In the Delta region, the extremely hot and humid climate means that Matt needs to do everything he can to make sure he is not wasting his money on spray applications that don't stick. He does a side-by-side test of the difference an adjuvant makes on spray deposition.
00:00 So today we're here in McGee, Arkansas, which is southeast Arkansas against the Mississippi River, what's called the Mississippi Delta. Uh, pretty hot here, high humidity, 00:11 high temperatures. And, and the question arises when we're spraying some of these products, you know, what's the spray deposition and how important is that to the plant? 00:20 When you're spraying here and we're looking at say, you know, higher than 95 degree, so, uh, air temperatures, ambient temperature, 00:28 and also an 80% humidity. A percentage of these droplets are gonna evaporate before they ever get to the, you know, to get to the plant. But once they get to the plant, 00:37 what happens then? So this is a leaf right here that we took a spray jug and we just sprayed straight water on, and this was probably, I don't know, 10 minutes ago, 00:47 and you can still see the water running down the plant, right? So deposition of, of a liquid on a plant would be like, 00:56 is this so when these water droplets hit, your water's gonna be standing here like this. And when you put a a, a additive in there, such as eg, 01:05 it's more like this prime example I just showed you, how, how those water droplets that are sitting here raised up or running down this 01:13 plant, these are sprayed at exactly the same time. Here's where the full tech was added. I don't see anything running down there. 01:24 About five minutes ago I did the same thing and this one ran completely out on the counter, 01:30 and this one had two little runs that come down to about right here and stuck again. So if you're spraying, normally when you're spraying this time of year, 01:38 you're spraying some pretty high dollar, you know, insecticides, fungicides. We're doing a, uh, we're doing a R three application on our beans, 01:46 and half of the price of that R three application is just fungicide. Everybody's about gonna run a fungicide. So if you're looking at, you know, 01:54 $15 an acre for a fungicide and, and minimal cost for this, you know you're gonna want that fungicide, insecticide, 02:03 or whatever you're doing. You're gonna want to penetrate that plant. So many things that we use are systemic. 02:07 You need that in the plant as fast as you can get it. It's not about the contact, it's about the systemic reaction that, that some of these products have. 02:15 So do you want it to run off when you spray or do you want it to soak into the leaf? And in my opinion, when, you know, we're always looking at roi, 02:24 what's the best ROI you can get? Is not always the main product. It may be the product that you're adding to this to help get that main product 02:32 into the plant. And I think that's what ful tech does. Ful tech does so many different things, but one of the most important things during insecticide times, 02:41 there's times when we'll have a $40 an acre insecticide application. You know, so you're looking at pennies on a dollar compared to what you're having to spend 02:49 on these insecticides. I'd way rather it be on that leaf like that. As I had be running off like this. 02:56 What we're not even taking into consideration. And today's One of those days, we've got thunderstorms coming in after, you know, they, 03:02 they say around one o'clock today we're actually doing some R three soybean applications a day. At those higher dollar dollar levels, 03:12 this will give you a lot quicker rain fast than this leaf wheel. So if you've got a two hour rain fast on your, uh, product and, and you put it out at 10 and it rains at 1130, 03:26 what percentage of that one into the plant? If you spray this one at 10 and it rains at 11, you've still got the majority of that in the plant. 03:35 This can't be washed off near as easily as this one can. So when you're talking about deposition of a plant and spray efficacy and 03:44 getting the chemicals, the products you want into the plant, it's almost a no-brainer to, uh, to have this in your tank mix.
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See All GrowersMatt Miles
McGehee, AR