Changing the Plant Structure
Johnny and Matt talk about trials they are conducting to mimic in-furrow fertility technology through a planter box treatment that incorporates essential micronutrients and customizable active ingredients.
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00:00 Hey, we're talking about emulating in furrow fertility and other products with our friend Peter Roim, Johnny Rell, an evening before his field day. 00:08 And of course, Matt Miles. We've got a bunch of soybean plots going on behind us over here, Johnny. And what you're excited about is you're like, you know, 00:14 most farmers don't have in furrow. What if we can do something that makes up for that and gives us the same head to start head, 00:21 big bump that we're gonna get from in furrow. So tell me what we're going on back here. Yeah, everybody's talking about in furrow 00:25 and what you can do pushing these bean yields. Well, a lot of people don't have it, just like you said. So we've been using a product called Rev Line 00:30 Hopper Throttle Soybean. Yep. Made by me stem. Yep. And you can customize it. This one right here's got six buttons on top. 00:36 It's got six different active ingredients that you can drop in the PAL depending on what you need. And one of the coolest things is, 00:41 is we took this pal this year and we broke out each single button and did a trial, did a strip with each button to see what 00:47 that button was bringing to the, bringing to the Trial. And when we say button, just so that the person, 00:51 if they're watching this, has never seen of our stuff before, Peter, it's not like a magic button. This essentially is you pop it down 00:57 and then whatever product is in there goes into this, uh, canister. This has six that would mix up. 01:02 And any idea is one plus one plus one equals a whole bunch more than that Johnny's trial. 01:07 He just went and put this particular one in a plot and then the next one in a particular plot. Yeah. Right. We see all kinds of results. 01:13 You can actually change the structure of the plants, which is crazy. But I've got a plant in my hand here 01:18 that has straight tout, nothing else in it. Matt's got a plant in his hand that's about eight inches shorter 01:22 that's got the full program in it. So you're actually changing the structure of the plant. Just so what you're putting on the seed at planting, 01:28 What do you see? I'm not a soybean producer. Do you see a difference here? Well, what I see, yes. 01:33 You know, I sent a video the, the other day of, you know, I was standing in my soybeans that are, I'm six four 01:38 and they were right here at my, at my shoulder. The shortness alone is probably five to 15 bushels because if you get the taller plant it's gonna lodge. 01:46 And you may still have a decent yield, but you're giving up a lot of yield. So you're, You don't want to be tall as your shoulder obviously. 01:51 'cause because they're gonna fall over. You really want the bean to be about belly button to, to, to, you know, somewhere in that range. 01:58 You can see this plant here has got a lot, they're stacked nodes. And that's what we're always looking for is stacked nodes, 02:04 you know, lateral branching and, and it'd be a shorter compacted plant. And in this trial, we have put nothing on these 02:09 beans since we planted. Okay. That's her herbicide only. So no fungicide because we wanna see 02:14 No foliar Pass. Nothing. 'cause we wanted to see what the, if The in furrow, which, I'm sorry, assimilated in furrow 02:19 because this is, by the way, Peter, this since he didn't do in furrow and we keep talking about this. 02:24 No fertility products went in furrow. They went in at time of planting. How, how does this thing work? So 02:28 The way this works, Mason is basically is, as they mentioned, this is a planter box treatment. Yep. So this, this is the farmer's fluency agents. Okay. 02:36 And the base of this pale is talc graphite. And we also got iron, manganese in a zinc form as well. And so the base of this is, is the fluency agent 02:43 that they would typically use on the farm plus some micronutrients, talc. The capsules in the, in the top are where, 02:48 where we call it where, where the magic happens. Yep. Which is where we can incorporate different technologies into these capsules 02:53 that they can deploy at planning the way you did when you pulled the tab. Yep. Pulled it. Those, those then drop into the base. 02:58 We can shake him up and add 'em right to the planter. Just like the Farmer put 'em in on top of the seed. 03:02 By the way, are you mad that I did that? 'cause I kind of like doing it. It kinda reminds me of one of those kids games where you just do stuff like that. 03:06 He cost me money every second. Do you hear that Bat Miles said that you really want your soybeans to be about belly button height. 03:11 I thought these were some of the most advanced precision agricultural guys when I worked with him 03:14 and he started talking about his planting depth, this first knuckle. I said, how many inches is that? He his first knuckle? 03:19 So anyway, he used a lot of body part. Uh Uh. That's one inch. That's two inches. 03:24 Well get me outta here. What do you expect to see? I think you'll see exactly which products are actually paying for theirselves and, 03:30 and in our environment it might not be all six. We might need four. And that's the beautiful thing about ma stem. 03:34 They'll customize it for us. Everything from a fungicide going infer to inoculate, whatever we 03:39 Need. So if you've got one of your neighbors that farms 20 miles from here that says, I got a lot of conditions very similar to Johnny's 03:45 and it looks like these, these two and this one really gave me my big bang for my buck. Those other ones didn't. I can buy this 03:51 with only three of these six. Yeah, you can, You can customize whatever you need. Well, the thing is, you don't have 03:56 to have an expensive infra applicator on your planter to be able to do this. Right. You can do the same thing these infra guys are doing. 04:02 You know, you look at my field trial plot. Yeah. You know, the beans in that that we have, the ma stem beans in there have looked better 04:08 all year long. Yeah. Does This replace in-row, do we find, do we find that, that there's gonna be a bunch of farmers that say, Peter, 04:14 you know what, I had inf frow, it's too much. Yeah, No, that's something that we're trying to bring to every farmer. 04:18 We know the value of inf furrow on these crops and what we wanna bring to every farmer is the ability to, You Went away from infer, 04:24 infer and you, you went away from it. You don't even have in frow for soybeans, most people don't. So yeah, on soybeans, 04:28 We, I don't either. This. Yeah. Got it. He's Miles. He's Johnny Rell. They're both the extreme ag. We've got 04:33 Peter Ellis here with Maritim. I'm Dam Mason. If you've never checked out any of our field days, you still have a chance. 04:38 We shoot videos just like this from every field day. So you can go on extreme and bring the field day to your farm. 04:43 And that's great because that's what we're all about here is helping you learn. You wanna take your learning to the next level 04:47 for $750 a year. You can become an extreme ag member. You get all the trial results from things like this at the end of the year. 04:54 You also get exclusive offers from our, uh, business partners. And you get a direct line of information 04:58 and contact with these guys when you wanna go a little deeper on a subject. So next time, thanks for being here. 05:02 I'm Dave Mason with Extreme Ag.
Growers In This Video
See All GrowersJohnny Verell
Jackson, TN
Matt Miles
McGehee, AR