How Important is Early Season Phosphorus?
3 Jun 236 min 0 sec

How important is early phosphorus? Look at the difference between a plant that received an in-furrow application and a 


Y-Drop application versus a plant that


received the Y-Drop application at


00:00 So I've got James Patterson here today from, uh, a Agritech and uh, I got some good news and some bad news. So the bad news is, and, 00:09 and I guess I really should blame this on lane and not myself, I'm gonna blame it on Lane, not myself. This is our, 00:15 this is our neutral charge check every 24 row trial that we now have Nutra charge and the check has Nutra charge with the wide drop. 00:27 So it's supposed to be Nutra charge every 24 rows, inferral, then wide drop with Nutra charge in it, every 24 rows, inferral. 00:35 And now we have Nutra charge Forever 24, uh, every other 24 rows. And we have wide up across the whole field Nutra charge. 00:45 So this may not be quite the, the, the trial that James was looking for, but, uh, looks pretty impressive though. It looks, 00:54 our cameraman says it looks pretty impressive. So, so, you know, we're out here today and I'm not, you know, we're not trying to do a commercial. 01:01 I'm just, this is just impressive. So, you know, I want, I want James to hold up that plant over there and, 01:07 and look at the difference in the root system on the two. This is a product we've been using now for three years, 01:12 the Nutra charge in furrow and uh, temple has some pretty awesome results and some different ones out of using it infer and wide drop. So he insight's where the RO wide drop comes in this year, 01:23 went out there, Landus went out there and picked out plants. He didn't, he didn't try to pick out a certain plant. 01:29 We weren't really here to do a root dig. We were here just to see if you could see any visual difference and to show James that that uh, lane screwed up his plot. 01:37 So that's kind of why we're out here and we said let's just dig some roots up and see. So this is pretty impressive. 01:42 This is actually no neutral charge with the, with the wide drop Nutra charge. That's probably just now starting to take hold, wouldn't you say? Yeah, 01:51 I mean it's been out about two weeks. So, you know, there may be a little bit of nu charge here, but this one here is the full Cadillac. 01:57 This one has the Nutra charge in furrow and also the Nutra Nutra charge wide drop. And what, what you think here, Jane? 02:03 I just think it's showing what we wanted to do this year, cuz it's gross standard here anyway, 02:07 was just being able to isolate and go back and see how important is it to get a plan off to a strong start with phosphorus? Yeah. Because you know, we can, 02:15 we talk about late season phosphorus so much and the benefit of late season phosphorus, 02:19 but this is the highway to deliver that late season phosphorus anyway. So I think by, you know, 02:24 taking or or looking at phosphorus sufficiency early and that's what we want to talk about is by being able to develop the best highway for that planter, 02:32 uh, get off to a strong start to be able to maximize phosphorus that's applied and phosphorus is, is in the soil. 02:39 And the thing that we're not talking about here is we're looking here as part of the benefit of nitrogen later in season with Nutra charge and what it does in 02:47 these lighter soils. But this goes a long way to making sure your nitrogen's more efficient in the first place. So it shows the importance of getting something out early. Yeah, 02:55 and that's what we wanted to look at here is, you know, cuz we can get responses from Nutri charge, but where's the best response? And it all comes down to phosphorus early and a lot of phosphorus early. 03:05 This is the difference that you see. Mm-hmm. So, so that, you know, that I see exactly what you're saying. Cause this one has had phosphorus its whole life plus we've add to some to it. 03:13 So this, this trend should continue even though this one, you know, lane screwed up. 03:19 I gotta keep saying lane screwed up on the plot and this one's gonna have some nu charge late. It's never gonna catch that, is it? No, 03:25 And I think what you'll find too is when we pull pedals and we look at this and, and we're talking about diet efficiency here. Yep. 03:31 Even though both will be protected, I would venture to guess this is still gonna show higher in the tissue tests because we've got the pathway to get the nitrogen into the plant. 03:39 Yeah, makes sense. And even the heights, y'all look at this, I mean that's a difference in the, in the height of the two plants. So, uh, 03:47 you know, this is something we see that's real impressive early on and then, you know, this may end up being a a, a pretty good test. You know, 03:55 that's something we don't have, we don't have a late, you know, a late phosphorus, I mean at, at the price per acre of what Nutra charge costs. 04:02 If you've got an infer a rig or you can put it out, you know, y'all got some new ways of putting out and some different, 04:07 different improved products. You know, you don't have to have infer No. To put, to put the nu charge out. So kinda explain, you know, what, what, 04:14 what's coming up for next spring. One of the things that we're looking at is in a lot of situations, you know, you don't have infer equipment. 04:21 A lot of growers are used to applying dry fertilizer all the time. And, and one of the things, 04:24 and I think you guys are testing this this year is is looking at a situation where we can surface band phosphorus early. 04:29 If we could surface band phosphorus early. You know, the logic is can we get a response similarly to a starter? Well, typically normally not because if you look at the soil here, 04:39 phosphorus tends to wanna fix in the top profile of the soil. And if you hold this plant up here and you look at root development, 04:45 where's most of the highway? Yeah, it's down lowly. Exactly. Deep, 04:48 Deep. And so what we've done, and we did some university research on is could we take a 10 34 oh surface bandit with nutra charge and compare it against an infer our product and, 04:57 and we show that we're able to develop some mobility if we can keep phosphorus free and it can move, 05:01 it's got the chance to give a similar response to a starter fertilizer. So You could take a 10 for 34 oh, which is a cheaper, more economical product, 05:09 add nutri charge to it, which is also economical. And that's actually gonna basically, I mean I'm on, I'm on country boy redneck terms. 05:17 That's actually gonna suck that phosphorus down in the, into the dirt. Right. It'll move it down deeper and it'll give it a chance for the plant to get that 05:23 same responses. When we're talking about developing a good root system, it'll starts early so that plant doesn't have the ability to, 05:30 to scavenge phosphorus early. It needs a good strong start. If we get more phosphorus, 05:34 it drives those roots out and it gives it more of a chance to access more of the soils new translator in the season. 05:39 Got you. Well hopefully with the, with the wide drop in the, uh, infer we can get within a hundred bushels of temple. You know, 05:46 that's my goal with doing what he done last year, mimicking that. We'll get within a hundred bushels in here. 05:51 So we'll see what happens from there. Y'all have a good day.

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