USA for a trial using Nutricharge Release. Chad and Temple discuss what they’re seeing with AgroTech's Robb Dedman. 


00:00 If you farm, you probably don't have the exact same soil, the exact same climatological situations, the same topography, 00:06 and you probably don't have the same regulatory environment depending on where you are. So you know what's really cool here at Extreme Ag, 00:11 we're putting on a trial that is specific to a certain situation. Temple Roads, farms in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, 00:18 you've probably heard that he has limits on how much fertility he can use, how much he can use, when he can use it, time of application, 00:24 there's all these kinds of stuff. See what's really cool, our friends at Agritech U s A put together a trial for Temple to be in Maryland. 00:32 And it's specific to those conditions. I'm kind of excited. I got my men Rob Edmond here, agritech, U s A, 00:37 I've got Chad Henderson with Extreme Ag, and I've got temple roads right before a big field day happens here on your property. Kind of a cool deal. 00:45 This is not a trial that's happening at the exact same pace all over the place. It's specific to you. Tell me about it. 00:51 So this, this trial basically started with we're, we're trying to release more phosphorus out of our soul. You know, guys that have chicken litter for instance, and they might have high P values. 01:01 But what we're finding on here, I actually don't have chicken litter on this farm and I haven't had chicken litter on this farm for years. I actually have a low level of phosphorus. 01:10 So this is a different trial for what the product was actually made for this trial is to try to make absolutely positively every ounce count. 01:18 We've talked about nutri charge for the years and we know that it works. This is different, Rob, how different is this? 01:26 Well, so when we developed to charge release, it came about as a a, a brainchild after we started working with you guys up here in Maryland, 01:34 you know, was, and, and we hear day to day about the problems that we are faced with on the Chesapeake Bay, uh, years of, of chicken litter, you know, years of, 01:43 of hog manure, stuff like that. And, and, and we hear, I can't put phosphorous fertilizer out, you know? And a few years ago, you and I were riding around and we were going phosphorous deficient. 01:53 Phosphorous deficient, phosphorous deficient. Yep. Just field to field to field. Everywhere we went. And so we go back, we talk, 01:59 we're talking with the guys at Agritech and we're like, guys, we gotta do something. Well, 02:04 we know that when you take multiple products, we create synergisms. That's, that's our goal in agriculture, to create, 02:11 to when we mix stuff together. You know, you guys do tank mixes every day? Oh yeah. We're trying to create synergism. Yeah, you do. Yeah, yeah. Deal. And, 02:20 uh, so, so we, we, we thought we'd do a little of that ourselves. And, and so what we've done with, 02:26 with nut neutral charge release is we've got a three-way product. And in my world, I like to say it completes the, uh, the, the complete, 02:34 um, release of nutrients in the plant, you know, in the soil. But, um, we've got the char product, we have an organic acid, 02:43 and then we have biology. Can I ask you the question? Go Ahead. 02:46 Because the person that's watching this that maybe hasn't seen any of our past stuff, I know about Nu charge. 02:50 'cause you were one of the people that discovered it and brought it to, uh, extreme ag was phosphorus. You might have phosphorus in the soil. It, it, 02:57 it makes it so that you can get the phosphorus from the soil into the plant. That was the big thing with UltraCharge. Yes. 03:01 Yes. Exactly. If I'm making it available or making it, uh, so they can uptake it. Well, both, both. When you make it available, 03:09 a plant has an easier route to uptake it. You know, I think the primary things that we need to remember with the, the UltraCharge line of products, okay? Whether it's triun, 03:18 whether it's neu neutral charge release, whether it's nut neutral charge itself, whether it is the new product ionize, which is the, the, 03:25 the dry version that blends on dry fertilizer that temple's done some work with and any of those, our goal here is, is are we treating an acre? Yes, 03:33 we're treating an acre, but the goal is, is to treat fertilizer. Okay? When we treat fertilizer, we're protecting it. We're stopping fixation, 03:41 we're gonna stop loss. You know, so that's our goal. If we can stop fixation before it ever occurs and we don't have to back up and break it loose, then what that equals to is, that's a lot more phosphorus, 03:50 a lot more nutrition to the plant. Let's get to the, uh, thing that's specific to you. And, you know, when James, uh, from Agritech, uh, talked about, 04:00 this is something we wanna do because we think there's an opportunity here. So it's, 04:04 you said this is not heavily chicken littered where we're standing right now, but that is something that you're thinking it's, it's designed for you. 04:10 What's different about this Rob, than for if I tried this in a different part of the World? Well, actually we have this kind of all over the country. 