Optimizing Corn Yield: Effective Strategies for $4 Corn Markets
6 Jun 243m 37s

Chad Henderson from XtremeAg discusses various strategies to optimize corn production and farming practices to a $4 corn market. For $4 corn, the approach involves a cost-effective program emphasizing essential inputs and efficient use of resources, with a fertilizer budget around $200 per acre. He emphasizes the importance of soil testing and tailored agronomy to maximize returns, underscoring the need for strategic adjustments in both fixed and variable costs to optimize production and profitability.

00:00 Hey y'all, this is Chad Henderson with Extreme Ag, and here we are. It's field day time. You know, 00:04 we've talked about field day till we're blue in the face. Everybody's heard Field day. Field day is today. Yep. 00:09 $4, $6, $8 corn. If you've seen any videos, when we talked about, I had my angel on one side 00:15 and my devil on another side when we was at Commodity Classic, you would know what we're talking about. So the devil here says, I'm gonna blow it outta the water. 00:23 It ain't going to happen. Me and the angel over here says, this is easy to do. We got it. So what we're trying to do here is we're going 00:30 to give an example of what we would think, in our opinion will be a good $4 corn program. If we have to go the field, we know we're gonna get $4 00:36 for a corn, this is what our program's gonna look like. And then we go up to $6 corn and then we go up to $8 corn. And when we go up to $8 corn, anybody 00:44 that makes a phone call needs a product, send it on, bring me a pallet. It don't matter. It's $8 corn. Right? That's right. 00:51 But that's the mentality that we have to have because that's the days in the world we're living in right now. 00:55 It isn't the mentality you can have though. That's the thing. You can't send it on $4 corn, Chad. I mean, if you had something you had done, uh, 01:03 a couple years ago that cost you $20 an acre and it made you five bushels, you were bragging that up. Yeah. I'm telling you, if you did that today, 01:11 you're trading dollars. And to me, that's not a good use of money. Trading Dollars is losing dollars. 01:15 It is dollars. It is. And my dad told me all my life, he's told me, he said, your labor is free. 01:20 Well, I finally, it's, I mean I'm 50 years old and I finally figured out, said maybe my labor's not free anymore, but I get where he is coming from. 01:26 It means just work your butt off. Yeah. There's fixed costs that you can't take out. Right. But you have variable costs. 01:32 And if you're gonna make a difference, that's where you gotta start. So how did you feel about this? 01:37 I feel real good about, like me and the angel over here. We are thinking that our idea is when we're at four 01:42 corn, we just make more corn. Exactly. More corn. More corn. And that's where a good soil test 01:46 and good agronomy comes into play. Looking at that and figuring out the best place to spend those dollars is gonna give 01:50 you that best dollar return. This spot happens to be the 50 pounds of fertilizer spot. This is a $4 corn spot. 01:57 And that get our dollar figure where it needs to be. And then this is a real modest program. This program is lighter than my dry fatuity program. Okay. 02:06 And me and Galen's from an area in Oklahoma and these in my area, a lot of things me and him talk about are the same. 02:12 It's real. Two years ago we averaged 60 bushel dry land color. Yeah. And I, I think the part we wanna get to by the time we get 02:18 to the end of the year is how, what was your decision process? Because I talked to a lot of growers that go by feel. Yeah. 02:27 But you gotta look at the bottom line. Exactly. How did We get married? And we still did. We went back to that, that soil test. 02:31 So Chad and I sat down, we looked at the soil test and figured out where to spend it. And we did a very basic planner program. 02:37 We added in one foliar. We didn't go, you know, above and beyond like we did with some of those other programs. We kept it down to the basics of 02:42 what we thought this crop was gonna need. And I think those are the mental adjustments you have to make. 02:47 Like you did have a process, can't can't affect the, the fixed costs, but we can affect some variable costs. And that's where you chose 02:54 To go. And when we say the fixed costs, we're talking about equipment, we're talking about 02:56 fuel, we're talking about seed. Mm-Hmm. We didn't cut seed back. All the seeds the same across this whole plot. 03:01 You know, we couldn't ca, we couldn't cut seed back. So those are the fixed costs that we are talking about. We're talking about the inputs 03:08 that you would put above and beyond. You know, whether or not we put a PGR on this or not. Yeah. You know, those are the things we're talking about. 03:14 And we did, we set a fertilizer budget for this. You know, knowing that we were having $4 corn, we want to send right about $200 per acre on fertilizer. 03:23 And that's kind of where we came into pretty close to that $200 line with that basic program and that dry application. So 03:28 This is $4 corn. You've heard the plan. Let's go look at $6 and $8 corn.

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