He Needed To Really Push These Beans
29 Oct 221 min 0 sec

After having to replant this field twice, Perry Galloway needed to push these beans hard to get them to deliver this fall.  Working with Nachurs to develop an aggressive fertility plan, he gets his first indication of whether or not it worked.

00:00 Good afternoon. It's Perry Galloway. It's October the 27th. I do believe we're harvesting the 00:07 plot or the field that Tommy road to keep making. Drive a little polar feed for so real happy results. You know, we're we're in the mid 70s or 00:20 mid 60s. things from 70s you remember we've been following this field for several months it replant twice. So we really need to push these things and 00:31 I think we achieved it just when you'll mind. I'm seeing three to five bushels. 00:38 degrees versus untreated after hours will take all the yield data compiling and you see and I have seen some. 00:47 Even 10 to 12 which was spikes. So. Looks like it's another wind. So thanks in agers to Keith and Tommy.