Alright, we're here at Temple Roads Farm in Maryland, and one of the main features of this fent Ideal eight T combine is auto dock.
We've got some really cool demonstrations going on. TJ Hamilton explained to me what happens when this comes up to the, uh, grain head cart
and now it saves a lot of labor for him. A lot of potential fights he doesn't have to have because this all does this mechanically.
And you don't have to get out here and handle putting a shaft together. These hydraulics, these electronics.
Yep. So you're gonna roll up to your header, you're gonna raise up your feeder house. It's gonna hook on here. Once it's up off the cart,
you push the button in there for the auto dock to happen. This cylinder right here is going to extend out.
It's gonna push your drive shaft over to connect to the drive shaft on the head, as well as move your single point over.
So all of your electronics and hydraulics are all hooked up from that point. Uh, once that is sensed that it's all connected,
it will run the head very slowly in a creep mode. Just for a second for everything to latch on in here. Mm-Hmm. Once That's good.
You get the check mark. You're good to go. I saw this right here, which is where your, your PTO, if you will, comes over the hammer on both sides.
That simple. I can easily understand how it works. Hooking up a hydraulic, uh, line without doing it by hand seems a little bit more difficult for me to believe.
Well, they, a lot of the combines now, they have a single point and it's made so two connections just run
right together and you clamp 'em down. But you have to physically get outta the combine and clamp 'em down.
This is all done doing it hydraulically and doing it ahead of time. This whole procedure is tj, what is it?
Less than 30 seconds? Yes. Yep. It works fast. It works efficiently. And the best thing about it is it's safe.
You don't have to have a guy in here getting ready to hook you up. We've dropped these headers multiple times.
If you drop this header, nobody's gonna be standing here. Understood. tj, what else do I need to know?
This is a new feature. You guys are really excited about it. It matters to me as a farmer. If
I'm temple, it saves me time. I'm taking the head on and off a lot when I'm in farm Ground where you are.
Yeah. Um, it's a time saver. It's a safety issue. Is there anything else? Just enjoy it. Enjoy. TJ Hamilton.
I'm Damien Mason with temp roads coming at you from Maryland. It's harvest time. Well, we're a little held up
because of the rain, but that's all right. 00:02:08.225 --> 00:02:08.985