Nutrient Management in Irrigated and Dryland Corn Fields
1 Aug 243m 39s

Temple discusses his approach to managing fertility and fungicide applications in both irrigated and dryland corn fields. Emphasizing the importance of timing and placement, he explains his strategy for nutrient application and how he plans for a reduced number of applications this year, focusing on post-brown silk stages to optimize plant nutrition.

00:00 Hey guys, it's Temple from Extreme Ag. I've talked to you guys all year long about cutting back on fertility. 00:06 You know, I shouldn't say cutting back on fertility, putting things in the right place at the right time. I'm in an irrigated field here today. 00:12 I'm going around looking at fields. I'm trying to figure out what I'm gonna do, you know, am I gonna add fungicide? 00:17 Am I not gonna add fungicide? Am I gonna, you know, let that go by. 'cause out here in the East coast, 00:23 it's pretty dry conditions. I've cut back in my irrigated as well, somewhat, you know, trying to do, trying to fine tune things. 00:30 So my next application is coming. It's on brown silk. These, this corn's been treated with fungicide and foliar applications all throughout the year. 00:38 So this next application I'm getting ready to make of, we're coming up on brown silk. You know, we're getting close to full brown silk here on the 00:45 outside edge, but not in the field. What I'm gonna tell you is, is my next application is gonna be well after brown silk. 00:51 I'm gonna make one application instead of, I normally would've done two. So I am cutting an application out. 00:57 So what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna do a couple things and I'm gonna tell you why I'm gonna do 'em. 01:02 So I think that we need to get as much nutrition into the plant, you know, trying to finish filling out that ear, getting more starches, 01:09 get sugars moving throughout the plant. So I'm gonna add a PGR, I'm gonna add a fulvic, like seacat catt. 01:16 Um, I'm gonna add sugar. Um, I'm gonna have a, a heavy load of potassium Tate in there. 01:21 We're gonna try to drive as much into that kernel as we can, as we all know. Are my nutrient levels good out here right now? 01:27 Yeah, they're good. But we've all know that they're gonna start to hit that bell curve and they've started going downhill. 01:34 Ed. We're gonna add some phosphorus to this load. The reason we're gonna add phosphorus is because we need that phosphorus in there to give 01:41 that plant more energy. Just like the sugar gives it more energy, the phosphorus is gonna give it more energy. 01:46 We're gonna add those things. We're also going to add a, you know, a real heavy duty micro pack. 01:52 And the reason we're gonna add that micro pack in there with it is because we need it to assimilate all the things that we're going to put in there, 01:59 and we're gonna try to get all them into the plant. You know, when we add C cat and sugar, we feel like it's a systematic approach to try 02:06 to get some of these other things into the plant. We feel like when we use them, that foliar nutrition that we're putting in there, we're putting 02:15 that nutrition in there and are we getting all of it? I feel like we're probably getting a 10% bump on our return investment just 02:24 because when we add those things, we can really drive it home and drive it in. And it doesn't matter whether it's a, you know, 02:32 a foliar nutrition, the fungicide, all of these things work better together. So I am gonna do that. 02:38 I'm gonna go, you know, all the way out on, on this ground because of its irrigated. 02:43 I can kind of push the envelope. What am I gonna drill on my dry land? On my dry land? Be a very, very simple process on fields 02:51 that I feel like are gonna be able to make a difference on. You know, obviously we got some that are really, really bad. 02:57 I'm not gonna do anything with Them, them, I don't wanna throw good money at bad money. But on those, what I'm gonna do is I'm 03:04 gonna cut it back a little bit. I am gonna add seacat. I am gonna add sugar and fungicide and sex side, and I'm probably gonna leave it right there 03:12 and save all my other money. Am I gonna use a full out, like a big load of fungicide, you know, a high end, what I would call consider a Cadillac 03:22 or a high-end fungicide? No, I'm not. I'm gonna cut that corner a little bit, but I still wanna protect the crop that I have out there. 03:29 So that's what we're, that's what our plan is for now. We'll let you know how it works out.

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