Upgrades to Enhance Planter Performance
29 Mar 245m 50s

Kevin is upgrading a few of the precision components on his planter this spring as he continues to revitalize an older planter with the integration of a hydraulic downforce system, aimed at improving seed placement accuracy.

00:00 Spring right around the corner. We got the planters in the shop. We're going through 'em, we're trying to get 'em wrapped up. 00:04 We had had, um, other downforce on these planters at many years old. A few years back we did the John Deere planter upgrade, 00:11 which is a very economical way to get a brand new planter, but use your old toolbar, get a new serial number 00:16 with it, the whole nine yards. It pretty cool the way it worked. If you can do the work yourself, 00:20 it's quite affordable Compared to other options, we was not in a position to change planters. We just didn't have the money to do that. 00:27 Plus, by the time we switch all our fertility, all our tanks get it set up the way ours are customized out, we just didn't want to go that route. 00:33 And these Deer Bower bars, which is a DB 44 on this planter, those bars are so good. 00:38 The undercarriage is so good, we can get a lot more life outta them than we could the row unit. 00:42 So what we done on these was we did the upgrade a few years back. We could not get the down force at that time that we wanted. 00:49 So we put our old delta force on. We started having a lot of trouble out of some of those components due to age mainly and wire and tire. 00:56 So we went ahead this year right here we did the hydraulic down force and at 01:00 that time it was a program bundle when we did a early order load, the, uh, ultimate lighting in. 01:05 But our main goal was getting all of our planters with the hydraulic down force upgrade from John Deere. And you can see right here, you, it comes on that bundle. 01:15 You get a whole new bottom parallel arm made for that hydraulic cylinder to attach. So that cylinder attaches right here 01:22 to this bottom parallel arm. It's a little bulkier, a little wider right there than what you actually would see, you know, 01:29 originally from the other style that was on it. It's just some things they've improved. But it comes really neat job on these 01:36 because it comes with all the components, everything's labeled, the boxes, the instructions, everything's labeled real neat. 01:44 And the way they've got it in the book, they will have, uh, really good illustrations on it. 01:51 Very simple, easy to follow. Does take a little bit of time. You get new wiring harnesses. 01:57 You get all your hydraulic hoses. As I said earlier, all the hardware, everything you need is here. 02:02 Uh, right now we're putting the, all we like on this planter is finishing up the, uh, lighting package. 02:09 So you got LED lights that are setting right here. These LED lights shine on the roads, which is going to be very nice, uh, especially when we're planting at night 02:20 and worried about the culture dragging up. Or on my other planter, I got row cleaners. A lot of these actually well zip tie on 02:28 and they, I like this actual mount a lot better. But there's some places you don't have room between the planter frame and the U-bolts 02:36 that hold the attachment on to use that style. But I do like that style better than the metal part. We get all new wiring harnesses to control the, um, 02:45 downforce and it cleans this thing up. When we was running two systems, there's nothing at all wrong with the com 02:53 with the other system, they did a good job, but when you're running it and the John Deere It, um, a lot of communication issues at times 03:03 with the other, the deer always run pretty flawlessly. We was running the deer on our 1795 and we really, really liked it. 03:10 Out of the simplicity. Got the clutter outta the cab. We just got one monitor. They got these nice brackets that we use now 03:18 and just run everything up on top where we used to have a steel tube right here to run all our hoses. Uh, everything's laying up here a lot easier 03:26 when you blow hoses are, they're going to blow eventually. They get so hot here in the summertime 03:30 and the oil gets so hot, you're going to have a hose failure. And then, uh, it's always nice. 03:36 We replace this fertility line right here. This is what brings the fertilizer from the front of the tractor to the back 03:42 and it goes into our 420 gallon tank right there that we pull our tub or two out of. And then our infer of course is right there. 03:51 But, um, so when you, when you think about the upgrades that the options are out there, we kind of get hung up thinking we gotta buy the whole 03:59 row unit everything. But the nice part, the way Deere's got these set up now are my dealership was real good at helping with it. 04:07 You can get the downforce upgrade, you can get the exact merge upgrade with the row unit or there's, there's so many different bundles, um, 04:16 like the ultimate lighting. I didn't even realize that was coming with it. Um, but it is part of the early order program. 04:23 It kind of worked out. But this is very economical to get your older toolbar. So we got a 2016 planter 04:32 and it's got new serial numbers, everything comes new, all these wiring harnesses, all this comes into upgrade, uh, that we did on the row units 04:41 to switch it to his active emerge. It is just, it's very easily to do. The only thing that the dealer would have to do 04:49 for you is come and download, install the software, uh, on it. And that's part of the, 04:55 that's included in the price when you purchase this. So a good option for people if you're looking to get your planters in better shape. 05:04 But you can't afford these new planters because they're so expensive. This feature right here is it saves a ton of money 05:11 and especially if you got some mechanical skills and you can do this yourself and got a place to work on it, but be going through implanters, get 'em right. 05:19 We got one chance to get this 2024 crop in the ground and get it off to a perfect start. And it's with this planters. 05:26 Check them opener disc, check your gauge wheels, check every single detail about that planter. And when you go to the field after you get started, stop 05:34 and check your seed depth on every single road. Don't assume just 'cause the gauge wheels are set the same and it's right, you gotta get this stuff right 05:42 so it can perform right for us. Y'all stay safe.

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