Is it Too Late To Make a Difference?
Kelly talks with Stephanie from Agroliquid about next steps for boosting his corn crop heading into the final stretch.
00:00 Well our location changed but the question Remains the Same is it too late we were in the soybean field saying hey, 00:06 we're approaching August 1st. Surely this crop is made we don't need to do any more things. No more amendments. No more treatments Let It Go and Stephanie from agril liquid 00:15 said absolutely not Kelly. Garrett says absolutely not. This is the most critical time. I'm gonna keep my foot on the accelerator. I must been 35 dollars per acre treating it. I promise 00:24 you I'm gonna get three times my investment back. We're in corn now. All right, this is tasseling. It's 00:30 done. It's got to be too late. We're done right? It's still not done. We're still looking at trying to fill out that tip and make sure the grain fill is good at this point 00:39 in time. Okay, that's cool. We're gonna go out here and watch and see that happen. So there's nothing we can do to affect that right nutrition. You 00:45 always need to make sure you have enough nutrition out there to finish that crap. We don't want it cannibalizing itself in stealing 00:51 that strength from the plant. So we want to make sure we have enough food out there. All right. So what are you going to do Kelly when you say no it's not too late. 00:57 We're gonna still go and do something or do one more pass. One more pass one more pass on this cornfield and what's it going to entail? 01:03 So the planes are flying we're playing a spring of three gallon rate. You're going to have energized in for your pgr. 01:10 Plant growth regular plant growth regulator we're gonna have shield in for stress mitigation because August is gonna be a hot hot mother. 01:16 Okay. Exactly. And what we have now found is when we apply a pgr. We also need to apply micronutrients with it. Okay, and the 01:25 best micronutrient package that we have found because of the ingredients is micro 1000. Okay. So that's one of your products. Yes. What's in micro 1000 so micro 01:34 1000 has 10 Micro and secondary nutrients. Okay. This product goes in there. So you just name three things plant growth regulator the micro and I think you said something else 01:43 we're done with fungicide. The fungicide is in also. Okay, so there's a funny scientist. So we're doing a fungicide pass. I mean, we're doing one pass 01:50 one more pass. We're gonna do it. Arially. Yeah like this field here is a this is a contest field it's flat so we could 01:56 get the haggy through here. But we've had a couple wind events. The corn is a little Tangled Up out there. So we're doing everything aerial you 02:02 talk a lot about you know, finishing it and all that but you also talk about iron blight meaning you've got some curvy ground 02:11 you guys some curvy ground over here in Western, Iowa and you're saying if I go out there with the spray rig 02:17 this time of year, I might do more harm than good. It's hard to stay on the road. That's what iron blood is. Yeah. So you're going to do it arially so 02:26 it don't matter your opinion is if a person can do it off the ground and that's fine. But however do it you're saying do one more pass because it's not too late. Absolutely. However, 02:35 you do it right and you really only got two options, you know, yes, and when you have the ear feel which is the time we're coming 02:41 into the micro 1000 is important and I'm interested in all 10 of them but the copper the molly the Cobalt with the pgr when 02:50 we're drawn up all that nitrogen. We're drawing up all that K. Those three nutrients are important have a synergistic effect 02:56 there. Now. This is going to vary by geography you and your husband Farm in Saginaw, Michigan and Kelly's here 03:02 in Western Iowa, and we've got our people like Matt down the Delta Chad and Anderson in Madison, Alabama. It's going 03:08 very but the point is where this stage is this stage right here. Somebody's gonna tell you because you've heard the meetings is too late Stephanie. All you're doing is what 03:17 wasting your money then chemical companies. Once you go out and waste your money right now. It's too late answer me that we've done a lot 03:23 of work to see that that late fully application does additional bushels to it. So if you're gonna get that return on that 03:29 fertilizer and that application expense you have and it's never too late education. You say is never too late. There's a point that is too late when this stuff's all drying down 03:38 in the comments. You have to get a return when you have to get the return you're not gonna get a return when it's dry down. We said 35 dollars 03:44 an acre. The pass on the soybeans the stuff that you're going to do, you're paying an aerial applicator. That's seven to ten dollars an acre just 03:50 right there. And in the product, what's your per acre cost gonna be on this last pass Kelly? 03:54 Around 40. Okay, because the the corner would be just a little bit cheaper than the what we're putting on the beans, you know the but 04:02 We have our own sprayer there. Obviously that's not free, but we didn't have that in when we have to pay the airplane. Now, you're getting 04:08 up there towards forty dollars, but like the energize itself we expect to add 5% to yield with just that okay, and I 04:14 wouldn't put the energize on without the micro 1000. There's a reason for everything. Yeah. So the point here saying is again it has 04:20 to make sense all depends all out, especially for you return on investment. You're spend 40 bucks and it's maybe is it again 04:26 a three to one? Yes, okay. So 121 120 dollars, which is gonna be what 20 more bushels of corn, right? Stephanie what do you think? It's not too late. It's not 04:35 too late. You're encouragement to the people listening go out make that application one more time. All right, and you'll pay off on 04:41 at least three to one is what I'm hearing right there. That's my goal. Yeah her name Stephanie zelinko Agro liquid National agronomist. His name is Kelly Garrett. I'm 04:47 Damian Mason. You know, what if you're making the excuse, it's too late. You might just be making an excuse. It's 04:53 not too late go out there and finish it strong until next time Dave Mason for extreme egg.
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See All GrowersKelly Garrett
Arion, IA