Strip Cropping at the PTI Research Farm
9 Aug 223 min 10 sec

Chad and Kevin had the opportunity to spend some time at the PTI Field Day last week in Pontiac, Illinois. They look at one of the strip cropping trial plots with Tommy Roach from Nachurs.

00:00 That stream Mac food report here. Today. We're Pontiac Illinois. We're at the Precision plant in PTI Farm. 00:06 Got Mr. Tommy Roots here with Natures. But Chad Henderson. We do a lot of experiments for nature on our Farms Mr. 00:15 Tommy. He likes to get a broad representation of what's going on on across the United States see what products works and then we tell them which ones don't work, 00:24 which he says he has always works always will never know. But anyhow, comment down below a little bit. 00:30 what to do right here So there's a lot of cropping system studies here. A lot of fertility systems studies here. 00:38 We're standing in front of that for most of us looks kind of weird. But it it's kind of neat when you think about the mechanics 00:49 of it. We still got to figure out how in the world we're gonna harvest the logistics the whole Logistics of it horn and that means we 00:58 got still got to figure that out. But you know, welcome. This is it's got this is exactly where I fit in because I'm always 01:04 here we're Brown seal, and I'm still trying to figure out a harvest it but you know, I got a few weeks left, so I'm good. Don't let that small thing in. I 01:14 just love that. It's just a little things again a little bit Rose above the road. But Jason Webster is done 01:20 a fabulous job. If you're ever in the area, you really need to come out and see because this is a this is unbiased report on what your products do is I'm gonna tell you 01:29 this is the first time I've been able to make it. I've been up here for the winter conference, you know, but this first time I bet up make it appear and I'm I'm 01:35 amazed at the amount of work that goes in it again. We do try work here at extreme mag. And and we do a lot of stuff this this they look 01:44 real bad on my trial work, you know, it's not good. But no joke. I mean the amount of work that Jason and his interns and 01:54 the people up here put in and and if y'all ever get a chance great information great showcase and and you need to make it one of you trips. That's 02:03 for sure. This is like the mega of Plot work trial work systems from strip tilling to dry fertilized broadcast all 02:13 the way to all kind of inferior setups to the two setups simulating mess ups simulate mess ups had a plot over there where they planted corn 02:22 at literally up to half inch or one inch three quarters. But anyway up to one each deep, you know, I mean, it's just all kind of stuff going on. They got no Rawson. They got no 02:31 red face and you The worst thing on farm. He said well you seen it. That's like I ain't seen nothing bad yet. You know, it's come down. 02:39 Here's a clause. Yeah. I mean I got I don't look I took y'all. I've got my backpack. I dumped all my clothes out. I told Maria as I look 02:48 out clothes you sent I'm gonna throw them away. I feel my backpack up with dirt. I'm gonna take all that home. Now. This is all we 02:54 got so yeah. So anyway, yeah, but it has been a good time and To stay safe. Stay safe. Stay tuned stay with 03:03 nature. They're more common.

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