Is This the Next Big Thing Changing the Way We Spray on Our Farms?
24 Oct 238 min 5 sec

In the future, you will use less chemistry per acre. This reduction will be due to cost — and very likely environmental regulation. How will we produce good crops using fewer gallons of chemistry? With systems like

Capstan Ag’s Pinpoint t

echnology. Watch this to see what the future of spraying might look like.  

00:00 We're talking about sprayer technology that's gonna take you into the next generation of spring. It's gonna reduce the inputs that you put on your field. 00:09 I got Brian finished them and I've got Mike Evans here at the Capstan Ag booth of Farm Progress Show. Kind of a cool deal. 00:17 Essentially it sees what you wanna spray and then sprays it out there. That's what this technology is. Yes, 00:23 That's right. Yeah. So basically what we've done is we've worked with the different green on green green on brown spray companies that are out there to come out with protocol that 00:32 plugs and plays with our pinpoint three envelop platform. We've got the iso buss integration side plugs into what you've got on your 00:38 sprayers already and we can put the cameras on there, plugs in, and then we're able to add that functionality to what we're trying to do. 00:44 So we're using some of the connect egg stuff on the extreme Ag Farms have been for a year or two now. Select shot real quickly. How's that work? 00:52 You're using it and then what he c excites you about this, Mike Kevin? Yeah. Select saws a uh, 00:58 tool we use on the planters to dose fertilizer or whatever we're putting in furrow by the seed instead of doing long triples like we've historically done 01:06 and it's been working really Great. It's a, it is more precise about where places I I compare to the fuel injection. It puts products in San ought to be in the furrow exception, you know, 01:15 so this is staying in the same concept, a little bit of uh, what your initial product is. It's about precision placement of crop inputs. 01:23 So I won't get into all the technology about how it works, but I want to get into how I can use it. So, sure. 01:29 John Deere has a thing called sea and spray technology. It's something that's a big unveiling here in the last six or eight 10 months. Is this where you're going? 01:37 Yeah, so basically you gotta have this compatibility to be able to move forward. So we know that a lot of the regulatory side of things is going to reduction in 01:44 chemicals that are gonna be allowed all over the world. Right? And so what this technology is going to allow us to do at the very minimum is to 01:52 be able to hopefully reduce on a post application for herbicides with the amount of chemical that we're having to use in the field to be able to do that 01:59 application. Right? And what that translates into is really significant potential efficiency increases for how far you can go on a tank, right? So now we're able to, 02:09 instead of spraying, you know, a thousand acres in a day, perhaps maybe now we can just spray the whole, 02:15 the whole farm in a day without having to fill up all the time. We get a lot of efficiency. 02:19 Okay. If I'm the skeptical farmer, I'm gonna say this is cool for herbicide. Mm-hmm. 02:23 But I listen to the extreme ag guys and every time I go across with herbicide, I'm also putting in a 02:28 Foliar And a biological and a bio stimuli. So it doesn't really save me. 'cause I have to put stuff out on every single square foot of the 43,560 02:38 square foot of uh, Yeah. Okay. So answer me ask to the schedule guy that just said that. Yeah, I think like we talked before we got on camera, 02:48 we're in the infancy of this. It's technology, but it's really cool for me, you know, um, like I said before, we got on, 02:56 there's dual tank machines out there now, right? Which means you got spray your tank that's split in two, you can hold two different products. 03:02 And when we get into this time of year where we're doing late season, one thing, first thing I thought of was like we could put liberty or rod up, 03:09 whatever you wanna do to kill those late wheats breakthroughs that come through a late season and still put our fungicide or traditional program on it. 03:15 Save time and save a ton of money and just that contact killer versus put in. Yeah. 03:20 So especially with as much, uh, shall I say, uh, scrutiny and um, angst about some of the products, think about dicamba and whatnot, you know, 03:29 it's gonna probably get to where it's for regulated. I can see that. But to make that work, Brian, I'm gonna need two boobs 03:35 Potentially. Yeah. So if you're gonna run more than one product at a time, it's very likely you'd go to a two goo mode. Yeah. 03:41 Other ways that people are doing this is that they'll do a reduced rate and then boost the rate up there for different products on there. 03:47 So that would help you stretch out a little bit further. So it's detecting that there's more that's needed there. 