Mainstays In His Operation
24 Mar 232 min 6 sec

Kelly explains why these 4 products from AgroLiquid have become mainstays in his operation.

00:00 Hi, this is Kelly Garrett from extreme AG here to talk to you about four different products from agril liquid that have become Mainstays in 00:06 our operation. The first one is their high energy end product. We have decided to use that in our two by two program on our planner instead of uan for 00:15 a couple different reasons. Number one is the time release of the product where it will slow release throughout the 00:21 season always providing the crop with the needed nitrogen. The other part is that the lower use rate than typical uan. 00:27 We're going to be more productive more efficient with the Planters in a very busy stressful time of the year as everybody knows 00:33 we'll be able to get more acres per feel. I love that. The second product is access agroll liquid sulfur product that will also be in 00:43 our two by two. The reason that we need that is that Mike Evans and I have identified there's a lot more nitrogen being 00:49 released in our soil throughout the season then what we thought was possible by applying the access. We are 00:55 trying to help the plant assimilate all the nitrogen that's coming into it and we need more sulfur to do that access will provide the sulfur needed to help 01:04 the plant assimilate all the nitrogen that's becoming available. The third product is liberate, CA. 01:11 I've said many times that that calcium is my biggest nutrient deficiency. It's difficult to get the calcium to come available on the 01:17 soil. We do a lot of different things to try to make it do that, but we still need an extra nitrogen boost. 01:23 We still need an extra calcium boost in our plants be at corner beans liberate in Furrow and apply throughout 01:29 the season in different foliar applications gives us that calcium. It's hard to find a calcium product that mixes. Well with 01:35 other products plus is available to the plant liberate really fits the bill. It's one of the most important products on my farm. 01:42 Microf500 is the fourth product that has become a Mainstay in our operation and it's because it's a sulfate-based product sulfate-based products take less 01:51 energy to break down and become nutrient available to the plant. That's why we have chosen to use microf500 all four of these products play an important role 02:00 in the upcoming growing season.

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