Spot, Block or Total Replant?
20 Apr 236 min 35 sec

Matt Miles is confused.  He's got corn ranging from V1 to non-emerged corn in the same row.  This is not something Matt is used to dealing with and now he has a decision to make.  He walks through his decision making process on if it is best to spot, block or do a total replant.

00:00 I use this term all the time and I'm gonna try to I'm gonna try to see the proper way to say this but A lot of times. I'll tell Lane when we're doing something and 00:09 I'm confused. I say, you know. Lane I'm as confused as a three penis go. and 00:17 today's one of those days last week of March we come out here. We've got a 1600 acre block of corn out here in one area and we come out here with three Planters. And 00:26 I mean, we literally smoke this place down. You know the stories always, you know, try to quit planting 24 hours prior to rain. That's exactly what we've done. These are 00:36 low CC soils very low on the up. Very low CC's on upper ends what I call we lay our Pipelines. 00:44 a little bit heavier on the lower ends, but you know that that's the kind of Pharmacy is for me here since I don't have any of the good the good black ground. This is 00:53 what I would call my ice cream dirt. So we come out here that week and we planted as hard as we possibly could, you know, probably running 18 20 hours 01:02 a day sometimes to get this Farm planted and get it done 24 hours before what they said was gonna be an inch or 01:11 so rain over a two-day period So planning for the weather. You know planning on what the forecast said. That's what that's what 01:19 we came out here to do and that's what we don't something I have very little experience with is is replanting corn corns not something we usually have to 01:28 replant now if it's a flood, you know complete flood or something maybe so but what we've got into in this situation is 01:34 something I've never encountered before and it's not just me. I've talked to multiple farmers in in my county and the 01:40 surrounding counties. There's a lot of confused farmers in in southeast Arkansas right now and the big question is 01:46 and it has been my question so I come out here last Wednesday. Corner been planted about 12 days at that 01:52 point, I think. And and I started looking at at it and I knew I had a serious problem and I've come every day. 02:00 For the last seven days to this Farm Walk This Farm lady in bed at night. Trying to figure out what to do, you know call Brewer my 02:09 agronomist and and ask him what to do. You know, this is just something that that people Around here hadn't seen especially. 02:18 You know, you'll be on one row and and two thirds of it'll be good corn and one third of it'll be. 02:23 subpar corn so The biggest problem is you know a week ago from today. I was walking through the fields and I would have V1 corn the acorn. 02:35 Spike corn and non-emerged corn but we were still trying to be patient. You know, we've seen some data out there where you 02:43 know, if it comes up within a seven day period it's not as bad as what you know, some people might think in the South some of the rules that that applying the 02:53 north don't always replying the South between our heat units and and soul types and different things that go on. I think 02:59 we get a little bit of leeway there as far as it all coming up within 48 hours or whatever. You know, everybody thinks 03:05 is up is the prime time now. Do I want my corn to come up over seven days absolutely not in no way but there is 03:14 that out there to prove that. It's not just absolute yield killer. 03:18 So lower and behold. I guess I would say six days later. We started we started a planner and you know, I've got some fields that 03:27 are just say a 40 acre field and there's 10 acres of back corn on the lower end from a flood. And I actually went in and block planted that now 03:36 I think there's a difference in spot planning and block planning. I say I think because I don't know. 03:41 This will be one of the first years we did this. The last time that I tried to do a spot planning operation was my 03:47 second year of corn 2008. I think and I made 165 bushel on 200 at that point in time 200 bushel corn 03:56 ground. So I absolutely know that spot planting is not the way to go. So we we are calling this to make me feel better. I guess block planning. 04:05 So we're going in and actually making a 10 acre field out of that 40 acre field with a separate planting day with a separate variety. 04:14 So at the end of the year, I'll have a whole lot more information about how to replant corn then what I do today. 04:22 another big factor in my decision is you know, we're at the we're at the last, you know, we're basically at the last of April normally if I don't 04:31 have my corn planted by the first week of April, and and I I really like it planted in March, but if I don't have planned by first week of April, there's times when 04:40 I would choose to To go with a different crop if I hadn't already planted the seed and we get that late. I'll actually switch 04:47 to Cotton or soybeans because I feel like my biggest yield potential somewhere between the last two weeks of March and the first two weeks of April. Well, we're we're past that now 04:56 so not only am I looking at at you know confused about what kind of stands I have and what to do about that, but I'm also fighting at time crunch as 05:05 far as you know, will this form make better. Will it hit the extreme heat we have here in the Delta with a pollination be off because of the heat. Will it 05:14 actually skip the Heat You know pollination because it's later and do better, you know, there's that out there where some of the lake corn does better. I'm not 05:23 a late planning guy. So, you know, I kind of tend to ignore that in most situations, but you know this year I'm gonna have to pay attention to it and see if maybe you know, 05:32 we can recoup something from that. I'll sum it up with this. I don't have the stand out here that I need to make maximum yields for me and my landowners and I'm gonna 05:41 share in So I I basically just finally gave up. You know, I looked at it for several days. I finally just gave up and said we got to kill this crop and start over 05:51 is the later planning on her to yield. Maybe is it gonna be? Okay, maybe I can just tell you that what I had out here last week is sub 06:00 part of what I need out here next week. So I finally just decided to bite the bullet and you know, this will be one one box. I've checked and got off my 06:09 mind where maybe I can sleep a couple more hours at night and what I'm sleeping now. 06:13 But it is something that's confusing. It's something that's happening in. Our county is something a lot of farmers are having to deal with mentally. 06:21 You know, so so that that's a big part of it the mental part and I can tell you from experience this last week. It will drive 06:30 you insane.

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