We are talking about micronutrient adjustments made based on the prior year's tissue sampling data from a different type of crop. Chad and Molly talk to Damian Mason about how they are using last year's corn tissue sampling results to make adjustments to this year's wheat crop.
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00:00 Hey, they're talking about micronutrient adjustments made based on the prayer year's tissue sampling. 00:05 And if you've paid attention to anything that we do here at Extreme Ag, you're gonna dig this topic because you might recall that Molly Alexander from 00:12 agro liquid Agronomist for the Southeast and Chad Henderson, had almost what you'd call a head-to-head sort of, uh, disagreement about this. 00:20 Stephanie ZinCo was there. We were standing by a cornfield, it was 11 months ago, and we talked about the merits of tissue sampling. 00:26 And then we talked about the emotional provocation that Chad goes through over this tissue sampling stuff. But here's the deal. 00:34 You actually did tissue sampling and you made an adjustment. And it's not from corn to corn, 00:38 it was from what you saw in last year's corn to this year's wheat. What are we looking at? 00:42 So in our lab this year, he had a deficiency in manganese that we saw in his tissue samples. And so we decided to go at it two different ways. So we did a nutrient specific, 00:54 so we treated with just the manganese, and then we also did a, um, blend of micronutrients called Micro 500. 01:02 And the last piece of that in the lab was what we call enhance, which is a sulfur product. Okay. 01:07 All right, Chad, when we were standing there last year by that cornfield, the one smart thing, uh, you say a lot of smart things was all right. 01:13 You said one big deal here is don't take a tissue sample and then run around and make huge adjustments. He says, you pulled that tissue, 01:21 you sent it to a lab, and all of a sudden it's 10 days has passed and now you're gonna try and make an adjustment. Five days from now, you're already, you're already missing the boat, 01:28 but use that information for next year. That's what you did in this field. You saw there was a, she saw that there was a manganese de uh, 01:34 deficiency and Molly says, you know what, let's attack it head on for next year and put the manganese to it. We're Gonna give Molly her moment. Yes, we should tissue sample. 01:45 Okay. So here's what we're gonna talk about on tissue sampling. So you know, yes, you are correct. Yes. We need tissue sampling. Yes. 01:50 We need all the labs to do this. Yes, we need Molly to pull the samples. I'm just saying. Right, right. Of course. You know, but, 01:57 but getting back to that, we see our deficiencies and we make problems. We make problems. 02:01 We try to fix the problems that we had from the year before Molly seen. We had a problem with this certain nutrient. Mm-hmm. 02:08 And so we addressed it in the upcoming deal. Like I say, on tissue sampling, if you're gonna pull tissue samples, 02:13 pull 'em before you're gonna make an application where you can make a plan for it. Not after you make an application and you can't do anything about it. 02:20 You know, we pulled one, we made a shot with herbicide. Mm-hmm. We pull one, we made a shot with fungicide. You know, so that's, 02:26 that's the way we kind of use the tissue samples on crops that we're not a hundred percent sure of what and where we're looking at. 02:32 Molly, you said, uh, one thing that you wanted to highlight. Agro liquid is generally seen as a, at time of planting, 02:39 you start off putting the micronutrients out there in furrow at time of planting two by two, whatever. 02:45 This wheat trial that we're doing with Chad is very different. You did this mid-season? 02:50 Yes. So Aquid we're known for more of a, a starter program, some m PK inputs for the liquid, 02:57 but what nobody really addresses is the fact that we can come in mid-season, late season, however, and come at it from a foliar standpoint as well. 03:04 So that's what we chose to do with Chad. We came in with herbicide applications and then fungicide because we wanted to take it past the point of starters. 03:12 We wanted to come in and see what we could fix with the applications we had available instead of making specialty passes. 