Taking The Trash Out and Leaving the Nutrients
30 Aug 232 min 41 sec

In a high yield corn on corn field with a ton of trash, Mike and Vern talk about how they are breaking down the residue and benefits of residue.

00:00 Hello, it's Mike Evans from Integrated Ag Solutions. I'm here with Verne. We're in, uh, cornfield here with, of Kelly Garrett's, uh, up by Charter Oak, 00:08 Iowa. And today's topic is residue. So we're in a third year corn on cornfield and high management. I think this, this particular area of the farm, probably two 60 plus, 00:20 wouldn't you say? Mm-hmm. So high yield and we had a ton of trash. We came back last fall and we put down excavator, uh, 00:28 from maim or recycle from integrated ag solutions, and we tried to break down this residue faster. Right. And what are we looking for when we try to break down residue burn? 00:41 Well, as you can see, this does not look like two years of high yield cornstalks here. We've really broken down just so much of that trash that really would pile up 00:49 and that helps you so much early season, getting your seedlings established as they come up. It comes up so much more uniform and really gets going as opposed to having to 00:58 wind its way through all that trash. And, uh, once we get that down, we're gonna see better plant health. 01:04 We're gonna spoonfeed it fertility throughout the year. The amount of potassium that's in this was in these stocks is insane. And as that's breaking down throughout the year, 01:12 we're releasing a lot of fertility and really spoonfeeding nutrients throughout the year. Exactly the natural way, how we wanna do it. 01:18 It's also gonna improve plant health. You can't store as many diseases in those stocks as they're breaking down. There's nowhere for that corn disease to live year over year. 01:27 You're also destroying the food source for your disease. So you're gonna see a lot more plant health as you break down that residue. 01:33 That's where the disease lives year over year and over winters. And when you destroy that, it can't get into your next corn crop. 01:39 So you're gonna see better plant health and you're gonna have better fertility throughout the year. Yeah. 01:43 You know, if you look at this residue that we got down here, you know, we've got a basically fully broke down interior is just shredding, you know, 01:51 and it is, it, it becomes a, a late season nutrient feeding source for us. And, and Kelly's no, no-till, uh, environment. 02:01 And we have historically never seen this kind of residue breakdown. Right. And, uh, this 02:07 Is incredible. And, uh, plants are showing it. I mean, this is high yield area. Uh, plant health is immaculate, I think. Mm-hmm. You know, 02:16 it's green from the bottom up, virtually no disease showing on anywhere. Um, but yeah, it's, it's important to get that residue broke down. So, 02:24 so with all the corn and corn we have around this area, it's very important to get the residue broke down. And with res cycle and making that fall application is apparent, 02:34 it's becoming very worth that application.