03:50 But if we're talking about different modes of action or different actual functions, you could potentially need two booms. 03:55 Okay? So a situation like we have over cattle where every pass across the field, most of the extreme ag guys this way they're putting on multiple products. 04:03 If they have two booms, this technology saves, I can, or the liberty or what have you. You're only putting that where you see a wheat and it, 04:12 I'm way cutting back my rate and then the other boom is all, all all On, right? So, so kind of like on the select shot we stop, 04:21 we're we're drifting away from applying in a gallon per acre and starting to dose, right? So that's really kinda what we're getting at. So the, 04:28 the effectiveness here is treating each seed individually. Deer, we're wanting to treat the pests individually and the market is showing a 04:37 lot of interest in getting that way. And the technology, I think is finally caught up to the point where it's saying, okay, this is, 04:42 we're, we're right on the cusp, we're really seeing this going. So we are looking at the companies to be able to hopefully make sure that we're, 04:48 We're Able to move forward into that space with, with How long until we see this on. I mean, it's like, oh wow, remember this is brand new. How long? 04:59 Oh man, I, we're gonna see probably uptick here in uh, the next probably two to five years. I'll see, we will see steady increases on people doing it. 05:09 Lot of people are gonna try and we don't know. It, it, it's a little bit difficult 'cause we're no longer thinking about, oh, oh, I'm gonna go and spray this many acres today. 05:17 I need to have this many gallons of product ready to go to be able to go and spray that. It's a different game. So it's the little bit of the wild west. 05:24 We don't know that all of the questions that we're gonna have to have answers for, we're gonna have to address all those questions as they come up as Harvest 05:32 Does this. Okay, we're talking about compatibility with existing sprayer equipment. Um, are you seeing a day where you're gonna have two boos? You're gonna two tanks, 05:40 two boos on, uh, and you retrofit a sprayer? I could see that day. I mean this, I think it we're gonna head that way with the reg what you said regulatory, uh, 05:52 meats that we'll have to meet. Cool man, it's, I think it's better for the farmer in the long run. You know, when you talk about timeline, I always think about it as technology, 06:00 like auto steers and liner clutches and stuff. That was 20 years ago then when that came out and now it's just, yeah, how are we farm about it? Yeah, right 06:08 Now it's like, oh, can you imagine back, we didn't have this like power window in the car. So, uh, move me ahead then. What, what makes you excited about this Brian, when you, you know, 06:16 I know you're, you're really kind of the on the engineering side about this. You're pretty excited. Bring it home to my farm. Why, 06:22 why am I excited about this? We'll save a little bit of money but we're also gotta spend money on it. Is there something beyond that? 06:28 You know, I don't know. I think, I think that the opportunity really comes down to is the improvements on the vision systems increase. 06:36 We'll see more areas that we're able to use that technology. So that's gonna tie into our, to our fertilizer placement. 06:42 So variable rate capability, being able to dial that into a fur nozzle, variable rate kind of capability on the fly while you're going through there. 06:49 So there's all sorts of ways that we'll be able to see this coming through and I think that stuff will be useful and Lift is up to see where it goes, 06:57 but we wanna be compatible with it as we, we move forward. And so we're working with those companies to make sure it works. 07:02 Are you gonna see this on uh, the other Landal next year? I don't know about that next year, but I could see it be there. Paula. 07:08 I definitely did. I mean with everything that we deal with out there, uh, I'm we'll say it. Got 07:15 'em. Look forward to trialing. And you're near Bla Finchem and you're with Capstan. Agang. If you wanna learn more about this deer viewer, where do they go? 07:22 They come to our website and they reach out to their capstan ag rep if we're happy to answer questions and uh, to to think about four questions to bring out 07:30 On the market. Well, the adoption of stuff that's cool of what we're doing, you know, this slight shot is, is, is getting, is getting, uh, 07:36 adopted Barr because of what we're seeing there. So this could be all the same trick. Mind Oso. 07:41 So next time he is Mike Evans. I'm Damien Mason coming at you from a Farm Progress show 2023 at the Capstan Ag. Be with this. Awesome. We're bringing home to you. 07:48 Just like we're bringing home all kinds of awesome information you can use to up your haring game stream, ag Do farm. Hundreds, hundreds, 07:54 hundreds of videos and podcasts. We're free for you to use, share and imply to your farming operation. Till next time.