Hey y'all, this is Chad Henderson from Extreme Ag and we're standing here in front of the sign. It's about faded out now,
but those of you that come to the field day were here. It's a neutral charge release and what was done here is we had release at a half pound
acre in the strip freshener and we put it down prior to planting. So we're really anxious to see how that works.
That's gonna be a good spot, I think, to put it in. The game at release is like a souped up if you would. Nutri charge it has a little bit more acid in it.
You can't put it in furrow, but you can put it in the tub of two. What we're getting at here is this is a corn, this is
what she had probably done wrong on it. I don't really, I know know if I'd done wrong, but anyway, we have good plant health.
It made it all the way through. The plant looks great. What we happen here is we run outta water. We went through a three week dry spell, that was 90
to a hundred degrees, and with this particular pivot, then the way they're set up, it just couldn't keep up.
Now we're gonna make good corn from it, but we won't make excellent corn from it. I mean, this'll be, you know,
like I said, this will be good corn. So here's just a recap of what, what our field day was like when you come by
and you sing this corn that was short, but here's what it turned out to be. We're still really happy with this new charge release
and we'll definitely keep trialing it and putting it in the game next year.