Next-Level Harvesting: Unleash John Deere’s Latest Tech
31 Dec 243m 5s

Damian Mason looks at a few of the cutting-edge features in this John Deere X9 combine, designed to streamline harvesting operations. Key technologies include Machine Sync, enabling combines to communicate with grain carts for precise positioning, optimizing grain unloading with minor adjustments ("nudges"). The G5 Display combines faster processing with a familiar operating system, enhancing user experience and data access. Additionally, In-Field Data Sharing synchronizes data between multiple machines, providing real-time updates on fill levels, yields, and equipment locations via screens or mobile devices.

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00:00:00 Continue with technology to help you harvest better. We've got Mike Russ here, and we're talking about a few things in this cab of this, 00:00:05 uh, new John Deere combine that can make this a lot more efficient and quicker. Uh, we're talking about the ability to sync up 00:00:13 with a machine next to me. It could be the tractor pulling the grain cart, for instance. Explain. Yep. So machine sink allows us to connect to that grain cart 00:00:21 and then set a home point and bring that grain cart to the same point every time. And then it automatically follows that combine. 00:00:29 And then you're gonna use, uh, your nudges here to move that, uh, that grain cart forward or, or backward left or Right. Nudging is really 00:00:38 like just a teeny little bump, like an extra, a 10th of a mile an hour faster, or a 10th of a mile an hour slower. 00:00:43 Just a little left or right to put to, because these green carts now are so large, if you're just dumping in the middle of the green cart, 00:00:48 you're gonna be missing the fronts and the backs and the sides. Yeah. We're, uh, standard's gonna be about a three foot mm-Hmm. 00:00:52 Uh, move front or back and then six inches left or right. Got it. I'm seeing all this on this display, 00:00:57 something you guys are really excited about. G five. You're talking about some pretty hefty technology in here for how I view all this. Tell me about it. So 00:01:04 The G five is great because it's kinda the best of both worlds. We've got a brand new processor, uh, 00:01:08 that's way faster than it used to be. And then also it's the same operating system, uh, that guys have been used to with their gen fours, 00:01:15 the 46 forties, 46 hundreds, that kind of stuff. So, you know, it allows us to do a lot more from this. Uh, you know, the, the future is abounding with what we 00:01:25 Can do. Right. And before we stop to shoot this video, we had two combines running in this field and you were able to pull up on your phone 00:01:30 and it's called infield data share. Talk to me. Yep. So infield data share just allows the two, uh, pieces of equipment to talk to each other. 00:01:38 And so what I've pulled up is that job that we're running right now, and you can see what that there's the 00:01:43 Two combines. Yep. And then they're talking about like the hours or the, the, how long they've been on 00:01:47 the job, is that, et cetera. And then it's yield data on here. Yep. So we can come right down here 00:01:51 and we can see our, our moisture field, our moisture, moisture, um, and then you can also see that on your screen as you're rolling. 00:01:58 Right. Um, as long as everybody's on the same job, everything comes back And forth. So co see, but 00:02:03 you could have two grain carts and two combines in this field, and all of us would be able 00:02:07 to see each other essentially electronically on, uh, this G five screen or on our phone. Or even the guy that's working in a semi could have it on 00:02:14 his phone and now everybody's in sync. We know where, where things are. Yep. Like we talked about earlier, uh, with 00:02:19 that infield data share, we can also see the fill level of those combines. Right. So your grain carts, uh, can get 00:02:24 to those at the right time. Yeah. A Lot better. So in terms of the quickness of saying, Hey, 00:02:28 wait a minute, are you, do you need a catch? Do I need to come and get you? Then you, everybody knows, okay, that combine is about full. 00:02:32 Go grab it. This semi's ready to go and, and, uh, you're all on the same page. Yep. And now we're, we're hooking up our semis too 00:02:38 with JD Lake modems. Uh, so you can see where those are Too fantastic. Three items of technology that are coming 00:02:43 to you in the new John Deere cab, making your harvest more effectively, uh, completed and finished more quickly 00:02:51 and efficiently, which obviously, you know, money in the hopper. Till next time, dam Mason coming at you from Temple Roads 00:02:56 Farm here talking about new technology to help your harvest, 00:02:59.195 --> 00:03:00.125