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9 Jun 235 min 39 secPremium Content

Temple Rhodes talks about how he uses fertility to stunt his soybeans and stack nodes.

All right. I've elu I've alluded to in a lot of different situations about what we do when we will burn back our, or setback or stunt or, I dunno how you want to consider it. Matt Miles and I talk about this a lot, you know, he's top grower on soybeans. Um, he en he does a lot of environmental setbacks, so he'll plant really, really early and he makes that really good by doing that. And every time he goes through some kind of environmental pressure, it'll shorten those nodes up, you know, whether it's a cold event or some type of weather event, it'll, it'll stack nodes like that. And we're finding out with a lot of different things that we have out there, a lot of products we have in our partners is there's ways to help stack nodes. And we talked about this in a couple different podcasts. Well, I've been doing something for quite a few years now where we go back and we accidentally stunt them with fertility. So we'll take a software product with a bunch of other blends of different things and we can go down that rabbit hole later on. It's a, it's a big deal. But I'll show you the stage that we're, so, the stage that we're sitting at right now, were V two V three and these, this plot is one of my high yield plots. This one is only planted at like 90,000, I think final stands out here around the eighties. And I'm okay with that. Um, it seems thin when you look out across the field. Well, that's what I want 'em to look like because I'm gonna stage these plants and I'm gonna go back in there and I'm gonna hit all these trigger points. Well, one of the trigger points where I can start to stack nodes and add a bunch of branchings right now. So what I'll do is I'll come out here with a program and I'll burn 'em back, set 'em back, stone 'em, whatever you want to call it. But when we do that, we end up creating some other things. So we'll create some lesions in the, in the tissues. So what we, you don't want to go out here and burn these things back, set 'em backwards, and then think that everything's gonna be okay. Because what can end up happening is, is you can open up problems for diseases. You can open up problems for, you know, if it's cloudy this time of year, you know, and we're not getting enough sunlight, you know, you can open that up. You can lose a few days and I don't wanna lose a few days, but I wanna stu without the pressure of actually, you know, tearing them up too bad. So what I do is I put that program on and then I'll water it in, you know, I've got irrigation here. It's running in the background actually. And I'll water it in after I spray it, let it set for 12 to 24 hours. We'll wait for 'em to come back vegetatively a little bit, try to shoot it like a little bit of another trioli and we'll hit 'em with a really, really powerful micro blend and we'll get 'em to back together and they'll get racing and get going again. And then we'll set 'em back one more time. So we we're trying to get down to a program of only doing it once. I've done it as many as three or four times. And every time that I've done it, I've had, you know, a, a pretty good reaction out of each one of them. Um, I'm not saying that that's for everybody, but if you're in a situation where you've got irrigated beans and you wanna promote yield and you want to grow more and more of, uh, bean crop off of it, off of that acre, this is one way that you can look at it and you can do it. Um, so anyway, I'm gonna do a real quick root dig and see basically, you know, what my infer program is doing for me. Um, and then we're gonna go from there. Again, I've said it before, sometimes the root system is a lot bigger than what you see on top of the ground. We've had cool wet conditions, or we've had cool dry conditions, not cool wet, cool dry conditions out here. It's the first time I've run the irrigation across these beans. I'm trying to get their stuff together so I can burn 'em back. Um, so what I'm hoping to see here today is I'm hoping to see a tremendous root system from the infer program that we've got developed. So if you see 'em here, so that bean plant planted 18, 19 days ago. Um, got a good root system. I'm really happy with it. Um, but I'm ready to start setting 'em back. So I know I'm developed, I know that it's getting into some fertilizer now. We put a tube or two on as well. I know it'll be setting in that setting in that, you know, we got a fibrous root. We've, we've, we've um, obviously got something going on here. Um, you don't necessarily get root systems that look like this. The one thing I will say about an infer a program, you know, a a bean root generally looks like, you know, just a tap root with a few little teeny tiny hairs off of it. Well, that's not really what we have here. You know, you end up with a fibrous root system and I don't know if you could measure that. It's as deep in the ground as the plan is tall. So when I got to, when I was telling you about, you know, developing a root system, this is developing a root system. This is letting you know that you're in for a program is really working out for you. So don't be scared when your plants aren't coming outta the ground. These, I've had plants not come outta the ground for 26 days, but when you dig 'em up and they first crack the ground, they've already got a root system, you know, pretty developed. So I'm, I'm pretty happy with that. My root system is as long as it is tall. Um, we're gonna go back and we're gonna burn these things back. I'm gonna set 'em backwards. I'm gonna make 'em branch out and I'm gonna try to beat Matt Miles. Uh, probably won't, but I'm gonna try like hell season.

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