Using Sap Analysis to Optimize Nitrogen Use and Soil Health for High Yield Corn
26 May 243m 45s

Kelly Garrett and his team have confirmed that their soil produces significant amounts of nitrogen through its biological system. This natural nitrogen production suggests a potential reduction in synthetic nitrogen application, as evidenced by last year's nitrogen trials, where different nitrogen levels yielded similar results. The introduction of SAP testing has provided more accurate data than traditional tissue sampling, highlighting the importance of micronutrient balance alongside nitrogen for optimal crop growth.

00:00 Spring of 24 is odd. It's wet. That, uh, that's a strange thing for us. So we're able to spend some time in the office going 00:06 through paperwork and research and looking at soil tests. And one of the things that I feel that Mike Evans 00:12 and I have validated here on our farm is the amount of nitrogen that is being produced by the biological system of the soil. 00:18 We take a lot of time and we're committed to having as great a soil health as we can, and that that's an ongoing education, 00:25 ongoing research to, to really define what soil health means and what we have validated about the amount 00:32 of nitrogen being produced is pretty fascinating. In theory. We really don't even need to put nitrogen on because the soil produces enough nitrogen 00:40 to provide us a corn crop, but that doesn't really start until the soil warms up. Like, you know, say the 1st of July. 00:47 So we had a nitrogen trial last year, sixty, a hundred twenty, a hundred eighty, two hundred forty pounds of nitrogen. 00:53 They all yielded within five bushel of each other, you know, so what does that tell you about the amount of nitrogen 00:58 that we are applying synthetically? It's we're way over applying. We also had another test in there. 01:02 It was zero zero pounds of synthetic nitrogen. That was by far the worst. It was like $150 negative per acre. 01:09 So we clearly need some synthetic nitrogen to get us to when the soil warms up. And that biological system really starts cranking, 01:17 which I said is approximately the 1st of July, give or take, depending on the year. We've also started SAP testing on our farm. 01:23 We feel that SAP testing gives us better data than tissue sampling for a couple reasons. Number one, it talks about the type of nitrogen 01:30 that's in the plant and how much of the nitrogen we are assimilating. And when I say is simulating, 01:35 I mean using it isn't just stored in the plant for excess vegetative growth. It's actually going towards yield. 01:40 American agriculture does a great job of producing a very sexy looking vegetative crop. We're trying to produce a reproductive crop. 01:47 There's a real difference there. And to understand that difference, we need good soil test data, 01:51 and I feel we need good SAP testing data as well, just because it's a micronutrient versus a macronutrient. Even The most important macronutrient 02:00 is what everybody feels. Nitrogen micronutrients are just as important. It takes the right balance of micronutrients to work 02:07 with the nitrogen, to assimilate it A plant, uh, you know, for, in this example, a corn plant takes micronutrients, 02:14 makes amino acids to convert the nitrogen to protein. When we don't have enough micronutrients to produce enough amino acids to handle all of the nitrogen 02:21 that the plant has, whether it's synthetic or soil applied, the crop is out of balance and we're not reaching our potential, we're wasting dollars. 02:29 Why put on all that synthetic nitrogen if you're not gonna provide their micronutrients to process it all, 02:33 to assimilate it all? So that's the kind of information that we're getting from the SAP testing. And when we work from the folks with agro liquid, 02:40 we like their products. We like their micronutrients because they're sulfate based. They're micro 500 and micro 1000 products. 02:46 Those are the kind of products that we look at using to balance the crop. And when I say balance the crop, 02:52 I mean provide the correct amount of micronutrients to use with the nitrogen that the soil is 02:57 providing. This application Of micronutrients is not a one-time shot. It needs to be spoonfed throughout the year. 03:02 That's what our webinar is about tonight as I record this video, spoon feeding the soil is slowly releasing this organic 03:10 nitrogen where we also need to slowly apply the micronutrients. Last year, we made three passes with the airplane 03:15 to supply the correct amount of micronutrients, and we were looking at our SAP test data. We're looking at what we needed to apply, 03:22 what we are getting from the soil, what we needed to supplement, and providing the right recipe of mixtures, providing the right recipe of nutrition. 03:29 Soil test data is very, very important to know the amount of nitrogen being released 03:34 so we can provide the right cocktail, if you will, of micronutrients to let our corn crop reach potential.

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