Heavy Duty Upgrades
Kelly and Mike are in the shop today making a few changes to beef up their planter, reduce wear and tear, and downtime this spring. They are changing out the the OEM gauge wheel arms for a new heavier duty arm and replacing their worn seed tube guards with a new high wear guard that will perform better in their no-till, abrasive soils.
Gauge Wheel Arms
Seed Tube Guards
Hi, this is Kelly Garrett from extreme AG. We're here in the shop today working on our 1790 John Deere planner that we used to plant soybeans here. We're making a couple changes to it. And I just wanted to show you specifically what we're doing first. We're changing these gauge wheel arms and we're also putting on a different style of frog that we learned from Lee lubers. I'm gonna let Mike talk to you about the gauge wheel arms first. Yeah. So this is your typical am gauge wheel Army comes from John Deere. We've been running them. It's all I've been running. Really. Yeah, and it's got a greaser on it. I mean, we got Delta Force on this planner, which Kelly has all on all his planners, but the gauge wheels that we run and everything you can't See it while I'm doing it, but this is a bushing screw and bushing basically you screw this out and most you probably know but it's got a planet and know where out because it's got a lot of motion. Right? So Lexus it runs. It's up and down up and down all the time. So this one's greased pretty well too in my hands all dirty. But so but it's it'll wear out and it'll create more play. So whatever to do. We don't can't really see it on this one, but it'll create separation between the gauge wheel and them and the disc opener, which we don't want stuff can get inside of it dirt can build up and create a lot of issues and season we've had problems with them. So so you're good friend. The Precision planning World basically and he recommended these and I really like the looks of them. They're Norsemen gauge wheel arms. I believe they come from Australia as the companies where they but they got a they're really heavy duty. If you put them side to side. There's a lot of bit a lot of difference here, but they're they're a bearing inside here roll bearing. So there's no greasing. There's no play because of the threads are in it. I mean, it's solid. This thing's just gonna go up and down the other thing. I like about it as you can see the studs put in here. from where that's got a bolt through the bolts into the shank and we've had a lot of gauge wheel arms that fall off here with our with your no-till and the terrain we farm. So this allows this they're they're opposite threads in each side. So once they get bolted on we shouldn't lose anymore and have to worry about picking them up in the corner being at I mean so very heavy duty for the conditions that we're at we're dealing with out here and very excited to get him out here because it's hopefully one less problem we have in the field hundred percent no till a lot of residue out there. A lot of topography a lot of valleys a lot of just a lot of challenges for a planner. It's Delta Force adjusting eight times a second or whatever it does. Yeah, so you're beating you know, we're done a flat square field. That's so back and forth like a garden so we right we got a figure out ways in downtime is not an option. So the other thing we're doing we're putting on a new style frog and Lee talk to you about. Yeah, right explain. The difference is here. So this is your standard OEM John Deere frog C2 guard basically and this one's been worn as you if you can see we don't have a new one here, but it's been a warrant quite a bit for the disc openers and dirt getting in between them. So they wear down quite a bit in the crates and issue with your seat trench creates an evenness. You can create a more of a true like a real V in it which we kind of want to avoid if we can and they're just kind of a be honestly a pain in the butt because get dirty here and there you got a hammer. I'm in and off. So yeah just happened. Question was raised within the extreme AG Network and the Libra this up that even used in them and I looked them up. And you know talk to him a little bit about him and was pretty intrigued I am. And when we got him didn't know what we're getting until we got him here, but yeah, they're far. Far difference in size when you look just on this inside here the width and stuff, you know to create more of a used shaped Prada and high wear a bolts on so, you know, we don't have to worry about hammering them too much gets a nice firm grip on there. So we're pretty excited about these. You know, we're probably doing model planners just based on these recommendation. Key farms in some tough soils too no-till. No till maybe a little more abrasive soils, even we got here. So if their last and his play and his farm, we should see pretty good results here. So that's too the major ones. We're doing on this basically the two things we're doing we're making the planner more heavy duty because of the challenges we face. Yeah, hopefully, you know, we're doing it for agronomic reasons too. So better seed placement better seed bed. Help to get more even stand so that's you know, when you know, you spend a lot of money on stuff like this and he's got V drives and the clothes are closing wheels, and we got really cleaners. Sometimes you tend to forget. This part of it. It's kind of legs the system. If you know, you know, if you left your upper body all day. You have no legs. It doesn't really help you get out of balance, right? I guess that kind of look at that whole system. Yeah. So, you know we put the most sticks on there. So it was just the next progressional thing. We needed to look at was those two components and they're you know, small dollars compared to everything else on there, but they matter so you have to take care of the whole planner. You have to take care of the whole system every time you do something you hope that you're making an improvement, but still there's a reason to do it all and you know, we're doing it all in steps. We're learning extreme. AG has helped us learn. This is an example of that. We just want to share with you today.
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See All GrowersKelly Garrett
Arion, IA