Soybean Branching Update
27 Jul 223 min 26 sec

Last season, Kelly had an issue where the branches on his soybeans were unable to hold the number of pods the plant was putting on.  So, this spring they applied a foliar of a calcium product from AgroLiquid to see if they could create more branch strength. They have pulled treated and untreated plants to see if they notice a difference yet. 

00:00 Hi, this is Kelly gear from extreme egg. I'm here with Mike Evans from integrator day. This is a field report update on liberate 00:06 calcium from agroll liquid. Mike made a video early in the year when we were applying this liberate trial to our soybeans. The reason that we're conducting this 00:15 trial is one of the yield limiting factors. We identified last year was all the extensive branching were 00:21 able to put on our beans and the pods that are beans the branching couldn't support the weight the branches 00:27 break or they Bend and touch the ground they Lodge we abort pods we lose you. 00:33 So you have to take every trial to two yield to see if it's going to work but the things we're seeing today are pretty fantastic. 00:40 This is the unapplied area. This is the applied area. I'm going to let Mike explain to you what's going on here? Yeah, so we've got an untreated beer and 00:49 if you look at the plants the structure really what we're looking at is these lower branches we've seen time and time again on Kelly's farm 00:58 that these branches you walk late season, they'll break off they're laying on the ground and they got 20 30 pods on them, you know, and that's a big deal. So we've been trying to figure out how to 01:07 hold them. So we're really right. What we're looking at is right here is folding. Obviously, we broke this one already. But this was 01:14 pretty weak. I pushed too hard on that one. Yeah. I told him to be gentle but he didn't listen but it broke 01:20 off pretty easily. And if you look at a treated we put a quart of liberate CA when these beans are about b2b3 coming out. 01:29 Replicated a couple times and you can see here. Know how I'm pushing pretty hard when we got pretty good sturdy branches right there at that node. So, 01:39 you know feel pretty good about the opportunity to save this and get it in the combine. Absolutely. I'm telling you. I've applied about three times the 01:48 force to this Branch as I did this Branch, I broke this Branch. These are still holding strong and we walked out the field before this field 01:57 behind right out here to the east of us. We had a population trial there last year and the 60,000 02:03 beans were the most profitable 60,000 population was the most profitable 90,000 was like a bushel or two better but both of those populations. 02:12 We were probably 15 or 20 bushel, maybe more under the potential of them because of this problem and we keep wanting to take our Bean populations lower. We're using 02:24 variable rate now to identify the areas that we can do that in and because of the plants we're going to grow with those little pops. We need to have big strong branches because 02:33 Going to Bush out and do things like this. I this is exciting information exciting data to collect and I think Mike for helping with this 02:42 and yeah and one thing We've noticed and you notice when I theme tell him much once were what was the stock diameter on these two were you thought 02:51 were bigger just from a visual not knowing what was what so there might be some benefits to that early application building a better robust plan. 03:00 See what happens. Absolutely Mike collected. He's brought them in the shop. I walked in the Adam Lane on the floor, and he said 03:06 tell me which one's the treated area and which one's untreated. It wasn't hard to pick out a lot of branching on these others, but 03:12 the diameter of the main stem was was the dead giveaway. These plants applied plants are always a little bigger, but then when he told me what we were looking at pretty amazing 03:21 results, thank you.

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