How Cytokinins Protect Corn Plants from Heat Stress
27 Jul 234 min 41 sec

Cytokinins play a crucial role in the plant's response to various environmental stresses, including heat stress. They help plants cope with adverse conditions by regulating the expression of stress-responsive genes, protecting cellular structures, and maintaining proper water balance. In the case of corn plants, cytokinins have been found to alleviate the negative effects of heat stress, enhancing their resilience and productivity. Damian talks with Johnny Verell and Steve Williams from Stoller USA about protecting Johnny's corn crop from high heat.

00:00 We talk a lot about heat stress. We decide now to really bring it to you from, shall we call it the lion's den? Johnny Verell. 00:08 We're at the back of one of your farms here. You got some corn? It looks stressed to me, but you said of course it is. 00:15 What's your phone tell us It is in terms of temperature. Temperature outside about 97 degrees with about 110. Real 00:21 Field. Yeah, real. All right. This corn's under stress, but it's still holding up. Now you've got a decision to make. What can you do to de-stress your corn? 00:28 Joining us is Steve Williams from Stoler, and he's gonna tell us about a product that might work and you're gonna be trialing us. So talk to me, Johnny. 00:35 Yeah, so he's got a product called Excite that's coming out. The main reason we want to use a product like that to help with the stress 00:41 mitigation from the heat. So you can see this corn's getting ready to go into full tassel here in the next few days. Yep. Which is one of the most critical times, 00:47 especially getting everything synced up and coming out at the right time. So what's 00:51 The site do and the more importantly thing, I wanna get back to the heat stress, because we're not changing the weather. That's right. Okay. 00:57 Tell us about excite. Well, you know, there's a lot of talk around plant hormones. Well, excite is that it is straight cytokine and where it works is when it 01:05 gets this hot, a plant starts to break down its natural production of cytokine in corn mid to upper eighties. 01:11 Why do I need cytokine then To help the other hormones stay in balance? I mean, know there's been a ton of conversations around hormone and hormone imbalance 01:18 and keeping the plant healthy. We, We, we talked about that when we were at Chad Anderson. So cytokine is a balancer of all other hormones. 01:25 Hormones obviously are what make growth happen. I mean, that's some plant growth hormones, et cetera, right? Correct. So when you add the excite to a plant like this that's starting to, 01:33 on its own, break down the cytokine in the plant, it's gonna help the others. As we've talked about in the past. Cytokine and oxen work against each other. 01:40 Well, the ox oxygens are in the leaves, but they're not doing what they're meant to do because the cytokine is what makes them do their thing. 01:47 And that when go into the roots and can continue the root regrowth. So when the cytokine starts to break down, it just slows all the hormones 01:53 Down. Have you used a product with cytokine in it before? Yes. And It always seems to help with that stress. 01:59 Okay. When have you done a, when did you look at this and say, you know what? We really, uh, we really got hosed over here. This, this, um, this plant, this, 02:07 this crop just absolutely is a dog. Next year I'm gonna do something different. Yeah. I guess about 2018 we started playing with products like this. 02:16 And then last year, you know, we were, we went 56 days with no rain here. So we, we tried everything we could, 02:22 and of course you can't overcome 56 days with no rain. Right. We had a really tough crop, 02:26 but we could still see the results where we pushed that crop Yep. And help all we could to help keep the nutrients in balance. 02:32 And now everything else going on in that plant, we were still able to make a crop when there's parts of our area that couldn't. Right. 02:38 So there's some, there's some body of evidence. Okay. Cytokinins, uh, this product, you're gonna put it out there. How do I put it on? 02:44 When do I put it on? Why do I put it on? We already know. Cause the stress, the how and the watts, 02:48 The how and the whys when it gets hot. I mean it, ideally you could put it out with your fungicide application, but if you're not there yet and it's getting this hot, 02:55 it may be product you just put out. So Are you going, So we're gonna start probably tomorrow and, uh, we're gonna start running on fields just like this going into tassel. 03:03 We're gonna put it in then to try to help Put it in with What? The fungicide 03:07 Application. Okay. So it's a fungicide and this, uh, yeah. And this stress mitigate product. And that's the only thing, the tank 03:12 Mix. Yeah. For the most part. I mean, there's some fulvic acids and stuff like that, but that's what we're really targeting. Keep the plant disease in. Check 03:20 Over the top. Yes sir. Foliar. It's all foliar. Okay. When we talk about these kind of problems, I always wonder what's the next great arrow in the quiver? Um, 03:28 we've been trialing stuff like excite fromto for a while. What's the next great arrow in the quiver? Where do we go? 03:33 Where's this thing go? You've been farming for 20 years, where's this go? I think you always gotta keep evolving and, 03:38 and working with companies that are coming out with new technology. So like we we're putting their product up against our grower standard practice. 03:44 Okay. So we got a different one that we're using. We're trying to see which one's gonna get the best response, or if one antagonizes or cause some type of mixing issue, then we got a backup. 03:51 Right. So that's why we're always looking for new, new products to Use. Got it. Uh, how hot is this leaf right here? Take a guess. I don't know. 03:59 We wanted to come out with a thermometer. We don't quite have one, but you know what, is this warmer than the ambient temperature? Absolutely. 04:05 Because it's absorbing all the temperature, absorbing the sunlight. So it's gotta be warmer. That's right. Okay. You're shirt. 04:09 You're wearing a darker shirt. You're darker than this leaf. Yeah. You know what, 04:12 maybe you should wear a lighter shirt next time we do one of them. I'm not sure. All right. This is name is Steve Williams. That's, that's Johnny Rell. 04:18 Nices David Mason come at you from a very hot stand of corn here in West Central Tennessee. We're gonna keep you posted on, uh, 04:24 heat stress mitigation because you know what, it's one of our big objectives here. Can't change the weather. All you can do is adapt to it. And that's what we're here all about. 04:31 Extreme Stay tuned for the results.

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