Navigating Calcium Deficiency in Agricultural Soils
27 Dec 232 min 39 sec

Kelly discusses his approach to addressing calcium deficiency in soil using LiberateCa from AgroLiquid via planter application and foliar spray. He had great results. However, when Chad tried the same approach, the results were not as strong due to different soil conditions. Chad and Kelly talk about the importance of testing and adapting farming practices to local environments.

00:00 You all know I had a big problem on my farm because we were deficient in calcium. We couldn't get it into the plants 00:05 because of problems I had in the soil. Stephanie came down, we looked at it. The base saturation problems is in my soil. 00:12 Make it very hard to have calcium available in the soil to the plant. We started using liberate calcium. 00:18 We've applied it with the planter. We've also applied it in a foliar application. Seen great results in corn and beans. 00:25 All of my trials have come back positive, which is pretty unusual. Not everything always works out as a positive. 00:29 That just shows you how important calcium is in the plant's lifecycle. And now we're started talking about taking 00:35 it down the Chads farm. We're looking at other areas. It's become a grower standard practice on my farm. 'cause we're trying to balance the plant. 00:42 I believe that we pay too much attention to the macronutrients, specifically nitrogen. Just because something is a micronutrient 00:48 doesn't mean it's less important. It does just means we don't need as much of For sure. You know, and 00:53 you know, you've had great results with liberate and that's kind of spread across the country. The more you talk about it, the more people 00:58 have interest in that product. And so that's why we wanna test it in other areas. So we've taken it to the other extreme ag guys 01:04 and Chad used that product this year and as we'd expect, didn't see the same results. You know, soils are different, 01:09 growing conditions are different. And so we're not always gonna get that same response that Kelly saw at his farm. 01:15 Kelly's like, oh my God, here it is. This liberate calcium. Y'all heard this? Y'all seen it and it's good. It worked for him. 01:21 So we brought it all the way to the south. We shook it down there in that red dirt. It jumped back in the box. It wasn't that bad. 01:27 But what happened was it was about a bush and a half off of the Grower Standard practice. Uh, the other programs was somewhere around three bushel 01:35 to four bushel to five to the positive. So we have mixed results. Does that mean we're going to ditch it 01:40 and not bring it back? No. It just means we need to find another area for it. Maybe the red dirt, maybe that, uh, 01:46 where we put it at wouldn't have fit for it. We've got some river bottom stuff that we're going to put it in that we'll try again. 01:51 So you know what the point is here. It's not always what works for Kelly, works for Chad, you know. 01:56 So test this stuff out. Test it on your own farm. Find a a tank load, uh, one area, whatever works, and see if that's maybe your limiting factor. 02:06 The takeaway here is that approximately, say 10% of your acres should be research acres. We researched it on my farm. 02:12 It became a grower standard practice. Huge success. Researched it on Chad's farm. Haven't quite found the niche for it yet. 02:18 Maybe won't ever find a niche for it. May not. There's d you know, Chad's got different CECs, different base saturations, different phs than we find. 02:25 Uh, Chad and I visited with Kip Kohlers one time at Ag PhD and he said, if 10% 02:29 of your acres aren't research acres, you're already broke. You just don't know it yet. Think about that for a while.

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