04:17 It's in a limited release this year and we've basically got the product in trials all over the country for people to look at. 04:24 And we're seeing similar results, you know, so on Temple's farm, you know, in this particular plot, his grower standard practice, 04:30 tell us about your grower standard practice on the farm. What is, how is it set up? Fertility plus what, 04:35 So my grower's standard practice is fertility plus, you know, humanic acid sugars, um, fulvic acids, 04:42 UltraCharge and PGRs. It's, it's loaded. Yeah. Like it is a big loaded program. Okay. And so in this particular test, you put nut nutri charge in furrow. 04:51 Mm-hmm. And then you followed up with Nut Nutri Moro. I'm Put anything else on it? 'cause I, 04:58 we've done testing on Nitrocharge for three years now, two years. This will be my third one. So it's a hundred percent of our acres. Mm-hmm. Yeah. 05:05 So this had nitrocharge in furrow, 3.2 ounces, came back at wide drop, and then this had nutri charge release, 05:14 and then it had wide drop and it had, it Had release in the two by two mm-hmm. In the two. And then it had nutri charge at wide drop. Yep. Okay. So, so the thing I I I, 05:24 I get him to point out there and that we're gonna point out is, is, and then when we go into South Arkansas on Matt's farm, 05:31 we did Nutri charge in furrow and then we did Nutri charge release at Ydr on him. So to me, what I'm seeing is we see a similar result. 05:41 What we're seeing is the synergisms with the acids and the biology and the nutri charge polymer, 05:47 getting that massive uptake of nutrients into that plant late throughout the reproductive season. You know, y drop, we're not in reproduction. 05:55 We're breaking those nutrients loose, whether we're doing it at the two by two or whether we're doing it in the wide drop. You know, when you look at the two plants here, you know, I mean, Chad, 06:04 what do you see as far as, as, as roots and, and stalk diameter and, and then ear size on the two? Well, 06:10 I mean, they're both good looking plants and you know, we didn't cherry pick these. We went out there and we found uniformed plants, you know, is what we found and we just dug 'em up. Let's just see what we got, 06:18 you know, in both applications. But, but we like the fibrous roots, but both of 'em have a real good root structure and, 06:24 and both of 'em have a good, good plant health all the way through. And this is, you know, this is obviously phosphorus and nutrient late, you know? 06:29 Yeah. So I guess my question is, I was gonna say, why is Chad here now? He, now he's our, our root expert. 06:35 What are you seeing Rob or Temple that said makes you think, hey, this was really, uh, you know, 06:40 I I I'm now sold on this or I think that this is the, the standard of practice times this, you know, the synergy you're talking about. What do, what do you, half of my 06:48 Job out here is just to prove that I can beat it. Uhhuh. That's really what I wanna do. I with my grower's standard practice. 06:54 You bring me something, I just won't beat you Any Pant. Beat it. The thing is that our grower's standard practices are not most people's standard 07:01 practice. Sure. Right, right. And, and that's something we've been having to overcome, you know? Sorry, so ask me this. So the person that says, is this the, 07:07 the right thing for me because I am a limited, I'm gonna be environmentally regulatory situation, whatever, where I can't use phosphorus. Is that where this goes? 07:16 Well, it's actually diabetes. It, it's gonna go on that farmer who has used a lot of manure over the years. Got it. Let's think about northwest Iowa, let's think, or northeast Iowa. Yeah, 07:25 let's think about, uh, Wisconsin. Yeah. You know, all up through dairy country and, and and where all the pigs are. And so there's a lot of people thinking about the guys have used all this 07:35 poultry manure over the years. Lot Of phos speed history, A lot of built up legacy phosphorus in the soil. And, 07:40 And that's all not a bad thing. As long as we can use Not a bad thing as long as we can get it out. Yeah. And that's where nut charge release is gonna come in. 07:47 It's gonna solubilize up that phosphorus and other nutrients in, it's gonna drive 'em into that plant. I 07:51 Think we're gonna leave it right there. The product is called Neutral Charge Release. If you wanna learn more about it, where do they go? 07:56 Agritech usa.com. AgTech usa.com. Chad Henderson and Temple Rhodes. Rob Deadman from the company that you just referenced. 08:06 And I'm Damien Mason talking about getting more phosphorous outta your salt into your plants where can actually make you yield. 08:11 That's what we do here at Extreme Ag Farm. Share this with somebody that can benefit from it.

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