How Do You Choose the Best Soybean Seed? Insights on Seed Selection and Treatment
Damian Mason delves into the critical factors to consider when selecting soybean seeds with XA member Andy Hubenthal at his BASF Trial.
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00:00 So we're standing here on a county road eight 50 North in Cass County, Indiana, talking to Andy Ental. 00:04 This is his soybean field. Behind us, we've got Phil Bruer from BASF. We're talking about what do you look for when it comes 00:09 to buying soybean seed? Technology's come a long way. You've got a 30 year career plus in the seed business. Phil, what, what? I've been guilty of saying one bag 00:18 of seeds, the same as any other bag of seeds. Yep. That, that's very common in the marketplace. Um, but with Zo Tavo, we're bringing brand new 00:26 germ plasm to the market. It's a breeding, swimming breeding program. It started in 2012. 00:30 There's only six programs in North America that are breeding programs. Only four working on traits. 00:35 And Zo Tavo is working on both. What Do you care about when you, when you go by, are you like me, one bag of seed, the same as all others? 00:41 Or, or? Okay. Alright. You're doing a try. Tell Tell us, tell us what, tell us what we're looking at 00:45 With being besides the farm arm, I've gotta look at every advantage I can find. So I'm looking for early planted beans. 00:50 That way we can do the branching so that early beans has to be able to come up outta the ground. 00:54 Yep. And thrive in those adverse weather conditions we have in North central Indiana. And like I said, it's gotta have the ability to branch. 01:01 'cause I wanna push those limits to get every bit I can get out of that beam. When you hear that from somebody like Andy, 01:07 he says, I'm a smaller farmer. I don't know that that, you know, I, I I've never heard express that way. 01:11 But then he says, I wanna be able to get out there early. I gotta get every advantage I can. 01:16 What, what do I need to know about seed? Because I don't know that it matters is can you plant any seed early? 01:21 Um, well, I mean you can, but whether it comes outta the ground or not, it's a different story. 01:24 Okay. You can plant it in February, but it's not gonna do you much good. So, but yeah, the seed quality seed treatments, things like 01:29 that, the, we, uh, BSF has a full portfolio, uh, you know, the whole acre, this 01:34 Particular bag of seed or shovel of seed as that were, has a product in it called a Levo or something. And what's, what's the purpose of these treatments? 01:40 You bought it, you got it this way. What am I getting outta those treatments? Protection early on is the, is the biggest thing. 01:45 It's gotta protect that seedling, gotta protect that seed that's in the ground just in case we do 01:48 get those weather issues of that. The cold fronts we getting the spring, the weather, it's cold. 01:52 A lot of times everything stops growing. So we've gotta protect it in those stretching situations. The person that's listening to this right now saying, 01:57 okay, do I need to up my game on seed treatment? Sounds like he's a firm believer and you've gotta have certain amount of 02:02 seed treatments on there for those Reasons. Yep, absolutely. We've been planting earlier 02:05 and earlier about the past five to eight years or so in soybeans anyway, everybody plants their soybeans before corn now because you get, 02:11 you get these solar panels out there, right. Longer collecting, putting more energy into the plants. So the, but we have tough 02:17 conditions as you said in the spring. So treatment, treatment, treatment and I think mean this loaded up. 02:22 Put everything on there because it's an investment. Right. You don't want to come replant, things like that. So 02:26 Andy, what are we gonna see? What, when the combines roll, what are we gonna see? What excites you about this field? 02:30 I'm really excited about how the health of the plant is and how a dis branch, I think there's some definite positives on this, on this. 70 02:37 Bushel Beans, I would say we'd be pretty close. As long as we continue and get some August rains, I think we, we could be in that realm. 02:42 Got it. Andy Banal and Phil Bruner coming at you from, uh, Cass County Indiana. He's an extreme Ag member 02:48 and if you are, you know that you get certain amount of benefits. We encourage you to become an extreme Ag member. 02:52 Seven $50 a year. You get access to the guys, you get a platform to ask questions. You get all the trial 02:56 and lab results, which you'll hear from at the end of this year. 'cause he is doing lab result, uh, lab for us. 03:01 And also you might get a free special offer, like to go to Commodity Classic for free. Until next time, thanks for being here.