Making Smart ROI Decisions For His Farm
23 May 243m 2s

Matt dives into the ROI numbers for corn, cotton, rice, and soybeans, and shares his experience on farming the soil first.

00:00 So one of the big questions this year that, that we're all fighting as farmers is the ROI. And especially when you get to the, to the corn piece, uh, 00:09 we've looked at the numbers on corn, cotton, rice, soybeans, and they kind of fall in there, soybeans, rice, 00:15 about the same, then cotton and then corn behind that. And the first thing you think, you know, corn is a, is a really good rotation, 00:23 but you know, if you start cutting the wrong things, then you know, you start cutting your yield. Also, we started looking at the different products 00:29 that we thought we could cut in corn. Most of them we didn't end up cutting because they all put bushels on. 00:34 One of the most important ones we use in our M for R program is nutri charge from, from Agritech. You know, we're looking at a little less than $5, um, cost. 00:43 And we're looking at about an average just on corn at, at, at $6. I mean, six bushels an acre. 00:49 So even if corn goes down to $3, that's $18 versus a $5 input. So, you know, being mine as you're, as you're planting, 00:57 you know, I always say when I'm gonna wary, I'm gonna worry about the controllables and I'm not gonna worry about the uncontrollables 01:02 products that you put in. Your infer are definitely controllables, and that's one product that does a lot of good for us. 01:08 We've had multiple years of litter and we've got all this phosphorus laying out there and we couldn't figure out a way to, uh, 01:14 to get it in the plant and did some research and, and for multiple years research, trying to figure this out, this wasn't a overnight deal. 01:21 Uh, came across agritech, USA, looked at their product. They came down, met with us, the owners of the company came down and met with us, 01:28 and we tried a trial. The unique thing about this product is, you know, we need phosphorus in every crop we grow 01:35 and we, we've got, we've had tests in every crop we grow and we've seen it work in wheat. 01:38 We've seen it work in rice, we've seen it work in corn. We've seen it work in cotton. So don't think of it as, you know, I'm using this product 01:46 for a corn in furrow, or I'm using this product for a wide drop for corn. Nutri charge fixes a soil, not the crop. 01:52 So any crop that you need your phosphorus to be unbound from the other charges to get into the plant. This is a product, I think for the price 02:00 that it is, is a no brainer. And so far I have not had, you know, we've been doing this now for four years. 02:05 We went from putting it on our cotton, I mean on our corn to now grower standard practice on our corn and our cotton. 02:11 We went from just using it as an infer product to using it as an infer product in our second wide drop. 02:17 If you look at the demand curves on cotton and corn, both a lot of the phosphorus, the majority of the phosphorus that the plant needs 02:22 is gonna be later in the season. So we put a little bit out in the, in furrow to protect that phosphorus and get that phosphorus in the plant early. 02:29 And then we really hammer go hammer time, uh, into our last wide drop through our spoon feeding system and make sure that we can hold that phosphorus late. 02:37 That's a big problem. As much as early as holding that phosphorus, late nutri charge makes that happen. 02:42 So when you're looking at your programs and you're trying to figure out ROI, I will say that I think that particular product right there is number one on the 02:50 list as far as, uh, turning a return for multiple years. So don't forget it, when you get ready to put out your infra 02:55 or when you're doing a wide drop.

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