03:18 The product that went on here, it went on twice? Yes. And it was the same product two times? No, it was something about micro 500 was one of them. 03:25 So we, we did a blend of micro 500, which is five micronutrients in one, and then we also married that with our enhanced product, 03:31 which is a sulfur and nitrogen product. Okay. That was, and that was at about when, So that was with your, um, what 03:38 Was that? We, we would call it at Greenup, Right? Greenup is what we called her, Said green ups, what we call what, you know, 03:43 when you'd come in and make those pasts in the spring of the year, if you would, you know, a lot of them for us gonna be into February. Mm-hmm. You part 03:49 Of the world here, north Alabama? Yeah. 1st of March. Yeah, that's right. Somewhere in that and that, and then the next one we come back with was with our fungicide when we've really 03:57 tried to protect our flag leaf. It's another application we're gonna make. So we pigged it back with products then. And 04:01 Would that be maybe three weeks after the greenup? Probably a month, a month, month after the Greenup. Okay. So the product that went on a month after the first one was, 04:11 So we did it twice. Oh, Same products. Yep. Same mix up products. Yep. So we did a singular product with the manganese married with enhanced, 04:17 and then the other lab was the micro 500 married with enhanced Agronomic slash botany question. You're always seeing Aquid as a, 04:24 at time of planting, what did you call it? Uh, starter package. And you didn't do it. Now this stuff went in the ground in the fall, 04:32 and then he went out there and put it the, in say March 1st. Did it, was, was it a problem that the plant was still deficient during all that winter 04:40 dormancy that it was deficient? Or is that not when you need manganese anyhow, You can take that. Well, 04:45 Well, I mean, what we're looking at here is, it's hard to say deficient, you know, because of the weather, the weather situation through the year. 04:52 If you tell me what the winter is, I can tell you how, tell you how hard to push the wheat. I see. So with that being said, you know, if you pulled a sample and you say, oh, it's sufficient. Well, 04:59 we could let it warm up or get a rain and we could change the sample. That's the problem I have with tissue sampling a lot of times, 05:05 is we don't really dig in a lot of times to what the environment was around the time we pulled the sample. You know, so that's, 05:11 that's something that you need to keep in the back of your head when, when you think that I kind of give is, 05:15 it's almost like made out by Molly that I give a bad rap on tissue sampling. It's not as much as the wrap. Yeah. 05:20 It's the way we use it in front of the tissue sampling. But to answer your question, what we've done is we, we made that application knowing that we have a history of this. Yeah. So there, 05:30 that's when, that's how we made it, made the place. You didn't think that you needed those micronutrients at time of planting as much. You thought maybe it was more a green up mid-season type of a thing. It's 05:40 Not really a way to put 'em on. A lot of people run grills. We know we're trying here at extreme Ag to do things that are normal practice. 05:45 Mm-hmm. We, We wanna fit everybody's normal application, which is going to be a herbicide pass at Greenup. Yeah. 05:51 It's going to be a fungicide pass. And so we don't want them to go out in the middle of winter and pull out equipment that they've already put up and cleaned up and it's sitting there 05:58 waiting, ready to go on the spring. We don't wanna encourage them to pull that out and go after it in dormancy because the plant's not, it's, it's still growing. Yes, 06:07 it's still alive and active, but it doesn't kickstart up until green up. Oh, yeah. And that's a difference. 06:12 A lot of people don't see that's difference in the southeast. Would you agree from up north? 06:16 We are, We don't, we don't, our weed is hard a lot of times to our weed to just stop. Mm-hmm. 06:21 Okay. Yeah. It doesn't, it doesn't go cold North Dakota just like you, you know? Yeah. Just like you, you know, when you, when you take off to Arizona for the winter, right. You know, 06:28 there's a hard set date when you're leaving and when you're coming back, no question. You 06:31 Know, answer me to this then. Um, on the manganese getting on and the micronutrients now, uh, you didn't probably miss anything in what we're looking at here. 06:41 Do you think that there maybe is even gonna be, uh, a learning that says, you know what we're gonna do next year, we're gonna put it on a week earlier, 06:48 we're gonna put it on and during the, I mean, I wouldn't say so because, you know, we're gonna make it when our herbicide application fits it. Okay. 06:55 Because we're not, we're here, we're, you know, at Ag Agri Liquor, what we're trying to do is establish that it goes on, 07:00 it piggybacks or something. We can't make other trips and it's piggybacking with it. Now will we change the package? Will we change the rates? Mm-hmm. Of course. 07:06 Yeah. Will we change it for different parts of the country? Yeah, a hundred percent. But that's what we're trying to do with this lab. 07:12 This lab is 40 acres. It's check, spray, check, yeah. Spray. So it's replicated three times 40 acres. Mm-hmm. 11 passes, 07:21 five checks, six treatments. I mean it's, it's, it's multiple things going on here. Can I ask a question, Molly, did we spend more money? 07:27 Did we save money or did we spend the same amount of money just putting the inputs on at different times to do this program? 