Preserving Soybean Yields in the Final Stretch of The Season
In the third quarter of the growing season, it's time to apply fungicides and other key nutrients to your soybeans. Kevin Matthews discusses effective grower-standard practices, including the use of fungicides combined with micronutrient packages.
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So folks, everybody's time to put fungicide out. Your next step going into your third quarter. Now what do you want to do on the beans? Well, I'm gonna just talk through kind of some things that we've found as a grower standard that works good for us. Be talking about several different products. So this one right here was damaged a little bit, but these are basically going into R two. We got blooms, we got a few tags down here. This one doesn't have as many tags as the others back in there, but um, a lot of yield on the table right here. You got a whole, this is the second half of the ball game. So what we do as a grower standard on our farm, we, there's some really good products out there, a lot to choose from At this time, we're gonna go in, we're gonna put some fungicide out. We are more than likely early, we're going to go with a um, nervous ace. We may go with approach Prima and then we're going come back later with a re lock from BASF or you can go Revy Tech earlier, whatever works for you on that. While we're doing that application, we're going to add our sugar in from Sweet Success. That concept Agritech has. Sometimes we're running finish line from Nature's, which is a micronutrient package. We also run full tech products in, we're going to be running some boron max at a half a pound of acre from spray tech. That's a great product. Be sure you mix that exactly right. Put your adjuvant from EC in first and then your water and then your boron max. Make sure when you do that, that you do that in your mix tank before you put it in your sprayer. If you put your boron in before you put your full tech in, I promise you you're gonna have problems. The label says not to do it that way and it's on there for a reason. Follow the directions. So we got our boron on there. We've talked about a micronutrients. Let's talk a little bit about, uh, pot ash. That is a big deal. A K acetate program works really good. It's a bio K formulation. Nature's has got one. It's K Fuel. I really like that product concept. Agritech has got one that's foliar K. These are products that I've used extensively on my farm that I stand behind fully. I mean they are great products. There's other good products out there as well, but I know these works. Typically I'll run a gallon, a half gallon to a gallon of those two products at this time. And then when I go in to set my pods, I'm going, when I'm really filling them pods out, they've already been set. So I'm about a R four plus. Then I'm gonna go in and I'm gonna really get aggressive. I might put a gallon and a half of that potassium product out there. Again, the foliar cave and concept agritech and the K fuel works really good in water. If you're talking about some other crops and you're wanting to add some potassium in with UAN or something like that, you need a product like Kfl. Contact me on the questions website and I'll walk you through that. Just make sure you use the right product. With the right carrier. You're going to have some major problems right here. Insecticide, we'll, we're going to have to put some insecticide in. We're getting a lot of holes in The leaves. You can see from uh, Japanese beetles, they're flying now in the field, so we're going to get rid of them. They'll probably come back, but right now we're wanting to protect and set. We want all these flowers to turn to pods and we wanna set more flowers and more pods and it's just an ongoing factory in these indeterminate soybeans. A good adjuvant, which is your spray tech product, absolutely use your potassium. Whoever you can find close by that can service you. It's got a good Kay Acetate, preferably with a Bio K use that, that's a 24% product. Boron is very, I import Boron helps fill them seed out and the seed integrity. Your micronutrient package spray techs got some really good ones. Nature's has got some good ones. You just need to see what fits your budget. There's other companies out there that's got some decent ones as well. This is also a good time to be putting products on the Terramar. We've had good experience at this stage, putting it on. It gets us through that reproduction cycle and helps reduce the stress in the plant. Then we also use pgs kinda like, um, inertia er Max, which is one that is basically, it is the same thing as inertia. Several different companies have that black label that can find which one's gonna save you the most money. It's a really good product to use. And then also if you got any stress coming on and you know you got stress coming on, you may wanna throw some shield in there to protect that. That's not a grower standard for us. It's a environmental stress standard. If we, if we see we going to have environmental stress, we will add that SHIELD product in there. But the Terra Mar does work good. We've had good luck outta it. We've had three years of trials on it. We're probably 60% of our acres is with Terramar now and I, if it continues to make us the money that we've seen on our smaller acreage scale next year, probably be a grower standard. I just hope it'll lower the price a little bit on it. If you have any questions, please send in an email. That's an unbelievable team of guys that sees them emails and answers those questions. And Angelise does a fabulous job getting those to you. And generally within 24 hours we can have you answer. Y'all. Stay safe.
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See All GrowersKevin Matthews
East Bend, NC