07:36 So that is a loaded question. And the way I'm gonna address that is, so many farmers, regardless of where you are and what your wheat does, 07:44 your heavy input costs come from npk. Yeah. Right? That's your main thing at Plenty. Yes. Wheat, wheat is heavily reliant on nitrogen and phosphorus. Potassium plays a role, 07:54 but nitrogen and phosphorus is a big player. Okay. If you don't spend the dollars on your micronutrients, then I believe that you've wasted a lot of money on those heavy input costs 08:05 because micronutrients are necessary for the facilitation of those MP Ks. Okay. So you can throw in a whole bunch of it in the front, 08:14 you can load it up with those MP and Ks, but when you get to Green up, who's to say that that's still there? And if it is still there, 08:20 who's to say we're gonna, um, get the plant into, kick it into gear and try to get it to take that stuff up and get it where it needs to go and utilize it in the right way. So I won't say that you save money, 08:31 I won't say that you spent money, but I will say there's a way to reallocate those dollars to better get money or better get use outta those interests. Chad, 08:39 Why didn't you say there's a loaded question? I think the answer's quite simple. It's probably same amount of money, different type of application, 08:45 unless you had to do an extra pass, which you did not. That's right. And then again, this is gonna roll this, that dictation is going to be per farmer. You know, if, 08:53 if the man is low on zinc, he's gonna load the zinc heavier, pull back on the P or the K, you know, I mean, 08:59 we're not gonna pull back really on end end's gonna be the take, it's gonna take the same money in to make it through the crop. Now, 09:04 where you put the in at is up to you. Mm-hmm. You said, but, but you know, there's different things and that's what the micronutrient pack is gonna allow 09:10 for, is to load in different places. Molly, You said we're pulling into this plot and taking a look at this trial. You said the one thing we're looking at here, Damien, is to send the crop home. 09:17 And that's a big thing with Chad. He's like, you know what, I'm going out there and I'm gonna make sure he still does a pass. When like, 09:23 you know, everybody else thinks it's about time for the combines to run. Is there gonna be another pass? 09:28 We're about three to four weeks away from harvesting this crop. Are we done? So again, loaded question, 09:34 you can con you can consider me the third sendent twin because I, most People would be done, but you think you might hit this again, not 09:41 On the lab. So we, on our labs with agro liquid, we have a very specific profile thing that we are testing and we wanna look at. So we try not to vary off that. Now in the other acres of the wheat, 09:52 there's a few pocket, I can't say that, I won't go out and make a suggestion to hit it one more time. And then that'd be kind of a fun, it won't be an official trial, 09:58 but it'd be kind of a cool deal to say, Hey, you hit that three weeks before the combine ran. And my goodness, look at that. We just grabbed oh five bushels, seven bushels or something. 10:06 How much would it take to make, uh, to justify that two bushel Two? 10:10 Would it really? Okay. All right. So it's kind of a cool deal. I like this trial. 10:13 Obviously we're in vast amounts of acreage of wheat out here and there's 40 acres that's being done with, uh, agri Liquid. Chad, what do you hope to see? 10:20 And then Molly, what do you expect to see changing? Basically, you didn't spend any more money, you didn't make any extra passes. 10:26 You're spending roughly the same amount of money. It's just a timing of when you put the micronutrients out there, what do you first 10:31 Hope To see? Expect to see? I Mean, we, 3, 2, 1, and say what we both want. You ready? You ready? 3, 2, 1. Test slate. Testate. 10:37 Yeah. Our ideal is we want longer, we want fuller heads. We want a healthier plant. 10:42 But those micronutrients in the sulfur is what gets us to the heads, which what's eventually gets us to more test weight 10:48 And more test weight could end up being a few bushels more just because always, And like we said, 10:51 if you get two more bushels that paid for almost the entire program. So yeah. Break the bank on this, you know, I mean, it's just a real simple program. 10:59 It's a lot of stuff that people usually do, right. But sometimes when people get in a hurry, you know, they get in a hurry and they're like, man, we just, just get the fungicide out. 11:06 Just get the fungicide out. Just add, you know, a quart of micro 500 or something like that will make a lot of difference and go a long way and, and, you know, jumpstarting the other nutrients, if you will. 11:15 Yeah. Yeah. For sure. All right. Till next time, he's Chad Terson. And she's Molly Alexander. I'm Damien Mason from Extreme Eggs, standing in a field here in Madison, 11:24 Alabama. Stay tuned.
Growers In This Video
See All GrowersChad Henderson
Madison, AL